Combination unLock: NG Unlock bingos from COMMON 2 & 3-LETTER COMBOS. 7s/8s starting, containing, ending (if any). Plurals / conjugations not listed separately. compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club 8s start NG- NGULTRUM GLMNRTUU monetary unit of Bhutan [n -S] 8s contain -NG- ACHINGLY ACGHILNY in aching manner [adv] AGNIZING AGGIINNZ AGNIZE, to acknowledge [v] ALIGNING AGGIILNN ALIGN, to arrange in straight line [v] ANGARIES AAEGINRS ANGARY, right of warring state to seize neutral property [n] ANGELICA AACEGILN aromatic herb [n -S] ANGELING AEGGILNN ANGEL, to support financially [v] ANGERING AEGGINNR ANGER, to make angry [v] ANGINOSE AEGINNOS ANGINA, disease marked by spasmodic attacks of intense pain [adj] ANGINOUS AGINNOSU ANGINA, disease marked by spasmodic attacks of intense pain [adj] ANGLEPOD ADEGLNOP flowering plant [n -S] ANGRIEST AEGINRST ANGRY, feeling strong displeasure or hostility [adj] ANGSTIER AEGINRST ANGSTY, feeling anxiety or dread [adj] ANGSTROM AGMNORST unit of length [n -S] ANGULATE AAEGLNTU to make angular [v -D, -TING, -S] ANGULOSE AEGLNOSU angular (having sharp corners) [adj] ANGULOUS AGLNOSUU angular (having sharp corners) [adj] ARRANGER AAEGNRRR one that arranges (to put in definite or proper order) [n -S] ASHTANGA AAAGHNST type of yoga (Hindu philosophy involving physical and mental disciplines) [n -S] ASTHANGA AAAGHNST ashtanga (type of yoga (Hindu philosophy involving physical and mental disciplines)) [n -S] ASTRINGE AEGINRST to bind or draw together [v -D, -GING, -S] AWNINGED ADEGINNW AWNING, rooflike canvas cover [adj] BANGTAIL AABGILNT racehorse [n -S] BEFINGER BEEFGINR to touch all over [v -ED, -ING, -S] BEFRINGE BEEFGINR to border with fringe [v -D, -GING, -S] BELONGED BDEEGLNO BELONG, to be member of [v] BEMINGLE BEEGILMN to mix together [v -D, -LING, -S] BERINGED BDEEGINR adorned with rings [adj] BEWINGED BDEEGINW having wings [adj] BINGEING BEGGIINN act of indulging in something to excess [n -S] / BINGE, to indulge in something to excess [v] BITINGLY BGIILNTY sarcastically (in sarcastic manner) [adv] BLINGING BGGIILNN BLING, to adopt flamboyant appearance [v] BLUNGING BGGILNNU BLUNGE, to mix clay with water [v] BODINGLY BDGILNOY ominously (in ominous (portending evil (something that is evil)) manner) [adv] BONGOIST BGINOOST bongo player [n -S] BORINGLY BGILNORY tediously (in tedious (causing weariness (quality of being weary)) manner) [adv] BOWINGLY BGILNOWY in bowing manner [adv] BRINGING BGGIINNR BRING, to take with oneself to place [v] BUNGALOW ABGLNOUW small cottage [n -S] BUNGHOLE BEGHLNOU hole in keg or barrel [n -S] BUNGLING BGGILNNU something done clumsily [n -S] / BUNGLE, to work, make, or do clumsily [v] CARANGID AACDGINR marine fish [n -S] CARINGLY ACGILNRY in caring manner [adv] CHANGEUP ACEGHNPU slow pitch thrown like fastball [n -S] Combination unLock: NG Unlock bingos from COMMON 2 & 3-LETTER COMBOS. 7s/8s starting, containing, ending (if any). Plurals / conjugations not listed separately. compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club CHANGING ACGGHINN CHANGE, to make different [v] CHURINGA ACGHINRU sacred object of Australian Aboriginals [n -S] CINGULAR ACGILNRU CINGULUM, anatomical band or girdle [adj] CINGULUM CGILMNUU anatomical band or girdle [n -LA] CLANGING ACGGILNN CLANG, to ring loudly [v] CLANGOUR ACGLNORU to clangor (to clang repeatedly) [v -ED, -ING, -S] CLINGIER CEGIILNR CLINGY, adhesive [adj] CLINGING CGGIILNN CLING, to adhere closely [v] COMINGLE CEGILMNO to blend thoroughly [v -D, -LING, -S] COMBINGS BCGIMNOS hair removed by comb [n COMBINGS] CONGENER CEEGNNOR one of same kind or class [n -S] CONGLOBE BCEGLNOO to become globule [v -D, -BING, -S] CONGRATS ACGNORST congratulations (congratulation) [n CONGRATS] CONGRESS CEGNORSS to assemble together [v -ED, -ING, -ES] CONTANGO ACGNNOOT postponement of transfer of stock [n -S] COOINGLY CGILNOOY in manner of cooing doves; affectionately [adv] CRYINGLY CGILNRYY CRY, to weep (to express sorrow by shedding tears) [adv] DANGERED ADDEEGNR DANGER, to endanger (to imperil (to place in jeopardy)) [v] DANGLIER ADEGILNR DANGLY, dangling [adj] DARINGLY ADGILNRY in brave (showing courage (quality that enables one to face danger fearlessly; spirit)) manner [adv] DEFANGED ADDEEFGN DEFANG, to make harmless [v] DERANGER ADEEGNRR one that deranges (to disorder (to put out of order)) [n -S] DERINGER DEEGINRR short-barreled pistol [n -S] DETANGLE ADEEGLNT to remove knots from [v -D, -LING, -S] DIGGINGS DGGGIINS excavation site [n DIGGINGS] DINGDONG DDGGINNO to make ringing sound [v -ED, -ING, -S] DINGHIES DEGHIINS DINGHY, small boat [n] DINGIEST DEGIINST DINGY, grimy (dirty (unclean (not clean))) [adj] DINGUSES DEGINSSU DINGUS, doodad (article whose name is unknown or forgotten) [n] DOTINGLY DGILNOTY in excessively affectionate manner [adv] DRONGOES DEGNOORS DRONGO, tropical bird [n] DUNGAREE ADEEGNRU coarse cotton fabric [n -S] DUNGHEAP ADEGHNPU dunghill (heap of manure) [n -S] DUNGHILL DGHILLNU heap of manure [n -S] DUNGIEST DEGINSTU DUNGY, filthy (offensively dirty) [adj] EARNINGS AEGINNRS something earned [n EARNINGS] ELONGATE AEEGLNOT to lengthen (to make or become longer) [v -D, -TING, -S] EMPTINGS EGIMNPST emptins (liquid leavening) [n EMPTINGS] ENDANGER ADEEGNNR to imperil (to place in jeopardy) [v -ED, -ING, -S] ENGAGING AEGGGINN ENGAGE, to employ (to hire (to engage services of for payment)) [v] ENGENDER DEEEGNNR to bring into existence [v -ED, -ING, -S] ENGILDED DDEEGILN ENGILD, to brighten (to make bright) [v] ENGINEER EEEGINNR to carry through or manage by contrivance [v -ED, -ING, -S] ENGINERY EEGINNRY machinery [n -RIES] ENGINING EGGIINNN ENGINE, to equip with machinery [v] ENGINOUS EGINNOSU ingenious [adj] ENGIRDED DDEEGINR ENGIRD, to gird (to surround (to extend completely around)) [v] Combination unLock: NG Unlock bingos from COMMON 2 & 3-LETTER COMBOS. 7s/8s starting, containing, ending (if any). Plurals / conjugations not listed separately. compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club ENGIRDLE DEEGILNR to engird (to gird (to surround (to extend completely around))) [v -D, -LING, -S] ENGRAMME AEEGMMNR engram (durable mark caused by stimulus upon protoplasm) [n -S] ENGRAVER AEEGNRRV one that engraves (to form by incision) [n -S] ENGULFED DEEFGLNU ENGULF, to surround completely [v] ENTANGLE AEEGLNNT to tangle (to bring together in intricate confusion) [v -D, -LING, -S] ERINGOES EEGINORS ERINGO, eryngo (medicinal herb) [n] ERRINGLY EGILNRRY in mistaken manner [adv] ERYNGIUM EGIMNRUY plant of parsley family [n -S] ERYNGOES EEGNORSY ERYNGO, medicinal herb [n] ESTRANGE AEEGNRST to alienate (to make indifferent or unfriendly) [v -D, -GING, -S] EXCHANGE ACEEGHNX to give and receive reciprocally [v -D, -GING, -S] EXPUNGER EEGNPRUX one that expunges (to delete (to remove written or printed matter)) [n -S] FANDANGO AADFGNNO lively Spanish dance [n -ES, -S] FANGLESS AEFGLNSS FANG, long, pointed tooth [adj] FANGLIKE AEFGIKLN FANG, long, pointed tooth [adj] FINGERED DEEFGINR FINGER, to touch with fingers (terminating members of hand) [v] FINGERER EEFGINRR one that fingers (to touch with fingers (terminating members of hand)) [n -S] FLAMINGO AFGILMNO wading bird [n -ES, -S] FRINGIER EFGIINRR FRINGY, resembling fringe [adj] FUMINGLY FGILMNUY angrily (feeling strong displeasure or hostility) [adv] FUNGIBLE BEFGILNU something that may be exchanged for equivalent unit of same class [n -S] FUNGUSES EFGNSSUU FUNGUS, any of major group of lower plants [n] GALANGAL AAAGGLLN medicinal plant [n -S] GANGBANG AABGGGNN to participate in gang-related activities [v -ED, -ING, -S] GANGLAND AADGGLNN criminal underworld [n -S] GANGLIAL AAGGILLN gangliar (pertaining to ganglion (group of nerve cells)) [adj] GANGLIAR AAGGILNR pertaining to ganglion (group of nerve cells) [adj] GANGLIER AEGGILNR GANGLY, gangling (awkwardly tall and lanky) [adj] GANGLING AGGGILNN awkwardly tall and lanky [adj] / GANGLE, to move awkwardly [v] GANGLION AGGILNNO group of nerve cells [n -IA, -S] GANGPLOW AGGLNOPW agricultural implement [n -S] GANGRENE AEEGGNNR to suffer loss of tissue in part of body [v -D, -NING, -S] GANGSTER AEGGNRST member of criminal gang [n -S] GAPINGLY AGGILNPY in gaping manner [adv] GAYWINGS AGGINSWY perennial herb [n GAYWINGS] GIBINGLY BGGIILNY GIBE, to jeer (to mock (to ridicule (to make fun of))) [adv] GINGELEY EEGGILNY gingelly (sesame seed or its oil) [n -S] GINGELLI EGGIILLN gingelly (sesame seed or its oil) [n -S] GINGELLY EGGILLNY sesame seed or its oil [n -LLIES] GINGERED DEEGGINR GINGER, to flavor with ginger (pungent spice) [v] GINGERLY EGGILNRY cautious (exercising prudence to avoid danger) [adj -LIER, -LIEST] / in careful manner [adv] GINGILLI GGIIILLN gingelly (sesame seed or its oil) [n -S] GINGIVAL AGGIILNV GINGIVA, fleshy tissue that surrounds teeth [adj] GINGKOES EGGIKNOS GINGKO, ginkgo (ornamental tree) [n] GONGLIKE EGGIKLNO resembling gong [adj] GRUNGIER EGGINRRU GRUNGY, dirty (unclean (not clean (free from dirt or stain))) [adj] GUNGIEST EGGINSTU GUNGY, gunky (filthy, sticky, or greasy) [adj] Combination unLock: NG Unlock bingos from COMMON 2 & 3-LETTER COMBOS. 7s/8s starting, containing, ending (if any). Plurals / conjugations not listed separately. compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club HANGABLE AABEGHLN HANG, to attach from above only [adj] HANGARED AADEGHNR HANGAR, to place in aircraft shelter [v] HANGBIRD ABDGHINR type of bird [n -S] HANGFIRE AEFGHINR delay in detonation [n -S] HANGNAIL AAGHILNN agnail (piece of loose skin at base of fingernail) [n -S] HANGNEST AEGHNNST hangbird (type
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