6908 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MAY 27 Alaska--the first nomination under the head of ''Postmas­ NEW YORK ters"-be recommitted to the Committee on Post Offices and George A. Wagner, Garden City. Post Roads. Harry D. Rasey, Randolph. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so Edward V. McGrath, Seaford. ordered. NEW HAMPSHIRE POSTMASTERS Walter D. Cleary, Bennington. Mr. McKELLAR. I ask unanimous consent that all the Fred R. Hutchinson, Canaan. other nominations of postmasters may be confirmed en bloc. Mina S. Roberge, Cascade. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so Homer J. Forcier, East Jaffrey. ordered. Mary I. Conley, East Kingston. ADJOURNMENT Ernest E. Lefavour, Farmington. Mr. BARKLEY. Mr. President, as in legislative session, I George F. Garneau, Franklin. move that the Senate adjourn. J. Edward Damour, Henniker. The motion was agreed to; and <at 5 o'clock and 40 min­ Wilfred J. M. Tremblay, Lebanon. utes p. m.) the Senate adjourned until tomorrow, Tuesday, Vernon H. Hall, Pittsburg. May 28, 1940, at 12 o'clock meridian. Ralph Edward Brackett, Sanbornville. Fred M. Boynton, Tilton. NOMINATION Thomas W. Kiniry, Walpole. Frank Hutchins, Wolfeboro. Executive nomination received. by the Senate May 27 (legis­ lative day of April 24), 1940 OKLAHOMA DIPLOMATIC AND FOREIGN SERVICE Gilbert K. Stallings, Altus. Anson J. Woods, Arnett. Jay Pierrepont Moffat, of New Hampshire, a Foreign Serv­ John J. Skinner, Cleveland. ice officer of class 1, now assigned as Chief of the Division of Elizabeth R. Cunningham., CUster. European Affairs in the Department of State, to be Envoy George J. Martin, Guthrie. Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United Julius L. Foster, Taloga. States of America to Canada. PENNSYLVANIA CONFIRMATIONS Jennie Moran, Braddock. Leonard C. Fitzgerald, Coatesville. Executive· nominations confirmed by the Senate May 27 Harry P. Shreiner, Columbia. (legislative day of April 24), 1940 Charles H. Cullen, Derry. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Harry R. Schneitman, Elizabethtown. Royd R. Sayers to be Director of the Bureau of Mines. William F. Dewey, Frackville. POSTMASTERS Isaac W. Edgar, Glenshaw. Frances M. Dougherty, Haverford. ALASKA Margaret G. Cummings, Irwin. Lydia 0. Tilson, Sitka. James P. Dennehy, Lock Haven. ARIZONA Lisle H. Deviney, Pitcairn. John R. Livingston, Chloride. Marion S. Schoch, Selinsgrove. George G. Babbitt, Jr., Flagstaff. Charles W. Remaley, Jr., Springdale. George L. Noel, Holbrook. Jenny Paterson, Yukon. Vernon Hubbs, Kingman. SOUTH CAROLINA Francis K. Pomeroy, Mesa. Dixon D. Davis, Greenville. Floyd H. Miller, Tempe. Malcolm J. Stanley, Hampton. Lee B. McAleb, Willcox. James D. Mackintosh, McClellanville. FLORIDA BaYfield W. ·smoak, Moultrieville. Wendell V. Gilbert, Dade City. Eugene C. Jones, North. Charles W. Stewart, Naples~ Amelia B. Blackmon, Orangeburg. Alice B. Landrum, Ponte Vedra Beach. Earle W. Chadwick, Parris Island. Bess W. Rowel, Trenton. Robert J. Aycock, Pinewood. Wiley W. McTeer, Jr., Ridgeland. NEBRASKA UTAH Patrick F. Leonard, Anselmo. Lloyd H. Bulger, Arcadia. Nello Christoffersen, Brigham. Harry H. Burden, Axtell. John E. Hunt, Bayard. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES William C. Rhea, Chester. Maude S. Yancey, Cody. MONDAY, MAY 27, 1940 Gretchen Wohlfarth, Diller. The House met a 12 o'clock noon and was called to order by Helen M. Gilmore, Hay Springs. the Speaker. Frederick J. Eichenberger, Kimball. Rev. Patrick N. McDermott, national chaplain, the Amer­ Blanche Goodreau, Liberty. ican Legion, Atlantic, Iowa, offered the following prayer: George E. Minshall, Lodgepole. Delbert 0. Campbell, Lyman. Our Father, who art in heaven, sanctify our souls that we Alfred L. Hill, Ord. may worthily recollect ourselves in Thy divine presence. In Lafe Simonson, Palmer. Thee we live, move, and have our being. Everywhere Thou Lester v. Kozel, Ravenna. art present. Martin Slattery, Shelton. In these critical days, fortify our faith, strengthen our Chester D. Brummett, Silver Creek. hope, and intensify our love for Thee and our fellow men. Frank E. Sullivan, Springfield. Gratefully we thank Thee for the innumerable blessings Albert E. Pratt, Tobias. showered upon our beloved Nation, founded as it is upon the Fred Shimerda, Wilber. fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. 1940 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 6909 Conscious of our glorious past, we thank Thee for the in­ Publishing Co.; publisher of the Indianapolis News, one of the spiration that, in season and out of season, has guided our greatest newspapers of our country, died in Mercy Hospital, Congress in interpreting Thy divine mind and recognizing San Diego, Calif., last Wednesday night, after a lingering Thy divine will. May Thy will be done on earth as it is in illness, and ·his body was brought back for burial today heaven. - amid the scenes of his childhood and his later activities as Finally, 0 heavenly Father, we do thank Thee for the a lawyer and businessman. He was born in Indianapolis priceless gift of peace that we as a Nation enjoy, Preserve 59 years ago of prerevolutionary stock and was educated at it to the end of time, and enable us to conserve it by our Phillips Exeter Academy and Princeton University, graduat­ fidelity to Thee and our loyalty to our country. ing from the latter institution in class of 1903. He inherited We are not unmindful of the warning, "The nation that unusual legal and business ability from his father, the late forgets God shall perish." Charles Warren Fairbanks, vice president of the United In Thy own inscrutable way, send Thy peace into the world States. The deceased was a man of boundless energy and that untimely death and wanton destruction may end. In kind nature, who liked everybody and was liked by every­ this hour, knowing that Thou will not despise a humble body. As a publisher he was fair and just in his decisions and contrite heart, from the depth of our souls we cry out--­ and his solicitude for the· welfare of his employees will en­ "God save America, God bless America." Amen. dear him forever to their memory. He was courageous to The Journal of the proceedings of Friday, May 24, was the last degree in attacking political exploitation and cor­ read and approved. ruption wherever it is found, for his conception of the duty of a publisher was that he owes an obligation to the people MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE to do everything he can to keep the springs of public service A message from the Senate, by Mr. Frazier, its legislative pure. He had unlimited confidence in democracy and in clerk, announced that the Senate had passed without amend­ the righteousness of the people's decisions when based on ment bills of the House of the following titles: full information. In his death journalism has lost a shining H. R. 7543. An act to authorize the Secretary of the NavY exemplar and a sound counselor and our city and State have to accept real estate granted to the United States by the city lost a good and useful citizen. of Miami, Fla., and for other purposes; and DEFENSE OF MEXICAN BORDER H. R. 9140. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Navy Mr. SNYDER. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to to acquire land at Key West, Fla. address the House for 1 minute. The message also announced that the Senate had passed, The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the with amendments in which the concurrence of the House is gentleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. SNYDER]? requested, a bill of the House of the following title: There was no objection. H. R. 7615. An act authorizing the Bradenton Co., its suc­ Mr. MAY. Will the gentleman yield? cessors and assigns, to construct; maintain, and operate a toll bridge across Sarasota Pass, county of Manatee, State of Mr. SNYDER. I yield to the gentleman from Kentucky. Mr. MAY. I would like to know if the gentleman can tell Florida. us when we are going to have the Army appropriation bill The message also announced that the Senate insists upon passed by the Senate considered? its amendments to the bill (H. R. ~243) entitled "An act to provide for the promotion of promotion-list officers of the Mr. SNYDER. We have not had any hearings on that yet. Army after specified years of service in grade, and for other Mr. MAY. There have been considerable hearings on this purposes," disagreed to by the House; agrees to the confer­ side heretofore and a large amount of hearings in the Senate. ence asked by the House on the disagreeing votes of the two Mr. SNYDER. It is on the Speaker's desk. I asked for Houses thereon; and appoints Mr. SHEPPARD, Mr. REYNOLDS, hearings the other day, but the majority of my committee were not ready. We are supposed to start them Wednesday Mr. THOMAS of Utah, Mr. MINTON, Mr. JOHNSON of Colorado, morning. Mr. AusTIN, and Mr. BRIDGES to be the conferees on the part of the Senate. Mr. Speaker, it is 1,800 miles along the Mexican border. The message also announced that the Senate agrees to the I inquired of the Bureau of Immigration this morning and report of the committee of conference on the disagreeing I find there are about 374 civil-service people down there votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to guarding the Mexican border. I think the United States the bill <H. R. 7737) entitled "An act to amend the Judicial Army should guard the Mexican border instead of a handful Code by adding a new section thereto, designated as section of civil-service people. 266a, to provide for intervention by States in certain cases I am introducing a bill calling for the erection of certain . involving the validity of the exercise of any power by the patrol to ers along the Mexican border.
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