E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2018 No. 188 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was TRIBUTE TO DEAN HELLER Another time, he took a call from called to order by the President pro Mr. MCCONNELL. Now, on an en- President Trump and talked business tempore (Mr. HATCH). tirely different matter, I am sorry to right there in the aisle of a home im- f say it is time to begin offering thanks provement store. Something about this image seems just right—not talking, PRAYER and farewells to Members whose Senate service will conclude at the end of the not posturing, doing. That is DEAN The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- 115th Congress. HELLER; isn’t it? fered the following prayer: Today, I would like to begin with our He didn’t come to Washington to Let us pray. friend, the senior Senator from Nevada. court praise for lofty rhetoric or to be- Lord, through all generations You It doesn’t feel like much of an exag- come a TV star. He came here to do. In have been the source of our hope and geration to say that DEAN HELLER may just 7 years, DEAN has authored or strength. We are astounded by the maj- have been destined for public service. I helped to introduce 100 pieces of legis- esty of Your sovereignty, for a thou- don’t just mean his eagerness to serve lation that are now law. sand years for You are like a few hours. or his outgoing personality. There were Perhaps first and foremost, he has Today, inspire our lawmakers to think other signs. For example, one of the built a reputation as one of the Sen- Your thoughts and follow Your pre- stops on his childhood paper route in ate’s chief advocates for our veterans. cepts, seeking always to be receptive to Carson City was the Governor’s man- DEAN shares his home State with more Your guidance. May they strive to sion itself. Talk about early civic in- than 200,000 men and women who have reach agreement on critical issues volvement. served our Nation, including one he rather than simply to win debates. As At every step of the way, from suc- calls ‘‘Dad.’’ they march to the drumbeat of Your cessful businessman to his local and Keeping the promise of top-notch VA leading, strengthen them with Your statewide races, all the way here to the services across Nevada’s widespread powerful presence. May they trust You Capitol, DEAN earned the respect of his rural communities is no small task. to bring unity within their diversity. neighbors and constituents by fol- The facilities in Reno, in particular, We pray in Your great Name. Amen. lowing the hard-working example set weren’t always up to the job, but day f by his parents. His mother worked as a in and day out, DEAN has made it his PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE cook in a school cafeteria. His father mission to right the ship. As a member was an auto mechanic who raced stock of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, he The President pro tempore led the has fought to expand access to care, Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: cars on the side. Their son grew up to be the only sitting Senator I would contributing key provisions to the VA I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the trust to replace my transmission. MISSION Act and spearheading the United States of America, and to the Repub- 21st Century Veterans Benefits Deliv- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, When most politicians use phrases indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. like ‘‘rolling up their sleeves’’ and ery Act. It is a legacy that is already ‘‘getting their hands dirty,’’ they are making a difference for our veterans. f usually referring to things like late- But these are hardly the only vic- RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY night negotiating or taking tough tories DEAN won for Nevada and for our LEADER votes—in other words, more talking. Nation. He came to the Senate in 2011, The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. Not DEAN HELLER, he means it lit- representing a State that had been hit HYDE-SMITH). The majority leader is erally. As DEAN likes to say, here in hard by the great recession and was recognized. Washington, during the week, he works trying hard to regain its footing. Ne- f for the people of Nevada, but at home, vada communities faced ballooning on the weekends, there he works for his foreclosure rates and persistent unem- BUSINESS BEFORE THE SENATE wife Lynne on the ranch they keep up ployment. Fortunately, their new Sen- Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, together. ator was intent on hooking up the eco- this week, the Senate has taken impor- But let it not be said that even in the nomic jumper cables and getting things tant steps to fulfill our advise-and-con- midst of hard labor, DEAN isn’t capable humming once more. sent responsibility on the President’s of multitasking. After all, sometimes DEAN has seized opportunities to nominees. We have ended unnecessary official duties just can’t wait. I have it champion an economic agenda that delays that kept well-qualified individ- on good authority that on one occasion puts workers and job creators back in uals from filling important posts at the Dean had to field a surprise phone call the driver’s seat. He was a driving force Departments of Agriculture and Com- from President Obama on his cell while behind the once-in-a-generation tax re- merce and confirmed both of them. standing right in the middle of a ditch. form passed last December to put more ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S7197 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:04 Nov 30, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29NO6.000 S29NOPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S7198 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 29, 2018 money in the pockets of working fami- much heart and this much talent, any Mr. Farr was also the lead lawyer in lies. It is pouring a new 21st century departure would feel premature. This defense of North Carolina’s insidious foundation for American businesses to one certainly does, but I doubt DEAN voter ID law, which the Supreme Court compete, win, and create more jobs will have trouble finding good uses for ruled ‘‘targeted African Americans right here at home. a little more spare time. I know he and with almost surgical precision’’—tar- Today, Nevada is doing better, our Lynne must be looking forward to sad- geted African Americans with almost Nation is flourishing, and DEAN HELLER dling up their horses and setting out surgical precision. was there every step of the way. He was for the Sierras a little more often than North Carolina’s Republicans de- especially instrumental in making sure they have been able to lately, and I signed the law after asking for and re- that tax reform increased the child tax hear he could use a little bit of re- ceiving data sorted by race on voting credit. DEAN knew that working par- hearsal time before he leads the Heller practices. Mr. Farr not only defended ents need that money more than the family band through its repertoire of the law, he described the voting re- IRS does. Christmas carols this year—lead trom- strictions, which forbade the use of Nevada veterans, Nevada workers, bone. Lead trombone is no laughing government employee IDs, student IDs, Nevada families—DEAN never lost sight matter. Maybe he will even find time and IDs used for public assistance, as of the reason he came here to Wash- to get back in the driver’s seat for a ‘‘a minor inconvenience.’’ ington. He has been a happy warrior race or two. That is only Mr. Farr’s recent his- here in the trenches, with a ready grin So whatever it is that DEAN does tory involving voting suppression. If and an iron determination to do right next—whatever it is—he should take we go back and look at the campaign of by his friends and his neighbors. with him great pride in all he has ac- Senator Jesse Helms in 1990, Mr. Farr I also have it on good authority that complished here in a policy legacy that represented the Helms campaign and seeing DEAN in action back home in his will continue lifting up our Nation’s defended it against accusations that it natural habitat is truly a sight to be- veterans, workers, and middle-class sent over 120,000 postcards, almost ex- hold. His joy at every conversation and families literally for years and years to clusively to Black voters, that falsely every handshake around Carson City come, and the sincere best wishes of warned them they could be charged are palpable. Nevadans are DEAN’s peo- the friends he has made here in this with a crime if they tried to vote— ple. They always have been, and he has Chamber for health, happiness, and falsely—falsely warned them. The always been theirs too. every future success for himself, for mailers were sent after statistics According to some of the staff who Lynne, and for their entire lovely fam- emerged that African-American reg- travel around the State with him, it is ily.
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