THE WEATHER TODAY ·~ Rain Thwarti TrY Of Rain-Makers .... ST. LOUIS (JP)- Parks Air college called oIl its rain-making Partly cloudy and warmer weather is predided experiment because--of all thin(s!-a heavy downpour. A plane, equipped to fly into a cumulus cloud bank over the for Iowa City today and tomorrow. High today downtown area with 100 pounds of dry ice, was delayed in its take-off Thursday and before it got off the iI'Ound a quarter around 80. Low tonight 60. _ \ of an inch of rain had fallen. EatabUahed 1868-VoL 79, No. 299-AP N.w. and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Saturday, September 13, 1~7-Five Cent. Say Italian Violent Hurricane Spiral Stops ~~U:~li~~P' Predict Big' Steel 0 utput Changes Course; Communists u. S. Delays Report Misses Puerto Rico As (om, Oats LONDON, (JP)-Both the world But Industry lAMI, Fla., \lP1-A violent Seek Power bank and the world monel ry fund tropical hurricane WIth wind. Lead Decline bo'\ 140 mll an hour n II' th In their second annu 1 reports CHICAGO (JP)- Price ot sev­ WASHINGTON, (JP) - Diplo- H dW cent r b gan to l' urve toward yesterday emphasized "self help" eral basic foods took e tumble in malic offiCials reported last night ea arns th north we t lat )e!>terday and in Europe's ettort~ to rebuild, Rnd I prlmary markets ye t rday, arrest­ that I1alian Communists believed assum~ a cours which the Inll an advanc which had carrled w alh r bur au said r moved all to be working under Moscow time in Paris the finall'eport of the 16- 01 I II t· quotations to new record hlahl table have launched their long­ nation Marshall plan comrnJttee n a Ion dang r to the islands of th Less r lor seven consecutiv days. awaited "Battle tor Italy" and was postponed a week because or AnlUl sand Pu rtc Rico. Butter, hogs, wheat, corn, oat. American criticisms. An advi~ry said the hurricane that the crisis is outrunning WASHINGTON (J?) - Two and lard were among the food American plans for helping the Sir Oliver Franks, British Chair­ was located about 180 mil 5 north Items which declined. man of the Marshall commltt e, I aders In th Indu try said yes­ Italian people. of Anueua, British We t Indies. Measuring the price drop In These authorities say that the said in Paris that William Clay- terday ther should be plenty of Wind n ar the center were re­ whol sale commoditi s, The AJ­ ,preading strike of a million agri­ ton, U. S. undersecretary of Slate ste 1 wlthln two y aI's and a third ported to xc d ) 40 mile p r soclated Press Bvero,e of 35 ltenu tor economic affairs, had levelled testill d that a big Incrl'sse in pro­ cultural and industrial workers, Lour with hurricane winds (75 tel! to 19435 from 194.99 Thurs­ six criticisms 01 the report, Indud- ductlve capacity would Increase mile an hour or strong 1') extend­ day. It WIIS the fir.t decline in the Socialist demand for a vote of ing one that it did not include In!lation. no confidence in the De GaspeI'I Ing ov I' an ar a 75 mil s In dia­ eight da". ,overnment and other recent de­ enough evidence of Europ an I Earlier .chnlrman Edward Mllr­ m t rand g I 5 xt ndang from self-reliance. The commltt ,pre- tin (R-Pa.). of n te sman The hlllh pric', meanwhile, velopments appear to be part of 100 to 150 miles from th c nt r. brought Iller actions: • Communist campaign to over­ paring Il "help-us-recover" r port I business' sub-commW e, old it Its 20-m Ie forward sp d will has whittled its prospctiv bi\! to I would be "downrlghl stupid" for In Santa Cruz, Calil. SenatQl' throw the government and cap­ tak the storm past San Ju n, Taft (R-Ohio) told n wsmen the ture Italy for the Soviet half of the United States down to about the industry to take a "public be Putrto Rico, long b for th bat­ $3]6,000,000,000 up to 1951. dammed" attitude toward th pre- high cost ot living may be a prIme Europe. Much fear is reported to tI ship MI ourl wJth Pr Id nt poUtical Issu In 1948. H said he exist In Italy over the possibility "Europe itself must make the s nt st I shorta(e when there is Truman aboard Is sch dul d to major contributions to the solu- "growing pr ssur for n tionall- IN'D alt.-nd h rln, b fore the unate t 1 l ub ommlUee. opposed a return to government of armed conflict. ( P WIRI!PHOTO) aU past that city. Th Missouri prlc controls, and suggested that Uon ot all these problems," ~ald ~ation of such big Industrh! 3S I, High state department and other many mJl away and th only people II t 1 . s food, particularly the report of the International steel, coal and the rallroads," even on the tloor ot the Unit d American officials are now ex­ attitude. Our attitud Is, and al­ b n "a continuous one of nllrl­ 11 ct It could 1. 1 would b the mat. H said Incr II ad domestic s ploring every possible means of bank for reconstruction and de- And to oWclals ot a dozen big Stat senate." ways will continue to be, julli th Inlt [aciliU to clln tor th nl­ lon, rollin, swells ldck d up by consumption was k plna prlcu throwing American assistance to velopment presented by John J. steel companies nttendlng a com- Benjam1n Fllirle ,pr Ident of r v rse.'· tional eConomy." th l'Iu.rrlcan. blah. McCloy, the American president. mittel' hearing on prosp c1s of the U.S. St I corporation, brlstl d the present non-communist forces H aid U.S. St I I . p ndlng F Irl 55 and Crae both flaur d Meanwhile, a navy hurricane )n N w York, Mayor Willfam ,overnlng Italy in the hope of getting enough stl' I to satlsfy back In a stilt ment of his own' $500,000,000 to boo I copaclty. Ih t I .cncIty HI b ov r Ihunmed wlo th IIt~rm to check re­ everyone, Martin added In a state- "It Is simply amazing to me O'Dwy I' nnounc d that "In view first lavIng that nation for the west. Eu, n Grace, chairman ot within two years - It • Icrap Its temperatur and s vel' turnu­ of lh t rrLflc m erg ncy" he bad B thl h m Steel company, handed While the Italian situation was Chinese Communist men!: Ithat Ilnyone should sUI!i st by In- horta, a s up, other mal rlilis I nce In preparation lor "project appOinted a commJtt e to tnveltl­ "Bear this in mind - such na- terence or oth rwlse that U.S. th commJlLt a stlltement saying continue to be avallabl and there Cirrus," a hurrican -busting plan coming to the tore as the most inte rWni prlc s 08 they per­ tionalization has been sugge ted Ste 1 has a 'public b damn d' his company's policy alway. has are no long strlk 5. ur,ent confronting the United Troops On Rampage which will use ralnmaldnl chemi­ tain d tc the school lunch pro­ States in Western Europe, it was ------ cals Including dry Ice. rram, Bre ot city ho pital pat! nta by no means the on I:)' one. NANKING, (JP}-Chlnese Com- Railroad Strike Ends; and reb t r clpl nl.$. French Ambassador Henri Bon­ munist forces, rampaging widely Back to Work Today A spokesman for the New York net called on Secretary Marshall Try to Lower Blocks Labor Act Compliance Foil Murder Attempt L fU of Worn n hop rs, sayin( behind the lines. were reported ye~terday and reviewed what he PITTSBURGH, (IP)-An agree­ th orr nilallun could no longer o:oncelved to be his nation's urgent yesterday to have trapped and CHICAGO Wl- John L. L wis \Ion was enoullh to symle com­ ment to end the week-old strike Y t rday block d AFL compliance pllanc . recomm ad us of substitute fooels, need for some kind of American badly battered a government di­ On Czech Ministers said,"w t 1 w mWit Ill1ht now aid this year. To reporters Bon­ Home of United State St l's "captlv " with th Tall-lJartley act, at API.. Pre Id nt WIlUam Green vision in Western Shangtung even Prices for a I' turn to price controls and told a n ws confer nce that th PRAGUE (A')-A ch.rie 01 ntt said that France may have to as Nationalist field dispatches WASHINGTON, (If? _ S nator union railroad, calling for II wage least for the tim being. thereby powder from one of three explo­ rationing." cut further its imports from the council "could not conform to the McCarthy R-Wls.) said y sterday incr.-ase of 15 c nt an hour, w clCl&ln( t cioara of Hallo 1 J)arOll, malted to C%echoslo­ Butte dr p e4' to 2 I cent. UnftM States, even In such essen­ wid of substantJal government D nham ruUni." rea~hed sl'lortly befo~ mldnl,ht Labor Relations board to 011 105 vak cabinet ministers was. ex­ a pound In the Chlca(o wholesale tial supplies as wheat, fa ls, and successes on the tront Itself.
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