2010 OFFICIAL PRIDE GUIDE 11, glow fa SPECIAL EDITION VOLUME 17 May 28 June 14, 2010 The Nation's 4. Biggest LGBT Pride Entertainment Lineup 44410 3N it, Patti LaBelle, Joan Rivers Lena Katina from t ATu Bruce Vilanch Melissa Ferrick Charice Kaci Battaglia Otep Jeffree Star Amanda Lepore Snap! Robert Verdi DJ Ralphi Rosario Over 150 Acts Performing Live! LET US STIMULATE YOUR SENSES... AT MILWAUKEE'S NEWEST GAY 41M01) COMBINING THE INTIMACY OF A Leo UNGE WITtHE HEAf ENERGY OF A IMURTSP/ 11v( TEMer COMPLIMENTARY COCKTAIL 1D ) WITH THISAD NAME: DOORS OPEN AT 7:30 EMAIL: 324 E. Mason St. • Milwaukee, WI 53202 • 414-221-0228 WELCOME TO PRIDEFEST 2010 Get the VIP experienceexperience at PrideFest! From -1- 1 day day to to 3 3-day-day Ultimate Ultimate VIP, VIP, PrideFest PrideFest has has a a A letterletter from PriPrideFestest President Scott Gunkel special experience forfor you:you: 11-Day-Day VIPVip --$100 $100 33-Day-Day VIP -- $225 Dear FestivalFestivalGcers,-Goers, VIPVip Ultimate w/ MeetMeet && Greet Greet $350-$500$350-$500 depending onon andst. artist. WeareextiendyexcitedaboutthelinoupOfentertainers,vendorsandadi\ifesthatwe'reoiferingatthisysar'sWe are extremely excited about the lineup of entertainers, vendors and activities that we're offering at this year's (1(1-Day -Day VIP VIP also also available available at at gate gate duringduring weekend) PrideFest,PrideFest and and look look fonMard forward to to celebrating oelebratng ourour communitycommunfty with wth you you on on June June 11-13,11-13, 2010.2010. These VIP tickets help support the festival's mission and Unfortunately,urferdmafely,thereisashadowhangingoverusthisyear.In2009,ourcommunftyloggedaterriblerrilestone: there is a shadow hanging over us this year. In 2009, our community logged a terrible milestone: operations whilewhile letting youyou experience experience PrideFestPrideFest in morerrorenewHIVinfec6ons-espectallyanongyoungAfrican-Americanmenwhohavesexwhmen-thanwe've new HIV infections —especially among young African-American men who have sex with men - than we've style! 1 1-Day-Day VIP VIP includes includes admissionadmission for thethe day, andand 33-- seen since stice the te earlyedy 1990s.19as. Day givesgives youyou admissionadmission forfor the entire weekend.weekend. The WhileWhilemanystrideshavebeennradeinteatmentsforpeoplewithHIV,thehardtruthisthatHIVremainsadebil- many strides have been made in treatments for people with HIV, the hard truth is that HIV remains a debil- Meet & GreetGreet packagepackage is also a 3-Day3-Day admission pass, pass, itating,itating, lifefifeLalfering,-altering, and and often chen ilfe-shortening life-shorfening infection. infection. Its spreadIts spead among among our our community communfty members members must miist be be stopped. stopped. and includesincludes aa special backstagebackstage meeting withwith your ToTodotspart,PrideFestissponsoringanumberoffreeHIVawareness,ediicaton,andtestingactivifesinthe do its part, PrideFest is sponsoring a number of free HIV awareness, education, and testing activities in the favorite artist. By purchasingpurchasing aa VIPVIP ticket, you will gain gain HealthHeath and Wellness Wellness sedion section Of of the groundsgrounds thisthis year,year, including: access toto thethe Miller Miller Lite VIPVIP Oasis, Oasis, anan exclusiveexclusive loungelounge • RapidRapid"ife-results HIV HIV testhgtesting area withwith great viewsviews ofof thethe MillerMiller Lite Main Main Stage, Stage, ••safersexsurdis§ Safer sex supplies enhanced soundsound forfor headline entertainment shows,shows, andand • SaferSafersex sex educational materialsls and/or personal counseling,counseling, these amenities:amenities: includingincluding materials in Spanish andandforthose\^thtransgenderbodies for those with transgender bodies • Safe injection information specific to users Of of hormonesho and silicone • HealthHeam information for people living with HIV • BarrierBanier demonstrations by andnd for youth • Make-it-yourself message armbandsmhands Inin addition,addifen, community health wher§workers will will be be roaming roaming the grounds, approachingpreaching people -- especially those whwho appear appear to to be yyoung gay or bi men - to answer questions,estions, share information, and and encourage encourage testing. testing. If If you're approached,appmached, we hope you'll recognize that we've trained and sponsored these workersworkers as aa signsign ofof how muchmwh weve vahevalue your your presence in our community, and an howow much weve wantwant toto be suresure that that you you will will be around to enjoyentry many more decadesdecad of PrideFesteFest withwth us.us, ScottSced D. Gunkel • Complimentary Miller Brewing Brewing Products, Products, soda soda && water water PrideFestPrideFts( President Presfty • • Complimentary horshors d'oeuvresd'ceuvres • Private bathrooms Festival BasicsBasics ReservedReservedseatingticketsforHeadlinershowsavailable seating tickets for Headliner shows available • Relaxed table seating Friday, June June 11th, llth, 33 p.m.p.in. - -MidnightMidnight online untiluntil Friday, Friday, June June 11, 11,1 1 p.m. p.in. Afterwards, Afterwards, reserved reserved • Dedicated bar service Saturday, June June 12th, 12th,12 12 p.m. p.in. - -MidnightMidnight seating tickets cancan bebe purchasedpurchased at thethe main gategate Sunday, JuneJune 13th,13th,12 12 p.m.. p.in.. - -MidnightMidnight (based on availability). (based on availability). Special Promotions Reserved seating beginsbegins approximatelyapproximately 45 minutes Purchasing TicketsTickets prior toto thethe startstart of thethe headlineheadline show each night.night. PrideFest patrons have the opportunityopportunity to experience a DISCOVERY WORLD PrideFest patrons have the HARLEY- innovationinnovation II technology technology I | environment envronmem number of benefits: International entertainment, entertainment, educa- educa- It'slt\s where we'revle're going number of benefits: Festival Weekend Gate Ticket PricesPrices DAVIDSON tion andand advocacy,advocacy, music andand dancing,dancing, funfun family family and and MUSEUM' OneOne-Day-Day GeneralGeneral AdmissionAdmission — -$15 $15 -+4( fr* + *+ youth activities,activities, shopping shopping and and dining, dining, performances, performances, and and more! AttendeesAttendees can gain even moremore benefitsbenefits byby takingtaking OneOne-DayvIP-$100-Day VIP — $100 Min IMPIPA le-iiLiiEN'J+Zi2=Wtf Alesa cg•tifil9 PrideFest'PrideFest advantage ofof some ofof PrideFest's special special promotions: promotions: OneOne-Day-Day ReservedReserved SeatingSeating —- --MILWAUKEE MILWAUKEE - Pre-Festival Discount Tickets $95 -Kathy- Kathy Griffin, Griffin, June 11 Pre-Festival Discount Tickets Use your PrideFest ticket stub at Harley Davidson (Available at www.pridefest.com until June 11th at 1 p.m.) $95 --Patti Patti LaBelle,LaBelle, June 1212 (Available at www.pridefest.com until June llth at 1 p.in.) Museum andand DiscoveryDiscovery World World from from June June 11 llJune-June 30,30, SingleSingle-Day-Day Admission Admission - -$13$13 (save $2$2 fromfrom gate price)price) $55 --Joan Joan Rivers, JuneJune 1313 2010. Just showshow it it when visitingvisiting one of these MilwaukeeMilwaukee ThreeThree-DayWeekendPass-$35(save$10fromgateprice)-Day Weekend Pass - $35 (save $10 from gate price) landmarks,landmarks, andand receive a discount on admission! Block ofof 2525 ticketstickets -- contactcontact the PrideFest Ticket Ticket HotlineHotline 12 yearsyears andand underunder - -FreeFree atat414-2414088 414-241-4088 * PrideFest, Inc. QUEST PrideFest is produced byby PrideFest, Inc. +±irmT±+ QUEST Edition PrideFestPride Guide The PrideFest Office isis located in the Quest Special Edition PrideFestpride Guide is co-produeedco-produced byby Quest andand PrideFest, PrideFest, Inc.Inc. MilwaukeeMilwaLkee LGBTIJ]BT CommunityCommunity Center PrideFest•P r i d e F e s t® is Suite 203 315 WestWest Court Street Quest Magzine -~ MILWAUKEE MILWAUKEE ~- Quest Magzine Milwaukee, WIWI 53212 53212 P.O. Box 19611961 GreenCireen Bay, Bay, WI WI 54305 54305 414.272.3378 www.pridrfest.comwww.pridefest.com June 11th,llth, 12th 12th and 13th,13th, 2010 2010 800-578-3785 MidwestMid\vest PridePride Meets Meets On Ch Milwaukee'sMilwaukee's LakefrontIckefront ©2010 No portion of this book maymay be Mailing PrideFest,PrideFest, Inc.Inc. P.O.P.O. Box Box 511763 511763 Henry W. Maier FestivalFestival Park reproducedreproducedwithoutpermission. without permission. Address: Milwaukee, Milwaukee, W153203 W153203 (Summerfest(Surmerfest Cirounds) Grounds) PublicationPul]licationofthenane,photographorotherlikenessofanypersonororganizationintheQffici.al_2010PrideGuldeisnot.I.o..Pecgnstr:AedTanyi`nqcati_op.of_the.sexwl,.religi,ous of the name, photograph or other likeness of any person or organization in the Official 2010 hide Guide is not to be constniedas any indication of the sexual, religious orpoliticalorpolitical;rientaiion,bracti;e;rbeliofsofsuchpersonormembersofsuep_organizati.ons.PrideF.fstapsanesnoTsponsib.ilieyforpquien.iser:'c.Iaims.PrirfeFest.i.?pro.gistered orientation, practice orbeliefs of such person ormembers of such organizations. PrideFest assumes no responsibility for adv ertisers' claims . hideFest is aregistered trademark.trddemck.Iintireconterits©2010byindeFest,Iric.exceptwherespecificallynotedotherwise.Allrightsreserved.Reprodsction,eitherinwholeorpat,isprohibited. &tire contents ©2010 by PrideFest, Inc. except where specifically noted otherwise. All rights reserved. Reproduction,
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