Murray State's Digital Commons Fulton Daily Leader Newspapers 8-9-1947 Fulton Daily Leader, August 9, 1947 Fulton Daily Leader Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/fdl Recommended Citation Fulton Daily Leader, "Fulton Daily Leader, August 9, 1947" (1947). Fulton Daily Leader. 736. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/fdl/736 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Fulton Daily Leader by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 9421 The Weather •th FORECAST: Kentucky—Fair weathei with little changet in temperature to- day, tonight and Sunday. Thti Lifiron De- itabtr tomb- .1, tlrolume XLVIII Associated Press Leased Wire ioun- Fulton, Kentucky, Satan!, Evening, .4ugust 9, 1947 Five Cents Per Copy Vo. 199 Isfied 4 Buddy Rose,5, Hocks „ Hughes Claims He Had Better at in- ves to Rescued Today er al- muter M Airplanes Than Army or Navy, range heavy From Drowning awn. Life Is Saved But Ile `1t1n't Get Contracts By Artificial Respiration hog,, industrialist Entertained Fulton Girls Army,II. N. Officials To Counteract DIVED, STRANGLED ..."Hatred," Senate Investigators Told Buddy Rose, five-year-old :en. Capture Prizes of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bo:ie, 803 Arch street, narrowly escapeo STILL HAS FAITH IN HIS HUGE FLYING BOAT drowning at Sunny Dip sv.iir. Katie And Brenda Brown, Washington. Aug. 9- -0.Th-- Hughes testified that the Jap ming pool this morning. Jane White Win at Murray Howard Hughes testified today ; "Zero"—one of the most effee - Lifegue.rd Tip Nelms pulled Horse Show Friday Night that he decided upon entertain- I tive Japanese planes in the re- the lad front the pool ment for Army officers and I cent war —was "copied'. from a and ap- Three young ladies from Ful- plied artificial respiration after other important government of- speedy monoplane Hughes de- ton captured prizes last night Buddy had become strangled [Hans after he learned they had signed and flew several years at the Calloway county Horse and seemed in immediate a "hatred" for him as -being ago. clang- Show held in Cutchin Stadium er of drowning. Bobby stuck up." The Hollywood film producer Snow at Murray State College. helped Tip in the Chairman Ferguson ,R-Michi and airplane designer dropped successful at- Miss Barbara Kay (Katie' tempt to save the of the subcommittee, question- this information into a long re- boy's life. Brown and Miss Brenda Sue Buddy was taken to his home, ing Hughes about his $40,000,000 cital of his 21 years experience UNVEIL CASEY JONES MEMORIAL—Barbara Jones (left), Brown, daughters of Mr. and in and was reported resting well. airplane contracts and en- In aviation in which he said it 14 Mrs. Tucker Brown, won first coincidence" -year-old granddaughter of Casey Jones, unveils a bronze The fire department was ask- tertainment accounts, promptly vAis "more than a and second respectively in the company Lockheed and granite monument at the famed railroad engineer's aaaaa ed to bring its resuscitator to demanded that Hughes identify that his and Shetland pony saddle competi- Corporation submitted in Jackson, Tenn., in the presence of Casey's widow (seated) the pool, but when the truck ar- by names these officials. Aircraft tion. When Hughes said could practically the same design for ta at • and Lucius Beebe, New York columnist and railroad historian rived Buddy was breathing al- PROSECUTOR AND he he un- WIFE—SidneN meMath, young prosecuting Miss Jane White, daughter of not do so immediately, Ferguson a twin-engine interceptor plane. who with his protographer, Charles Clegg, donated most normally and the apparat- : John the me- attorney and political leader. and his wife. Anne, of Hot Springs, Mr. and Mrs. Bob White, won recessed the hearing until 9 a. Hughes said that despite the morial. us was not used. Work' Ark., who he says shot and killed his father, Hal P. McMath, 57. fourth in the open five-gaited m. (EST). Monday. fact he finished what he called or, th• had this easy os It was reported at the pool picture taken recently in their automobile. Young class atop Marjorie Day. She Hughes told Senate investiga- a "brave and unprecedented" p to 35 that Buddy had been jumping McMath named his wife as the slayer and then stepped aside will ride Royal Serenade twice tors today that "bad feeling" on design first, he said he was forc- Motion Picture Hobby Only One into deep water, although he so s special prosecutor could present the ease. and Marjorie Day once tonight the aprt of Army officers pre- ed by the Army to wait four gh and could not swim. The near in the final events of the Mur- vented han from getting war- months until Lockheed could you • tragedy occured at about 10 ray horse show. time contracts for the produc- get its drawings ready. you'll Of Joe Browder's Many o'clock. No Night Worship tion of pursuit planes "faster Then. he testified, the Army : 4.1 / 2- Interests Bombshell Flies1 than any the Army or Navy let the contract for what haa us for Clover Seed Sale had." Hughes acknowledged been known as the "P-38" to By Oulda Jewell takes his films on all ot his At C. P. Church McClellan To Serve that his huge flying boat under Lockheed. "I have never been a person trips and is always more than Slower This Year; who could make a speech. I Over Shanghai Rest Of August construction is too big to be He said that the Army previ- glad to show them to anyone On Ship Escorting mono- can't sing or play a musical in- "tremendously efficient," but ously had turned down his interested. i.Prices Are Higher copied strument—in other words, I 44 Hours,59 Minutes Out There will be no evening wor- backed his faith in the project plane design, which was The showing of my films has;Truman To States Zero" despite the could do nothing to entertain or ship at the Cumberland Presby- Movement crimson by declaring that if it fails "I In the Jap - been the cause of me meeting Of Chicago In Record Try of -clover transconti- interest people—either my terian church during the re- seed front farms has been slight- will leave the country." fact that he set a anti becoming friends with some Ensign H. M. McClellan of seven and one friends, or others whom I would Shanghai, Aug. 9—(41—Wil- wattling Sundays in August. ly slower this year than usual Asserting that he had "put nental record of very prominent and interesting Fulton is one of the officers hours "and It took the have liked to make my friends. ham P Odom and his flying The official board of the and Mower than last year, the the sweat of my life" into build- half people," he said. who will serve aboard the de- all planes eight Several years ago, I realised Bombshell plane passed over church, in a recent meeting, Bureau of Agricultural Econ- ing the 200-ton flying boat, Army with its Mr. Stroyer Dyess, which will escort break it." that I needed some hobby, with Browder. a man of un- Shanghai without stopping arid called e minister, e Rev. W. omics reported today. It is esti- Hughes told the Senate War In- years to the battleship Missouri on its said it which to interest people: so I doubted energy, has prosecuted headed for Tokyo at 11.51 p. m. It. Reid, to the pastorate of the mated that 74 percent of the vestigating committee that Of his. flying boat he his private interests return trip from Rio de Janeiro barrier break any speed or long chose motion pictures," said 82 success- tonight 48:52 a. m. C8T1 at an church for another year. commercial crop of this seed "this plane crossed a in will not and carrying President Truman Nome records became "it year-old Joe Browder, one of fully has achieved a defi- altitude of 18,000 feet. The church building program was sold by growers by July 15, size—the control system can no range flight nite from a visit to Brazil. man. not tremendously efficient" Fulton's most prominent pioneer place of influence and Odom was expected to reach is getting off to a good start. compared with 85 percent last longer be operated by a is prominence in Fulton. Until last The President will fly to South even in an emergency." He said test flights are being citiaens. Am f his tour. Tokyo in about two hours and The membership is quite enthus. year and the 1941-45 mid-July year, he was' one of the pro- a ill Apstic • • • • • • • • held up because no satisfactory "You see, until a few years Ensign McClellan is the son of 45 minutes. and cooperative in the average of 76 percent. prietors (senior partner) of the Work control system has been worked ago, I was quite a hunter. I have Mr. and Mrs. Ward McClellan of as it is being planned. , Mid-July prices to growers hunted big game in Alaska q Elvowslgx JalUqg t'tinpany. When he passed over Shang wetke the highest on record. They out. this city. Hollywood plane builder Canada. There I made pictures 'Ar-6?Ve time Iltr.11f6wder feta: hal he was 44 hours and 591Itia- averaged $1720 per 100 pounds The the nen- of the wild life.
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