Pretoria Far East MAY 22, 2020 • www.rekordeast.co.za • 012-842-0300 Local hospital group DA takes admin battle Outa scoring ‘cheap Visit our website for breaking 5 local,, national and international news. denies ‘non-urgent’ ops 2 to coucourtrt 3 points,’ says Sanral www.rekordeast.co.zawww.rekordeast.co.za Top photo:photo: Riaan Bam,Bam Chris van Wyk, reaction manager Johnston Brown, Paul Grobler and Johan Liddle are all ready for action “in force” as crime spiked again on level 4 of lockdown.lock Photos: Ron Sibiya. Next level of crime Serious crime makes comeback after drop as nation moves to level 4 of the lockdown while suicide and domestic violence remains high. NoxoloNoxo Sibiya vehicle theft, especially of Toyota Hilux Brinant security spokesperson Erick bakkies.” Becker said SAPS statistics showed that CrimCrime has increased since level 4 of Jooste said over the past two weeks there murder cases dropped substantially during the nanational lockdown was introduced, was a “massive” spike in general break-ins the lockdown compared to last year. accoraccording to Pretoria-based private security around Pretoria East. Murder cases dropped from 1 542 in compcompanies. “The main reason behind this spike is March-April last year to 432 in March-April ThiThis after the “all-time” low in crime unemployment due to the lockdown. People this year. shortlshortly after the introduction of the national are hungry and not able to generate anyy lockdlockdown. income during lockdown.” “In the fi rst stage of the level 5 lockdown “We have noticed a lot of beggarsggars on movemovement was severely restricted and street corners overnight – moree than ever.” crime was at an all-time low,” CSI security Jooste said they received dailyly complaints spokespokesperson Dana Bloem told Rekord. of beggars walking around askinging foforr HoHowever, this didn’t last long. money. SinSince level 4 was introduced there has “In the past week, serious crimesimes also been a signifi cant increase in movement picked up again. There was an increase in which brought about an increase in crime. break-ins too,” Jooste said. “In“Increased movement by the public Despite this, according to Joosteoste there hahass createcreated a cover for criminals to enter areas been a “huge” drop in crime overallverall in the and ccommit crimes,” said Bloem. area. “Th“The increase of vehicles being on the Jooste also highlighted the mmassiveassive spike road acts as a cover for criminals to be less in domestic violence and suicidede ccasesases over obserobserved by police and security companies; the entire lockdown period. thus, they have better opportunities of Vermu paramedics said they also commcommitting crimes and evading law experienced a drop in calls to vviolentiolent crimes enforenforcement.” such as stabbings, shootings andnd assault. CriCrimes such as the illegal trading of “However, we too noted an increasencrease in tobactobacco and alcohol products, domestic suicide attempts and domestic vviolenceiolence violenviolence, shoplifting and looting have, calls,” said spokesperson Tammymy Visser. howehowever, saw an increase during all Visser said when level 4 was lockdlockdown levels. introduced, they did not note anyny decline BuBull security said there was barely any in suicides and domestic abuse ccalls.alls. crime during the fi rst two weeks of the However, motor vehicle accidentsdents lockdlockdown. picked up as more vehicles werere on tthehe “A“After the fi rst two weeks, it started road. pickinpicking up again with a lot of attempted “We have helped a few psychiatrichiatric house robberies,” said Bull security patients, especially government-reliantt-reliant ones, Riaan Bam. spokespokesperson French Jooste. who were afraid to pick up medicationdication at a Reaction manager Johnston Brown. “Du“During level 4 there was a spike in government institutions,” she said.aid. 2 PRETORIA FAR EAST REKORD MAY 22, 2020 NEWS www.rekordeast.co.za Local hospital group denies ‘non-urgent’ ops during lockdown A concerned patient claims doctors operated as ‘usual’. Noxolo Sibiya guidelines and utilise test results to guide treatment,” he said. Life Healthcare hospitals this week He also denied claims that student denied claims that doctors at its doctors were made to work during this Groenkloof hospital, east of Pretoria, period. were fl outing regulations by continuing “As per governance guidelines, the with non-urgent surgeries during the hospital manager is required to approve previous level 5 national lockdown. all applications for students to work in the This comes after a patient at the hospital. We can confi rm that no student hospital, who requested to remain doctors were approved for the past fi ve anonymous, claimed that surgeons were months.” continuing with elective procedures Van Loggerenberg said each hospital despite an order by the Department of had an active multidisciplinary Covid-19 Health for all hospitals to stop. committee which, together with hospital “Elective surgeries were continuing management, considered and planned for as normal at the hospital and it was a bit the hospital during this period. concerning,” he said. As a result of the level 4 lockdown, “I read somewhere that the hospital Life Healthcare has decided to resume claims to have stopped, but that’s not necessary surgeries following the Photo for illustrative purposes. true.” relaxation of the hard lockdown. The patient said he had witnessed how “We welcome the opportunity to a doctor refused to wait for a patient’s gradually resume certain services for our Covid-19 test results and insisting on patients in a safe manner,” he said. Which permit does my going ahead with the surgery. He said the hospital had very few He said he was concerned that patients Covid-19 admissions and none at the and staff members’ lives were being moment. small business need to risked. “All Life Healthcare hospitals and their Life Healthcare hospitals general multidisciplinary Covid-19 committees manager for emergency medicine Dr will be provided with a step-by-step Charl van Loggerenberg said no elective process on how to gradually and carefully keep trading on level 4? surgeries were taking place at any of its reintroduce normal operations and hospitals. medical service to patients.” The directives indicate that the store owners, who “We have followed the guidelines The guidance has been based on the put out by the South African Society input received from numerous doctor do not have general trading permits, should apply of Anaesthesiologists in March which professional societies, pathology groups, for temporary permits. stated that normal elective surgery hospital Covid-19 committees, supporting doctors as well as international best should be postponed under the current In terms of the lockdown regulations, practice. Noxolo Sibiya circumstances,” he said. what permit do I need for my small “We can confi rm that no elective “Doctors remain responsible for business to keep operating? surgery was done at the hospital as managing the criteria and indications for New directives on how small businesses You need to have a permit to perform claimed.” admission of their patients. should run during level 4 lockdown essential or permitted services as per Van Loggerenberg said claims that “We will continually review the have been released by the small business form two of the regulations. doctors were not waiting for Covid-19 situation at each of our hospitals to assess development minister Khumbudzo This permit is given to employees by test results before performing surgery was the risks as well as to identify and share Ntshavheni. not true. best practice in the interests of doctors, Here is what you need to know: employers. The employees must present “Doctors are required to follow patients, our staff and supporting service Does my business need a permit in it to law enforcement offi cials when Covid-19 testing criteria as per NICD personnel,” he said. terms of the business act to operate required to do so. Employees may only during lockdown? work if they have this permit. The directives indicate that store If I am the head of a small business, owners, who do not have general trading do I also need this permit? TE HUUR/DEELTITELADMINISTRASIE permits (permits as required in terms of If you are the head of the business or 012-365-2980/1, 083-377-0467, 083-453-1174 the business act that businesses should sole proprietor, you must have the above Soretha / Vanessa / Liezl / Brittny have as a rule of thumb), should apply permit issued by yourself to yourself. Besoek ons webtuiste www.jrlpropertygroup.co.za for temporary permits. You must also have: of SMS “RENT” met jou besonderhede na 32545 Meanwhile, the Limpopo high court – An affi davit indicating that you are en ons skakel so gou moontlik terug. has indicated that, in the capital of performing a service permitted in term PRYS VOORSTAD TIPE BESKRYWING Limpopo, no temporary permits are of the regulations R3 150 Karenpark Bachelor Bachelor R3 250 Karenpark Bachelor Bachelor needed to operate a business during – Any documentary proof of the R3 350 Karenpark Bachelor Bachelor lockdown. existence of and nature of your business, R3 350 Gezina Woonstel 1 slpk, 1 badk Readers should contact their legal e.g., a CIPC registration certifi cate, a R3 550 Gezina Woonstel 1 slpk, 1 badk R4 150 Arcadia Bachelor Bachelor advisors if their businesses do not have sole trader document issued by SARS R4 550 The Orchards Woonstel 2 slpk, 1 badk permits envisaged in the Business Act of or certifi ed copies of the trade certifi cate R4 850 Karenpark S/Simpleks 2 slpk, 1 badk 1991. of the owner or college certifi cate in the R4 950 Silverton Woonstel 2.5 slpk, 1 badk If I am not a South African but still a related qualifi cation. R6 450 Rooihuiskraal S/Simpleks 2 slpk, 1 badk R6 500 W/boom Suid Woonstel 2 slpk, 1 badk business owner, what do I have to do for An affi davit is a document signed R6 550 Die Hoewes Woonstel 2 slpk, 1 badk my business to legally trade? under oath in the presence of a R6 780 Faerie Glen S/Simpleks 2 slpk, 1 badk – You need to have a valid passport commissioner of oaths.
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