COMPLETE STUDENTCARE NETWORK LISTING Discover the Networks’ Advantages* * Please note that you are not limited to Network members. You’re covered for the insured portion of your Plan regardless of the practitioner you choose. By visiting a Network member, you will get additional coverage. DENTAL NETWORK The Dental Network is an exclusive service for students covered by the Dental Plan. Network dentists, conveniently located in your area and other regions of British Columbia, offer a reduction of 20% off the Dental Fee Guide for General Practitioners’ price of eligible dental services. See the Dental section online for a breakdown of your total coverage when combining your insured portion with the Dental Network reduction. Please note that most Network dentists also offer the Pay Direct service. ABBOTSFORD ABBOTSFORD Dr. Farshad Aghdasi Dr. Robert Brandt 112 - 2618 McMillan Road Clayburn Dental Centre Abbotsford, BC V3G 1C4 400 - 3033 Immel Street (604) 852-3151 Abbotsford, BC V2S 6S2 (604) 852-6487 ABBOTSFORD ABBOTSFORD Dr. Khozema Chherawala Dr. Pin Gill 7 Oaks Smile Centre Clayburn Dental Centre 328 - 32900 South Fraser Way 400 - 3033 Immel Street Abbotsford, BC V2S 5A1 Abbotsford, BC V2S 6S2 (604) 870-9838 (604) 852-8487 www.clayburndental.com ABBOTSFORD ABBOTSFORD Dr. Chris Kelly Dr. Sobhdeep Manku Clayburn Dental Centre East West Dental Group 400 - 3033 Immel Street 25 - 32700 South Fraser Way Abbotsford, BC V2S 6S2 Abbotsford, BC V2T 4M5 (604) 852-6487 (604) 853-6011 ABBOTSFORD ABBOTSFORD Dr. Sumer Mavi Dr. Brad McDonald Clayburn Dental Centre Clayburn Dental Centre 400 - 3033 Immel Street 400 - 3033 Immel Street Abbotsford, BC V2S 6S2 Abbotsford, BC V2S 6S2 (604) 852-8487 (604) 852-8487 www.clayburndental.com ABBOTSFORD ABBOTSFORD Dr. Kyle Nawrot Dr. Anisa Quadir Seven Oaks Dental Group Clayburn Dental Centre 206-32900 South Fraser Way 400 - 3033 Immel Street Abbotsford, BC V2S 5A1 Abbotsford, BC V2S 6S2 (604) 853-8301 (604) 852-8487 www.sevenoaksdental.ca ABBOTSFORD ABBOTSFORD Dr. Kiran Sahi-Mangat Dr. Edmund Wong Clayburn Dental Centre 7 Oaks Smile Centre 400 - 3033 Immel Street 328 - 32900 South Fraser Way Abbotsford, BC V2S 6S2 Abbotsford, BC V2S 5A1 (604) 852-8487 (604) 870-9838 studentcare.net/works This list is subject to change at any time. Please check back throughout the year for updates. BURNABY BURNABY Dr. Rokshana Chherawala & Associates Dr. Ghousiah Ashraf Lougheed Laser Dental Group Metroplex Dental 107 - 9855 Austin Road 1175 - 4700 Kingsway Burnaby, BC V3J 1N4 Burnaby, BC V5H 4M1 (604) 421-1003 (604) 451-1010 www.lougheeddental.ca BURNABY BURNABY Dr. Sushma Bajaj Dr. Cesar Beloy Smile Dental Group 2 - 6975 Kingsway 7575 Market Crossing Burnaby, BC V5E 1E5 Burnaby, BC V5J 0A3 (604) 540-6000 (604) 433-7444 BURNABY BURNABY Dr. Grace Beloy Dr. Henry Chang 2 - 6975 Kingsway Omega Dental Group Burnaby, BC V5E 1E5 167 - 4800 Kingsway (604) 540-6000 Burnaby, BC V5H 4J2 (604) 433-5700 BURNABY BURNABY Dr. Henry Chang Dr. H.Y. Choi Simon Fraser Dental Orawell Dental 140 – 8960 University High Street 501-4538 Kingsway Burnaby, BC V5A 4Y6 Burnaby, BC V5H 4T9 (604) 267-3368 (604) 430-2112 www.simonfraserdental.com BURNABY BURNABY Dr. Nancy Clayton Dr. Debbie Erceg Metroplex Dental Centre Gentle Dental 1175 - 4700 Kingsway 111 – 4980 Kingsway Burnaby, BC V5H 4M1 Burnaby, BC V5H 4K7 (604) 451-1010 (604) 434-3020 www.drerceg.com BURNABY BURNABY Dr. Shiraz Fazal Dr. Crispin Horng Highgate Medical Dental Centre Asthetic Dental Group 103 - 7188 Kingsway 4731 Kingsway Burnaby, BC V5E 1G3 Burnaby, BC V5H 2C3 (604) 517-1003 (604) 433-0168 studentcare.net/works This list is subject to change at any time. Please check back throughout the year for updates. BURNABY BURNABY Dr. Thomas Y.S. Hui Dr. Lisa Hui-Kuan Chen Station Square Dental Nelson Dental Centre 108 - 4680 Kingsway 307-6411 Nelson Ave Burnaby, BC V5H 4L9 Burnaby, BC V5H 4H3 (604) 436-9496 (604) 433-2225 BURNABY BURNABY Dr. Ivan Jin Dr. Grace Ko Kensington Square Dental Centre Station Square Dental 6562 Hastings Street 108 - 4680 Kingsway Burnaby, BC V5B 1S2 Burnaby, BC V5H 4L9 (604) 298-5595 (604) 436-9496 www.kensingtonsquaredental.com BURNABY BURNABY Dr. Peter Lam Dr. Steven Lam 125 – 5050 Kingsway Metropolis at Metrotown Burnaby, BC V5H 4C2 486 4800 Kingsway (604) 430-5138 Burnaby, BC V5H 4J2 (604) 454-1800 BURNABY BURNABY Dr. Emerson Milla Dr. Maria Radovanovic Simon Fraser Dental Centre 207 - 3965 Kingsway 140 - 8960 University High Street Burnaby, BC V5H 1Y8 Burnaby, BC V5A 4Y6 (604) 430-1260 (604) 267-3368 BURNABY BURNABY Dr. Amin Shivji Dr. Akash Sidhu Metroplex Dental Centre The Dentists At Metrotown 1175 - 4700 Kingsway 264 - 4820 Kingsway Burnaby, BC V5H 4M1 Ground Level, Metropolis at Metrotown (604) 451-1010 Burnaby, BC V5H 4P1 (604) 558-3636 www.dentistsatmetrotown.com BURNABY BURNABY Dr. Jeehwun Son Dr. Bin Tan Simon Fraser Dental Simon Fraser Dental 140 – 8960 University High Street 8960 University High Street Burnaby, BC V5A 4Y6 140 Cornerstone Building (604) 267-3368 Burnaby, BC V5A 4Y6 www.simonfraserdental.com (604) 267-3368 www.simonfraserdental.com studentcare.net/works This list is subject to change at any time. Please check back throughout the year for updates. BURNABY BURNABY Dr. Wise Tang Dr. Suzanne Ting Omega Dental Group Omega Dental Group 167 - 4800 Kingsway 167 - 4800 Kingsway Burnaby, BC V5H 4J2 Burnaby, BC V5H 4J2 (604) 433-5700 (604) 433-5700 BURNABY BURNABY Dr. Grace Wong Dr. Yanbin Xu Kensington Square Dental Centre The Dentists At Metrotown 6562 Hastings Street 264 - 4820 Kingsway Burnaby, BC V5B 1S2 Ground Level, Metropolis at Metrotown (604) 298-5595 Burnaby, BC V5H 4P1 www.kensingtonsquaredental.com (604) 558-3636 www.dentistsatmetrotown.com BURNABY BURNABY Dr. Benny Yee Dr. Stephen Yuen Simon Fraser Dental Center 125 - 5050 Kingsway 140 - 8960 University High Street Burnaby, BC V5H 4C2 Burnaby, BC V5A 4X6 (604) 430-5138 (604) 267-3368 BURNABY COQUITLAM Dr. Maria Zanjanian Soheil Iravani The Dentists At Metrotown Healthy Smile Mobile Dental Hygiene Inc. 264 - 4820 Kingsway 2019 Turnberry lane Ground Level, Metropolis at Metrotown Coquitlam, BC V3E 3N2 Burnaby, BC V5H 4P1 (778) 245-3820 (604) 558-3636 www.dentistsatmetrotown.com COQUITLAM COQUITLAM Dr. Taesoon Park Dr. Joyce Santos-Grou Westwood Dental Tri-City Dental Centre 146 – 3000 Lougheed Highway 1111 Panderosa Street Coquitlam, BC V3B 1C5 Coquitlam, BC V3B 7L2 (604) 933-2828 (604) 942-4242 www.tricitydentalcentre.com COQUITLAM COQUITLAM Dr. Zhi Chun Song Dr. Celia Takahashi Henderson Place Dental Centre Gleneagle Dental Centre 2130 - 1163 Pinetree Way 402 - 1192 Lansdowne Drive Coquitlam, BC V3B 8A9 Coquitlam, BC V3E 1J7 (604) 464-6810 (604) 552-1018 studentcare.net/works This list is subject to change at any time. Please check back throughout the year for updates. DELTA DELTA Dr. Anne Sahota Dr. George Wong A Smile Dental Clinic Surdel Dental Centre Suite A - 4994 48th Avenue 130 – 8089 120th Street Delta, BC V4K 1V7 Delta, BC V4C 6P9 (604) 946-8555 (604) 596-7777 GARIBALDI HIGHLANDS KELOWNA Dr. Andrew Cheng Dr. Sarah Garbelya 40361 Tantalus Way Kelowna Dental Centre Garibaldi Highlands, BC V0N 1T0 2033 Gordon Drive (604) 898-9557 Kelowna, BC V1Y 3J2 (250) 860-1414 KELOWNA KELOWNA Dr. Steve Johnson Dr. Michael Webster Dr. Steve Johnson Dental Group Kelowna Dental Centre 4 - 2090 Harvey Avenue 100 – 2033 Gordon Drive Kelowna, BC V1Y 8P8 Kelowna, BC V1Y 3J2 (250) 762-9525 (250) 860-1414 www.drstevejohnson.ca www.kelowna-dental-centre.ca LANGLEY LANGLEY Dr. Wai Sze Cheung Dr. Luke Cockerham Willoughby Crossing Dental Centre Smile Works Dentistry 104 - 6424 200 Street 150-8700 200th Street Langley, BC V2Y 2T3 Langley, BC V2Y 0G4 (604) 533-3000 (604) 455-6247 www.drnair.com LANGLEY LANGLEY Dr. Hendrick Foo Dr. Rick Grenkow 20542 Fraser Highway 200th Street Dental Langley, BC V3A 4G2 105 – 19978 72nd Avenue (604) 533-2180 Langley, BC V2Y 1R7 (604) 532-4000 www.200thstreetdental.com LANGLEY LANGLEY Dr. Andrew Lee Dr. Denzil Nair 102 - 19821 Fraser Highway Smile Works Dentistry Langley, BC V3A 4E1 150-8700 200th Street (604) 534-3343 Langley, BC V2Y 0G4 (604) 455-6247 www.drnair.com studentcare.net/works This list is subject to change at any time. Please check back throughout the year for updates. NEW WESTMINSTER NEW WESTMINSTER Dr. Adeola Adeyemi Dr. Sushma Bajaj Artis Dental Centre Sigma Dental 523 6th Street 240-522 7th Street New Westminster, BC V3L 3B9 New Westminster, BC V3M 5K5 (604) 524-0800 (604) 525-6358 NEW WESTMINSTER NEW WESTMINSTER Dr. Anthony Chan Dr. Pascale Charland New Westminster Skytrain Station Dental Artis Dental Centre 243 - 800 Carnarvon Street 523 6th Street New Westminster, BC V3M 0G3 New Westminster, BC V3L 3B9 (604) 525-1116 (604) 524-0800 www.newweeststationdental.ca NEW WESTMINSTER NEW WESTMINSTER Dr. Melissa Chui Dr. Amin Damji My Dentist at Columbia Square Artis Dental Centre 111 – 1015 Columbia Street 523 6th Street New Westminster, BC V3M 6H6 New Westminster, BC V3L 3B9 (604) 529-9393 (604) 524-0800 www.mydentistsoffice.com NEW WESTMINSTER NEW WESTMINSTER Dr. Vinay Dhir Dr. Komal Dhir Royal Square Dental Centre Royal Square Dental Centre 14 - 800 McBride Boulevard 14 - 800 McBride Boulevard New Westminster, BC V3L 2B8 New Westminster, BC V3L 2B8 (604) 526-1216 (604) 526-1216 NEW WESTMINSTER NEW WESTMINSTER Dr. Tyler Duffy Dr. Shiraz Fazal New Westminster Skytrain Station Dental My Dentist @ Columbia Square 243 - 800 Carnarvon Street 111-1015 Columbia Street New Westminster, BC V3M 0G3 New Westminster, BC V3M 6H5 (604) 525-1116 (604) 529-9393 www.newweeststationdental.ca NEW WESTMINSTER NEW WESTMINSTER Dr. Aldin Ghotbi Dr. Philip Kim Artis Dental Centre Asante Dental Centre in New Westminster 523 6th Street 200 - 522 Seventh Street New Westminster, BC V3L 3B9 New Westminster, BC V3M 5T5 (604) 524-0800 (604) 525-4391 studentcare.net/works This list is subject to change at any time.
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