REGD A/D/ DASTYAFFIMTION/BEAT OF DRUM OFFICE OF THE RECAWRY OFfPER DEBIS RECOWRY TFJBIJNAL.I, DEL'II, #I FLOOR, - :JEEIANTARABUILDING,PARUATTENISTREEI, ' NEW DELHT - 110001. R C. llo. 37U18 iir lclCl Bank Vs Koutons Retail lndia Ltd. As per ry odd d4d 20.0920,19 and 10.102(119 the under rnentioned property will be sold by pubtic e-auction m.27.11.20191n hd saftj Recovery Certificab t $i' " {ttre iuctidn .ate will bs "ontine eAuctioning, through u,obsite hltps://drt.auctiontloer,not Datg ed;IIpU of Auctlon: on 27.11.Alg botwsen 3.00 pm and d00 pm . Mth o(ensions of qmloutos duration atter 4.00 pm, lf roquiEd). u' lll ti Deecridlon of pmpertv - Reservo Price E!'D a) Khasra No. 15, Village Rs. 68.86 Lacs (tu. Rs. 6.89 Lakt Ahmadpur Br*rman, Pargana Sixty Elght Laca only (Six Lac Sarsawa, Tehsil Nakur, Main Elghty Six Thousand Eighty Nino Only) Saharanpur i Ambala Road Only) (NH-73)i Distt. Saharanpur (UP) b) llp. 0, r Village R8. /t9.'18 Lakh (Forty Rs, 4.95 Lacs Ahmadpgf Pargana . NinE lacs Forty Eght {Four Lacs Ninety Sarsawa. Tehsi illain Thopsand Only) Five Thousand Saharanpu r Road Only) (NH-73), Dhn pur (uP) rk c) Khasra No. 12, Mttag6 Rs. 107.84 Lacs (one Rs. 10.78 LacE Ahmadgur Bmhman, Pargana Crore Serren Lac (Ien Lacs Sarsaurar, Tehsil Nakur, Main Eighty Four Thouaand Serrenty Eight Saharanipr i Ambah Road Only) Thousand Only) (NH-73)rDistt.''saharanpur (UP) d) Khasra No. Ul, 8/2, Village Rs. 54.53 Lacs (Flfty Rs. 5.i15 Lacs arraopgifi BRHnari; Bargana Four Lacs Fifty Threo (Flve Lacs Forty Sar8awa, TehEil Nakur, Main Thousand Only) Five Thousand Saharanpi.rr - Ambala Road Onlyl (NH-73), rdpl Total Rs. 2&).7,l Lacs owo Rs. 28.07 Lacs {' Crcre Eighty Lacs (Iwenty Eighy Seventy One Lacs Seven Thousand Onlyl Thousand OnM TERiIiS AND COND]TIOIIS ir 1,' ''1"! .* l, ! 6, Prospective Mders are required to registef hemselves wilh the portal and obtain user lD/password well in advance, whbh is mandatory for bidding in above e{uction ftom M/s eProcursment TechnologiB Limiteq 8.70+705, Wall Street'll, Opposits Orient Club, Near Guiurat College, Alisebridge, Ahmedabad.380006. Phone No. 9261i562821 ' 079 61200511 594, 598, 568 , 587,538 , Email: [email protected] Conhct person: Manoj ,oshl, Mob. No. 9081000225 E.mail id: manoj.j(rauctiontiger.net Z. pr6ipective tridders may avail online training on E-Auction from MrS eProcurement Technologios Limitod; &70+705, W8ll Strcot-ll, Oppo6lte O]ient Club, Neat Gujurat College,.Alisebridge., Ahmedabadi80006. Phone, No. 965562s21 ' 079 61z}051,1 594 , 598 , 568 , 5871588 , Email: delhi@aucti$tgq:.net ''Cqpad person: Manoi Joshl, Moh l{o. 9081000226 E.mail idl manoj [email protected] A. On-ii ihose liOd,e-rs holding valid user lD & Password and confirmed payment of EMD titrough Demand Draft/Pay order shall.be eligible to participate in online e-auclion. 9. The ihteested biddens, who have submitted their EMD not below the reserve pdce by 25.11 2019 at 5.00 PM, shall be eligibls to participats in the +auction b be held ftom 03.00 PM to 94.00 PM on 27 il,m19. ln case bid b placed in the last 5 minutes of the closing time of the auction, the closing lime will aubmakally get extended for 5 minutes. 10.The biffbr shafl*irnpove offei in multiplo of Rs. 50,0$. (Rs. fifty Thousand only). 11.The SuccesstuU.,highest bidder shall have to prepare DD/Pay order for 25% of the sale proceeds tavourirp Recovery Offcelj,pRTJ, Delhi, A/c RC. No. 378118 within 24 houG afrer close of Fauction and afler adiusting tre e'amest money (EMD) and sendirvdepositing he same in the office of the Reovery Ofricer $ a E lsah wihin 3 days tom he close ot e€uclion failing which tre eamest money (EMD) shallbe ffiited. 12.The SuccessfuUHighest Bidder shall deposit, through Demand DraftPay order favouring Recovery Officer-|, DRT-|, Ddhi RC A/c 378118,. tre balance 75% of the sale proceeds before tE Remrrery Officer- l, DRI-I, tElhi on or before 1 5s day ftom tie date of sale of the property, exclusive of such day, or if he 15t day b€ Sunday or other holiday, hen on the first office day aftet tE 15!' day alongwih the poundage fee @ 2% upto Rs 1,000 and @ 1% on the excess of sudr goss amounl over Ps 1000/- in favour of Registrar, DRTI Delhi. (ln case of deposit of balance amount of 75% through post the same should rcach he RemvqU,Officer as dow). ts.fhe unsiibcesCfu bidder shatl take the EMD direcfly trom the office of Recovery Offcer-ll, DRT-|, Delhi immediately on dooilrB ottlts +auction sale proc€edings. 14.The Reqvery QficetrtiEFe aholdte right to accept or reiect any bid dr bids or to postpone or cancel he sale itllout asthnirEl4y reaqons.? 1s.CH, Bank is dirac,iediffisdrye tre Sale proclamation on CDs 0uough Dasti, Regd. AD posUS@ Post and by affxstion at the ciinsl[cuous p{t of te property and by beat of drum in its vicinity and a copy of the same bs plmd on tl€ noti:e board of tlrc Tribunal. 16.Sde p$damalbn/Order be also published in he Newspapers in English as well as in in vemacular language, having adoquately wide circulation in he area. 17.CH. Bank is directed h confirm $e publication of advertisement in the Newspaper and a photocopy of tre same b€ placdd in he file. Mater{d lis$[ fonrflirq. atrdavit of seMce of sale proclamalion and for turtEr proceedings on 04.1 1 .Altg:'* .r I &, (Sanffinehl) Recovery Officeri, DRT-|, Delhi. tieaa l oo(|i )rh .iJl1 1Na IB 'tr, i\ Jl., r !r 1i! 1:li li .1{ dlri REGD r'lD/ DASTUAFFIXATION/BEAT 0F ORUM OFFICE OF THE RECOVERY OFFICER DEBTS RECOVERY TRIBUNAL], DELHI, 4I FLOOR, JEAIAN rARA BUIIflNA, PARUAMENT STREET, NHIII DELHI - I1ON|. SALE PROCLAMATION R. C. No. 378118 lclcl Bank Vs Mrs Koutons Retail lndia Ltd. PROCLAiIIATSI,I OF SATRUIIDER RULE 38, 52{2) OF SECOND SCHEDULE TO THE INCOME TAX ACT, 196I REAB WflI'}ITIEhECOVCNV OT OEBTS DUE TO BANK AND FINANCIAL INSTITI'TIONS Agr,t993. DCM School Road, Neu, Rohtak CD 1: ir/s, foitona-fet4ll l]fdia l-td. JBorover], T60/1, Road, Karol Bagh, Nirw lxrlhhl10'005.' Also at 274-27;, Phase Vl, Udyog Vihar, Secto t 37 , Gulrgtam-u2z oo1, hlaryana. Through the Offlcial Liquidator attached to,Qrlhi High Court as Liquidator of outons Retail lndia Ltd. cD 2: sh, Devinder Pal $ngh Kohll Guarantor, s/o shri Harbans singh Kohli, A-23, Rosewood city, Sector49, GuruSram -122 002, Haryana Also at i-6r1, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-l10027. co 3: sh. Bhupinder singh Sawhney, Guarantor Sh. Basant singh Sawhney, A41, Rosewood City, Grand Mansion, Sedqqltg, Gurugram-122 m2, Haryana. Also ar J-3llg."iHiourlf,arddh, New Delhi-110027. CD 4r Sh. Gurm€eJ Singhisawhney, Guaranto.Sh. Basant Singh Sawhney, A-39; Rosewood City, Gnnd Mansion, Sector{g, Guru8ram-122 002, Halyana. Also at: J-3l56, tiajourl,6ardgn, New DElhi-110027. (ohli, cD 5: Smt. Amerleet KaIr Kohllr Srarattor, iulo Shri Devinder Pal Singh A-23, Rosewood City, Sector49, 6urugram -122 00?;.Haryana Also at: J-6/71, IiijouriGarden, New Delhl-UOO27. CD 5: Smt. Satinder Kaur, Guarantor, w,/o Sh. BhupinderSingh Sawhney, J-3/19, RajouriGarden, New Delhi-110027. i CD 7: Smt. ParviRder Kaur Sawhney, Guarantor w/o Sh. Gurmeet Singh Sawhney, A-39, Rosewood City, Grand Mansion, Sedof:4g, Guru8ram-122 002, Haryana. Also at J-3l5O RajouriGarden, New Delhi-110027. ,i , -rll tr$ -Recovbry$ertificate Wheread dated 01.09.2018 in O.A.. No 3714 by the Presiding hr.Iqibunal:Deliri, Officer, Debts IBecoJlFry fdr Rs. 85,15,07,636.33 ( Rs. Etghty Fiv; Croro Fifteen Laqr$eve.$Tlrfi.$9fl1d Six #undred Thlrty Six and Paisa Thlrty Three Onty) alongwith pendentelfle and,]fulure interesl @ 15.75 % p.a w.e.f. w.02.206 I realization and pay arso to cosibf Rs.1,so,ooo , 2 And wltqreas h6 undefsigned has ordered the sale of poperty mentioned in tire Sdedule below in satisfaction of he said certificate. 3 And wrSgaas tere+,vill be due there under a sum of Rs. S8,i8,07,636.33 ( Rs. Eighty Five crore FfteejmFcs&vph"Tlpus3nd Slx Hundred Thllty Six and patsa Thlrty Three Onty) alongwith per{lentelilq and future intere€t @ 15.75 Yo p.a w.e.f. 07.02.2014 till realization and atso to pay co6r'of Rl,l,?9,,T9 , 1 + tloticri,is' trerefiin*iit,in any poqbonernent property . * abseibe of oder of tihe said shafi be si.:d by e-auctio& and biddinga€hill tal(e CAce through 'ontine Etectonb Bidding. through G website http6Jdrt.auctiontlqq.neton ,.11.2019&etyreon 03,00 pm and 01.00 pm- witr eitensions of 5 minutes duration.after pm, if requied. Hl@ 5 The saB,will be bf the popefi of tre above named CDs as mentioned in fE schedule belo,v and he liabilities ard claims attaching to tre said propefi, so far as 0rey harre been ascertained, alB t\ose specified in the Si:fredule. .#n i:i Il lf the amount to be realized is 6 The property will be put up for he sale specified in the schedule' ptop.rty, shall be immediately stooped with tespect b he ,+irn o lv rn" ,rf" * . portion oit'. he sale he anears mentioned in the said LrrinO"r, fn..rt" .lo be stopped'( before any lot is knocked down' to tre offcer conducting the sale or p,oof certiflcate, interest cosb (including cost of tl'le sale) are tendered and cosb have been paid to tle is given fo his satistaction that trE arnount of such cerlificate, interest undersigned.
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