The malacologicalsocietymalacological society of Japan Rre VENUS (]ap, Jour, Malac.) VoL 52, No. 3 (1993): t93-209 ・J- 2e9flZes ISfKyayoiacmea (-V a -r 7N VV"-}J' )if l tc) a)ee-k・・-U j51 as51>・X! k7? *Ziiav ・ ISgl k}pt.M ( wi, i( 1< re k\) Anatomy and Systematic Position of Yayoiacmea, a New Genus ``Coelisella" for Japanese Tiny Limpet oyamai Habe, 1955 (Gastropoda: Lottiidae) Takenori SAsAKI and Takashi OKuTANI (Tokyo University of Fisheries, 4-5-7 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108) " Abstract: The investigations on shell and anatomical characters on Colliselta" Qyamai Habe, 1955 revealed that it should be placed in the subfamily Patelloidinae of the Lottiidae and need a new genus, Ydyoiacmea. Of systematic characters of the new genus, the radula teeth morphology is unique among the known members of the family. Introduction It is extremely difficult to determine the systematic position of a simple limpet solely by shell morphology. Yityoiacmea qyamai (Habe, 1955), the type species of the new genus established here, has been allocated in the genus Collisetla ( =Lottia) of the subfamily Lottii- nae among the family Lottiidae, but the redula, the most important basis for generic alloca- tion, has never been investigated. In addition, nothing was known about the anatomy of this species, and unfortunately likewise for other related taxa. oyamai by no means well-known species in Japanese lottiid limpets Ybyoiacmea has been "Minutes even since it was described. This species was first described by Habe (1955) in of Conchological Club of Southern California" with a brief note. As the above-mentioned publication was recognized as nomenclaturally valid (Habe, personal communication), and "This thus Habe's statement in two lines, is the smallest acmaeid species in Japan, with the white, solid, conic shell, on the surface of which radiates reddish rays'', is warranted as the original description. The identity of this species had stayed rather ambiguous until Inaba and Oyama (1977) illustrated the holotype specimen, with a note on dimension, deposi- tory and type locality. of the shell and soft morphology The present study provides the detailed description part with the discussion on the systematic position of this species. It also offers additional in- stances for anatomical and ecological importance in the limpet systematics. NII-Electronic Library Service The malacologicalsocietymalacological society of Japan 194 VENUS: Vol. 52, No.3(1993) Materials and Methods Materials used for were collected the description by the firstauthor from Banda, Tateyama Bay, Boso Peninsula at a depth of 1 rn during June 1 to 4, 1992. Specimens in National Science Museum Tokyo (NSMT) and some private shell collections were also exarnined for assembling the data for geographic distribution. Specimens taken alive was relaxed with mag- nesium chloride, and external anatomy and the body coloration were observed. After fixa- tion, twelve specimens were dissected for internal anatomy under a binocular microscope. Radulae were treated with cool KOH solution for 12 hours and observed with S.E.M. Broken shell fragments were also observed with S.E.M. for shell structure. Three specimens were sectioned in 10 ptm thick and then stained with hematoxylin and eosin to observe and recon- struct some detai]ed structures. Systematics Family LoTTiiDAE Gray, 1840 The shell is eomposed of four to six shell layers of different structure. The central area is consistently radial crossed-lamellar, the exterior is spherulitic prismatic, the area outside the myostracum is predominated by concentric crossed-]amellar, and foliated structure is ab- sent. The radula has three pairs of mineralized lateral teeth, and less than two pairs of ehitinous marginal teeth. Remarks: This family had been integrated into the family Acmaeidae (e.g. Habe, 19S5; Fretter and Graham, l962; PondeT and Creese, 1980; Lindberg, 1981a; Nakamura, 1986), but it was recently separated again and re-defined by Lindberg (1986). Subfamily Patelloidinae Chapman and Gabriel, 1923 The shell consists of four shell layers. The exterior (M+2 layer) are spherulitic prismatic, the intermediate area (M+1 layer) is concentric crossed-lamellar, muscle scar (myostracum) is prismatic, and the central area (M-1 layer) is radial crossed-lamellar in structure (Fig. 1). The radula has zero or two pairs of marginal teeth on both sides of three pairs of lateral teeth.Remarks: This subfamily was originally a full family established by Chapman and Gabriel (1923), but it has been customary for long period to include all lottiid taxa in the Acmaeidae. It was re-defined as a subfamily by Lindberg and Vermeij (1985) based on shell structure. ' Yinyoiacmea n. gen. The shell is small patelliform without radial sculpture. Pallial tentacles are shert and sparse. The gill is flap-like bipectinate ctenidium without secondary gill on the pallial groove. A vestigial pair of osphradia is aligned sagittally within the nuchal cavity. The radula consists of three pairs of lateral teeth of equal size with the formula O.; the innermost and middle teeth arranged obliquely, while the middle and outermost teeth are fused laterally. NII-Electronic Library Service The malacologicalsocietymalacological society ofJapanof Japan Sasaki & Okutani: New Limpet GenusYliyoiacmea 19S Fig.1. Ybyoiacmea oyamai; scanning electron micrographs of shell structure. tryi,itfftrtf'Ia)dilimaittoag-uetuSts4E' a. Spherulitic prismatic structure of M+2 layer. Scale= 10 itin. IM.l re inde{M+2 fi ) b. Crossed-lamellar structure of M+1 layer. Scale=25 ptm. tkl"ofirela+ (M+1 e) ± c. Crossed-lamellar structure of M-1 layer. Scale=20 ptm, zk!-kdieeis (.M.1E) = d. Myostra ¢ um (M) and adjacent two layers (M+1, M-1), Scale 20 "m. RX ASIit"tpt CM ee) tL h'oitLk.za The licker has no lamellate sculpture. The intestine turns in 4 loops. 7ype species: ColliseUa oyamai Habe, 1955 Etymology: Yayoi is an elegant and classic word for March and comesfTOMJapanesestand- ard name of this limpet. Ybyoiaemea oyamai (Habe, 1955) (Figs, 1-18) CoUiseUa eyamai Habe, 1955, p. 3; Takahashi and Okamoto, 1969, p, 27, pl. 1, fig. 8; Nakamura, 1986, p. 39. Collisella (ConoicZacmea) ayamai: Inaba and Oyama, 1977, p. 93, pl. VI, fig. 2. CottiseUa nakamigawai: Oyama, 1963, Collisella (2), figs. 1-2. SheU: The shell is small, moderately thick, and patelliform of medium height with elongate oval aperture. The apex is dorsally pointed and situated at about anterior two-fifths of the shell length, and the protoconch is always detached off. The anterior slope is almost straight, the posterior slope is straight to slightly convex, and the lateral slope is straight. In some NII-Electronic Library Service The malacologicalsocietymalacological society ofJapanof Japan 196 VENUS: Vo],52,No. 3(1993) Fig. 2.Yayoiacmea oyamai; Banda, Tateyama Boso Peninsula. 6.9x5.2x3.8 mm. VHd7litii'"-ffi.Bay,fi1'il[1i・EaFH,re pm ctn op Fig. 3-4. YZiyoiacmea ayamai. 1' 1 i A O' h'it fi' t 3. Dorsal view, shetl and mantle removed. eSlfigMSWMi 4. Ventral view, Telaxed and shell removed. W(tst'/tiSMstlin' a, anus; a", auricle; ct, cephalic tentacle; ctn, ctenidinm; dg, digestive gland; e, eye; f, foot; i, intestine; il, inner lip; j, jaw; lk, left kidney; mm, mantle margin; nc, nilchal cavity; ol, outer lip; olp, eral lappet; pc, pericardium; pf, pallial fold;pm, pallial muscle; pt, palliar tentac]e; rep, right excretory pore; rk, right kidney; sm, shell muscle; st, stomach; ve, ventricle. specimens the apertural margin is slightly convex in lateral view, otherwise straight. TheandThe exterior is radiated with pink to reddish brown streaks which are variable in number in width on white background, and sculptured by weak concentric growth Iines only. NII-Electronic Library Service The malacologicalsocietymalacological society ofJapanof Japan 197 Sasaki & Okutani: New Limpet Genus Ybyoiacmea 9epnppn e SPO s- 6 "c' 1 ] h -i-h'"'ab'( Figs. 5-6. Ybyoiacmea ayamai. t 5. Nuchal cavity and anterior part of visceral mass. I,E-:ISeVEre t IJil wadi/1 a'ISO) Mnygy Ipt1 6. Buccal region, cut open. whG'[SOfl4'irjl'xl a, anus; ae, anterior esophagus; apn, anterior pallial nerve; au, auricle; ba, diges- bulbous aorta; bm, buccal mass; buc, buccal cavity; ctn, ctenidium; dg, i, intestine; jaw; lep, left excre- tivegland; esg, esophageal gland; g, gonad; j, tory pore; lk, left kidney; os, esphradium; pc, pericardium; ppn, posterior rk, right kidney; sbo, subesophageal- pallialnerve; rep, leftexcretory pore; sd, salivary duct; sg, salivary sm, shell muscle; osphradial connective; gland; spo, supraesophageal-osphradial connective; st, stomach; ve, ventricle; yn, visceral nerve. interior margin is spotted by maculations that correspond to the exterior color pattern and disappear gradually toward the center. The interior from the intermediate to the central area is shinning white and is so translucent that exterior radiation is seen through. The muscle to variable extent. scar is distinctly shining, and the central area is sometimes stained in brown Eivternal anatomy: The mantle which covers whole dorsal area of the body is pigmented in light green except the marginal area. Dorsal part of the mantle margin is pale and slightly fringed in brown. The shell muscle is horseshoe-shaped and subdivided into approximately curve 14 segments. The pallial muscle hanging over the nuchal cavity roof makes a gradual over the head (Fig. 3). have a row of very The foot covers about 70CVb of the body length. The mantle margin only when short, sparse but somewhat thick pallial tentacles which are barely observable from slightly inner fully extended. They are arranged alternatively by smaller one arisen region of the mantle margin and by relatively longer one projected from the edge, and only is light likethe each base of the latter has a white spot (Fig. 4). The pallial grooye green mantle, but other ventral area is pale. oral lappet. The cephalic tenta- The mouth is surrounded by outer lip and then extended buccal mass is seen through cles bear the pit-like eye which is pigmented in black inside.
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