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In all cases we have filmed the best available copy. University Micrdfilms International 300 N. ZEEB RD.. ANN ARBOR. Ml 48106 8121797 Ha n s e n , Ja m e s R o g er SCIENTIFIC FELLOWSHIP IN A SWISS COMMUNITY ENLIGHTENMENT: A HISTORY OF ZURICH’S PHYSICAL SOCIETY, 1746*1798 The Ohio State University PH.D. 1981 University Microfilms International300 N. Zccb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 Copyright 1981 by Hansen, James Roger All Rights Reserved PLEASE NOTE: In all cases this material has been filmed In the best possible way from the available copy. Problems encountered with this document have been identified here with a check markS . 1. Glossy photographs or pages______ 2. Colored illustrations, paper or print_____ 3. Photographs with dark background._ * / 4. Illustrations are poor copy______ 5. Pages with black marks, not original copy______ 6. Print shows through as there is text on both sides of page 7. Indistinct, broken or small print on several pages y / 8. 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Rule Dr. Marilyn Robinson Waldmann Adviser Department of History ©Copyright hy James Roger Hansen 1981 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS It is a pleasure to record my obligations to the people who i have aided me in this work. Above all others, I wish to express my t gratitude to June Z. Fullmer. The dissertation has gained as much from her gentle guidance and critical rigor as its author has from her kindness and friendship* Her example of scholarly integrity and personal concern will never be forgotten. I also owe special thanks to Marilyn Robinson Woldmann and John C. Rulej they provided me with an inestimable amount of aid and advice during my years at Chio State and offered incisive criticism of this manuscript. I am grateful to Paul Fullmer for improving my writing style. The staff of the Staatsarchiv des Kantons Zurich is hereby thanked for its graciousness and efficiency. They provide a marvelous place to work. Heartfelt thanks also to Dr. Marco Schnitter, subject librarian in the natural sciences at the Zentralbibliothek Zurich, for his courteous direction and hos­ pitality during my research visit. I will never forget the kindnesses of my SwisB friend Andreas Schlegel, among them informed tours of the Zurich area and the opportunity to meet his friends and family. I would like to thank the following scholars, friends, and family members for their suggestions and supportt Dan Bland, George Cotkin, Mark Kleffner, Mike McCormick, Richard and Marilyn ii Millerf Robert and Grace Montgomery, and Harry Wolfe. The greatest obligation of all is the one owed to Margaret Miller Hansen. This dissertation would not have been completed without her support. I regret that the necessities of my writing took important time and energy away from her and son Hathaniel. iii VITA 12 June 1952 Born - Fort Wayne, Indiana 197** B.A., Indiana University at Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne, Indiana 197^1977 University Fellow, The Chio State University, ColumbU3 , Chio 1976 .... M.A., The Chio State University 1979-1980 Teaching Associate, Department of History, The Chio State University HJBLICATIGNS Review of Anthony Feldmann and Peter Ford, Scientists and Inventors (1979)» ia Science Books and Filins. May 1980. Review of Truman A. Hartshorn, Interpreting the Cityt An Urban Geography (1979)t In Science Books and Films. March/April 1981. Review of Epsteint A Centenary Exhibition (Smithsonian Press, 1979). in Technology and Culture. October I98O. FIELDS OF STUDY Major Field: History of Science History of Science. Professor June Z. Fullmer Early Modem Europe. Professor John C. Rule Islamic History. Professor Marilyn Robinson Waldmann Medieval Europe. Professor Joseph Lynch iv TABLE CF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................ ii VITA .................................. iv LIST OF TABLES .................. vii LIST OF FIGURES ......................... viii Chapter I. INTRODUCTION .................... 1 II. WHICH ENLIGHTENMENT? ............. 16 Zurich and the European Enlightenment.. 19 Aufkl&rung ....................... 2k The Swiss Enlightenment ............ 31 III. THE SOCIAL OUTLOOK CF THE CANTONAL ENLIGHTENMENT.................... **3 Zunftregiment .................... ^5 Enlightened Middle Citizens........ 60 Consensus and Socialibility........ 66 IV. JOHANNES GESSNER AND THE BIRTH CF CIVIC SCIENCE .................... 7^ Time for Fellowship ... 77 The Social Cast ................... 87 Gessner's Agenda.................. 95 V. SCIENTIFIC ENTERPRISE IN PATRICIAN SOCIETY, 17^7-1759 ................ Urban Wealth................ H I Meetings in the Zunfthaus zur Meise.... 115 Performersi Professional and Patrician. 123 VI. THE SOCIAL PROGRAM CF THE ECONOMIC COMMISSION, 1760-1779 ............. Agricultural Enthusiasm............ 1^0 The Rural Socrates ................ 1**6 Preisfragen ...................... 155 Baueragespr&che ................... 162 VII. TWILIGHT CF FELLOWSHIP, 1780-1798 ..... 171 Scientific Performance ............. 171 The Waser Affair.................. 182 Postscript to enlightenment ........ I89 v Page VIII. EPILOGUE ....................... 197 NOTES ................................ 200 APPENDIXES A. Chronology of Major Events' In Physical Society History .......... 229 B. Performing Members (Ordinarli) of the Physical Society, 1746-1793 . ...... 233 C. Swiss Ehrenmitglieder of the Physical Society ................. 237 D. Contributors to Essay Competitions of the Economic Commission from 1762-1798. 240 E* Budgetary Account of the Physical Society, 17^7-1798 ............... 2 ^ P. Abhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zlirlch........ .... 246 1. Title page of the first volume of Abhandlungen published in 1761 by "Heideggerund Compagnie".. 247 2. Table of Contents. Volume I (1 7 6 1 ). 2^8 3 . Table of Contents. Volume II (17») ........................ 250 4. Table of Contents. Volume III (1766) ........................ 251 G. The "Sigilum Soc. Phys. Turicensis" over a Photograph of the Zunfth&us zur Meise ......................... 252 BIBLIOGRAPHY...................... 253 vi LIST CF TABLES Table Ea«e 1. Foreign Membership in the Physical Society........ 21 2. Major Publishers Represented in the Fhyaical Society Library, 1777 .......................... 2Zf 3. Number and Percentage of Craftsmen in Zurich's 12 Guilds in 1730 .............................. 55 *4. Social Occupation of the 2*4- Guildmasters of Zurich in 1 7 6 2 ........................ 56 5 . Social Changes in the Zurich Guilds, 1599-1 7 9 0 * The Growth of Patrician Presence .......... 57 6 . Number and Percentage of Merchants and the Number and Percentage of Merchant Guildmasters and Councillors in the 12 Guilds and the Constabulary in 1 7 0 0 ...................................... 59 7. Middle Citizenst (A) Their Number
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