
A letter of Languet about Sidney The Harvard community has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters Citation Bond, William H. 1955. A letter of Languet about Sidney. Harvard Library Bulletin IX (1), Winter 1955: 105-109. Citable link https://nrs.harvard.edu/URN-3:HUL.INSTREPOS:37363543 Terms of Use This article was downloaded from Harvard University’s DASH repository, and is made available under the terms and conditions applicable to Other Posted Material, as set forth at http:// nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:dash.current.terms-of- use#LAA NOTES A Letter· of La11gl1et abot1t Sid11ey HE three years spent on the \"V hen the nc \VS of the ,v or1 d ,vn:s dis- T Continent by the young sen, in a {ed through tl te c or resp and enc e Philip Sidney completed his of educated 1ncn. A.n1ong these Lan- edl1tation and formed h1s character guet ,va~ one of th~ best and most to a degree not comrnon an1ong those prolific reporters. ,vho n1adc the Grand Tour. In part He ,vas jn Paris in 1572, ,~?hen Sid- this , vas due to his n:1 tu r8 l bent and ney first ca me to the Con tj nent ',vi th tal cnts; ht~t scope and d ircc cion "re re three s<::rva nts and four hors es, etc., to gjvcn to his enlarging cxperjence by ren1aj n the space of t\vo ye i:lrs . .. 4 the humanist scholar, Hubert Languet 1 for his a.tt~ining the kno,v]edge of ,vho hcl ped to open the do ors of foreign l an gn ages~ (in the ,vords of learning and diplomacy for him in the Queen's license) ,2 Very probab]y Protestant Europe. One more piece they met jn Paris, although no direct of cvid ence concerning Lan gu et's evidence survives. Both ,vere there friendly interest in Sidney may he during the m~ssacre of St Bartholo. seen in a hitherto unpublished holo- n1c,v.. Si d:11ey she1 tere d in th c rcsi- graph I cttcr recently add cd to the d c nce of Sir Francjs Walsjngharn, the Har,·ard Co1legc Library through the Ea g lish ambassador; Lan gue t, in the gcnerosj ty of Carle ton R. Richn1 on d, gravest danger as a pron1 inent Hu gue- 09. ' not, escaped th ~ough the in terv en tion L:1n gu ct ,vas born in Burgundy in of the Bishop of Orle~ns. r 5 18 nnd educated in Fr~nce and From . Paris Languet's diplomatic Italy-, and as a young man he adopted duties took him to Vienna. T·here the reformed religion as a protege of Sidney joined him durjng the stunmer !\1elanchthon. Like_ so many of the of I 573. For the remainder of his humanists of his day, his ]earning and stay on the Conrj ncnt, \ 7ienna ,vas interests "rent far beyond classical d rtu aHy a ba.se of op erati ons for Sid- scholarship and theology~ though he nc y, and ,vhile in \'ienna l1c lived in ,vas deeply read in both~ 11c traveled the . san1e house as Languet ..s Th c ,vidciyt and bccan1e a shrc,vd politician young 111:1~ ranged Europe fron1 and judge of men and affairs, scr\.'in g Italy to Polandi. but nhvays ,vith the for many ye~rs as representative of good ud vice - and firm Protestant ad- Augustus, Elector of S~xony, fir.st st 1110ni ti on s:- of the I-Iu gucnot scholar. Paris and ] ater t ''le n na. His official ,v e kn O\V more about thci r re 1:1 tions letters and reports arc still esteemed as w·hen they ,vere separated than ,vh en a ~ou:rc::efor the intricate diplo1natic Life history of th c period .1 It \Vas an age :;:A-1alcolm ,v4 \::Valiac~ Tl:,e of Sir J>bJlipSid1uy ( CamLridgei 19 rs)! p+ 114, I. Ar-cutUtseculi decimi uxti. Ruberti Ltrn• '-Languet says. 'Ipse & !;:govjximus V"ien- 1 gu~ti . e pi1tolae r ecretae ad -principnn na e al iq nan d iu in iisd em ac djb11s1 A rc-ana.II, :ruum Aug1n tmn (Hal le, 1699}. z9 I, 105 Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume IX, Number 1 (Winter 1955) 106 1-larvardLibrary Bulleti11 they ,vere together, from the cele- Epist of ae as Letter XLIII. tt Another brated series of letters that passed be- di ~tingn is hed person "\V h on1 ] ~anguet nveen them. Langu et's side of the addressed on be½alf of Sidney ,vas c or respond cncc \Vas fir.st pub li shcd at Johann Cra to v on Craff th ci tn, ,vho 1n Frankfurt in t 6 33, rcpr j nted by the Sidney had met jn 1575 and ,,,ho1n he Elzcvj crs .in 1646~ rc-cd itcd by Lord appears to have visited at Breslau.(j F-Iailes in I 77 6, and extracted :and .Bcsid cs t hcsc, Lang uct tm n~mi tted one translated (-v.·kh the addhion of Sid- of his offici Ai reports to Au gus tusi neyis rep1tes) by Steuart A. Pears in l~lector of Saxony, through Sidney's l 845 The first cd iti on deno ini na tcs hands. It ,vas intended also to serve thcn1 Epistolae politicae et bistoricnei as an introduction for its hearer ..7 and ,vith good reason, for they- arc Lahgucr•s letters to Sidney tell a.ho full of ne,vs seasoned by the observa- that he lvas ,vrjting to a second friend tions of a man 1.\~hocombined moral nt Frankfort! a certain Dr Glaubnrg, fervor "\\'ith great learning and ,vide and it is this Jetter from Langnet to exp cricnce. 0 f course the Jette rs re Gfauburg that has no,v conic to light jnvaluablc to the biographer of Sid- and is here prj n ted for the fir.st ti n1c. ney~ and beyond that they are ncar1y Clar issjmo I urisconsu lto sa pientia as good as Langu et1s officj al co rrc- & vktutc prrestan.tjDno Doct/ spondc ncc as a source for his.torjca] I oann j Gla uburgio Domino suo :studies. & aiui co coiendo ·- The n e,v 1ettcr of Languet dates Fra ncof urtj from the closing days of Sidney's S-P~D Conti nenta l sojourn, \V hen Lang uet ,vas con cemed that he ha vc a ~-afe Veniet ianl ad vos II1ustris & gcncrosus ado I cscens D ITT Philj ppus Syd nreus and p1easant journey home. Officca] Angl us natus pa tre in quo est m'J.gna business had taken the scholar to vj rtu s qu j fo.111 est prorex Hy b erni~~ P1-a gu e.. F ro1n there he did his best to 1\-1-ater est so ror V Varui censis Con1itisi& prep are the ,-.?a.y for the young Eng- Roh ~rt j Comi tis Lee cstria\ quorum hie Jjshman! dispatching· letters to various vidc tur f uturus h~re.s cum v tcrq 3 ca re::it friends and patrons on Sid n cy's rou re.. 1ib eris. H unc f ortun~ & na t:ali um spl E:n.... Letters XLI and XL II of_the pu h lish ed dorem non tantj fado quantj admi!"1ln- d um du s j ngeniO. & sru d ium vi.rtu tis ad series 4 arc fun of advice and the sun1ma · contentione fertur~ Hrec ria111es of persons Languct to ,v hon1 credo tgnta ornamenta reddcnt tc cupi- had addressed introductions~ Andre\v dum ipsj gra ti fica nd j ; .scd si quid apud te Wee he], the p tinter of Frankfurt possu nt me~ prcccs, da obsecro op ~ra (,v-ith ,vhon1 Sidney had .stayed on his vt 'J liq uib us o ffid j s b ci us way to Vjenna).; Graf Lud,vjg von r; Pp. 135-137. Na nddressee js named in \\ 7it tgcnste in; U rsi nus nt H eidcl berg; the cditlon of 1633; in (he Elzcvier ( 1646) Lob etius at Strass hu rg; Bise tu s at cdit:ion It is hca:ded 'Ad D. Harlacunl; \vhile J~o l'<l I-IaUcs hca ds it 1Ludovi co Com id a Base]; Achille de I-Iar 1a y at Paris. T'he , Vitge ostd n .' The letter as printed contains Jetter to Harlayt dated r 1 1\fnrch i 575 r no due as;to ,vhic-h addressee is correc:::t. has survived and is pr i ntc d in the e J. F. A~ GiUe~ Cr11to vr;n Crafftliehn t1-nd sclnc Freund e (Frank f u.rti 18Go--.i1 ) , II, l 6'9+ i Epistolac (1633-}, pp. I z9-1 35, ._A-rcantt} lit 74-j6. Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume IX, Number 1 (Winter 1955) Notes 107 den1crear j s: n :im eius arnicitia f ortc notes.ccre I inpcratorj , q uj cun1 ad se srep e poteri t o] im esse tibj a ut tuis amids v su j vocare sole bat & de -cxoticis p] antis cu n1 cu1n vix :fierj possi t q uin -aliq uand o eo colloquJ scd nostcr discessus ex vrLc. 111ag nam a uthori rnteni con seq ll'J tu r in \ 7iennensj. ]~oc jnitlun1 fam11i3titatis in- pa tria :si Deus v olet eum esse dj u super- tenurbauit .
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