Vy:53r ■ /■ 'V. ' .«*■ / F of^'by :D;''8oW i«pr|»w^ NET PMSW'RCiN ' - , ' . - - ■;- •■* - - • - Bartfo^'^-'-yf'-. i. AVERAGE'■D^nhf crocm i4fl<^'. for the Month of ^Augnit, 19M ^ F ^ .a a d iUig^Hy w a n ^ , ^ rinninidbiy ihcreaidBg clooSttes^.l .. 5400 warmer. .. .. -.■...'. Memfcowi «*t tke A«OI^ of , ClxealettOBa PBICE THREE SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN.; WEDNESDAYr SEPTEMBER 24; 1930. FOURTEEN . > y o L XLiy,, NO. 303. (Clasrilied'Advertising on Page 12) ’ t -V W hen G em aiiy W ent toToUs lAWYHt; FIRES CANNOT AGREE ON Miimi ’ Stent. 24.— (AP)—Chief4>those found in Weinberg's home had axaAcaaaaai ' . , . _ _•»___ ^ «____ o m n n O " of Detectives Scarboro said today been distributed recently among ^ NEW PEACE TREA that" David ;W.einberg, who was tar- many of Miami’s neg^o population, r re<i aiid feaitoered hy^ unidenUfled ■ "We have been searching for the! Trims SpmerviDe by 5 ^ ; men last night, had been removed i man who passed _ out to negroes I SNOWBAliL When Her Suit is IKsnussed from a hospital to Dade county ja il; these booklets urging toein to yoin, B ir w i m ■ oN TMIb WAISBEST DAY StffI at Odds Q?er P r o je c t^ “for his own good.” i Communist organizations , Scar- Von Hm Wins 6-5; Good­ Scarboro declined to amplify his boro added. "It would apP®»r Uiat, E}vaxisvUle,*^Did.V SeptI 24.— 60 Year Old W ^n statement but said he did not fear ; Weinberg has been at ^ejbead of | (AP.)—Fred Blankford, 32, hit An Amendment to LeagnaJ violence. connected with a local group of j man and Dr. Willii^ De­ . ' . Draws Gnu in Corntroom; Chief of Detectives Scarboro de- i Communists seeking to stir up race ■ poUcexxiaii with a showball on scribed Weinberg as “ a dangerous j strife among the negroes here. ; one of September’s warmest Covenant to Harm onize^ radical” af ter poUce visited the | Weinberg was Held in Uie Miami | feated in Golf Tourney. da^. A snowball is a rarity here Quickly Di^rmed. tailor's home and found a large j municipal jail on a tentative^ charge j even in novelty quantity of literature relating to of suspicion after the t a r ^ d feath- ; of it ®dji’t save Blankford from With KeDogg-Briand Pacl^^' being fined $50 yesterday for Communism and radical eauaUty. ' ers were removed from his body at i Merlon Cricke;t Club, Ardmore, Scarboro said tracts similar to the hospital. disoMerly conduct He said he j ' Enid, Okla., Sept. 24.— (AP)— Pa., Sept. 2 ^ (AP)—Bobby JottM 'made^the'mi^e from refrigera- Japan Says Force ll{ast Mrs. Dolly Douthitt, eccentric sixty continued his sensationsd advance tor pipe shavings. jr year .old widow, shot and seriously toward the national amateur /Used to Compel Nations to \vounded H. C . Wedgwood, attorney championship today oy overwhelm­ Ihnd a United States comjnissloner, i .DARING EXPLORER DIES ing C. Ross Somerville, the Cana^, U i Obey; Groups Are D i^ ed . and flred another shot at Judge j ^ dian titleholder, 5 and 4, in the first Arthur G.. Sutton, of Alya, in court i I round, but’ the elimination of other favorites continued as five of the Geneva, Sept. 23 — (AP) — ’The here today. The second shot did not! ‘BROKE’ IN ANTIPODES eight "seeded” stars were eliminated juridical committee of tee Assembly t?.l:e effect. ' in the opening 18-hole matchce. HOOVI Wedgwood, a, pistol woynd in Jiis Jones, George Von Elm of Los of the League of Nations today de­ Angeles and George Voigt of New g„ln. wa, ruahed to a .osplt^. Mra. j .| | jy ^ WSS Os TWO GOULD NOT SPEAK bated further tee project of an Douthitt vns taken into custody York, were the only “seeded” play- amendment to tee League covenant' and placed in the county jail. • BUT CALLED AIDi Be to harmonize it with the Kellogg- ______ Elm^ swamped (Dhurck Hunter, Phil*Phu- Suit Dismissed j Briand peace pact, and as tee debate Antarctic Expeditions; TTr-ifr, \x?oc Tyv.L-Q/1 I’r. T _ .« adelphia district entry, 6 and 5. progressed the chances of su(fii an Fritz \\ as Locked in Lof11 j. qj Legt^r Bolstad of : Wedgw'ood was defendant in one ■ (dr AH to Do So amendment materializing lessened.. of seven suits in which Mrs. Douth-1 Building— Operator Could^ st Paul 2 and i. Ito of Japan returned to tee at­ itt was involved as either plaintiff j Was One of Five in Most! Not Understand Him But The favorites to fall .were Dr. tack and repeated his challenge as or defendant. The suit in which Mrs. 1 Oscar F. WilUng of Pmrtland, Ore.; Police Did— Afterwards. m U .1 to desirability of modifying the cov­ Douthitt sought damages from | last year’s runner-up, Johnny "Good­ enant. He pointed out teat in Arti­ Wedgwood had just been dismissed | Desperate Trip Undertaken man of Omaha, tee 1929 conqueror New York, Bept. 24.— (AP)— cle 16''the covenant provides for by Judge Sutton. I of Jones, Francis Ouimet,.. veteran Washington; Sept. 24.-^(AP)— sanctions, while tee Kellogg-Briand Mrs., Douthitt also attempted to j Fritz found himself alone on former champion. George . T. Dun­ Wellington,, Ne^y Zealand, Sept the foui’th floor of a loft build­ President Hoover today told the agreement, although denouncing fire' at Roy Elam, a young attorney, i 24__(AP)—Harry McNeish, member ■ lap, Jr., of New York, national In­ initial, meeting of tee planning com­ war, relies only upon moral force. ing in the Bronx. ternational collegiate titleholdtr and but was disarmed by Elam, Joe of two Antarctic expeditions, with mittee of his conference on home The Japanese suggested teat it Porter, court bailiff and Harry Kir- | He tried the door but it T. Philip Perkins 1928 finalist and Captain R. F. Scott and Lieutenant wouldn’t budge. He was lock­ hiplding had home o'wnership teat, would be difficult if not impossible kendaU, another attorney. |Sir Ernest H. Shackelton, died here former British champion. to put tee Kellogg pact into tee The thirty odd court attaches, at- | ed in. As it grew dark, worry These upsets followed the elimin­ it “should be possible in our country today penniless at the age of 64. for anybody of sound character and League’s Charter without weakenin'r torneys and spectators were thrown gave way to fear, and fear to ation of the 1929 champion, Harri McNeish was a member of 'Hhe panic. Fritz rushed about seek­ industrious habits to provide him- the organization’s right to use force into a panic when Mrs. Douthitt, Scott expedition in the "discovery” son R.' (Jimmy) Johnston, and in executing an award against an who had been acting as her own at­ ing some way out and yelling other favorites in tee qualifying self vrith adequate housing ^ d which visited the Antarctic in 1901 for help. The loft was deserted preferably to buy his o-wn home.” offending state. Sweden and Portu­ torney, arose from the counsel table, and in 1914 went with the Shackel­ play. The cpnamittee held its first sq?* gal already have taken a somewhat whipped a pistol from her dress and and there was no one to hear. Goodman’s unexpected defeat rob­ ton expedition aboard the "En­ Finally he stumbled upon a sion a t the White House, it -was set similar position. ‘ fired. durance” to the Antarctic. bed tee tournament of its Vnatiural” Groups Divided telephone. The operator could a return match in tee third round up 'a r thefsuggestito of Mr. Hoover He was one of five volunteers who not understand him but she call­ Tumultuous scOnes: marked the-- retf^t, elections : to stiidy.tte.prohl^n of home o'wn- While a group, which these accompanied Shackelton in a small between the Omahsi star and Jones. extremists; showed unexpected strengtli*^mhing 95 s « w In.the.w delegations represent, fear that ed the Simpson street station. 6obhy reached tee turn ■with three ership •with a vle'w to making it boat from Elephant island in order An emergency squad pried an and=the picture at tee top shows.victorious Fascist leaderSi ..^olph IStler easier for tee average citizen to own putting the . Kellogg-Briand successive birdies to turn into (1) and Dr. Goebbels ( ). saluting their supporters at a mMS meet­ pact into the covenant may WINDHAM AFFAIRS i to bring aid to 22 members of the iron shutter off a fire escape 2 a house. j crew of the Endurance left on the near-rout what started out as a. ing where results o f’ the elections were made public. B^o'w,, P r e r i^ t weaken possibility of using exit and rescued Fritz, a most close match. The Georgiah’s famous Backward Systena Island after their vessel had been grateful German police pup. ]^ il von Hindenburg is shown leaving a Berlin voti^^ booth after The President, told the committee sanctions, another group which doe.=? ! crushed by the ice. putter, “Calamity Jane’* rolled them bis ballot Riots were atagai'in the German capital on.’ the day of the not wish the League to have a st^:',7 HOPELESS TANGLE in from distances of 30 feet on the the financing of home building, es­ election. “Secular arm” fears that the p.fj- l7te, 12 feet on tee 8te and. 12 feet pecially through second mortgages. posed amendments may have tb.e The trip oif Sir Ernest Shackelton Is “ tee most .tiackward segment of and his five men of whom McNeish i on tee 9te.
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