

v- ^ %f tW vf' -mm-:- u t# ^y" j-" *9^ V*#* - ?> i; :-fl*.f.'i^|ii4^*.. ** Gilbei't i^a SttllfvaB's opera, JPafifpc^ W| at Nazareth Academy on W«dn^te^i«i;^>jy|f l?**, 16 and 17, by the Perosipfel^iE'Mil ^j|0|jiii!S i from ,A«uinas institute, J&isoni y%»i»«sfo$ftf Teobnlcstt School,. Rochester In« sUtuttoa ol Tefltwaaloffe Mai hwt ;*^SS!^%? hchool and "Gentlemeji « Note, t^gt &« p»rt«« Bttftl^t*- ^wilS pictuws shown m Ohio l»*tecMBed^iiiif»ifir r«r mains ber teat appearance «t p|&$6 Ju . , of irapfag$Jita>* The measure,rejoorted to *"•*»-&; '•'' •'' »™^^ N.tawretb in a leading role. Marie — the approval -,«*- <Sow, i&attkf Im Sltfotl, as "laiy Ella.* sang. .Yum- '< lAuschA defines °otwcenl%'* and yun» in Nazareth's 1954 produc­ in Nawfhfy Wwtetia, pl«yft the "tending to tncJf* to crftae/* tion of Tiie Mikado. Beryl Thomas pars of Lionel Calveriey.'l .*« »» "Lady Angela," (Jtital Barnes tJhdier the pro|pMf*d law,,'«*-j • •in:. •—J^WMH ,fWK PRODUCTION wltt |« hibitors woulC bf • subject *» m as "Ladj?' Saphlr" and Carol Cun­ pnei«ii^ iji thf MhooJ" iTOlar- !^WP^ * Aw-trial ningham to "Lady Jawe" are Per- j fines ranging f?onrf25 to *3W if , i^tt.,«ii-J»aSe Avetiuis unde? the they showed unlicensed f Urns mid: ] oslans tsfto a±* making their haton oi #$gs£ pond««t«>f, ©r. I rf«*t>ut as soloists in major roles. distributors would" tie a.ubJeoH# twwlve Awttn •Jfeuifet QHFt^tJ«?.«»-*t similar tines if they refused to GBNB COTTEB, agpearing as S0. •pjju -pp?ts- mJK^i ^'piir- iy§wer 3KIM erVftt' JBA t delete objectionabl* section! of 1 yv n^A^itsiF^JB^ tins "Dufee of Dunstable," san| chasfed sitMdojM^;'- r .<*i<;: v ^edy;*yg-| '* Hie .lead in >! recen# production pictures, • • .* ' • >.$.:; ^.«<r^ of S(v*e*he*rte. ph Guentne^ Under the bill^ It was estimated, license fees woatoT'**p aJsa of „tTie Swj«Uiearts «astt I less -rtw, Wa?»y-,m«,ia"-araMi ••ingil the wlejpf "Grosvenflr." $65,0i!0 per yes,r ' In TRevWuii v£?H Both are- memyfa of "Gentlemen which ii some f20OeOO0,leas. th|n Kansas Bill Seeks under the old censdrjhipr la\^ The bin provides that exhibfto^t Mii^M. Alt e|iclbotIn^'-^pf Movie Censorship can appeal to the Ohio Supreme Topeka, Kan, ^ RN§) — A bill is -^iji|ae#.^.b#ji^«ajj|( " Court If licenses fosP their film* to make television movies sub- are refused, *, B«domcW. tried to convince to censorship like that now J?*uit IJlgfe ScpoL ^5g> |sss|*«aWS»5s*Si this state has been introduced in the Kansas legislature. ofc .Oopbs/JIt' Moontjy, Catijj department- of tMta|tio n ,%m The State Board of Review, 1 J> Grace, jj^nhgfer which must approve any motion hekLby_Qhlo cnurlitoy he U0Q)$' *£&£ stitutionaU imd, von. Ohio l§m ST ,jf*je&; PrtJw""3Riy picture before It can be shown 1 3 in a theater, would be given *tn> been operating* #H»gt cenr **" liar authority over such broad- ship for several morlbj as m .Sirs' p on W(t!»Sihire the ipotlight. suit of the court ruljfcgir MAKC 're*ToOro,V casts hy TV stations. r :)V-a3vAc|uina»-«e* F-ARAMOUNT ercy's stage In thl ^F ,*M^|uu»»wwe* «iro««h<mt mm •••• SON hpw, Be»uHf«l •W* 4w» Mwraj (fhow» above), «ue*IV' the Jft. :-jflB>ffif YORK WKEK1ND •oath P»ci«o Current (Paurtly -SIGN magaxliMt) mitts* an*nimowly adopted * wNoiiffljfuripnr $ha£l ABKNA IE state legislature enact a r»tw motion picture censorship SabrimFaOr Current that could be upheld s- '*--"- *sr w " >^»'»F ^ -tHJUBAB^ JBO 9NT NOTJBSE "*&*** Supreme Court. ' saga of a dainty nine-year-old Msgr. Clarence Eiwell, Qeve- ife (XlM predisposed Sy heredity to mur- land. diocesan sup«rint*nder|t of ANNIVlWSAItr WALTZ- d«y Includfi one dlatasteful 'set qyencf. *nd creates exdthig Icatholte schools, declaring that Wlrnsy, hectic fan* chortmg over drama out of dubious psychology. ifefc disclosure of parents' pre-marital l^rl#*c(« r$ he was speaking ** a citizen | ex_than,*s^s:-rsJprsM**UUv:e] g(»^.'..»ITfcT,i :r^ERH^^®lA^fen(i«r .reunion tunsfwrtjkiHjff; m w* Twepties, Saturday. Feb, JS;«~ Robert ft of his Church, made a strong •cenea and much comic intrigue with its humor uncommonly Kalb, fiieis#>d Sacnunent; - plea for a new censorship law, v flavor thii niyajery of the Cfcar'a decent,; Sunday, Feb, 6—David K. Ma- "I do not believe that it makes loney, St Paul. of the Cross, autvlvlng diagfiter. THE FLOWEBINO PEACH ^ any difference whether the moral GAINE«UTINY COURT MAR- Honeoye Falls; A devout and likeable human Monday, F"eb. 7-^John. M. Roth, ruin of a child J» attempted by flAtV-d'MtH,I superbly ,ca»t court- Noah faithfully captains the* Ark St Joseph, stccompanled bj mem­ word of mouth, by the written tporo draina' Mmmendsbjo foj its despite sons wh6 connive, qiiarrel bers 6f the Holy Name Society of word or by any other means of critlqut tif modern etnlc* j-and determine to? exchange wives. St. Joseph; communication; m o v I es, tele­ ,S*| OAN^BAK^Some pleapant «t|, Tuesday, 3?eb. ft—William Bue- aotigs and performances, but mats THE RAINMAKER *~ Heart­ vision, comic books or what you S£3V warming romance of * cocky chel, Holy Cross; drcheatra will red by auggeatlvecostuniea, lines Wednewiay, Feb. 9-H.Fred toiQ, will; but most particularly the "test I weather wizard -and-s-skeptical mtMeeT'Wliich. seem'far more .to"! L {youngrapinsteTrfar tit* SBUthwest Que Lady o£ Pirpetual Help; i* -^wWv pn^i«5ii^»TiaVrr^.^-.IHwl".ip^'CWiBUB - ?*ot even drought lands, gome profanity Thursday, Feb. 10 -r- Albert potent than most other media of SSWB^SM^S?!*.^ the-taleBjled^Umah can salvag*; plus^lmpiied/scceTptance of di- Oechsle, St. Michael, accompan­ communication In their influence ^CTMSfemWa.' - th£* ored <awe .glamorizing ex- vorce. • ,* ied by members of the Laymen's "In the case of motion pic­ tra^narital motherhood, Retreat JUaayi*; tures, as also in certain other «68i-*f F^NNHT --*• Sra^en dfsregjrd TIIE PAJAMA GAME—Bright Friday, |*«b, It -^ -Linus M, areas, the comres and televlslditfl IV THE CASE fojrChrlStfan rriarltU stahdards Is andbreezyfsetOrylrluslcal unnec­ wegman, s^ Anne, accompanied for example, the parents cannot" ^^^^fe^i t\ie rule in this lavish but objec- essarily cheapened by touches, of oy Men of St Anne. possibly review every movie for •8 tionnWe mtisical about the free- shoddy humor. loving Freooh storekeepers. THE 8EVEST *EAT* ITCH — llPP^ KISMET — Colorful Arabian Treats serious marital infidelity Region of Decency Listings Nights.extravaganza with some as a comical misdemeanor. Sug­ costumes and dances rather sog- gestive dialogue. CLASS A* — Unobjectionable f or Oenaral Patronage «gi»ia* gesfive. Abbot and OKIECIIO HMC Bmiutl ind Gt«UI Roo»it'« Bump THE SAINT OP BLEEKER th» K«jiton» COM ,iiHi#h ud Dry Scotch On the Botta MWATIC AKn IOVEBS — African Adt«nfeur» ,rHl»b.6o«ety Sitting Bull W^^!^Wt^?y. T^Bff^WS T^R^'f^?^' Limp. steaJ?y>dallroonx farce «^th STREET — Spiritual exaltation AtUimO«S'irm llunun of lh« t)Mp Smoke Bianal contrasts with tragic bitterness Alhtna InT»djr« From lurs Snow Crenture unlovely characters and many a as a hpt.tejnpereibxothor vainly _B«nn l BrlntIn* e Jungl« Genu They Rode Wert bancld joke -- D!«ck Kaiiht, '3E1ii Khybtr Patrol Thle Ii Cinerama opposes a young visionary"a voca­ BUek ShltlWild of Killer Leopard Three Ring Clroni MBS; PATTEESOV — Wistful tion. reword, "On KnlEhU of MM Bound Tobor, The Great . Bob MMIIIM Sfcory, Th» Treajura of the RHW Hlll. study oj a restless young Negro Bpwtry Bon ICwt (h* Littlest Outlaw, Tba Trouble in the Glen < counjtry gfrl who daydreams of THE TENDER TRAP —Mildly Monitan Living It Up Trouble In Store frisky little farce of S cagey!) Brindoon Long Gray Line. Tha 20,000 Lenguat Under ' being a' society .helle like her Cjinnilnl-AUaelc Halia Slory. The the Sea mpfeerir^JemptoyeK" ~— - ibaclielor-in NewY^rTTenergeQcal- ittl« Qu«n or Mont«nm Maaterson of Kanau Two Gup* ana. a Badge ly cultivated by marriage-minded Crctt of- (ht Wav> Otwration Manhunt Uneonqnared PETER pAN-rrA- (sheer, soaring DitwUv*. Tin Outlaw'! Eon Vnnlehlrat Prairie, Tba ladles. Treatment relatively, taste Dwll'i Hirbor Quert For • Loit Clfc delight IS this magical Jtartin Dri»TM!t_ ful but atmosj" anitl version of Barries jaunty fri ibrajidt White ChrlitniM Dull In Uii Junsl* Return From the Sea r«r Cbuntt/, TS W>-omlng Renigadat ality.* Ricochet Romance Yellow MouhUln, The RHUUS — Only tie h* Romeo and Juliet trcpid Lunts would tangle with THE WAY OF THR WOBLB^ CLASS A-^MJBohjeoHoaaWe for Adults this tedious Cawsrd taiftrest on jRestoration-oomedy of manners Alda | Executive 8uite Princess of the Nile ^6TOrtrffn^fffiarifiIx-*ups of the satirizing upper-class Immorality Bad Day_at Dlack Bock | Flra Over Africa Private Hell at Bamboo Prlion FOOT Waye Out .Puihover. The older smart set. often with scurrilous wit. Beau Brammel , Cata-of HeH » 4 Bear Window • RECLINING FIGURE—Bllthly -BeacnjoonabiT^TJba I fiooa Ble Yountt, The Return to Treasure latent •RGiT^fiihV en- Betrayed Greon Fire Security Risk tfiBSBfr .-coB3njeaSwy--oiv -4he-eh W Black IS Heartbreak &dm- • ^Seven Bidjdei cajtery of art dealers, jpccaslonal- evening_of music and Black -Widow -; z~~— Heart of the Tgatler, The "BroThere _. ;ly_i^ies c*.jafoiaH8JL th-onee^^ce^toildfi "Bread, I^vi and Breams ttobaon's Choice Shanghai Story. The I of tj|f risque. Bridgea at Toko-Si, The Jupiter's Daughter Sign of the Pagan l*S#stttrf*>NrrlWif^^ some­ Bullet la Waltins King Richard and Silver Chalice - Captain Uihlfood what heavy, musical tribute to the the Crusaders Steel Cage, The ^jsmnma BREAKFAST — Country Girl Last Tlmo 1 Saw Parla Suddenly DAa)y of Triump' h law TI Bniy the Kid, The plucky lmntfgfarii'buitdftrs of the Three Hours to Kill first Holland tunnel • .

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