ACRONYMS/ABBREVIATIONS ADB Africa Development Bank AICAD African Institute of Capacity Development ARVS Anti-Retro-Viral Supplements ASC Annual School Census ATPs Assessment and Training Packages Bn Billion BoGs Board of Governors BPO Business Processing Outsourcing BTVET Business, Technical, Vocational Education and Training CBET Competence Based Education and Training CBO Community Based Organization CCs Coordinating Centres CCT Coordinating Centre Tutor CMU Construction Management Unit COPE Complementary Opportunities for Education CPD Continuous Professional Development CPTs Customised Performance Targets DEO District Education Officer DIMP Decentralised Instructional Materials Procurement DIS District Inspector of Schools ECD Early Childhood Development ECNC Enrolled Comprehensive Nursing Curricula EFA Education for All EFAG Education Funding Agencies Group EMIS Education Management Information System EPD Education Planning Department ESA Education Standard Agency ESC Education Service Commission ESCC Education Sector Consultative Committee ESIP Education Strategic Implementation Plan ESSAPR Education and Sports Sector Annual Performance Report ESSP Education Sector Strategic Plan ESSR Education and Sports Sector Review EU European Union FY Financial Year GCs Governing Councils GEM Girls’ Education Movement GER Gross Enrolment Rate GIR Gross Intake Rate GoU Government of Uganda GWPE Government White Paper on Education H.E. His Excellency HE Higher Education HIV/AIDS Human Immune Virus/ Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome HRH Human Resources for Health HTI Health Training Institution HTTI Hotel and Tourism Training Institute IAYS International Alliance for Youth Sports ICT Information Communication Technology IDP Internally Displaced Persons IDPC Internally Displaced Persons’ Camp IEC Information Education Communication IMU Instructional Material Unit IT Information Technology IUCEA Inter University Council of East Africa 1 JAB Joint Admissions Board KYU Kyambogo University LGs Local Governments MDG Millennium Development Goal MDGs Millennium Development Goals MHCP Minimum Health Care Packages MNSL Mandela National Stadium Limited MoES Ministry of Education & Sports MoFPED Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development MoH Ministry of Health MoLG Ministry of Local Government MP Member of Parliament MTAC Management Training and Advisory Centre MTBF Medium Term Budget Framework MUBS Makerere University Business School MUK Makerere University, Kampala MUST Mbarara University of Science and Technology N/A Not Applicable NAPE National Assessment of Progress of Education NCDC National Curriculum Development Centre NCHE National Council of Higher Education NCS National Council of Sports NER Net Enrolment Rate NFE Non Formal Education NGO Non- Government Organization NIR Net Intake Rate NPES National Physical Education and Sports NTC National Teachers’ College NUSAF Northern Uganda Social Action Fund OPM Office of the Prime Minister OVC Orphans and Vulnerable Children PCR Pupil Classroom Ratio PE&S Physical Education and Sports PEAP Poverty Eradication Action Plan PhD Doctorate in Philosophy PHC Primary Health Care PIASCY Presidential Initiative on AIDS Strategy for Communication to the Youth PIN Personal Identification Number PLE Primary Leaving Education PPE Pre-Primary and Primary Education PPET Post Primary Education and Training PTA Parents Teachers’ Association PTC Primary Teachers’ College PTE Primary Teacher Education PTP Private Training Providers PTR Pupil Teachers’ Ratio REPLICA Revitalising Education Programme Participation and Learning in Conflict Areas RTP Right to Play ROM Results Oriented Management SE Secondary Education SFG School Facilities Grant SMC School Management Committee SNE/CGC Special Needs Education/Carrier Guidance and Counselling SWAp Sector Wide Approach TE Teacher Education TMM Top Management Meeting ToTs Training of Trainers 2 UACE Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education UACP Uganda AIDS Control Project UBOS Uganda Bureau of Statistics UCC Uganda College of Commerce/ Uganda Communications Commission UCE Uganda Certificate of Education UJTC Uganda Junior Technical Certificate UNATU Uganda National Association of Teachers’ Union UNEB Uganda National Examinations Board UNESCO United Nations Education and Scientific Organization UNICEF United Nations International Children Education Fund UOC Uganda Olympics Committee UPE Universal Primary Education UPPET Universal Post Primary Education and Training US United States USD United States Dollar USE Universal Secondary Education UTC Uganda Technical College UVQF Uganda Vocational Qualifications Framework WFP World Food Program 3 CURRENT TOP LEADERSHIP OF THE EDUCATION AND SPORTS SECTOR Hon. Geraldine Namirembe Bitamazire (MP) Minister of Education and Sports Hon. Peter Teko Lokeris (MP) Hon. Gabriel Opio (MP) Hon. Charles Bakkabulindi (MP) Minister of State for Minister of State for Minister of State for Primary Education Higher Education Sports 1 Mr. F.X. K. Lubanga Permanent Secretary, Education and Sports 2 FOREWORD Hon. Geraldine Namirembe Bitamazire (MP) overnment of the Republic of Uganda continues to commit increased resources to the education sector to achieve equitable access to quality education for all Ugandans. GThrough Sector Wide Budget Support and with the collaboration of Development Partners, the education sector is implementing reforms to consolidate the gains so far made at all levels and to enhance quality, efficiency and growth in the system. Following the successful implementation of Universal Primary Education, UPE over the past ten years, 1997 to date, the sector reforms have targeted improvement of quality and efficient management and utilization of resources. A Thematic Curriculum for P1-P3 was launched this year, 2007 and preliminary reports indicate a degree of success in terms of stimulating learning among the children. Mother Tongue as a medium of instruction was adopted to facilitate learning and acquisition of literacy skills at the early stages of the children’s school career. The Primary Teachers Education Curriculum is also under review to ensure that the teachers acquire relevant pedagogical skill for implementing the curricular reforms at primary level of education. Diagnostic studies and surveys have been conducted to identify the policy and implementation gaps in the UPE programmes that need strategic interventions to achieve the stated medium and long term objectives in the global EFA and MDG Covenants. A draft Education Bill 2007 has been discussed by Cabinet, and it is now before Parliament pending enactment. The Bill makes primary education compulsory and makes general provisions for policy, regulation and control of the education sector at National and at Local Government levels. At the Post-Primary Education and Training level (PPET) Government introduced Universal Secondary Education (USE) this year and 155,000 had enrolled in USE secondary schools by March 2007. A public private partnership model was adopted where 355 private secondary schools are implementing the USE programme under a bursary scheme. The USE policy is targeting the bright but needy children especially those in the rural remote communities and districts. With increased access to equitable quality education at the Post primary level the country will address issues of poverty and will achieve competitiveness in the emerging knowledge based economic regimes. The policy is also targeting imparting of knowledge and skills to facilitate the macro economic development programmes in the public and private sectors. The Secondary School Curricular Review is already under way to address the relevancy and quality of education at that level and to achieve cost effectiveness in the implementation 1 strategies. The UPPET policy covers Business, Technical, Vocational Education and Training (BTVET) where young boys and girls after primary seven programme are enrolled to take certificate courses leading to direct entry into the labour market. A total of 46 Government Vocational Education and Training institutions are participating in the program and by March 2,626 students had enrolled. The private sector providers of BTVET have also been brought on board under this programme. Over the FY 2006/2007 Government continued to prioritize education as a strategy towards the transformation of society and the improvement of people’s quality of living. A total budget of Ug. Shs. 683.63bn (excluding direct donor support of shs. 37.21 bn) representing 17.6% of the Government expenditure was allocated to education, compared to Ug.Shs.609.14bn/- during the FY 2005/06. The increase in the sector ceiling under budget support arrangement but excluding direct donor support facilitates the implementation of the reforms and programmes listed above. At the Tertiary and University levels, some moderate expansion has been achieved especially through the growing participation of the private sector in offering education and training at that level. There are now over fifteen private Universities and five Public Universities including Busitema University which opened on 3rd October 2007. The sector will soon finalize the re-costing of the ESSP 2004-2015. The need to provide adequate funding to the sector cannot be over emphasized. However, measures to improve the quality of the teaching and learning processes at school levels are being reviewed focusing on improving the learning outcomes by the pupils and students. The improvement of the training of teachers and their
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