Part 1 2,763 Official Anti-Jewish Acts Part 1 – Acts #1 to #929 (9/28/456 BC to 8/4/1586) 1 9/28/456 BC "Order" of King Artaxerxes I addressed to Aman [Present-day Iran, Iraq, Egypt; Achaemenid Empire]: "King Artaxerxes orders Aman to kill all Jews in his domain on the 13th of March ('Adar'*)." [Researcher's note: *Adar refers to the 6th month of the civil year and 12th month of the ecclesiastical year in the Hebrew calendar, which roughly corresponds to the month of March in the Gregorian calendar. It is dated 27. September of the Julian calendar, which translates to September 28 of the Gregorian calendar.] (This Act has recently been questioned & we are checking its validity. 2-13-2021) Theologisch-Chronische Behandlung über das wahre Geburts- und Sterb-Jahr Jesu Christi von Johann Baptist Weigl. Zweiter, praktischer Theil. (Theological-chronological treatment of the real birth-year and year- of-death of Jesus Christ by Johann Baptist Weigl. Second part.); (Sulzbach; 1849); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 6/24/2020 2 8/1/410 BC "Destruction of the Jewish Temple" ordered by Vidranga, 8/410 BC [Achaemenid Kingdom/First Persian Empire; Present-day Iran, Egypt, Armenia, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India]: "The Temple which is in Elephantine the fortress let them demolish." [Researcher's note: Vidranga was a Persian commander and the father of Naphaina who was in turn a garrison commander in Syene (Present-day Egypt), and referred to as a local representative of the Persian government]. Schäfter, Peter: Judeophobia: Attitudes Toward the Jews in the Ancient World; (Harvard, 1997); p 104; Researched by Ziba Shadjaani 11/26/2016 3 11/10/041 "EDICT" of Emperor Claudius to Alexandrians [year 41] [Roman Empire; Present- day Italy]: "[…] and on the other hand, I explicitly order the Jews not to agitate for more privileges than they formerly possessed, and not in the future to send out a separate embassy as though they lived in a separate city (a thing unprecedented), and not to force their way into gymnasiarchic or cosmetic games, while enjoying their own privileges and sharing a great abundance of the advantages in a city not their own, and not to bring in or admit Jews who come down the river from Egypt or from Syria, a proceedings which will compel me to conceive serious suspicions. Otherwise I will by all means take vengeance on them as fomenters of which is a general plague infecting the whole world. […]" [Researcher's note: Even though the papyrus itself is not dated - although, the original letter almost certainly would have been - experts date it at November 10, 41, which offers a 'terminus ante queen,' that is, a latest possible date for the papyrus. This letter of Claudius is written on the verso of a long roll, whose recto bears the text of a tax register and turned up in the Fayum, Philadelphia.] Loeb Classical Library; Select Papyri II; ed. A. S. Hunt and G. C. Edgar; (1934); Researched by Ziba Shadjaani 2/10/2018 4 10/18/315 "On converts to Judaism and to Christianity" Issued by Emperor Constantine to Evagrius (315 AD) [Roman Empire]: "We want to relate to the Jews, their ancestors, and their patriarchs that if anyone - after this law is passed - should flee from their deadly sect and turn to the worship of god, dares to assail them with rocks or any other sort of madness, will be given to flames and burned with all other associates." Theodosian Code 16.8.1, Researched and Translated by Joan Paez 11/27/2015 Copyright 2020, 2021 Official Anti-Jewish Acts Throughout History 5 7/4/325 Decree issued by Constantine I at the Council of Nicaea [Present-day Turkey]: "When the question relative to the sacred festival of Easter arose, it was universally thought that it would be convenient that all should keep the feast on one day...It was declared to be particularly unworthy for this, the holiest of all festivals, to follow the custom [the calculation] of the Jews, who had soiled their hands with the most fearful of crimes, and whose minds were blinded. In rejecting their custom, (1) we may transmit to our descendants the legitimate mode of celebrating Easter, which we have observed from the time of the Saviour's Passion to the present day[according to the day of the week]. We ought not, therefore, to have anything in common with the Jews, for the Saviour has shown us another way; our worship follows a more legitimate and more convenient course(the order of the days of the week); and consequently, in unanimously adopting this mode, we desire, dearest brethren, to separate ourselves from the detestable company of the Jews, for it is truly shameful for us to hear them boast that without their direction we could not keep this feast...We could not imitate those who are openly in error. How, then, could we follow these Jews, who are most certainly blinded by error? for to celebrate the passover twice in one year is totally inadmissible. But even if this were not so, it would still be your duty not to tarnish your soul by communications with such wicked people [the Jews]...Think, then, how unseemly it is, that on the same day some should be fasting whilst others are seated at a banquet; and that after Easter, some should be rejoicing at feasts, whilst others are still observing a strict fast. For this reason, a Divine Providence wills that this custom should be rectified and regulated in a uniform way; and everyone, I hope, will agree upon this point...To sum up in few words: By the unanimous judgment of all, it has been decided that the most holy festival of Easter should be everywhere celebrated on one and the same day, and it is not seemly that in so holy a thing there should be any division. As this is the state of the case, accept joyfully the divine favour, and this truly divine command; for all which takes place in assemblies of the bishops ought to be regarded as proceeding from the will of God. Make known to your brethren what has been decreed, keep this most holy day according to the prescribed mode; we can thus celebrate this holy Easter day at the same time, if it is granted me, as I desire, to unite myself with you; we can rejoice together, seeing that the divine power has made use of our instrumentality for destroying the evil designs of the devil, and thus causing faith, peace, and unity to flourish amongst us. May God graciously protect you, my beloved brethren." "Medieval Sourcebook: Constantine I: On the Keeping of Easter." Paul Halsall. January 1996. Accessed 6/5/2012 6 10/18/329 "Prohibition of Persecuting Jewish Converts and of Proselytism by Jews" Issued by Emperor Constantine [Present-day Italy / Holy Roman Empire]: "We want the Jews, their principals, and their patriarchs informed, that if anyone-once this law has been passed-dares to attack anyone escaping their deadly group and turning his eyes toward the path of God, either by stoning or by other kind of fury...he shall be given to the flames and burnt with his associates." Codex Justianus 1.9.3, Researched by Ziba Shadjaani 10/25/2015, Translated and Researched by Joan Paez 11/25/2015 7 11/29/330 "Exemption of Religious Leaders from Community Service" Issued by Holy Emperor Constantine [Present-day Italy / Holy Roman Empire]: "Those who dedicated themselves with complete devotion to the synagogues of the Jews, to the patriarchs, or to their priests... shall not be a part of all community services, personal as well as civil..." 2 Official Anti-Jewish Acts Throughout History Codex Theodosianus 16.8.2, Researched by Ziba Shadjaani 10/25/2015; Researched and Translated by Joan Paez 11/25/2015 8 10/21/335 Law issued by Constantine I [Present-day Italy]: "The Jews are not permitted to disturb any person who, once a Jew, has become a Christian, or inflict other injury upon him; insults are to be punished according to the seriousness of the attach committed, etc…" [Editor's note: Author's footnote dates this law in 335 as Theodosian code 16.8.5] "The Persecution of the Jews in the Roman Empire (300-428)." James Everett Seaver. 1952, Page 31. Accessed 8/2/2011 9 10/21/335 Law "Constitutio Sirmondianis No.4" issued by Constantine I [Present-day Italy]: "We wish that, if any Jew has dared to purchase and circumcise a Christian slave or one of any other sect, the circumcised slave, according to the terms of that statute, shall be given his freedom and shall enjoy all the privileges appertaining thereto, and it shall not be lawful for the Jew who circumcised the slave of the aforesaid description to hold him in the bonds of slavery…But if any Jew dates to harass or injure a Christianized Jew…we wish the perpetrator of this insult punished according to the severity of his crime…And we wish your excellency to remind the judges in your letters which you circulate in the diocese entrusted to you, that they most urgently preserve in like manner due respect for this royal power." [Editor's note: Author's footnote dates this law in 335] "The Persecution of the Jews in the Roman Empire (300-428)." James Everett Seaver. 1952, Page 30-31. Online, Accessed 8/2/2011 10 5/8/336 "Decree" issued by Constantine (year 336) [Roman Empire; Present-day Italy]: "Jews are not allowed to harass Jewish converts to Christianity, and will be punished in accordance with the nature of the act.
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