E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 148 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 2002 No. 29 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the the $5.95 trillion debt ceiling, they are The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. United States of America, and to the Repub- a little embarrassed to be increasing Coughlin, offered the following prayer: lic for which it stands, one nation under God, the debt of the United States when last Lord, our refuge and our defense, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. year they predicted surpluses as far as show Yourself, our Deliverer. In the f the eye could see and paying the debt off within a few years. They are espe- time of Moses, in response to the mur- CONGRATULATIONS TO JOB CORPS muring of Your people, You fed them in cially embarrassed that they are going the desert. Amidst their struggles, (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN asked and was to break open the Social Security Your servant Paul exhorted the early given permission to address the House lockbox, something they had us vote Christian community at Corinth not to for 1 minute and to revise and extend on seven times. They do not talk much grumble, but deepen their under- her remarks.) about the lockbox anymore. standing. Yet in this Nation truly Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I But now the most disturbing pro- blessed and free, rich with options and would like to congratulate Job Corps, a posal. They are not going to raise the opportunity, people find reasons to national program which serves more debt ceiling; they are going to dis- complain. Among the mournful crisis than 70,000 students each year, and es- appear the Social Security trust fund. of this world, hear us and be patient pecially I would like to congratulate Yes, that is right. They decided yester- with us, Lord. Job Corps director Roy Larsen of day that they are going to say that these special depository instruments, Guide Your people, by Your spirit, Homestead and Luis Cerezo of Miami. the debt of the Federal Government of that they may refine their perceptions The Job Corps program teaches the the United States, which is held by the and expand their vision so to distin- job training skills necessary for young Social Security trust fund, over $1 tril- guish mere inconvenience and frustra- people to thrive in the workforce. Through cooperative work-based learn- lion, does not exist. Suddenly, they are tion from true suffering and the pain of wiping a couple of trillion dollars off loss. The times and the issues which ing, students are able to gain hands-on experience which is vital to long-term the books, all because they do not want face this Congress and this Nation are to take an embarrassing vote, or all be- so significant, Lord, You must silence career success. Job Corps graduates enjoy a 91 per- cause they do not want to roll back the trivial in us. their obscene tax cuts or rein in their You have called us to be Your moral cent placement rate through national partnerships with employers such as massive increases in military spending. witness and reform our lives. Free us They cannot do this to the Social Se- from complaining so to learn deter- HCR, Manor Care, the U.S. Army, and Walgreens. These partners invest in curity trust fund. It is an irrefutable mination, commitment, and persever- obligation of the Government of the ance; and prove ourselves faithful in Job Corps students and are rewarded with well-trained individuals to fill United States of America. They cannot living and unafraid to die for ever- disappear it. lasting values now and forever. Amen. their employment needs. Please join me in congratulating and f f recognizing the wonderful work that NORTH KOREA AND THE AXIS OF THE JOURNAL Job Corps provides and, most espe- EVIL The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- cially, Job Corps directors Roy Larsen (Mr. PITTS asked and was given per- ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- of Homestead and Luis Cerezo of Miami mission to address the House for 1 ceedings and announces to the House for their dedication and hard work in minute and to revise and extend his re- his approval thereof. the south Florida community and for marks.) Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- our young people. Mr. PITTS. Mr. Speaker, President nal stands approved. f Bush said that there is an axis of evil f governments at work in the world SOCIAL SECURITY IS AN IRREF- today, three countries ruled by evil PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE UTABLE OBLIGATION OF U.S. governments that sponsor terrorism, The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman (Mr. DEFAZIO asked and was given practice genocide, and seek weapons of from Nebraska (Mr. TERRY) come for- permission to address the House for 1 mass destruction. It should be pointed ward and lead the House in the Pledge minute.) out that it is the governments, the rul- of Allegiance. Mr. DEFAZIO. Well, Mr. Speaker, the ers of these three countries the Presi- Mr. TERRY led the Pledge of Alle- Republican majority has a new plan. dent has talked about, not the people giance as follows: Instead of taking on the extension of who live there. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H909 . H910 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 14, 2002 No one knows better than the people He had been assigned to the Third Spe- Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, the nu- of Iran, Iraq, and North Korea that cial Forces Group in my district at clear industry lobbyists are trying to their rulers are evil. Take, for example, Fort Bragg, North Carolina. He was the simply pull the wool over our eyes. As the boy in this picture. A German doc- first Army soldier from North Carolina well as most Members of Congress and tor who was visiting the North Korean to die in action in the Afghan war. the American people, we are gullible to countryside took this photo more than Stanley, a loving husband and father, some of their ludicrous remarks. They a year ago. He said, When I see the was a model soldier. Spending more want us to believe that by supporting brainwashing, starvation, concentra- than 16 years in the military, he hoped the Yucca Mountain project that the tion camps, medical experiments, and to complete at least 14 more before he nuclear waste problem at over 100 com- mass executions, I must say that Kim planned to retire. He dedicated his life mercial nuclear power plants will just Jong Il is an upgraded version of Hit- to the Special Forces and graduated disappear. Puff. Gone. ler’s Nazi Germany. Children like this with top honors from warrant officer Now, I am not sure how many of us school. He had been deployed in Haiti, suffer from starvation, oppression, poor believe in fairy tales; but that is ex- Kuwait, Nigeria, Germany, and for Op- medical care, while the ruling elite live actly what this is, a fairy tale of monu- eration Desert Storm. During his ca- like kings. mental proportions. The people of North Korea and other reer he earned two Meritorious Service The truth is, there are over 100 nu- axis countries live in constant fear Medals, three Army Achievement Med- clear waste sites around the country; and, while they are sorely oppressed, als, and an Army Superior Unit Award, and if Yucca Mountain was open, we they dare not complain. The people are among many others. would have not only those sites, but not the ones that the President is talk- The accolades of Chief Warrant Offi- also Yucca Mountain, and high-level ing about; it is the governments of cer Harriman’s military career speak nuclear waste traveling across the these countries that are brutally op- for themselves. I would like to high- country. After all, the waste will not pressing their people. light his strong moral character and dedication to our country. Stanley just magically appear in Nevada, it f wanted freedom. He wanted freedom for will take at least 38 years and more CONGRESS HAS FAILED AGAIN us and for his children. He believed in than 96,000 truck shipments to trans- (Mr. BLUMENAUER asked and was the fight to free the world of terrorism. port the waste from 38 States. given permission to address the House Stan loved his country, and we must Mr. Speaker, the viability of Yucca for 1 minute.) not forget the ultimate sacrifice that Mountain is not just a fairy tale, it is Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, he made for us and our children. a nightmare. Protect America. Oppose yesterday’s vote in the other Chamber Recently I had the chance to visit Af- Yucca Mountain. marked another sad chapter in Amer- ghanistan and see the outstanding ica’s inability to have an energy pol- work that the Special Forces have f icy. Congress has failed again, as we done. Sheila, Barbi, and Christopher, our thoughts, our prayers, and those of unsuccessfully attempted to raise effi- THE MEDS ACT ciency standards for the first time a grateful Nation, are with you today. since 1975.
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