GAEfWAD'S ORIENTAL SERIES Published under the Authority of the Government of His Highness the Mabaraja Gaekwad of Baroda. GENERAL EDITOR, B. BHATTACHARYYA, M.A., PH.D. No. LXXVII TRISASTISALAKAPURUSACARITRA Vol. II Books II and III TRISASTISALAKAPURUSACARITRA. OR THE LIVES OF SIXTY-THREE ILLUSTRIOUS PERSONS Vol. II TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH BY HELEN M. JOHNSON, Ph.D. 1937 ORIENTAL INSTITUTE BARODA Printed by P. Knight at the Baptist Mission Press, 41A, Lower Circular Road, Calcutta, and Published on behalf of the Government of His Highness the Ma.ha.raja Gaekwad of Baroda by Benoytosh Bhattacharyya, Director, Oriental Institute, Baroda. Price Rs. 11 ~o. To JOHN FINNEY II CONTENTS PAGE I Preface vii II Abbreviations viii III Bibliography xi IV Introduction XX!l V Text Book II : Ajitanathacaritra I Book III : Sarnbhavajinacaritra 225 Abhinandanajinacaritra 254 Sumatinathacaritra 268 Padmaprabhacaritra .. 288 SuparSvanathacaritra .. 304 Candraprabhacaritra 3r4 Suvidhinathacaritra .. 324 Sitalanathacaritra 337 VI Appendix I : Additional Notes 347 VII Appendix II : Botanical Notes .. 35I VIII Appendix III : New and Rare Words 353 IX Text Corrections 367 X Index of Names and Subjects 374 XI Index of Sanskrit and Prakrit Words 39I PREFACE When Prof. Schubring, in his review of Vol. I of this translation, expressed a hope that the Mahaviracaritra, the last book, would appear, I wondered why his hope seemed to be somewhat sceptical. I wonder less now that I have had experience in having a book printed thousands of miles away. I am deeply indebted to Muni Sri J ayantavijayaji for his constant assistance and information on both doctrinal points and allusions to practical life and customs ; and also for his aid in obtaining books and manuscripts. The Jaina Dharma Prasaraka Sabha of Bhavnagar has per­ mitted me to keep its manuscripts for several years, a loan of the greatest assistance to me ; and the Atmananda Sabha of Bhavnagar has presented me with some valuable texts. In addition to the Bhavnagar and Poona MSS. whlch I used for Vol. I, I have consulted a MS. of Parvan II in the Oriental Institute of Baroda, and one for Parvan II and Parvan III from a Jain library in Radhanpur, which they were kind enough to send to this country. I have not, of course, made an exhaustive study of all existing manuscripts, as for a critical edition ; but it has been my intention to make a correct readable text with good manuscript authority. The bibliography, it would seem unnecessary to say, consists of the works I have found useful for my needs, and is not a bibliography of Jainism. REI.EN M. JOHNSON. WARRENSBURG, MISSOURI March 25, z937. ABBREVIATIONS Abhi. =Abhidhanacintamat_ti, Bhav. ed. Acar. = Aciiriiilgasfi.tra. Anuyog. =Anuyogadvara. AS= ligamodayasamiti Series. Aup.=Aupapatikasutra. Au,;adhi = B,hannighat_ttu. Ava.=AvaSyakasfttra, Malayagiri's cam. Avacun,ii. = AvaSyakacun;ri. AvaH=AvaSyakasfttra, Haribhadra's corn. AvaHH = Haribhadriya vaSyakav:rttitippai;iaka. B. =Barnett's ed. of Antaga<;ladasao and AI.J.uttarovavaiya• dasao. Bate=Bate's Hindi Dictionary. Bhag. = Bhagavatisiitra. Brhat. = Brhatsallgrahani. Chand. =ChandonuSasana. DeSiH = De5Inamamata. DLF=Devchand Lalbhai Jain Pustakoddhar Fund. Dutt=Materia Medica. G.=Der Jainismus. GOS=Gaekwad's Oriental Series. Guj. =Gujarati. GuJ,Ia. =GUJ.Iasthanakramaroha. - H=Hindi. Haim. =Haimasabdanusasana. Hindu Holidays=Hindu Holidays and Ceremonials. H. I. =Elements of Hindu Iconography. H. of J. =The Heart of Jainism. H. P. = Fallon's Hindustani Proverbs. Jamb.= J ambudvipaprajftapti. J. G. = The J aina Gazette. J. G. D.=Jaina Gem Dictionary. Jiv. = Jivajlvabhigama. ABBREVIA'!'IONS ix J fiata. = J fiatadharmakatha. K.=Die Kosmographie der Inder. Kan.=The Study of Jainism. Kavya. =KavyanuSasana by Hemacandra. Kavya. V. =Kavyanusasana by Vagbhatta. KG=Kanna Granthas. KS=Kalpasfitra. KSK=Kalpasfltra, with Kira].13.vali corn. Lp. =Lokaprakasa. M = Marathi. Martin=The Gods of India. M. C. =Marathi-English Dictionary. MW =Monier-Williams, Sanskrit-English Dictionary. 0. of J. =Outlines of Jainism. Oppert = On the Weapons, Army Organisation and Polit- ical Maxims of the Ancient Hindus. Pai:ica. = PaficapratikramaJ.Jasfttra. Paficaprati. = do. Pafi.ca. = Pafica.5akagrantha. PE=Ardha-Magadhi Ko~a. PH= Paiasaddamaha~u;iavo. PJP.=First Principles of Jain Philosophy. Pk. =Prakrit. Popley=Music of India. Pra. = Prajiiapana. PraS. =PraSnavyakarat;ta. Pravac. =Pravacanasaroddhara. Raja.= RajapraSniyasfltra. Rajendra. = Abhidhiinarajendra. Sabda. = Sabdasagara. Sam. =Samavayan.gasfttra. SBE = Sacred Books of the East. Sth. =Sthanangasfitra. T. =Tattvarthadhigamasfitra, Jacobi's ed. Tri. =T~a!;>tiSa1akapuru~acaritra. Uttar. = Uttaradhyayana. Uttar. B.= Uttaradhyayana with Bhiivavijaya's corn. X ABBREVIATIONS Uttar. K. = Uttaradhyayana with Kamalasathyama's corn. Uv.=Uvasagadasao, Hoernle's ed. Watt=The Commercial Products of India. Watt Dict.=Dictionary of the Economic Products of India. Wilkins=Hindu Mythology. Yog. = YogaSastra. ZDMG =Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft. I=Vol. I, Tri~a~tiSalakapuru~acaritra. Vol. LI, GOS. BIBLIOGRAPHY GENERAL Abhidhanarajendra. A Prakrit-Sanskrit lexicon of Jain texts. By Vijaya Rajendra Siiri. Ratiam 1913-25. Alberuni's India. An English Edition with Notes and Indices, E. C. Sachau. z vols. London 1910. Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, or the Central and Western Rajpoot States of India, J. Tod. z vols. London 1829-32. Antiquities of India, L. D. Barnett. London 1913. Ardha-Magadhi Ko~a. In five languages. S.S. Jain Con­ ference. Bombay 1923-30. Astronomie, Astrologie und Mathematik, G. Thibaut. Grundriss der Indo-Arischen Philologie und Alter­ tums-kunde. III Band, 9 Heft. Strassburg 1899. Ausgewiihlte ErZ8hlungen aus Hemacandras Parishishta­ parvan. German translation by J. Hertel. Leipzig 1908. Beast and Man in India, J. L. Kipling. McMillan and Co. I904. BrhannighaJJ.tu or Au~adhikoSa. A Sanskrit, vernacular and English botanical glossary. Poona 1924. The Book of Good Counsels, Arnold. From the Sanskrit of the 'Hitopadesa.' London 1893. A Collection of Telegu Proverbs, translated, illustrated, and explained, together with some Sanscrit Proverbs, Carr. Madras: London 1868. The Commercial Products of India, G. Watt. London I908. A Dictionary of the Economic Products of India, G. Watt. Government of India Press. Calcutta 1896. A Dictionary of the Hindee Language, J. D. Bate. Allahabad I9I8. xii BIBLIOGRAPHY A Dictionary of Hindu Architecture, P. K. Acharya. Oxford Press. A Dictionary of Plant Names, Gerth van Wijk. The Hague I9II.. Eastern Monachism, Hardy. London I850. Eine jainistische Bearbeitung der Sagara-Sage. Disserta­ tion by Richard Fick. Kiel r888. Elements of Hindu Iconography, T. A. Gopinath. Madras 1914. The Elephant-Lore of the Hindus. The Elephant-Sport of Nilakantha. Translated from the original Sanskrit with Introduction, Notes, and Glossary, Edgerton. Yale University Press. 193I. Epitome of Jainism, Nahar and Ghosh. Calcutta ,917. Essai de Bibliographie' J aina, Guerinot. Annales du Musee Guimet. Paris 1906. Essays and Lectures on the Religion of the Hindus, H. H. Wilson. Vol. I. London 186r. First Principles of Jain Philosophy, H. Jhaveri. Benares 1918. Flora of British India, Hooker. 7 vols. London 1875-<)7. Flora of the Presidency of Bombay, Cooke. 2 vols. 1903-08. Flora Indica, Roxburgh. Thacker, Spink and Co. Cal­ cutta 1874. The Folklore of Bombay, Enthoven. Oxford ,924. Folk Lore Notes. Vol. I Gujarat; Vol. II Konkan, Entho­ ven. British India Press. Bombay 1914. Folk Tales of Kashmir, Knowles. London 1888. Gescbichte der Indischen Litteratur, M. Winternitz. Vol. II, Part 2, Die heiligen Texte der Jaina. Leipzig I920. Gods of India, E. 0. Martin. E. P. Dutton and Co. 1914. Grammatik der Prakrit Sprachen, Hemachandra. (Siddha­ hemacandram, Adhyaya VIII). Edited by Pischel. Halle 1877. BIBLIOGRAPHY Xlll A Handbook of Tropical Gardening and Planting, H. F. Macmillan. Case f,. Co. Colombo 1914. Heart of Jainism. Mrs. S. Stevenson. Oxford Press. 1915. Hindi Sabdasa.gara. A Hindi lexicon. Published by PracariJ;:iisabha of Benares. 1916-28. The Hindi Scientific Glossary. Containing the Terms of Astronomy, Chemistry, Geography. Mathematics. Philosophy, Physics, and Political Economy, with their Hindi equivalents. Syam Sundar Das. Benares I906. Hindu Holidays and Ceremonials, B. A. Gnpte. Thacker, Spink & Co. r9I9. Hindu Mythology, Williams. Thacker, Spink & Co. I882. Hindu Tales, translation by J. J. Meyer. London 1909. Hindustani Proverbs, Fallon. A History of Sanskrit Literature, A. B. Keith. Oxford 1928. A History of Indian Literature, M. Winternitz. Vol. 2. English translation. Calcutta 1933. Householders' Dharma, C. R. Jain. Indian Architecture, P. K. Acharya. Oxford Press. The Indian Calendar, Sewell and Diksit. London 1896. Indian Myth and Legend, D. A. Mackenzie. London. The Indian Sect of the J ainas, G. Biihler. Luzac & Co. London ,903. Indian Trees, D. Brandis. London 191I. An Introduction to Jainism, A. B. Latthe. Bombay. The J aina Gem Dictionary, J. L. J aini. Arrah 1918. Jaina Iconography. Bhandarkar. (The Samavasara1;1a- stavana). Indian Antiquary. Vol. 40 (I9I1), pp. 125 ff. ; I53 ff. Jaina Jatakas, translation of Book I, Canto I of Hema­ candra's TrishashtiSalakapurushacaritra, B. D. Jain. Lahore 1925. Der J ainismus, H. V. Glasenapp. Berlin 1925. Karma Philosophy, Karbhari. Bombay 1913. Key of Knowledge, C. R. Jain. 1915. XlV BIBLIOGRAPHY Die Kosmographie der Inder, W. Kirfel. Leipzig 1920. Life and Stories of
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