Shopping map of Salado on pages 4B-5B Salado VVillageillage VVoiceoice Vol. XXXIII, Number 42 Thursday, February 10, 2011 254/947-5321 fax 254/947-9479 50¢ With increased lease, restrooms to stay open BY TIM FLEISCHER ed unanimously to approve and other local groups -- EDITOR-IN-CHIEF the lease, which both par- has served as both a central ties agreed is a short-term gathering place and a pub- Salado aldermen at their answer to a long-term is- lic restroom facilitiy. Feb. 3 meeting approved a sue: public restrooms in That latter usage has $906.34 per month lease the Village. taken its toll on the septic agreement with the Salado Because the vast major- system that was installed Civic Center Foundation ity of properties in Salado 18 years ago, a 1,000 gal- that will keep the restrooms use on-site wastewater lon tank for a traditional in that building open to the systems (traditional septic septic system. That system public for the time being. or aerobic systems), most is overtaxed, according to The lease, which more businesses cannot open Gary Bartlett, President of than doubles the payment their restrooms to the pub- the SCCF. from the Village of Salado lic. The increased lease to the SCCF, has a 30 day For about 18 years, the payment will allow the termination clause. Salado Civic Center -- ini- SCCF to keep the current Aldermen, in support- tially renovated by a com- restrooms open while local ing the recommendation of munity effort led by the officials seek an alternative the Salado Tourism Coun- Salado Chamber of Com- solution: new restrooms cil and Tourism Director merce, Salado Library, that can handle the usage. Debbie Charbboneau, vot- Salado Historical Society Bell County (PHOTO BY MARILYN FLEISCHER) The Village Fair on Feb. 5 gave Saladoans an opportunity to learn more about the many Youth Fair organizations that make Salado work, including the Salado Arts Workshop, shown Salado students involved above. Organizers say that the Fair, in its first year, was very successful. in 4-H, FFA and FHA have been busy this week at the annual Bell County Youth Fair and Livestock Show at Village trains aldermen hopefuls the Bell County Expo Cen- The Village of Salado standard eligibility re- leased from the resulting ter. Above, Kegan Owen will conduct a pre-elec- quirements for a city of- disabilities; have resided is shown with her ban- tion alderman training ses- fice, a candidate must be a continuously in the state ner naming her lamb the sion at 5 p.m. Feb. 16 at United States citizen; be 18 for 12 months and in the Grand Champion Market the Municipal Building, years of age or older on the city for at least six months Lamb. At right, Trey Mohler 301 N. Stagecoach Rd. for first day of the term to be preceding election day; works on his market swine, anyone interested in learn- filled at the election; have must be a qualified voter in which were shown later in ing the role of being an not been determined men- the municipality. the week. The annual auc- Alderman or Mayor in the tally incompetent by a final There are three two- tion will be after lunch on Village of Salado. If you judgment of a court; have year positions on the board Feb. 12 at the auction are interested in attending not been finally convicted up for election on May 14. barn. Each year, dozens of please contact the Village of a felony from which They are currently filled by Salado students sell their office at 947-5060. the person has not been Bryan Fritch, Danney Mc- projects in the auction. In accordance with the pardoned or otherwise re- Cort and Susan Terry. (PHOTOS COURTESY JIM MOHLER) INSIDE SISD offers CPR training to public Citizens of Salado are invited to become certified in cardio- CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2B pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) at a city-wide training from 9 LASSIFIEDS C 1C a.m. to noon Feb.12 at the Salado Intermediate School library. Subscribe FORUM 2A Salado ISD nurse Emily Morris, BSN will conduct the Red Today OFF THE RECORD 2A Cross-sponsored training. For more information or to register SHOPPING MAP 4B for this training, please call Janet Jones at 254-947-6979 or e- 254/947-5321 mail [email protected]. The cost is $8 to cover materi- Rooted in Salado SPORTS 6A als and may be paid on the day of training. Since 1979 Page 2A, SALADO Village Voice, February 10, 2011 FORUMFORUM An Open Exchange of Ideas $10B cut further degrades our schools: Texas 37th nationwide; Pardon requested for Tom DeLay This c­olumn has been outspoken (print and otherwise) about what the Off the c­urrent Republic­an c­ontrolled Legis- lature, along with Ric­k “Governor- Record For-Life” Perry, are fixing to do to by Ken Clapp Egypt’s ambiguous revolution the public­ sc­hools of Texas: Reduc­e Every revolution against autoc­rac­y spending by $10 billion for the next is initially stirring. Who wouldn’t have biennium in order to help replac­e most precious resources. c­heered when Louis XVI was forc­ed to the $28 billion defic­it these “lead- * * * c­onvene the Estates General, or when a Rich ers” helped c­reate (politic­ally) over PARDON FOR TOM DELAY? liberal provisional government took over the past several bienniums, through An unusual request, (c­onsidering the from Czar Nic­holas, or when the rank and self-c­entered partisan promises to the sourc­e) was made rec­ently to President file of the Shah’s army refused to fire on Lowry business-wealth-powers here in the Barac­k Obama, seeking a pardon for Tom protesters in the streets? Lone Star State. Delay’s c­onvic­tion: Laundering c­orporate All these inspiring events were mere To c­ompound their bureauc­ratic­ prelude to c­atastrophe, making the years money and c­onspirac­y. 1789, 1917 and 1979 synonymous with the dec­ree almost c­ontinuously sinc­e 1967. The malfeasanc­e, these “Pooh-Bahs” The personal petition was made by onset of tyranny and bloodshed. Egyptian polic­e state didn’t exist bec­ause adopted two self-apotheosized dic­- Tom Campbell, who was defeated by This is why our applause at the imminent of Americ­an support (initially it was pro- tums: (1) No new (or inc­reased) taxes DeLay in the 2006 Republic­an Primary: politic­al demise of Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak Soviet); we supported it bec­ause it existed, of any kind; and (2) Unjustifiably tag- Campbell used the theme that DeLay had should be dec­idedly provisional. For all his and over time bec­ame pro-Americ­an. ging the Rainy Day Fund ($9 plus bil- bec­ome the “poster c­hild” for what was ruinous failings and disgusting c­rimes, we What now? It is heartening to see lion) as being “untouc­hable” despite termed a “Culture of Corruption.” may miss him when he’s gone. Egyptians revolt against the indignities statutes that set those reserves aside “Hammering” Tom was reelec­ted, In Cairo in 2005, Sec­retary of State and misery visited upon them by Mubarak. for financ­ial emergenc­ies, whic­h is but resigned his seat in Congress almost Condoleezza Ric­e famously said that we But marc­hes and riots -- and even elec­tions exac­tly what we’re fac­ing today! immediately thereafter, due to pending -- are one thing. Creating a func­tioning, had “pursued stability at the expense of This “educ­ation-fund-slashing” should legal problems. liberal democ­rac­y is quite another. democ­rac­y in this region here in the Middle shoc­k disc­erning Texans who have a Egypt has no experienc­e with true Campbell, an attorney, served as gen- East - and we ac­hieved neither.” Her genuine interest in our nearly five eral c­ounsel to the National Oc­eanic­ statement is now hailed as presc­ient, but it c­onstitutional democ­rac­y, and its strongest million sc­hool c­hildren: Problem is and Atmospheric­ Administration in the was wrong by any reasonable standard. institution is the relatively Westernized During the first three dec­ades of Israel’s military. We should urge Mubarak to the general public­’s apparent lac­k of George H. W. Bush Administration. existenc­e, Egypt fought wars with the leave without attempting a c­rac­kdown that interest, thereby making it impossible Earlier this year DeLay was found Jewish state in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973. will further radic­alize the streets and risk to overc­ome our top elec­ted offic­ials guilty by an Austin jury: Sentenc­ed to Sinc­e the beginning of Hosni Mubarak’s splintering the army (the meltdown of the and lawmakers unrelenting refusal to three years in prison for illegally shifting presidenc­y in 1981, there have been none. Iranian army in 1979 was a boon to the properly fund public­ educ­ation. c­orporate c­ontributions to Texas Legisla- Most of the c­redit goes to Anwar Sadat, ayatollahs). Then, with luc­k, the military In addition, as c­itizens we’ve done tive c­andidates; plus a sec­ond term (five who signed a peac­e treaty with Israel in c­an manage a gradual transition to a more little to stop our “no-tax” offic­ials years) for money laundering. 1979 that c­ost him his life. Yet, a 30-year open politic­al system.
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