National Library of Jamaica "ONE LOVE", a St•ng that recently shot lnck to the top of the Brit1sh pop charts. "I SHO T THE '•HERIFF", agam featur­ .ng the origmal Waders from the Album Bur­ nm'. The song provided fnc Clapton w1th an Amencan hit. "WAIT! G IN VAIN", from the LP Exodus. "REDEM PTI ON SONG", from Upnsing. A \ ery nch song of ex­ hortauon done with the smooth sounds of the acousnc gu1tar. "S ATI SFY MY SOUL". "EXO DUS", from the album of the same name. One of the f�w Reggae songs that scored big on both s1des of the AtlantiC. "J AMMING", an­ other hit single from the album Exodus. Several exciting pic­ tures recording the Mar ley phenomenon help to decorate the album's outer jacket, while the mner section has pic· tures of Marley mem­ orabilia, from concert posters and album Jack­ et� to newspaper clip­ pmgs and record labels. Marley's legendary sales Wming in the June 1ssue of Music Week resenrative of rhe bc�r next eight records in the t-.1ay, 1981, Magazine, commenta­ � Marie� or Wa ilers album chart.'' bert N esta Marie Jor Alan Jones dest:ribed �ounds, and as soon as T. Riley k · ,\farle) Legend as rep­ J.IVI., R• eggae mg o \ ("' '• one starts to enjoy the thl' world, died of resentatiYe of a maJor \Ong�. they seem to end. bounce-back in the Bm­ cancer. This year, Is- I think a double LP tsh recording mdust!]. ha e land Records v would have served the Sale,, he wrote, were paid tribute to a rn.1n 1nrended purposes more �taggering. who, even in death, and g•ven u� a chance to "In its first three continues to be their hear a longer version of weeb of release (in En­ btggest star. The trib- the songs. But to com­ gland) Legend has sold bme on the same album ute is the compilation well ..,ver 112 million cop­ fourteen of the best reg­ of Legend, the best Ies, establishing itself as gae songs that were the best seller in the 22- smgles of Marley. made is a treat. Marley vear history of Island Last month, Tuff ts Marley and the album Records. At present Gong, the company that 1s mdeed a collector\ Legend 1s outselling its Marley himself started item. Those songs fea- closeM competitor six to and which is now man- rured are: . one, and would still aged hy h•s wtfe R1ta, SIDE ONE emerge tnumphant if LOVE", rde;m·d the album for "IS THIS pmed against the com­ lm·al d1�rnbunon. The from the album Kava. bined st eri th of the "NO WOMAN NO LP •� not to1.1lly rep- CRY", the ll\·e version '----------- of the song recorded at the Lyceum m London. "COULD YOU BE LOVED", featured on the LP llpnsmg. "THREE LITTLE BIRDs··, from the al­ bum Exodus. "BUFF ALO SOl­ DIER", from the post­ humou� album Con­ fronrauon. "GET UP STAND UP", from the LP Bur­ mn ', featuring Peter Tosh and Bunny Wailer of the origmal Wailers. "STIR IT UP", from the album Catch A Fire. .
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