NowYOU C ANGET AT11-lf GRE EN WAVE ANDVICE VERSA! OFFICIAL SOUVENIR FOOTBALL PROGRAM 50 Cents Saturday,. November 4 , 1967 - 7:30 p. m. Do You Remember? ________P age 25 Training a Teac her's Teacher ___________Page 53 Cam-Pix Feature ______________Page 42 Tonight's Halftime Show ____________:_:,___ Page 54 Mascots & Monikers _______Page 37 Lookfng Ahead : BasketbalL __________Page 49 Tulane Player Photos ________Page 16 Vandy Feature, Player Photos __________Page 38 ·_ ... VANDE .RBILT -GAME . Tulane Stadium - - Tulane University - - New Orleans, la. .·, Football and Jax: hot sports action and a cold Mello"W"Bre"W"­ Yours at every gaJD.e! TULANE GRIDIRON NEWS Published by the Tulan e University Athl etic Departm ent, New Orleans , La. EditoT - Bill CuTl, Sporls Infomiation DiTectOT Photos by Armand Bertin , Tulane Univ ersity; Jim L nughead Photography, Dnllas, Tex.; Leon Trice Photography, New Orl eans; Pedro's Art Studio, New Orl eans. Covers by John Chase; Printing by Molena ar Printing Company, Vol. 37 Saturday, November 4, 196 7 No. 5 VIC EUMONT, TULANE GUARD GARY DAVIS, VANDY QUARTERBACK Contents Basketball Previ- _________ .49 Cam-Pix 42-44 Call\pus Map 35 Co-Captains :l Concession Prices 12 Cover Story l :l Do You Remember 5 Fttlhm1111 Roster, Schedul SS 1967 Green Wave Freshman Team Pictan,, ___ _ __ _ _.,., Future Schedules 48 Scores and Schedule LINEUP S 8-29 Oppone nt's Inf orma tion 4, :38 Opponent's Playe r Pictures :39-41 M iami (Ohio) 14 ____ Tulane 3 OPPONENT'S ROSTER 3 1 Tulane 36 -··-- ·- North Carolina 11 Penalties 5 1 Records 32 Miami (F la.) 34 ___ _ Tulane 14 Road Tri ps 10 F Sones an d Che 7 lorid a 35 ----------------·----· Tulane 0 Stadium Inf orma tion 8, 46 Air Force 13 -···---- ----····-···· Tulane 10 Statistics, bo th te 4 Supr Bowl 4 7 Tulane 23 --··-··- Georgia Tech 12 T icke t Ord er Bl 56 Nov. 4 - VA NDERBILT _ _ __ Here Tonight's Game 3 Tulane Player Plctul1's ...... _ 16-20 Nov. 11-Te nnessee ····-······--· Knoxville TULANE ROSTER 6 Nov. 18-V IRGINIA Tulane Staff Pictures 15 ···-················· Here Tulane University Da 9 Nov. 25- L. S. U. .. ·--··--··· Baton Rouge - Home Games Start at 7 :30 P. M . - - 1 - Tulane and the Community • • • TULANE UNIVERSITYis an integral part of the New Orleans co mmuni ty. The university's primary roles of education , research and service are largely focused o n this area, affording op­ portunities for thousands of students o f all ages to advance academica lly, contributing to the in crease of k nowledge, and providing a wide variety of community services , rang­ ing from the upgrading of elementary education to the delivery of health serv ices. The university's programs and it.s calendar of events cover almost every aspect of life and make possible fre­ quent interaction between the university family and its neighbors. This gathering tonight is but one manifestation of this, offering not only recreation for thousands of persons but also a chance for visitors to see the obvious signs of Tulane's progress and to exchang e views with students, faculty and staff a bout the university's mission and its impact on the community. Athletic events brin g visitors to th e camp us throughout the year. And there are many other occasions. Stage performances, co ncerts, lectures. And, also, throughout the year, conferences, seminars and m ajor conventions of scientific, professional and busi­ ness organizations which attract to the campus not only persons from this area but visitor s from many distant points. Tulane, in fact, bas become a core of many com­ munity interests-in art and the performing arts, in health and medicine, in science, law, engineering, arch itecture, business and educat ion, to name but a few. For whatever stimulus it does provide, Tul ane is re­ warded amply through the stimulati on it, in tum, receives from the parti cipation in its activities of so many from outside the university . For the public's partic ipation in all of th ese functions provide the leavening ingredient needed to enable T ulane to continue to imp rove in the accomplishment of its missions. Dr. Longenecker Dr. Clarence Scheps, Executive Vice President -2- WaveTackles Resurgent Vanderbilt Tonight; BothTeams Bear Misleading Records By BILL CURL, Director Sports Information Office, Tulane University three ties. Since 1952, the rivalry has been very close, with the Green Wave holding a 6-5-2 edge 7~- , , in that span. Look for big Warren Bankston (19) to be at , , , fullback for the Green Wave again tonight after an impressive debut at that position last week. Some other Tul!ine players who came up with strong performances against Georgia Tech and Vanderbilt and Tulane, two teams with mis­ may be worth keeping an eye on again tonight leading records, will clash under the Tulane are defensive end Jim Wallace (55), offensive end Stadium lights tonight in the 27th meeting be­ Turk Evans (84), defensive tackle Charles Brown­ tween the two old rivals. ing (74), and defensive halfbac k Lou Campome­ Vandy comes in with a 2-3 record while Tu­ nosi (22). lane holds a 2-4 mark, but both teams are coming Vanderbilt players to -watch include lineback­ off strong pedormances last week. Vanderbilt er Chip Healy (45) , an All-American candidate was edged by a strong Florida ou!fit, 27-2~, after who blossomed against Tulane last ·year in Nash­ the Commodores led 15-14 at halftime. Tulane vill~; tailback Jim Whiteside (35) and wingback rolled up all 23 points in the first half to belt Dave Strong (14), the Commodores' 1 ea ding Georgia Tech, 23-12. ground-gainers; quarterbacks Roger May (12) and First-year Coach Bill Pace has a young, aggres­ Gary Davis (17); strongside end Bob Goodridge sive squad at Vanderbilt, reminiscent of Coach (87), who has already caught 36 passes this sea­ Jim Pittman's first Tulane squad last fall. The son; and defensive tackle Sid Ransom (75). Commodores own victories of 21-7 over North Most of the principal figures in last year's Carolina and 14-12 over William and Mary, while Tulane win in Nashville are back for tonight's losses have been to Florida, Georgia Tech (17-10), clash. Donni e North , who counted the first touch­ and Alabama (35-21). Pace's pack was in the down for Vandy, is gone. But Healy, who scored thick of all five frays. on a 35-yard interc eption return , is most defi­ Comparat ive scores with common foes proves nitely back. For Tulane, quarterback Bobby Du­ nothing about tonight's contest. Both teams took hon (13) notched both touchdowns on runs of the measure of North Carolina. Vandy came one and nine yards, and specialist Uwe Pontius much closer to Florida , which whitewashed Tu­ (56) kicked the decisive extra point. lane 35-0, but the Commodores lost to Georgia Coach Jim Pittman's team will take to the Tech, the Wave's victim Saturday night. road next week to meet the high-riding Volun­ Pace and his staff wq_n~t have to remind the teers of Tennessee Saturday afternoon in Knox­ Commodores of last year's tussle in Nashville, in ville. The Green Wave will be back in Tulane which Vandy put forth one of its better efforts Stadium for the home finale two weeks from of the season only to lose, 13-12. tonight when Virginia comes in for a 7:30 p. m. Tulane holds a 14-9 edge in the series, with kickoff. - 3 - Scouting Report : Statistics Tell The Sto ry VANDERBILT TULANE Five-Game Totals Six-Game Totals Rushing Leaders Rushing L eaders Player Times N YG TDs A vg. Player Times NYG TDs A vg. Jim Whiteside ········· •···· ·····- 69 165 2 2. 4 Bobby Duhon ···-··· -- ··- ·· 72 228 2 3. 2 Dave Strong -······· ·-········-· 19 139 1 7.3 Chuck Loftin _ _ _ _ 65 219 2 3. 2 Rex Raines ············-········ ·- I 8 72 0 4.0 War ren Bankston ··- -- 42 142 0 3. 4 Tim Coughli n ·······- ·-······· · 36 129 0 3. 6 Vanderbilt ··- ··-···-·-·-··-- 231 480 4 2. 1 Wayne Francin gves ___ 20 77 0 3. 9 801 Opponen ts ....•....•........••... ... 259 4.5 Jim Trahan ·--···- - - - 14 74 2 5.3 Jimmy Ya rter ····- ····- ········ 16 73 0 4.6 Passing Leaders Paul Arnold -- ·- ·-- 16 73 0 4.6 32 1 6. 4 Player Att . Comp. Int. TD Yds. Pct. Jim Darnley --·---- 5 294 1058 6 3. 6 2 4 Tulane ···· ····· ·- -·---­ Roger May ····--· 60 33 388 55.0 Opponents . 340 1336 12 3.9 Gary Davis ---------- 57 34 3 3 499 59 .7 Vanderbil t ···-·-·-· 11 7 67 5 7 887 57.3 Passing Leaders Opponents ----------97 5 1 7 4 7 12 52.6 Player Att. Comp. Int. TD Yds. Pct. Leading P ass Receivers Bobby Duhon --· 64 29 7 4 313 45 .3 Player Caught TDs Yards Warren Bankston 16 8 2 0 87 50. 0 Bob Goodridge -------------------- 36 4 59 6 Tulane ·········· - ··· 85 37 9 4 400 44 .6 Jim Whites ide -----------------------13 0 112 Opponents ·-- 11 0 5 2 8 3 545 47.3 Bob Ivey ········· ············ ·····-· ····-··- · 8 0 86 Leading Pass Receivers Punting Leader s Player Caught TDs Yards Player No. Yards Avg. Nick Pizzolatto -· _ ___ 13 0 143 Jack Calhoun -------------------------30 1050 35.0 Jim Trahan _ _ ____ _ _ _ 6 0 56 Sid Jones ····· ········ -- - - - - 5 1 59 Scoring Leaders Turk Evans ___ _ _ _ _ 3 2 46 Chuck Loft in __ _ _____ _ 3 1 42 Playe r TD PAT FG Pts.
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