Path: Y :\Figures\General\K arson\2018\12112018_R equest\GIS \Arcm ap\erc_plum em ap_20181211_LUC.m xd Date: 1/8/2019 T im e: 11:10:45 AM User: JMES S NE1 Cape Cod Bay Legend R Chlorinated S olvents Plum e - ou te Concentrations Exceed MCLs T CE = 5.0 µg/L PCE = 5.0 µg/L 6 EDB Plum e - Concentrations Exceed MMCL = 0.02 µg/L S S 094 'PFAS S ite' W astewater T reatm ent Plant Infiltration Beds Perchlorate Plum e - Concentrations Exceed MMCL = 2.0 µg/L -6 l R DX Plum e - Concentrations Exceed EPA 10 R isk -Based na a Level = 0.6 µg/L (IAGW S P); = 0.7 µg/L (IR P) C od C Fuel Plum e - T he Following Contam inants Exceed Associated e ap MCP GW -1 or R BC Groundwater S tandards: C C5-C8 aliphatic hy drocarbons, GW -1 = 300 µg/L R o C9-C10 arom atic hy drocarbons, GW -1 = 200 µg/L u t C9-C12 aliphatic hy drocarbons, GW -1 = 700 µg/L Dem olition Area 2 e 1 *#*# C11-C22 arom atic hy drocarbons, GW -1 = 200 µg/L Northwest 3 0 *# 1,2,4-T MB, R BC = 56 µg/L Corner 1,3,5-T MB, R BC = 60 μg/L 2-m ethy lnaphthalene, GW -1 = 10 µg/L Plum es with R em edy in Place R d d ne *# IR P S ource Area R oy rg G d w u ibb R e B s Military Munitions R esponse Program i R *# w V Central Im pact Area d o l l l (MMR P) S ource Area r a a a a n n B Extraction W ell B a a C O C S" !D Extraction W ell (Off) S cale: 1 inch = 1 m ile R einjection W ell 0 0.5 1 S" Je !D ffe Sandwich R einjection W ell (Off) Miles rso n Outflow Bubbler T he areas of contam ination S" R d show the com bined contam inants "S T reatm ent Facility *# of concern within each plum e. "S #* Municipal W ater S upply W ell Phinney's Harbor S" T own Boundary d W R Infiltration T rench/Gallery (On) oo y d R a WS-4 d w Infiltration T rench/Gallery (Off) n # "S e e CS -19 r IR P Land Use Control (LUC) Boundary "S G IAGW S P Land Use Control (LUC) Boundary *# 8 J-2 2 PFAS R eswell Outreach Boundary e "S t d u R *# o d Treatment System Pipeline: d e R "S R R s Influent Effluent *# u *# s s o n n h i i g k k Joint Base Cape Cod r r in *# *# et *# e e e d J-1 M P R P k er k k ua w n n Q e a a r P r F Bourne F J-3 L *# R ange 0 Dem olition Area 1 "S 3 "S 1 S" te u Peters "S o d R Pond "S R !D S" !D Pocasset e !D!D !!!!D n !D!D!D!D!D i !! ! Harbor t !D !D n !D e FS -12 ! ! p !D !D r !D!D! u !D!D Hen T !D! !!D!D! !D!D!D!D!D!D!D!D!D!D!D Cove S S 090 'PFAS S ite' Snake T ank er T ruck R ollovers Pond Weeks Pond Wakeby Pond Red Brook S S 095 'PFAS S ite' US CG Hangars Harbor C onn 3170 and 3172 ery R d S S 097 'PFAS S ite' LF-1 Lower 40 R am p Area LF-1 and Hangar 2816 S S 031 'PFAS S ite' *# Fuel S pill 1 (FS -1) Mashpee S S 093 'PFAS S ite' Form er Squeteague *# Fire Departm ent Building 122 Pond Harbor *# S" CS -10 Megansett LF-1 Harbor S" !D S S 092 'PFAS S ite' Form er Building 118 and R unway 32 S" Form er CS -23 !D Plum e Area S S 091 'PFAS S ite' ANG Motor Pool Area FT A-2/LF-2 S" !D!D!D!D S" Moody CS -10 Pond FS -1 CS -21 Form er CS -20 PFS A !D S"!D !D Plum e Area !D!D !D !D CS -21 CS -10 !D !D CS -4 Wild Harbor !D ! !D Ashumet All S D-5 extraction ! Form er FS -29 !D Pond wells are turned off ! # !D Plum e Area !D R !D ou !D te Johns !D 1 5 Pond *# !D !D 1 Ashum et CS -10 Valley Deep Pond 8 2 e t u !D o *# Coonamessett R *# Pond S" *# !D FS -28 Crooked Pond Ashum et Valley S" Mashpee Falmouth Currier Road trench is off 8 Ashum et *# 2 !D e t Valley u o Jenkins R Pond *# Fresh Pond *# !D S urface water from Long Pond is also Long *# used as a drink ing water source for Pond the town of Falm outh *# *# Contaminant of Concern (COC) Type of Contaminant Risk-Based Level T CE – trichloroethene solvent MCL = 5 µg/L PCE – perchloroethene solvent MCL = 5 µg/L CCI4 – carbon tetrachloride solvent MCL = 5 µg/L EDB – ethy lene dibrom ide fuel-related com pound MMCL = 0.02 µg/L benzene fuel-related com pound MCL = 5 µg/L viny l chloride solvent MCL = 2 µg/L Joint Base Cape Cod 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane solvent GW -1 = 2 µg/L 1,4-dichlorobenzene solvent MMCL = 5 µg/L m anganese m etal EPA Health Advisory = 300 µg/L Groundwater Plume Map, thallium m etal MCL = 2 µg/L lead m etal 15 µg/L (treatm ent technique action level for water distribution sy stem s) IRP and IAGWSP LUC Areas, toluene fuel-related com pound MCL = 1,000 µg/L R DX - hexahy dro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine explosive HA = 2 µg/L GW -1 = 1 µg/L 10 -6 = 0.6 µg/L (IAGW S P); = 0.7 µg/L (IR P) and IRP PFAS Outreach Areas perchlorate oxidizer HA = 15 µg/L Issued December 2018 MMCL = 2 µg/L C5-C8 aliphatic hy drocarbons fuel-related com pound GW -1 = 300 µg/L C9-C10 arom atic hy drocarbons fuel-related com pound GW -1 = 200 µg/L Note: MCL – Maxim um Contam inant Level C9-C12 aliphatic hy drocarbons fuel-related com pound GW -1 = 700 µg/L MMCL – Massachusetts Maxim um Contam inant Level C11-C22 arom atic hy drocarbons fuel-related com pound GW -1 = 200 µg/L HA – Federal Lifetim e Health Advisory 1,2,4-T MB fuel-related com pound R BC = 56 µg/L PFAS - Per- and Poly fluoroalk y l S ubstances 1,3,5-T MB fuel-related com pound R BC = 60 µg/L GW -1 – S tate default cleanup value to be used in lieu of site-specific risk -based level 2-m ethy lnaphthalene fuel-related com pound GW -1 = 10 µg/L 10 -6 – EPA level resulting in an excess cancer risk of one in a m illion R BC - S ite S pecific R isk Based Concentration.
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