' . ' . ... l _,. ··~ \VE .. JUN 2 0 1980 -~ Legislative Library, ... ' 12 l)"! 200 Vaughan St., __ vlinnipeg, Han., R3C ore .. , ,~Candlelighting Time Friday, June 20, 1980. h. ........ress, 9:21 QU [f: -CATNIDIIAL AVE. ICOIINEii MAle! STREETI .. Rill IlL 31117 .,.O.IOX3111 STATioN 1. liJw 3114 ·· -CANADA I,'· ' . '· I',' ', I CoM.: """ - / I ;. - ' . ii' ( I · •. Belfast ---- Here We Come ·. T:l1l::l.ltl c~~:;, ,-.l n'~" · ' ' Arab and Jew on the West Bank brought to justice.. Now· it may . are heading for all-out . warfare . well mean that Jewish terrorist ,~0 ~~:;, Cl~l ,c~~li'lHC ,,lH~~-;~~H 11~,,l and Menachem Begin had better killers of innocent Arabs should . ~ . - rouse himself from off his duff. be brought to justice. " · ' ., Koren] .~"i''lll7ll"ll711:!ll!'91!7 l! l>'D T\D .. Nationalc' Religious · ·Party · Were the Arab vfctilils of these hiraeU army' Jeeps piotroi H~bron after death of sh Jews at lumds of tbe PLO. 'I ta~a'm·W! ln\'lltcll7l l:tun ll.li' Knesset J\1ember Yehuda Ben attacks innocent? Yes: True, · . .'Uti~ T,_,l.Cil I : Meir said·itloud· arid clear:. ~·u Nablus's . Bassiun Shak'a · and . l . lll_Cl'l ll'W, "117i''ll:ll"lt l"l !'It Rarnallah's Karim Khalaf don't .. Jews. committed ' .: '• . th.e. assassination. '"! Ill •llll!ll.l!:l! lllll'"l'l~l\9 "'li'T· attempts (on Arab mayorS), soon · · like Jews;· don~t like Israel; and Tribunal CaUs On USSR •. ~ "'l)."l l'lCI "I'll!\> l'R ll'•13l!1'lll1 K• they: will '.be shedding ,Jewish may well have surreptitiously-en- . ~ . ' . Blood,too. "' • . .. · couraged terror against Jews. But. ' To Release ~charansky i' . "'Slltl ll•l bl!:i .,-g "v.t4' ·17!)'\11· they have not been. proven guilty I . .")17D'~ ''T l:l.ll'l Wiill7posterfi in Arab Eas~ Jeru­ in a court of law, nor even. ar­ . (JTAl . - An appeal for the life of her husband I,. : AMST~RDAM. ·salem said' jt loud. and clear:. rested. Until .such. time ·as that · mternatlonal tnb~nal ':onven~ng. · and for all prisoners of conscience il' here found the Soviet·Umon gmlty intheSovietUnion. 'i . "Verigean¢e on Gush Emuriim: " rp.ay ·- happen, terrorist attacks ofa grave miscarrfuge of jtistjce in . · Meir -Kahane sald it .loud and against them will . only . serve to the · imprisonment· of Anatoi'Y The official Soviet news agency ch~ar.: "For ~very onethey kill we ·embroil Palestinian Ara~s. .· Scharansky !J.nd has called on it to Novosty charged that the tribunal ·, : .. against Palestinian Jews and set release the Jewish activist who was an anti-Soviet forum that was : ' ' shall kill t~o:" · · was simtenced in 1977 to 13 years iri inciting to "cold. war" and would' ' • ' • • < ~ - • • • • • the cycle of violence on a joy ride . jail for. alleged espionage and anti- cause ii deterioration in relations , . L8bor Party K:riesset Member of . dimensions ·never yet seen in · · ·· · Soviet activities. between East ;md West. Harry van · Yossi sa rid said it loud and clear: '·i Arab-Jewish . ·palestinian tela-·· The 11-member panel, composed den Bergh, a Labor member of the \... ' . ·"There is rio l'riore.Green Line, but · . tions. We have no love of· PLO of· distinguished jurists, diplomats, Dutcii Parliament, told a press notin the sense a~gin :wishes it. ' sympathizers like Bassa,ni Shak'a · political. and. civil rights leaders conference nere last week that the . Now there will be terror all over." . from many CQU!ltri~. reachedjts charge was "nonsense." . ' . ' . and' Karim Khalaf, · qut the · ·· unanimous verdict after a two-day Van den Bergh said,he met twice moll)erit attitudinal animosity is · · review ·of the· evidence in the with the' Sllviet Ambassador, In a word:. Belfast. · transformed into .terrorist action, ... SCharansky case. The tribunal vassili Tolstikow, in his capacity_ .. ' '· . ' .. ' . was chaired by Andrew Young, · as chairman o( the "Friends of · . That is where isra~l is heading ... det~rioration toward civil war has . · former US Ambassador to the UN. Anatoly Scharansky Com- ·. and the worst viay to h~lt the dan- begun. • Its' members included Coretla mittee,"todiscusshumanrightsin . gerous slide is ·the approach ~f · .. King, Widow of Marlin Luther King fiteneral and the Schara risky case .. Which .is why Begin had better Jr.; former US Attorney General · in particular: He said Tolstikow ! .· Israel's Army .Chief ·of Staff,. ; get offhis duff. and stop discri~i­ ··Ramsay .. Clark; · Rep.. Robert rejected a request to send·a Soviet ! Rafael Eitan': His horse blinders nating betweeri·Jewish anq Arab Drlnan <D. Mass.) a. Jesuit priest representative to the tribunal and are ~trli}y '. ~rodigi~us:_'. Followi~g .. · active on behalf of Soviet Jewry; also refused to make available a · incitement to terrorism: Israel ex-· · Mario Soares, former Premier of c()py of the sentence handed down tij~ atte~pt¢d. rnur.d~r~, ~e said . ' · pelled three ..-Arab Mayors ··for Portugal;.' Joh.an 'den Uyl, former onScharaitsky .. that he saw no n·ew era -m rela­ incitement to terrorism following Prime Minister. of- The Nether- · Van den Bergh said he con­ ... ti()ns. between'. Jews and. Arabs, - the unconscionableiArab murder lands; and· George Fernandes, for- sidered the invectives by Novosty, thaf there was no. connection be­ of six unarmed Israelis in Hebron· .. mer MiniSter ·or Transport and which publishes news Q\i!side· the tween Israel's presence .in Judea .. · Industry in India. Soviet Union, to be a sign that · · • onem0nth ago: Israerought to ex-. .. McGill University law professor . Moscow is sensitive on this issue. , and Samaria and the growth .of pel Jewish inciters like Meir · Irwin ·co tier, legal counsel. to He . said the tribuiial was not · tertor,~and that Arab~Jewish hos­ Kahane with no less aJ:aerity, : · Scharansky, served as his· repre- organized as an anti-Soviet demori­ sentative before the tribunal. At · stration .but to call attention to the tility-stretched back for .. a century.-. .. Conver~ely, Isr~el ought to bol" · .. arid mightlast for years to come: · the opening session, Scliaranskfs violation of human rights in the .. · ster moderate Palestinians. Right . · wife, Avital, made an impassioned USSR. , Idiocy. · .. - · now the Israeli. military · com­ ', .. \ ,!' ·•. ·.Th~ new era is apoisonous one; ·,. mander iri Bethlehem is reported It is irrelevant whether Jews ·and to have a sour relationship with Arabs have:fougpt long and hard. ... ·Bethlehem's mayorFreij, one of . ·. Statements are now in the mail. If you . It is irrelevant whether Jews ·co.m­ the precious few relatively mod-. ' . ' . mitted these terrorist acts or not. erate Palestinians left. ·Begin has" havE! an :.outstanding account with us, · .·spoiled Israel's fine touch on the . please mail it in before we close for vaca- What is new this week is that Jews • .. ilt Israel are now capa,ble of ter­ · · West Bank and now. it's time to tion. - . rorism, are ru.)w planning terror­ .. stop the deterioration while .there . ism; and,' worst of all, are now is still s0me time left-.. ' The Yiddish Press Inc . understaridiiig of those who perpe~ trate it. This is-not the majority · . It is. time to restore not just the _.,/ ,. ''iron hand" <as they call ·it· in' view, 'l:iut it is new and lt is gri!W­ • I .. .: ing: The. change in. attitude.· is·.· Js'rael). but the soft hand toorPrior · to Begip 's premiership, there was · .. more deadly than the attacks. on · • • • .the Mayors, for the attacks were both the iron hand and the soft: . only:'four in number. The change hand ·-.the Iron hand against ter­ Important Not1ce hi attiti.ide· can engender tens and rorists, the soft hand for everyone . scoreS. and hundreds of terrorist • .. else •. Then Cl!rile Deferise-1\J):inister Dl~ 117lll'l "'ll':I.'K ll'l !!il:l· '" ·attacks-: open warfare. ' Weizmim, .·who. failed to · appre.. -To enable our staff to take their holidays, "ll'l blMlllrir;ll!ll 1111"117!! 300' . ' . ' !"~ ' . ; . .• ciate 'such subtleties; and ·who there, will be no publicatlon!li on July 4, 'lll"T· )ill lll'll\"1177;::"117, 1!117 ,,-,.-g,, ..'·Warfare is the inevitable out­ instituted the soft hand for every.­ ~l'll'l:i "'ll"T I'K l>'~l!"'"tlll1"1'lll"' come·of Jewish terrorism because body. Result: Increased Arab ter­ 11, 18~ & 25;, one cannot control terror with ter­ ""'I! 17i'l''" 1"11'T 1"11!'1117l )!l\"'lll rorism. And now that Weizman is The last issue will be Friday, Juhe '27th, ror..' Terror in response to terror out, the new policy is .the hard . does,not de(:reas·e terrorism; it in- . ,· hand: 1 ·and .the next issue will be August 1st. .. creases it·.. And that's why,- apart .. .·. That is needed- against terror­ -: ' . · from the moral issues - terror- .. Our office will offiCially be closed from . )., '• ism bot\1 Jewish and Arab. Butthe ' ... ists must be corraled and brought ' '" ·.. - ' . .... ' . .• soft hand is needed not one whit Monday June.30 to Monday·July 21st. i: .. .' ' . to justice. Sadly, until now, that . .. ·, ~ ' less. Otherwise Belfast, here ' . I . ' . ·' ; ,, ' ,1 • ' • ·' ·- · meant only that Arab terrorist . ' . .' . ' . I . .. '• . ·~ ,_. 1 .we come . " ' ... killers of innocent Jews should be · ' "· . '. ' . '< ·- . ' . I ' " . '· --~-··· .- . .. ·. ' . ' .. l '. .. ~,,.· • -~ -'~' . _: ... ~·. .'' '• 1··... .·. " .
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