OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. [Published by Authority. ] No. 32.] PERTH: FRIDAY, JULY 20. [1894. No. 5690.-C.S.0. No. 5697.-C.S.0. Parliament Summoned to Meet for Business. Gaol proclaimed at Broome. PROCLAMATION ~i!ltr;ttxlt ~llr;tmli1tl} On behalf of His Excellency SIR °0°,,° PROCLAMATION to fuit. WILLIABI CLEAVER FRANCIS ROBIN- i!i!hr;tmt ~llr;tmlill, "( On behalf of His Excellenoy SIR SON, Knight Grand Cross of the to (uit. .) VVILLIA~I CLEAVER E'RANCIS ROIlIN- J\'Iost Distinguished Order of Saint SON, Knight Grand Cross of the ALEX. C. ONSLOW, Most Distinguished Order of Saint Governo)"'s DClllt(y. 1\'Iiehael and Saint George, Governor ALEX, C. ONSLOW, and Commander-in-Chief in and over Governol"S Dcpnty. Michael and Saint George, Governor and Commander-in-Chiefin and over (L. s.) the Colony of vVestorn Australia (L. s.) the Colony of Western Australia and its Dependencies, &c., &c.,&c. and its Dependencies, &c., &c., &c. HEREAS under the provisions of "The ALEXANDER CAllIPBELL ONSLOW, Chief Justice of W Constitution Act, 1889," it is nmde lawful for the Governor of vVestern Australia for the time the said Colony, Governor's Deputy, by virtue being to fix the phtce and time for holding the first of the Ordinance 21 Victoria, No. 12, intituled "An and every other Session of the Legislative Council " Ordinance to extend and enlarge the provisions of and Legislative Assembly: Now THEREFORE I, " an Ordinance passed in the twelfth year of the ALEXANDER CAllIPBELL ONSLOW, Chief Justice of "reign of Her present JYlajesty, int.ituled 'An the said Colony, Governor's Deputy, in exercise of the powers so vested in the Governor, and of all " 'Ordinance for the Regulation of Gaols, Prisons, other powers enabling him in that behalf, do by this " 'and Houses of Correction in the Colony of my Proclamation announce and proclftim that THE " , Western Australia, and for other purposes relating FIRST SESSION OF THE SECOND P ARLIAlIIENT OF " 'thereto," do hereby, with the advice and consent WESTERN AUSTRALIA, to be holden under the pro­ of the Executive Council, direct that the buildings visions of the said Act and "The Constitution .Act Amendment Act, 1893," shall be holden for the and premIses bounded on the North by 6 chains of despatch of business on WEDNESDAY, THE 25TH Stewart street, on the South by 6 chains of Barker DAY OF JULY INsTAN'r, at the 110ur of twelve of the street, on the East by ,~ chains of Canmrvon street; clock (noon) : the Session of the Legislative Council and on the fVest by 5 chains of Hamersley street-to to be holden in the Legislative Council Chamber, in be hereafter known and distinguished as Broome St. GeOl'ge's Terrace, in the CITY OF PERTH, in the said Colony; and the Session of the Legislative Town Lot 372--l1ow used and occupied at Broome, in Assembly to be holden in the Legislative Assembly the Broome J'vlagisterial District, for the confinement Chamber, in Howick Street, in the CITY OF PERTH, and reception of prisoners, shall henceforth be a in the said Colony; and the JYlembers of the Legis­ J~egal Public Gaol and Prison of and belonging to lative Council and the JYlembel's of the Legislative the said Colony, for the purposes mentioned in the Assembly are hereby required to give theil:-attend­ ance at the said time and places accordingly. said Ordinance. Given under my hand ancl the Public Seal Given under my hancl and the Public Seal of of the said Colony, at Perth, this 5th day the said Colony, ttt Perth, this 12th day of of July, 1894. July, 1894. By Command, By Commancl, S. H. PARKER, S. H. PARKER, Colonial Secretary. Colonial Secretary. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!!! GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!!! 678 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [J ULY 20, 1894. Order in OounciL No. 5706.-C.S.0. Oolonial Secj'etaj'y's Office, At the Executive Council Charnbm', at Pe1·th, Pel·th, 20th July, 1894. the 12th clay of July, 1894. NDER the provisions of Section 63 of "The U Electoral Act, 1889," Hi::; Excellency the P,'esent: Govel'llor, by his Deputy, in Council, has been pleased His Honour the Chief Justice, Governor's Deputy. to extend the time allowed for the return of the The Honourables- Writs issued for the Election of Members for the The Colonial Treasurer. following Electoml Provinces and Districts, as The Colonial Secretary. The Commissioner of Crown Lands. under ;- '.rhe Commissioner of Railways. NORTH PROVINCE to the 6th August. CENTRAL PROVINCE to the 27th July. lVluRCHISON DIS1.'RICT to the 27th July. IS Honour Alexander Campbell Onslow, Chief EAST KIMBERLEY DISTRICT to the 27th July. H Justice, the Governor's Deputy, in Executive Council, has been pleased to order that from and S. H. PARKER, after this date no Registrar, Mining Surveyor, Officer Colonial Secretary. of Water Supply, or other person in the employ of the Government at any Goldfield shall, directly or indirectly, speculate, or be interested in, or possess, No.5'705.-C.S.0. or acquire any gold mine or gold mining lease or Iltgi~lattbe (!tounrH. claim, or a,ny share or interest therein respectively. This prohibition will not affect the holding' of Oolonial Secretary's Office, shares in any registered Gold Mining Company. Pm·th, July, 1894. C. LEE STEERE, T is hereby notified that Retul'lls have been Acting Clerk of the Executive Council. I reeeived to the Writs issued by His Excelleney the Governor on the 2nd day of June, 1894, for the No. 5702.-C.S.0. Election of Members to serve in the Legislative Pearl Shell Fishery Act, 1886. Council of Westel'll Australia, for the Electoral (50 Victoria, No. 7). Provinces of " Metropolitan," "South - West," " West;" and that by the Returns endorsed on such 1214 Oolonial Sec?'etaj'Y's Office, 94 Pm·th, 18th J1Lly, 1894. Writs, it appears that ::::TIS Excellency the Govel'l1or, by his Deputy, in SIR GEORGE SHENTON, STEPHEN HENRY PARKER, I _~ Executive Council, has been pleased to and HENRY JOHN SAUNDERS appoint ARTHuR BADoclC, ResidentJYlagistrate, Ash bur ton, to be a Licensing Officer at the Port of were duly elected JYlembers for the said "Metro­ On slow, under the provisions of the above Act. politan" Electoral Province; and that S. H. PARKER, JOHN WINTHROP HAClCETT, EDwARD McLARTY, Colonial Secretary. and JOHN CHARLES GRIFFITHS FouLlCES No. 5701.-C.S.0. were dnly eleeted Members for the said "South­ E 'IP! Oolonial Secretm'y's Office, West" Electoral Province; and that Perth, 14th July, 1894. DANIEL KEEN CONGDON, EDWARD \'VILLIAlIl IS Excellency the Governor, by his Deputy, in DAVIES, and TBOllIAS HARRY MARSHALL H Executive Oouncil, has been pleased to appoint ARTHuR CLINCH to be a Member of the Greenough were duly elected members for the said "West" District Board of Education, vice Rev. E. O. Reilly, Electoral Province. resigned. S. H. PARKER, S. H. PARKER, Colonial Secretary. Colonial Secretary. No. 5703.-C.S.0. No. 5G72.-C.S.0. U,Q~ Oolonial Secj'eta,'Y's Office, g., Perth, 18th July, 1894. JLegt~lattb£ ~~~fmbl~. IS Excellency the Governor, by his Deputy, in H Executive Council, has been pleased to appoint Oolonial SeCl'etal'Y's Office, Pm·th. CHARI,ES MANN to be a Notary Public for this T is hereby notified that Returns have been Colony. I received to the Writs issued by His Excellency S. H. PARKER, the Govel'llor on the 2nd day of June, 1894, for the Colonittl Secretary. Election of ~I[embers to serve in the Legislative Assembly of Western Australia for the Electoral No. 570'1.-C.S.0. Districts of Ashburton, Gascoyne, Irwin, Mool'e, Oolonial Secrctaj'Y's o.tlice, Swan, Perth, East Perth, "West Perth, Fremantle, Perth, 19th .htly, 1894. N ol'th Fremantle, South Fr01mmtle, Murray, Welling­ T is hereby notified, for genm'al information, that ton, Bunbury, Nelson, Sussex, Tooc1yay, Plantag(met, I Returns of the Elcctions of Councillors of the York, vVilliams, Northam, Pilbarra, Gel'aldton, undermentiol1cc1 Municipalities have becn rcceived Gl'eenough, Roebourne, Albany, BeverIey, DeGrey, ~tt this Office' ;- West Kimberley, Nannine, Yilgal'n; and that by lVIUNICIP ALI'l'Y OF BUNBURY. the Returns endorsed on such Writs it appears that COUNCILLORS-F. S. C,,,POl'll, D. L. SillCbil', SEPTI1IIUS BURT vice was duly elected lVIembel' for the said Electoral H. W. Gibbs, District of Ashburton; and that E. lVlaxted. ROBERT FREDERIClC SHOLL lVIUNICIPALITY OF NOH.THAiYI. was dulv elected Member for the said Electoral Thos. Sillclair, District of Gaseoyne; and that vice J. E. Ham1l1011c1. SAlIIUEL J. PHILLIPS S. H. PARKER, was duly electecl Member for the said Electoral Colonin,l Secretary. District of Irwin; and that JULY 20, 1894.J GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 679 ------------------------------------------------- HENRY BRUCE LEFROY GEORGE LEAKE was duly elected ~'Iember for the said Electoral was duly elected rvIember for the said Electoral District of lVIoore; and that District of Albany; and that WILLIAlIl THORLEY LOTON CHARLES HARPER was duly elected lVIember for the said Electoral WD,S duly elected lVIembel' for the said Electoral District of Swan; and that District of Beverley; a,nd that GEORGE RANDELL ALEXANDER ROBERT RICHARDSON was duly elected Member for the said Electoral was duly elected JliIember for the said Electoral District of Perth; and that District of DeGrey; and that VV ALTER JAJllES ALEXANDER FORREST was duly elected Member for tlle said Electoral was duly elected lVIember for the said Electoral District of East Perth; and that District of vVest Kimberley; and that BARRING'rON CLARKE ,VOOD FREDERICK ILLINGWORTH was duly elected Member for the said Electoral was duly elected lVIember for the said Electoral District of vVest Perth; and that District of N annine; and that VV ILLIAllI EDw ARD lVIARlluoN CHARLES JOHN lVIORAN was duly elected Member for the said Electoral was duly elected lVIember for the said Electoral District of Fremantle; and that District of Yilgarn.
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