寄生虫病与感染性疾病 JISHENGCHONGBING YU GANRANXINGJIBING 季刊 2003年3月创刊 第19卷 第1期 2021年3月25日出版 主 管 四川省卫生健康委员会 成都市青羊区上汪家拐街39号 610041 目 次 主 办 四川省疾病预防控制中心 成都市武侯区中学路6号 610041 编 辑 疾病防治 寄生虫病与感染性疾病杂志编辑委员会 成都市武侯区中学路6号 610041 名誉主编 2017-2019年武汉市血吸虫病传播风险监测结果分析 ……………………………… 徐建国 周晓农 刘军 主 编 吴建林 ……………………… 熊月琳,张佳京,李洋,罗华堂,左玉婷,徐明星,王浩(1) 执行主编 汤大俊 编辑部主任 2008-2020年重庆市巴南区学生艾滋病病毒感染者和病人流行病学特征分析 …… 廖如珺 出 版 《寄生虫病与感染性疾病》编辑部 …………………………………………………… 闫菊,颜尧雄,李会,李建华 (6) 成都市武侯区中学路6号 610041 电话(传真):0086-28-85586157 在线投稿网址: 2017-2019年四川省仁寿县血吸虫病风险监测结果分析 ………………… 郭忠林, http://author.sccdc.cn 广告经营许可证 5100004000289 崔三明,杨凯,黄河,王勇,程双武,程昆梅,吴杰,胡勇,陈金元,钟伯林 (11) 中国标准连续出版物号 ISSN 1672 - 2116 CN 51 - 1636/R 2015-2019年池州市流感监测结果分析 ………………………… 郭晓磊,万江民 (15) 印 刷 四川和乐印务有限责任公司 发 行 2015-2019年大英县1~15岁儿童水痘突破病例流行特征分析 …………………… 成都市邮局(国内外公开发行) 邮发代号:62-293 全国各地邮局订购 ………………………………………………… 姚广松,刘旭,李小兰,李文武 (19) 定 价 每册5.00元,全年 20.00元 2005-2018年通江县扩大国家免疫规划实施前后风疹流行特征 …………………… 2021年版权归四川省疾病预防控制 中心所有 本刊刊出的所有文章不代表中华预 防医学会和本刊编委会的观点,除非 …………………………………………………………… 向静,赵廷明,陶小娥 (23) 特别声明。 本刊如有印装质量问题,请向本刊编 辑部调换。 2015-2019年绵阳市涪城区手足口病流行特征分析 ……………………… 李 洁 (29) 病例报道 成都市某职业技术学校1起诺如病毒聚集性疫情调查分析 ……………………………………………… 廖婵,曹应琼,高建美 (33) 西昌市一起农村聚餐引起的沙门氏菌食物中毒事件调查分析……………………………………………………………… 王世萍 (38) 2018年成都市郫都区1起饮用水污染事件的流行病学调查分析 ………………………………………… 高建美,梅丽敏,廖婵 (42) 危险因素监测 2018-2019年眉山市某食品厂芝麻酱生产加工环节微生物污染状况调查 ……………………… 邓涛,梅淑华,李林,杨光武 (47) 综述 肝泡型棘球蚴病的微创外科治疗现状及进展…………………………………………………………… 冯少培,郭亚民,韩秀敏 (51) ननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननन 编 审:汤大俊 责任编辑:白雪飞 责任校对:李 秋 英文编辑:周 莉 杨长晓 英文校对:廖如珺 杨 乐 朱曜宇 期刊基本参数:CN51-1636 / R ∗ 2021 ∗ q ∗ A4 ∗ 56 ∗ zh ∗ P ∗ ¥ 5.00 ∗ 600 ∗ 12∗ 2021-03 ननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननननन Parasitoses and Infectious Diseases Quarterly Established in March 2003 Volume 19 Number 1 March 25th,2021 Responsible Institution Health Commission of Sichuan Province No. 39 Wangjiaguai Street,Qingyang District,Chengdu,610041 Contents Sponsor Chinese Preventive Medicine Association; Sichuan Center for Disease Control and Prevention No.6 Zhongxue Road,Wuhou District, Analysis on Surveillance Results of Schistosomiasis Transmission Risks in Wuhan Chengdu,610041 Editing City From 2017 to 2019……………………… XIONG Yueling,ZHANG Jiajing, Editorial Board of Parasitoses and Infectious Diseases Honorary Editor-in-Chief LI Yang,LUO Huatang,ZUO Yuting,XU Mingxing,WANG Hao (1) XU Jianguo ZHOU Xiaonong LIU Jun Editor-in-Chief The Epidemiological Characteristics of Students With HIV/AIDS in Banan District WU Jianlin Executive Editor-in-Chief of Chongqing From 2008 to 2020 ……………………………………………… TANG Dajun Managing Director of Editorial Office LIAO Rujun ………………………………… YAN Ju,YAN Yaoxiong,LI Hui,LI Jianhua (6) Publishing Editor Office of Parasitoses and Analysis of Surveillance Results of Schistosomiasis Risk in Renshou County of Infectious Diseases Address of Editorial Office Sichuan Province From 2017 to 2019 ………………………… GUO Zhonglin, 6,Zhongxue Road,Chengdu 610041,Sichuan Province,China Online Submission CUI Sanming,YANG Kai,HUANG He,WANG Yong,CHENG Shuangwu, http://author.sccdc.cn Advertising License CHENG Kunmei,WU Jie,HU Yong,CHEN Jinyuan,ZHONG Bolin (11) 5100004000289 CSSN ISSN 1672 - 2116 CN 51 - 1636/R Analysis of Influenza Monitoring Results in Chizhou From 2015 to 2019 ……… Printing Sichuan Hele Printing Co.,Ltd. …………………………………………………… GUO Xiaolei,WAN Jiangmin (15) Distributing Post Office of Chengdu Epidemiological Characteristics of Breakthrough Cases of Varicella Among Children Post Issue No. 62-293 Copyright 2020 by Sichuan Center for Aged 1 to 15 Years Between 2015 and 2019 in Daying County ……………… Disease Control and Prevention …………………………… YAO Guangsong,LIU Xu,LI Xiaolan,LI Wenwu (19) Epidemiological Characteristics of Rubella Before and After the Implementation of National Expanded Immunization Program in Tongjiang County From 2005 to 2018……………………………………………… XIANG Jing,ZHAO Tingming,TAO Xiaoe (23) Epidemiological Characteristics of Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease in Fucheng District of Mianyang City From 2015 to 2019 …… LI Jie (29) Investigation and Analysis of A Norovirus Clustering Epidemic in A Vocational and Technical School in Chengdu …………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… LIAO Chan,CAO Yingqiong,GAO Jianmei (33) Investigation and Analysis of A Salmonella Food Poisoning Incident Caused by A Rural Dinner in Xichang City ……………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… WANG Shiping (38) Investigation and Analysis of An Incident of Cluster Diarrhea Caused by Drinking Water Pollution in Pidu District ………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… GAO Jianmei,MEI Limin,LIAO Chan (42) Investigation on Microbial Contamination in Sesame Paste Production and Processing of A Food Factory in Meishan City From 2018 to 2019 ……………………………………………………………… DENG Tao,MEI Shuhua,LI Lin,YANG Guangwu (47) The Status and Progress of Minimally Invasive Surgical Treatment on Hepatic Alveolar Echinococcosis ………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… FENG Shaopei,GUO Yamin,HAN Xiumin (51).
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