r.xrr: JT tr: B-r: ia XKJJ ............j „ ; T ' r ' Vvww.iriagicvalalleyxom ,,7 ^ - 0 0 0 ............ - ..... ..... s a i a o ie1O n nes r r \■ y Twin.FallsJdaliaho/95th-ycar,-No.- --------------:------ -M o h l y :Z riday,-January-3i 2 0BOO 0 -.....•... SOcencs G o o d mortR N I N G ^ W e a t h e r L B o) ( d y Today; CloudyCl 'M m LTQ )WN!s u mVIVAI . w ith charian c e o f snow, hig]ugh*30. 'S am e tonronight, low 21. H f o ilLind Page/U M a g ic V a llE u Y “■“■ H H n c:ar i Radioactive waste: CriticsC r are ' ||||i|B raisin g safety concern!xns o v er a radioactive trea'tthentnt plant. Page AS BUM I Biiir lc y ^3-.^ V icom mSI iffei5_stab ____ .wounds;Is; autopsy -is set fori) r ' t ^ a y ByMleliaelJournournee V Times-News wrltiwriter __________ NewYoik, NewYoricA: A local V,;-;;,.. BURLEY - Cassia County w om an is rep o rtin g ththe e ne*4s investigatorss saidsa a body found in the Big Apple. southeast off BurleyBt is likely a --------------------------^------------------------1 — ------woman~missinging-from'her'south:------- , ____edst Burleyy homeh< since last . H e a i/ ph /" ' A body matchatching the descrip- tion of Kacy/ KayKi Ray, 30, was & F a s h io n found a t aboutab< 4:30 p.m. IMMCUtOVTtolW Saturday in the Stoecklein style: S un n Valley \ Jeanetta Knowles,Kn Dl«|rlch's mayor forr theth< past 12 years, stands In fi the desert about 13 I front of one of tho new sowarrar systems being dug near thethe ^wn. The first sewer systen:em . miles southeastast ofi Burley, .Cassia Western photographere r D avid will •>« “*«dled (or the school district.' ■ Courity Sheriffiff BillyB C rystal said: S toecklein tu rn s his lenler ses on ■ The sheriffs officeoffi issued a news cowgirls. release Sundaylay of the discovery of the body. ; ' 'F A lthough theth« body has not “ Ruiral comnmunitdes fined ways ito adapL / C . ......officially beenin kidendfled os Ray, , S p o r i >> L ..'Crystal saidI ininvestigators are . ^ Gregoryry HI ah n reasonably sureore it is the missing Times-Newsffs writer____________ ‘ ■ | | | | | B wonfian. Thei physicalph descrip- I H H H dons of Ray and the do th in g she dealt with some klea3eaa •- ?;; (lugAr'groi««n;M fbod-w^ffrooe^lo^ hw; sfaer^ghln • : . was wearing .wKenJast.seett,verywKc _____ ------------- DIETRICUGH—rltb ecam e-d ear----- rurariawnoKmi^ • “ the townI wouldw have to. build a dosely match1 theth' victim, Crystal; &.dthe»«-, .;^v. <:>a,Waste.traatMiM6(i«etainleifs ~ TTvee peo(M;bn the’I«House, said, MMtfl sewer wheihen-tho health depart- : .^Iheipst rample of .Ihededlr J ment threereatened to shut down ie in tbwM «f)th '^ l a t l o h sib b lg ^ The victim hadha( suffered muld- I the school.ll. < ' r ; ; thani0,000'Bnd ta'0fK'of tw 11 nwrnbefs'list fermtr^igas' I pie stab woun3unds. Police are r7liet^hhled:«pt^ » change tho,^.stferte ^ .^ i^ V occupations. B sptic tank, recalled 48 iftaiM sijrprt^hgV, this penellel^ in v e stig a tinng g 1the death as a : !^^tfM wtpc«ifi)Jes/:s.iTTh^money Is eliocqtac>.be^«4- (lilled'ied'ab»(io requir9.the ruMIfli^'- - homldde. I Mayor Jeannetta /OTfWichate< lr\ placard) the.,l96C|s.tiia('(to^ I, was running into an l^iltllniB'ctiemteeis on iand'to beajapplied' Official identlentification of the .' r« ri^ kiahe's.cvtrantpopulxjl8^.flnd,ec«w*';«r6^^ ^bni psised the’fUR SenM urianlinhnoiis- ' victim and caucause of death can h . , '^E&iral'nimie««jve<.;ti^u g h i'^ ^ oMn<Mrict&be(Q vas also pretty'clcar the hurt by a'dierige triotMoDktki fdnnw «<boey tb IS. .:0:Farmlib«m{nlaHniw w ats - O l e ^ ^ ,^tnHou»Afl j-basicallyTxmcieless-to--------Q'ClmTi^'WainiiilMvi — P leasfease see pODYfragFA2=^== «ThtrT>BwexOT>>«g'-qrlM'?'^:7T Brfung: . -1________________ jroblenj. -------- L^slalure’s charigfhg srffiea, • • V .. r. i y ’ A"''- • coeO aon-O f^ lawmai<iriatet?; pians^D s ti^ h e n thel us t e 's T • ‘ was nothing the city The only sales^ax exemption}n pushed through In 1999 was t I,” Knowles said. “We - regulatrons suiTDundIngIrig la(^. ^Imal feeding operatlor ~ bar taxes from materials neeleededto make the"*clean room? went through severalI chichanges before ending up as sin needed a sewer butwe • that are an Importmt step' In technological processing, i S a Imga:ators~r^ Back doon A w ild finis! In’t afford it.” ' ' directive to the DivisionIon iof'Envlronnwntal Quality to wrl«1te O I Knowles, \ □ Proceuora In Rlgfit to Far’arm - Supported rural lawmalTiak- njlesforJusthMandpo1 poultjyfamis. The 2000 Le^siaiJature ___ .the.AEC_WesLthrusLthi as a town, though, .that___-: _-ersrbut Instigated by a city p I open ditch.ped together an exis- / problem, this bill made It cloar-»r------ will look atthose mlesr»:--------------- '-—rr—---------- S eahaw ks ii} an d th e Ch the Amalgamated Sugar Co.0. plant m Nampa and all other I ' ' But it wa;h e middle of the desert, sr □ NAFTA, Forest S*rvte«vice payments - the Legislature,r“^mayi -need- o u t SundiQ'. processors onjoy the same) Immunityli frorh nuisance law- residents heard otout though, still stands togeiogethet on some mral Issues. P I ■ —solve its pro • suits as the family (amier^^who runs small machlnety a t ___Memotlal3.demancllng.th__ ig.the.fcdcraUavcmmenLcnforce. ! Town Environmental night. It'could be read as ai ~ssi^al'the state will sldo'Slth sponsored by a New 1 agreements and stablllnilllze limber payments passed cas _ agriculture over encroachinglg urban llfe, or It could meanJhe tht ----- butcanv-lltUe.welghL__ -r to eleean ■ knew we ivete-inaiitutertheyne ------- -O p in io n - • that with the help the _ lish in just couldn’i — FIunkles?Jdahoneeds:a -would provide, they_____ X I The» challenges are numerou th e — - ...........Thisw as.illd the system tbem- , to stem th e long-nm ge t Ken Mulberry, owneiLT o, up munoff:— shortage, a gu est editori R uussett Valley Produce .InInc. in rs volunteered thieir Klmberly,-seesKIi himself asa an By N.S. Nokkentve ___ say s.________ ______ It, high-schoolers their - rtved ,P a g e .B l overmatched— ovi Davld'fadng'g vora-- — TliSis-Nevis writerIter ' - Pai P ro je c t spnd townspeople their ciously growing agribusisiness ----------------------- giants such as ConAgra, Aito<±cr , TWINFALLS- --------- :----------- Y ork-privjtwdy in this community .5 - Local irrigators • ■ thoughtth£ Daniels-Midland and Cargill^ may have to meeTieet stricter water __ N a t io n " jd on it,” Knowles said, He contends th at their acqcquisi- quality standards ‘Every one of them.” rds or possibly face Admiral dies: Ehno Zum tion of sm aller compani«lies IS losing their wate'ater if a proposed ,e tea ch er 1 still needs several fed- steadily transferring wealth th e fa th e r o f th e m o d en state grants to finish. out change in Twinin Falls] C anal Co. :onaI Formers of small towns. , bylaws is approproved later this Navy, has died. V when the community “We’ve been just trying to hnd month. —equipment.le inidadve, the money PaiPage AlO muscle and a niche,market,". Mulbeny.y.said. -------Canal coni- “Because you can’t compete time. pany board^ ■•ihoTwfn.?;.'''? anging country, where . the way this Industry’s going.’8-- members have ------------------------5^Everybo(IS, technology and mor- !| • I Falls Canal'. has worked Environmental rules’ proposed proudly. “E\iro's pin rural communi— chan^ng nadonal prioritiess have1 changing com-^ I Co.’s annu-V’ um w alt, Dietrich, stDietrich found a way slotved the resource industrii al shareholdera. begin adapting.' 0‘ pany bylaws to^ mooting wllf be " em ' eral and sti dmber and mining and sti“‘fled require all' the only success story. CIG *' 9 a.m. Jan. 11. Butso.fatvv I the towns that have livec 0“ shareholders S ec t io n BY SECT Department of KenK< Mulberry's Kimberly com{mpany Is sumiunded by corpon tgiahem. C l^ and county col s In the Rno Arts Page/m U-edmei Da :ofters to ensure any^ Auditorium at e Director Gary Mahn have declined as property valuesv; ^vater they dis- SecilonA Sectloi ;veral. to donate the 85 or so acresac i t . thot business w He ’• tho College of In a chan] drop. ' chnrgc mcct.s W e a th e r . .2 Sports : . Mpulation 973, thrives ovowned there and turned it into a ing. They mak tioDromadc telecommunica Southern Idaho. reguladons, business pork. Then the: s t e cation water qualityy .- N a llo n . .34,12 Health ritage S ^ e Co., whose hi ey per- shape foam pac advances have bypassed n . ...ketpressuro;:w up in Soda Springs susuaded Boise’s Cleanrwater “They hov ofs •"“"y standard.s. The des down, £ small commtmities, leaving t __ (Scfiasbton id to bring his business------ResearchR< Co. to movc-itsJ!J)0-per-— employees thcr 5 bylaw provideses forf warnings if atleasttobe widiourthe electronic infras - the standards areare’hot i rinet.' .............. * Obituaries . .6 M ov ies . i. ' ' ■ so:son compony to town. a wheat field,” 1 • It isn’t th< ture needed to attract boot-oming If the sharehol^holder continues W o r l d ........... 8 D earA bb y , even smaller, hod its . And Potlatch, smallerjr still. All of these '" ‘“Bttechnology businesses. - CTION Id a h o ’s benefited from, an idea ha the not to meet thes standards,st: howev- nst.the.wall.when.the .
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