.1936 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 3635 · By Mr. ELLENBOGEN: A bill CH. R. 11754) granting a holic beverages in the District·of Columbia; to the Committee pension to Henrietta F. Lowry; to the Committee on Invalid on the District of Columbia. Pensions. 10508. By Mr. THOMAS: Petitions of citizens of Troy, By Mr. FISH: A bill CH. R. 11755) granting an increase N.Y., asking passage of House bill 8739, known as the Guyer of pension to Mary E. Frank; to the Committee on Invalid bill, to restore the District of Columbia to its former pro­ Pensions. hibition status; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. By Mr. JENKINS of Ohio: A bill CH. R. 11756) granting . 10509. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the Oregon State a pension to Ted Spires; to the Committee on Pensions. Bar; to the Committee on the Library. By Mr. POWERS: A bill CH. R. 11757) granting an in­ 10510. Also, petition of the city of Portland, Oreg.; to the crease of pension to Bella J. Roberts; to the Committee on Committee on Rivers and Harbors. Invalid Pensions. 10511. Also, . petition of the Association of American . By Mr. ROBSION of Kentucky: A bill CH. R. 11758) for State Geologists; to the Committee on Merchant Marine and the relief of D. L. Mason; to the Committee on ·claims. Fisheries. Also, a bill (H. R. 11759) for the relief of Arnold Blanton; to the Committee on Claims. SENATE Also, a bill CH. R. 11760) for the relief of Mat Hensley; to the Committee on Claims. THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1936 Also, a bill CH. R. 11761> for the relief of Clyde Thorpe; (Legislative day of Monday, Feb. 24, 1936> to the Committee on Claims. The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, ·on the expiration · Also, a bill CH. R. 11762) for the relief of Lillie Price; to of the recess. the Committee on Claims. THE JOURNAL · By Mr. TARVER: A bill CH. R. 11763) for the relief of E. W. Garrison; to the Committee on Claims. On request of Mr. RoBINSON, and by unanimous consent, By Mr. THOMAS: A bill CH. R. 11764) granting an in­ the reading of the Journal of the proceedings of the calendar crease of pension to Mary B. Kaiser; to the Committee on day Wednesday, March 11, 1936, was dispensed with, and the Invalid Pensions. Journal was approved. Also, a bill <H. R. 11765) granting an increase of pension CALL OF THE ROLL to Carrie B. Davis; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Mr. ROBINSON; -I suggest the absence of a quorum. Also, a bill <H. R. 11766) granting an increase of pension The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. to Catherine Berrigan; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following Senators answered to their names: PETITIONS, ETC. Adams Coolidge Keyes Overton Ashurst Copeland King Pope Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions and papers were Austin Costigan La Follette Radcliffe Bachman Couzens Lewis · Reynolds laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: Bailey Davis Logan Robinson 10498. By Mr. CULKIN: One hundred and fourteen _peti­ Barkley Dieterich Lonergan Russell _tions from. Woman's Christian Temperance Union from Benson Donahey Long Schwellenbach BUbo Du1fy McAdoo Sheppard various States bearing 5,152 signatures favoring antiblack­ Black Fletcher McGill Shipstead booking legislation; to the Committee on Interstate and For­ Bone Frazier McKellar Smith eign Commerce. Borah George McNary Steiwer Bulkley Gibson Maloney Thomas, Okla. 10499. Also, petition of 14 residents of Copenhagen, Lewis Bulow Glass Metcalf Townsend County, N. Y., urging passage of House bill 8739; to the Burke Gore Minton Trammell Byrd Gu1fey Moore Tydings Committee on the District of Columbia. Byrnes Hale Murphy · Vandenberg 10500. Also, petition of the board of trustees of the village Capper Harrison Murray Wagner ·of Pulaski; N. Y., opposing Senate bill 3958 and Senate bill Caraway Hatch Neely Walsh Carey Hayden Norbeck Wheeler 3959; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Clark Holt Norris White 10501. By Mr. JOHNSON of Texas: Petition of agricultural Connally Johnson O'Mahoney committee, Bryan and Brazos County Chamber of Commerce, Mr. LEWIS. I announce the absence of the Senator from and George G. Chance, J. Webb Howell, Percy Terrell, John Alabama [Mr. BANKHEAD] because of illness, and I further D. Rogers, John D. Quinn, W. S. Barron, Travis B. Bryan, announce that the Senator from New Hampshire fMr. S. J. Emory, Clarence Moore, Mrs. Lee J. Rountree, F. L. Hen­ BROWN], the Senator from Nevada [Mr. McCARRAN], the derson, and W. C. Davis, all of Bryan, Tex., favoring House Senator from Indiana [Mr. VAN NUYsl, the Senator from Joint Resolution 508, providing for full payment of all excess New Mexico [Mr. CHAVEZ]. the Senator from Rhode Island cotton tax exemption certificates; to the Committee on [Mr. GERRY], the Senator from Nevada [Mr. PITTMAN), the Agriculture. Senator from Utah [Mr. THoMAs], and the Senator from 10502. By Mr. LAMBERTSON: Petition of H. C. Feller and Missouri [Mr. TRUMAN] are necessarily detained from the seven other citizens, all of Leavenworth, Kans., favoring pas­ Senate. sage of House bill 3263; to the Committee on Interstate and Mr. TOWNSEND. I announce that my colleague the Foreign Commerce. senior Senator from Delaware [Mr. HASTINGS] is necessarily 10503. Also, petition of Pascal Lewis and 16 other citizens, absent. all of Topeka, Kans., favoring passage of House bill 3263; to Mr. AUSTIN. I announce that the Senator from New the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Jersey [Mr. BARBOUR] and the Senator from Iowa [Mr. 10504. Also, petition of Mrs. L. A. Spencer and 23 other DICKINSON] are necessarily detained from the Senate. citizens, all of Sabetha, Kans., favoring passage of House bill The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-three Senators have an­ 8739; to the Committee on the Judiciary. swered to their names. A quorum is present. 10505. By Mr. McMTI.LAN: Petition of patrons of star­ route service from Moncks Corner, S. C., requesting increase INVESTIGATION OF CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURES IN 1936 in the compensation thereon to an equal basis with that paid Mr. BYRNES. From the Committee to Audit and Con­ for other forms of mail transportation; to the Committee on trol the Contingent Expenses of the Senate I report back the Post Office and Post Roads. · favorably, with an amendment to the amendment reported 10506. By Mr. O'MALLEY: Petition of the Michigan Park by the Committee on Privileges and Elections, Senate Reso­ Citizens Association of the District of Columbia, setting forth lution 225. I ask unanimous consent for the consideration need for public-school facilities in that area; to the Com­ of the resolution at this time. mittee on the District of Columbia. The VICE PRESIDENT. The resolution will be read. 10507. By Mr. SISSON: Petition urging passage of House The Chief Clerk read the resolution CS. Res. 225) submitted bill 8739, a bill pertaining to the prohibition of sale of alco- ll-v Mr. RoBINSON on January 30, 1936, referred to the Com- 3636 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MARCH 12 m.ittee on Privileges and Elections, and on February 6 re­ tion I recall that the Senator from Delaware [Mr. HAsTINGs], ported from that committee with an amendment, on page 3, who is necessarily absent, desired to propose an amendment line 18, after the word "aggregate", to insert "$100,000", to that resolution. For that reason I at this time wish to and referred to the Committee to Audit and Control the enter a motion to reconsider the vote by which the resolution Contingent Expenses of the Senate, as follows: was adopted. Resolved, That a special committee consisting of five Senators, to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The motion to reconsider be appointed by the Vice President, is hereby authorized and di­ will be entered. rected to investigate the campaign expenditures of the various Presidential candidates, Vice-Presidential candidates, and candi­ NON-INDIAN CLAIMANTS OF INDIAN LANDS dates for the United States Senate, in both parties, the names of ' The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter the persons, firms, or corporations subscribing the amount con­ tributed, the method of expenditure of said sums, and all facts in from the Acting Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, pur. relation thereto, not only as to the subscriptions of money and suant to law, a supplemental report relative to non-Indian expenditures thereof but as to the use of any other means or in­ claimants who were found by the Pueblo Lands Board to fluence, including the promise or use of patronage, and all other facts in relation thereto which -would not only be of public interest have occupied and claimed land in good faith but whose but which would aid the Senate ·in enacting any remedial legisla­ claims were not sustained and whose occupation was tenni­ tion or in deciding any contests which might be instituted involv­ nated under the act of June 7, 1924, which, with the accom­ ing the right to a seat in the United states Senate. panying papers, was referred to the Committee on Indian No Senator shall be appointed upon said committee from a State in which a Senator is to be elected at the general election in 1936. Affairs. The investigation hereby provided for, in all the respects above PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS enumerated, shall apply to candidates and to contests before pri­ maries, conventions, and the contests and campaign terminating Mr. WALSH presented a petition of the National Fire Pro­ in the general election in 1936. tection Association, of Boston, Mass., praying for an increase Said committee is hereby authorized to act upon its own initiative in the appropriation to develop additional methods for farm and upon such information as in its judgment may be reasonable fire prevention of existing research studies on spontaneous ()r reliable.
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