Romanian Journal of MINERAL DEPOSITS continuation of DARI DE SEAMA ALE SEDINTELOR INSTITUTULUI DE GEOLOGIE SI GEOFIZICA COMPTES RENDUS DES SÉANCES DE L’INSTITUT DE GÉOLOGIE ET GÉOPHYSIQUE (2. Zacaminte) Founded 1910 by the Geological Institute of Romania ISSN 1220-5648 VOL. 87 No. 2 CONTENT Valerian CIOBOTARU, Aurelia POPUIAC 1 Crystalline formations in central region of the Dniester River Basin ……………………….....…..…............. Essaïd BILAL, Elena Luisa IATAN, Moussa BOUNAHKLA, Fernando Machado MELLO, Marc DOUMAS, Issam GUENOLE-BILAL, Mounia TAHRI, Frédéric GALLICE, Didier GRAILLOT, Herve PIEGAY The metallic contamination impact on freshwater mussels Anodontes at the Saint-Victor-sur-Loire lake, France ……….……………...…………………………………………................ 5 Mihai MARINESCU, Gunter TIESS, Mihai MAFTEIU Surface mining of the Romanian mineral and power resources, in all times ……….……………...…............ 9 Daniela CRISTEA-STAN, Bogdan CONSTANTINESCU, Imre KOVÁCS, Zoltan SZŐKEFALVI-NAGY Geological sources for archaeological obsidian found in Romania …………………………………............... 15 Antonela NEACŞU, Gheorghe C. POPESCU Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and X-ray diffractometry (XRD) as methods for discriminating amber and amber-like materials from the Romanian market …………………..…............ 19 Mircea-Ionuţ PETRESCU, Horia ISPAS, Marin MUŞU-COMAN Industrial diamond application in cutting ornamental rocks ………………………………………................. 23 Gabriela-Silviana MARICA, Octavian COLȚOI Aggregates planning – towards a new vision of mineral resources ………………………………….............. 27 Valentina CETEAN, Mihai MARINESCU Updated inventory of mineral non-metalliferous and non-combustible raw materials exploitations or perimeters in Bihor county ...................................................................................................... 31 Mustafa YILDIZ, Ahmet YILDIZ, Asuman KAHYA, Sevgi GÜRCAN Geology of Kizilkaya (Sevinçli / Aksaray) ignımbrıte and investıgatıon of the usage as buldıng stone (Turkey) ...................................................................................................................................... 35 - continued on the back cover - Geological Institute of Romania Society of Economic Geology of Romania Bucureşti – 2014 DIRECTORS Dr. Marcel Mărunțiu, General Director of the Geological Institute of Romania Prof. Dr. Gheorghe Damian, President of the Society of Economic Geology of Romania Editor in Chief: Sorin Silviu Udubaşa (University of Bucharest). Editorial Secretary: Monica Macovei (University of Bucharest) Editorial board Gheorghe Udubaşa, Romanian Academy; University M.S. Pandian, Pondicherry University, India of Bucharest Vasilios Melfos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Gheorghe Popescu, University of Bucharest, Greece Essaid Bilal, Ecole des Mines, Saint Etienne, France Gheorghe Ilinca, University of Bucharest Georgios Christofides, Aristotle University of Mihai Marinescu, University of Bucharest Thessaloniki, Greece Marcel Mărunţiu, Geological Institute of Romania, Peter Andráš, Geological Institute of the Slovak Bucharest Academy of Science Ioan Pintea, Geological Institute of Romania Radu Jude, University of Bucharest Mircea Ţicleanu, Geological Institute of Romania, Gheorghe Damian, Technical Univ. Cluj-Napoca – Bucharest North Center Baia Mare, Nicolae Buzgar, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Floarea Damian, Technical Univ. Cluj-Napoca – Iaşi North Center Baia Mare Marian Munteanu, Geological Institute of Romania Grigore Buia, University of Petrosani Ioan Seghedi, Institute of Geodynamics of the Marian Lupulescu, New York State Museum, USA Romanian Academy, Bucharest János Földessy, Miskolc University, Hungary Dan Stumbea, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iaşi Ovidiu Gabriel Iancu, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Sorin Silviu Udubașa, University of Bucharest University, Iaşi Antonela Neacsu, University of Bucharest Anne-Sylvie Andre-Mayer, Université de Lorraine, Călin Tămaş, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca Nancy, France George Tudor, Geological Institute of Romania, Ferenc Molnar, Geological Survey of Finland Bucharest Rom . J. Mineral Deposits is also the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geology of Romania The authors are responsible for the ideas presented in the papers. ISSN 1220-5648 Geological Institute of Romania Society of Economic Geology of Romania Romanian Journal of MINERAL DEPOSITS ISSN 1220-5648 VOL. 87 / 2014 No. 2 Volume dedicated to Univ. Prof. Dr. Gheorghe C. Popescu (Honorary President of SGER) on the occasion of his 75th Anniversary CONTENT Valerian CIOBOTARU, Aurelia POPUIAC Crystalline formations in central region of the Dniester River Basin ……………………….....…..... 1 Essaïd BILAL, Elena Luisa IATAN, Moussa BOUNAHKLA, Fernando Machado MELLO, Marc DOUMAS, Issam GUENOLE-BILAL, Mounia TAHRI, Frédéric GALLICE, Didier GRAILLOT, Herve PIEGAY The metallic contamination impact on freshwater mussels Anodontes at the Saint-Victor-sur-Loire lake, France ……….……………...………………………………………….. 5 Mihai MARINESCU, Gunter TIESS, Mihai MAFTEIU Surface mining of the Romanian mineral and power resources, in all times ……….……………..... 9 Daniela CRISTEA-STAN, Bogdan CONSTANTINESCU, Imre KOVÁCS, Zoltan SZŐKEFALVI-NAGY Geological sources for archaeological obsidian found in Romania …………………………………. 15 Antonela NEACŞU, Gheorghe C. POPESCU Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and X-ray diffractometry (XRD) as methods for discriminating amber and amber-like materials from the Romanian market …………………..... 19 Mircea-Ionuţ PETRESCU, Horia ISPAS, Marin MUŞU-COMAN Industrial diamond application in cutting ornamental rocks ……………………………………….... 23 Gabriela-Silviana MARICA, Octavian COLȚOI Aggregates planning – towards a new vision of mineral resources …………………………………. 27 Valentina CETEAN, Mihai MARINESCU Updated inventory of mineral non-metalliferous and non-combustible raw materials exploitations or perimeters in Bihor county ....................................................................................... 31 Mustafa YILDIZ, Ahmet YILDIZ, Asuman KAHYA, Sevgi GÜRCAN Geology of Kizilkaya (Sevinçli / Aksaray) ignımbrıte and investıgatıon of the usage as buldıng stone (Turkey) ....................................................................................................................... 35 i Adolf Heinrich HORN, Hernando BAGGIO, Rafaelle SCHIMITH Selected element distribution in bottom sediment samples from Três Marias Lake and its significance, Minas Gerais, Brazil ........................................................................................... 39 Adolf Heinrich HORN, Igo Fernando LEPSCH, Regynaldo Arruda SAMPAIO, Márcio Neves RODRIGUES, Anarelly Costa ALVARENGA, Ely Sandra Alves de OLIVEIRA Heavy metals and aluminum content inside silicophytoliths from Ricinus communis, Andropogon arundinaceus and Brachiaria decumbens grown on soils added with sewage sludge and heavy metal salts (Brazil) …………………………………………………….…. 43 Hernando BAGGIO, Heinrich HORN, Thiago MARTINS, Matheus SIMÕES Rainfalls and natural disasters: the 2011 - 2012 events in Minas Gerais State - Brazil ……………... 47 Najla LASSOUED, Mohamed Naceur KHELIL, Saloua REJEB, Essaid BILAL, Mohamed CHAOUACHI, Mohamed Néjib REJEB Incidence of sewage sludge fertilizer application on Ray Grass (Morocco) …………………..…...... 51 Fernando Machado de MELLO, Rômulo MACHADO, Essaid BILAL Predisposing factors for shallow landslides susceptibility in southeastern Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ….. 55 Márcia Andréia da SILVA NUNES, Adolf Heinrich HORN, William Fortes RODRIGUÊS, Essaid BILAL Environmental conditions on the eastern part of the Caparaó Range National Parc and its sourroundings, Espírito Santo State, Brazil ………………………………………………………….. 61 Ahmed TOUIL, Mohamed HIBTI, Essaid BILAL, Abdessamad EL KHALILE Chemistry of minerals from the Azegour skarn deposits, western High Atlas, Morocco ………….... 67 Alexandre Sylvio Vieira DA COSTA, Adolf Heinrich HORN The use of dimension stone cut residual in agriculture soil correction. An example from Espirito Santo State, Brazil …………………………………………………………………….…….. 71 Alexandre Sylvio Vieira DA COSTA, Adolf Heinrich HORN, Amando de Pinho AGUIAR Changes in the P-concentration in brazilian soils after aplication of waste material from dimension stone production, Brazil …………………………………………………………..... 75 Alexandre Sylvio Vieira DA COSTA, Adolf Heinrich HORN, Amando de Pinho AGUIAR Uso reaction products of battery acid from cars and cellulose waste from industry as a new fertilizer for corn cultivation (Zea mays l.) on poor soils, on an example from Governador Valadares in Minas Gerais, Brazil ................................................................................... 79 Ines GALFATI, Essaid BILAL, Hassan ABDALLAH, Aicha BEJI SASSI Geochemistry of solid effluents and phosphate ore washed from Métlaoui-Gafsa Basin, Tunisia ..... 83 Denisa JIANU, Răzvan ORZA, Cezar IACOB, Lucian PETRESCU, Virgil IORDACHE, Aurora NEAGOE, Julieta RUSU The potential hazard induced by heavy metal contamination related to tailings ponds. Case study: Pîrâul Cailor tailing pond (Suceava County, Romania) …………...................................................... 87 Iulia NEGREA, Daniela DIMOFTE, Gheorghe C. POPESCU Preliminary data regarding sands heavy minerals from the Levee Letea (Danube Delta) ….............. 91 Cătălina CIORTESCU, Gabriel O. IANCU, Ion SANDU, Viorica VASILACHE Geochemistry of titanium heavy minerals in stream sediments from the Bistrița Aurie River (Romania) ……………………………………………………………………………………...…….. 97 Marian Marius
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