- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-t * FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA E698 V. 1 Public Disclosure Authorized February 2003 ETHIOPIAN ROADS AUTHORITY Public Disclosure Authorized ROAD SECTOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM SUPPORT PROJECTS - PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FINAL REPORT Public Disclosure Authorized submitted by AFRICON INTERNATIONAL (SOUTH AFRICA) Public Disclosure Authorized 5 AM (: >: .MI FEBRUARY 2001 L 17 13/02 '03 THU 19:40 FAX 514866 ERA GM OFFICE _ E00. ~~~~~~~~~~~QC Mr. Serigne Omar Fye Sr. Environmental Specialist AFTES ., Washington DCf' Fax:- 202 -473 - 8185 202 - 473 - 8326 , * _ C. 1 :; .V_ . FILE (Colalp. &,Fnam;e Cr*/rURIIF LS o . :: e-mail: [email protected] E - ) [email protected] Subject:* Ethiopla - RSDPSP 11 Road. - Response to Bank Recommended Action for Disc osure Dear Sirs; We refer to the e-mail transmitted to us regarding the subject matter on February 12/2003 by Dr. John Riversion, Lead Highway Engine er attaching the comments from the Bank's Safeguards Unit for Disclosure. We really appreciate for the useful and timely comme nts forwarded by the Africa Safeguards Unit which will help us in the finaliza' ion of the EA reports for disclosure as planned. It should be recalled that we have already publicised the findings of the EA report through different local ne /vspapers. We have kept each Administrative Councils influenced by the proje t roads fully informed. We will again disclose the revised version including i route map and a clear environmental impact management plan that incorpor ites your comments. As you are well aware these project roads have passed through different phases of studies such as detailed feasibility, design, environmnental impact assessment, design review. and recently the Resettlement Action 'lan (RAP) preparation. In all these stages, environmental issues are carefully e nd adequately treated. All important aspects have been incorporated into the de sign review and RAP. During construction, we will still be committed to IcDk closely and advise the construction team on what further protection is called for. Particularly if there 13/02 03 TU 19:41 FAX 514868 ERA GM OFUCE _ _ -u are sensitive habitats or species that may require the realignment of the road or other construction mitigation measures. We, therefore, hereby express our commitment to implementing the results of EA and submit all associated reports to your good cfFice for final review and clearance for disclosure. Please note that the locat on map, revised pages of the EA report and a brief text are attached to his letter. The detailed Resettlement Action Plan and the revised full eport incorporating your comments will be emailed shortly. Sincerely yours, eM~OA1qA? TOADS WTRO'R RSDPSP II Roads: Incorporation of Bank Recommended Actions for Disclosure of the Environmental Impact Assessment Final Report 1. BACKGROUND Under the Road Sector Development Program Support Project Phase II, Africon of South Africa was appointed by the Ethiopian Roads Authority to undertake Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies for seven roads proposed for upgrading and rehabilitation by the World Bank. The Consultant had identified several macro & micro impacts and the corresponding mitigation measures. The road projects include: (1) Nekempte-Assosa (347 km), (2) Nazareth- Dodola/Shashamane-Goba (397 km), (3) Woreta - Woldiya (300 km), (4) Adigrat-Adi Abun (108 km), (5) Dera-Mechara (240 km), (6) Gondar-Mereb River (424 km), and (7) Dembi-Gambella (237 km). After the detailed feasibility study only the first 127 km of the Nekempte-Assosa (Nekempte- Mekenajo section), the whole routes of Woreta-Woldiya, Nazareth-Goba and Dera-Mechara and a section of Gondar-Mereb River (Shire-Adwa-83 km) became feasible whilst the Dembi-Gambella road exhibited a lower rate of return. As a result the fourth road project is changed to Adigrat-Shire, taking the Shire-Adwa (83 km) section that was originally studied under the Gondar-Mereb River road project. Following the feasibility and EIA studies, the first five economically feasible road projects were selected for which the design review was undertaken by different consultants with close supervision of the Ethiopian Roads Authority and the Bank's project team. The aim of the design review assessment was to incorporate the findings of ETA and feasibility study consultants. The Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) study is currently underway by two local consultants namely Abay Engineering and PANAF Consult plc and the draft final report has recently been submitted to the Bank for review and comment. Resettlement and land acquisition is being addressed as part of this study, which includes the location of property likely to be affected, compensation/mitigation measures and the associated costs. Due to the reduced IDA allocation to a possible Grant Funding of US 120 million, it is further proposed to include only sections of the first five road projects under APL 1 program. 1 The Relationship between EA, Proposed RSDPSP II and APL 1 Projects are shown as follows (the difference in length between EIA and Feasibility consultants are observed). No Original EA Roads Feasible Roads/Sections APL 1 Roads Projects Length Projects Length Projects Length (in km) 1 Adigrat- Adi Abun/Adwa 192 Adigrat Adwa 108.87 Adigrat -Adwa 108 2 Woreta -Woldiya 300 Woreta - Woldiya 295 Woreta - Gob Gob 99 3 Nekempte -Assosa 347 Nekempte Mekenajo 127 Nekempte - Mekenajo 127 4 Nazareth - Dodola and 395 Nazareth - Dodola & 395 Nazareth - Assela 79 Shashamane - Goba Shashamane - Goba 5 Dera - Mechara 237 Dera - Mechara 237 Dera - Magna 119 6 Dembi - Gambella 237 I . 7 Gondar- Mereb River 424 Shire-Adwa 83.14 1 1 Existing S e and Pr posed Work No. Proposed RSDPSP II Length Location/R Existing Surface Proposed Work (APL 1 Projects) (Km) egion Type 1 Adigrat - Adwa 108 Tigray Gravel Asphalt 2 Woreta - Gob Gob 99 Amhara Gravel Asphalt 3 Nekempte - Mekenajo 126 Oromiya Gravel Asphalt 4 Nazareth - Assela 79 Oromiya Asphalt Asphalt 5 Dera - Magna 119 Oromiya Earth/Rural Gravel 2. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR RSDP II ROAD PROJECTS The preparation of the Environtnental Management Plan (EMP) is based on the identified environmental and social impact due to the project roads. The EMP is a flexible program that can reasonably be adapted as unanticipated situations emerge during design, construction or operation phase of the projects. During the implementation of the EMP, several parties will be involved to ensure its success each of them playing their part either solely or in conjunction with others as the case may be. The following table shows stakeholders that are responsible for each environmental or social impact. The impacts are classified as positive and negative macro impacts. 2 Positive Macro Environmental Impacts and Responsibility for Implementation of Mlitigation Measures No. Positive Macro Responsibilit for Implementation of Mitigation Measures Environmental Impacts Consultant Contractor Client Others No Action required 1 Increased accessibility and trafficability. X 2 Reduced traveling times & VOCs X 3 Increased safety aspects X 4 Creation of job opportunities X X 5 Access to health and educational facilities X 6 Reduction of dust X 7 Economic factors X Negative Macro Impacts and Responsibility for Execution of Mitigation Measures No. Negative Macro Impacts Responsibilit for Execution of Mitigation Measures Consultant Contractor Client Others No Action required 1 Resettlement of people X X X 2 Unsustainable job opportunities X X 3 Social Implications X X X 4 Health issues X X X 5 Compensation for loss of produce or land X X X 6 Soil Erosion X X 7 Change in water regime X X 8 Noise levels X 9 Water for Construction X X 10 Construction Camp sites X X 11 Quarry& Borrow pits X X 12 Exhaust Emnissions X ROAD SECTOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM SUPPORT PROJECT (PHASE Il - APL 1 PROJECTS) LOCATION MAP ERITERA SUDAN , 13EK Ke.T APL PROeROTA T JSIBOUTI g ,tLAHJOAMIRDAR ' 1% 0 TOI.NNS 0 / KII 7/~" AOEI D M (119 PTKM)EI Dt54L __ W ~ I>SOMALIA ,Ay'~~~IGRA-A ~ AD (181M) ~ j IEDWA TOWNSERT--ASSEAS(ELA / APLI PROJ ECTS 90Zr 'gfAW^SA /\/ADIG RAT-ADWA (I0 M . DERA-MAGNA(119 K) \\X/ > NEKEMPT-MEKENAJO (127 KM) WORETA-GOB GOB(99 /\/ INTERNATIONAL BOUNDAY 100 0 100 200 Kilometers ETHIOPIAN ROADS AUTHORITY ROAD SECTOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM SUPPORT PROJECTS PHASE 11 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT: FINAL REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 1.0 INTRODUCTION 6 2.0 BACKGROUND 7 3.0 DESCRIPTION OF INDIVIDUAL ROADS 7 3.1 NEKEMPTE - ASSOSA ROAD (SECTION A) 7 3.2 DEMBI - GAMBELA ROAD ( SECTION B ) 8 3.3 NAZARETH - DODOLA AND SHASHEMENE - GOBA ROAD ( SECTION C) 8 3.4 WORETA - WOLDIYA ROAD ( SECTION D ) 8 3.5 GONDAR - MEREB RIVER ROAD ( SECTION E) 9 3.6 ADIGRAT - ADI ABUN ROAD (SECTION F) 9 3.7 DERA - MECHARA ROAD ( SECTION G) 9 4.0 PROJECT METHODOLOGY 9 5.0 GENERIC ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ANALYSIS 11 5.1 MACRO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS IDENTIFIED 11 5.2 MICRO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS IDENTIFIED 20 6.0 IMPACT MITIGATION 22 7.0 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT MANAGEMENT 27 7.1 CATEGORY: LOSS OF PLANT SPECIES, LOSS OF PLANT COMMUNITIES, FIRE RISK 30 7.2 CATEGORY: LOSS OF HABITAT, ALTERED HABITAT, AND INTERRUPTION TO ANIMAL MOVEMENT 32 7.3 CATEGORY: SOILS - LOSS OF TOPSOIL / EXPOSED SOIL / SOIL POLLUTION 34 7.4 CATEGORY: HYDROLOGY - WATER POLLUTION / ALTERED DRAINAGE PATTERNS / SEDIMENT DEPOSITION / MATERIAL SPILLS 37 7.5 CATEGORY: ENGINEERING 39 7.6 CATEGORY: SAFETY AND SECURITY 41 ETHIOPIAN ROADS: EIA Page- 1 - MAIN REPORT 7.7
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