In this issue.. • • Editorial • From the Executive Committee • Society Profiles CGJISF RSAP • Developing Groups China Gounghzou • Some Thoughts on… Interview with Jean Knox • Jungian Journals • Art Corner Meredith Mitchell • Around the World • Announcements Photos: D. Mlinarec __________________________________________________________________________________ *Cover page designed by Misser Berg; photo: Jimmy Lassen “The New Moon with Earth-shine” EDITORIAL Dear Readers, We entered 2014 with the new IAAP administration, ably led by Tom Kelly. The new Executive Committee was voted for at the Copenhagen Congress and its members are introduced to you in the Around the World section of this issue. The Chinese Year of the Horse has ushered in a spirit of chanGe, inspiration, movement and adventure, but it also cautions us to be discerning in our actions. Unfortunately, this year has also seen a renewed intensity in the political rivalry between the powers of the “West” and the “East” over what is left of the natural resources of our planet, and for the supremacy over territories of strateGically important Geo-political positions. The mutual accusations and shadow projections are rife in the mainstream media just as they have always been at times of conflictinG political interests. Only with the knowledge of the historical, cultural, geographical and economic backGround of events can we hope to arrive at any reasonably objective and informed view on what motivates the political decisions that affect all of us. Nevertheless, whatever the powers of world politics may want us to believe, in our JunGian world, the East and the West are not only not in conflict, but they peacefully coexist in the spirit of colleGiality, mutual respect and creative collaboration. Whether by a meaninGful coincidence or not, many months before the present crisis in the Ukraine could have been anticipated, we thouGht of invitinG the Russian society and an American society to present their profiles in this issue. They kindly accepted and so, in this Newssheet, you will find out about one of the oldest societies in the USA, the C. G. Jung Institute Of San Francisco (CGJISF), and one of the “younGest” Group members of the IAAP, with their traininG status officially recoGnized at the CopenhaGen ConGress in 2013, the Russian Society For Analytical PsycholoGy (RSAP). The DevelopinG Group profile comes from China, the JunGian Journal is from Japan, and our interviewee is Dr. Jean Knox, a well-known Jungian analyst, psychiatrist and author from Great Britain. Our artist, Meredith Mitchell, comes from the United States. Once aGain, the Newssheet brinGs toGether colleaGues from all over the world. We are pleased to let you know that at the new IAAP Executive Committee meetinG in Zurich this February, the Publications and Communication Sub-Committee decided to continue to publish two issues of the Newssheet each year. This is thanks to your emails of support and positive feedbacks. On behalf of the Sub-Committee, I send you our heartfelt thanks and please, do continue to let us have your comments and suGGestions about this and future issues. Newssheet No. 7 is due in October of this year, and we would be Grateful if your contributions would reach us before the end of July. Please let us know of any creative work you would like to share with colleagues on our Art Corner page and of any events significant for your society for the Around the World section. Our warm Thank you to all contributors to this issue for their informative and creative work. With best wishes, Emilija Kiehl Editor 2 FROM THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Message From the President Dear Members of the IAAP, It is with Great pleasure that I have the honor of contributinG to the first Newssheet for 2014. The Newssheet provides me with the opportunity to Give you some information on developments within the IAAP since the ConGress in CopenhaGen which, I think everyone who attended will aGree, was a huGe success. The work of the ProGram Committee and its chair, Robert Wimmer, and of the OrGanizinG Committee under the outstandinG talent and skill of Misser BerG contributed to makinG the ConGress a success in every way. The members of both committees as well as our hosts, the members of the Danish Society, are to be conGratulated for the success in hostinG the international JunGian community in such a well- orGanized and hospitable manner. The newly elected Executive Committee had its first meeting in Zurich in February. In addition to the President, the new Executive Committee is composed of Marianne Müller (SGAP, AGAP, Switzerland), President-Elect, AnGela Connolly (CIPA, Italy) and Toshio Kawai (AJAJ, AGAP, Japan), Vice-Presidents, Misser BerG (DSAP, Denmark), Honorary Secretary and nine representatives of the Group Members: Pilar AmezaGa (SUPA, Uruguay), Fred Borchardt (SAAJA, South Africa), Alessandra de Coro (AIPA, Italy), Christine Hejinian (CGJISF, San Francisco), George HoGenson (CSJA, ChicaGo), Emilija Kiehl (BJAA, London), Margaret Klenck (JPA, New York), Batya Brosh Palmoni (IIJP, Israel), and Robert Wimmer (DGAP, Germany). It was impressive to see how quickly the new EC became acquainted with their responsibilities and how efficiently they worked over the course of our meetinG. The ProGram Committee also met in Zurich to choose a theme for the Kyoto Congress in 2016. The Committee is composed of the five officers and Stephan Alder (DGAP, Germany), Alvaro Ancona (SBrPA, Brazil), Grazina Gudaite (LAAP, Lithuania), and Patricia Vesey-McGrew (NESJA, New EnGland). You will soon receive a letter from the Chair of the ProGram Committee, Toshio Kawai, informinG you of the theme for the conference and invitinG you to submit proposals for presentations. The IAAP is becominG an increasinGly complex orGanization. At the ConGress in CopenhaGen, four new Group Members were accepted into membership with the result that we now have a total of fifty-nine Group Members. With the Individual Members and Honorary Members, we can see that the scope of our membership is indeed very wide. While this is reflective of the Growth in interest in Analytical PsycholoGy and is certainly to be welcomed, it also hiGhliGhts the challenGe of keepinG the membership informed about the activities of the IAAP and about the interests of our colleagues scattered around the Globe. Over the years, the Newssheet has provided an invaluable service to the membership and has become an effective and efficient means of communication not only about the various Group Members but also about the DevelopinG Groups and Router Groups around the world and about projects that are dear to them. This is one way the IAAP contributes to keepinG you informed. To that end, we hope to have sufficient funds to support the publication of two Newssheets per year in this administration. You will hopefully by now have been informed that the website of the IAAP has been chanGed and simplified to make it easier to naviGate and to access information. The revamped website, which you can access at www.iaap.orG, provides information on C.G. 3 JunG, the IAAP, as well as announcements about forthcominG conferences. In the Members Site, you can find documents of interest to the membership such as the Constitution, the Ethics documents, the minutes of most of the MeetinG of DeleGates since 1955, minutes of the Executive Committee and, of course, the database with contact information for every member of the IAAP. GeorGe HoGenson, chair of the Publications and Communications Sub-Committee, Misser BerG and I have worked toGether to craft a website that will be functional and easily manaGeable. As it turns out, the work on this project has been rather time consuminG and somewhat more complicated than anticipated. It has also Given us an appreciation for the enormous amount of work done by Don Williams on the previous IAAP website. We are grateful to him for his many years of service and acknowledge that being the sole person responsible for the website was a lonely and sometimes thankless job. The website is very much a work in proGress however. Efforts still need to be made to simplify access to the database and to make it possible for each member to choose their own password to access the Members Site and to update their personal information on the database. Our Goal is to simplify this process for everyone. In addition, we are workinG to establish a more efficient and less time consuminG way of emailinG directly to the membership. In the interim however, as President, I will communicate with the Presidents of the Group Members and ask them to forward any communication directly to their members. The challenGes we are facinG in updatinG the way the IAAP communicates with you only hiGhliGht the importance of the Newssheet as a means of communication. This Newssheet will provide you with information on two Group Members, the C.G. JunG Institute of San Francisco and the Russian Society for Analytical Psychology. You will be introduced to the DevelopinG Group from GuanGzhou in China and will also have the opportunity to learn about activities in Japan. We trust this will help provide you with a Glimpse of the scope of the activities of the IAAP and of its members. The Newssheet would not be possible without the enormous effort of its editor, Emilija Kiehl. We are indebted to her for her hard work, tireless enerGy and creativity in providing the membership with such an informative, varied and visually pleasing Newssheet. We are also indebted to the members of the Publications and Communication Sub- Committee for their contribution to the Newssheet: GeorGe HoGenson, Chair, Pilar AmezaGa, Misser BerG, Fred Borchardt, and Emilija Kiehl. Our thanks to each of you. We hope you will enjoy learninG about your colleaGues throuGh this Newssheet.
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