^ ■ I / I SATURPAY, MARCH 24, 19W ATcrage Daily Net Preas Run • The Weather PAGE TEN Fer the Week Ended Fereeadt af C. 8. Weather Btiieoti Marek 26. ItM Partly cloudy tMiight aad Tnea- day with chaace et a few anew. since we had the kind of snow­ 1 1 ,9 5 5 Ilnrriea la higher elevatleas. Rlgh storms wt have experienced, thie Member the AndH: today 4d to 48. Van tonight Id About Town year. GOP Endorses Alden Bailey to se. Heard Along Main Street The itorina during the last cou­ Bureav ef Clrwikittan Mancheetfr^A City of Village Charm TIm NUt AiutiwirMry ctl«br*> ple 'of weeks have presented a In Bid Jor Postmastership CRIPTIONS turn of A’Btforaoii'Stwo Po«t, No. problem to motorists and pedes­ S0««, v rw , will bo held toni(ht And on Some of Manche$ter*$ Side StreetM, Too trians alike. Maybe you can put VOL. LXXV, NO. 14f (OtamUMl Advarttaltig m PaQ* >4> MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, MARCH 26. 1656^ (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTW tat a ^ e d u lc il the blame on the temperature. It Alden E. Bailey, antique dealer,#’ Bailey lives at M2 Main 8t. sndwi one day and atairts to Ihgw former town Dl>«ctor and an active | Apparently a Mte-comdr into the .Q ^ a Dog Rite* Deg ^rococo shield over the words, "Qul the, next, and the melting snow worker In the Republican Party, i race for the pdat, Bailey was not The Ct. Oecella CSiolr of Bt. We think part of the point of 'Transtulit Sustinet.'^ Which means, and Ice on streets tunu intb pud­ was unanimpualy proposed laat mentioned early as among those Living Costg Hold John'* dfturcb hM poetponcd to this story’jstnati' js that the.central Dgure in case you're a new Connecticut dles. night bytha OOP Town Committee I rumored to be seeking the post, A^rlt T its children's soclsl sched* resident unschooled in Latin, "He Our pica la to tha motorists: has headquarters at 230 B. Middle for the postmastership in the Man-' Mops Ihah 20 persona were re­ U.N. to Air instructions Asked♦ tiled for this sftemoon. Tpke.. home of the Town CSourt Who Transplanted Still Sustains.’’ Have a haart for the poor pedea- Cheater office, portedly Intereeted. Many withdrew Firm in February and Police Headquarters. trisn. Ba a littia mort thoughtful Bailey was one of four Republi­ from the race. ’’ n r s t Aid instruction will be Our friend recently discovered Down the Drain behind the wheel. Keep your eyes cans wfio havk been aariouily con­ T ^ sa aeriously considered, be­ Washington, March 25 iffi?- gtven Mondny nisht at 7 o'clock some serious malfunctioning in the Did you read about the housewife open for those puddles and don't sidered for endorsement la the Peace Trip The government reported ttxlay U.S. Top Court Backs sides Bailey, were Fred Peck, Ron­ o o to AuxUlsrv Pol<w in the suxilisry family car. A local garage which in Ketkucky who sent her husband go driving through them with dis­ past few daye. , t ald Sloans and John Bengaton, By Red Trial Jury that the nation's living eoata re­ room at Police Hendquartere. Aux­ undertook to do repairs on the to kill a chicken for Sunday din­ regard for tha pedestrian. It's More then 60' Town Committee the latter a posUl worker, mained unchanged In February vehicle lent a car so the customer ner? He fired his .22 caliber rifle tough enough to walk in the stuff, members attended, the meeting in from the January Itvel. iliary Police and . rcKuler poilce and ducked for cover. To Mideast officers who are taking this course could still get around. let alone having some thoughtlaia the Vaim of the town clerk'i office. New Haven, March 26 Electric Co. plant m Food pricea declined a bit but will report at this time. Other a»ix- The garage’s car had a tailpipe The bullet ricocheted, detonated driver come barreling down - the Origiirally scheduled for the hear­ PINE LENbX PHMMACY cotta of nearly everything else Uiaries will meet at •:45 for as­ five cases of dynamite,, blew the street right through a puddle and ing room in the Municipal BuHdIng, Hospital Notes United Nations, N. Y., ^The^ jury deliberating thel -n,, *j^,tion of the Kent teati- edged up. Jf^Rln^ tXe\^aV*jym '"ch% cr;n'house and tW outbuildings„ Into splashing slush all over clothing. the Theetlng was twitched because 299 EAST CENTER ST. TEL MT9-08M The February Indax of the signment to other activities. chickens March 26 (fl»)r-Tlie U.N. Se­ fgte of eight Communists ac-} niany which the jury wanted to ,rogress. .our-acqualnunc. Jibbed |tV"?e'!lflled‘lSy thl^blMl^ Let road conditions be your guide curity Council gathered today cused of violating the Smith i hear included c/oas examination by Bureau of Labor StatUtica .w** h e mechanics about the condition sa to your speed. a d m it t e d YESTERDAY: Mis. threc-tentba of one per cent Following the regular meeting of Reminded us of our first aware­ Winifred Retig, 41 Summit St.; I to take up a U.S. proposal Act Appealed to the Federal | of'the ailing garage-owned vehicle You know,.some motoriete have Mrs. Letltia Rsdy, 21 Alpine St.; { PINEPHMMKCY higher thla Febnidry than in -Nutmeg Forest. No. ll«. Tall Ce­ sa.vlng. ''It's got defective equip­ ness that some commonplace ex­ been known to ehell out a few that would send Secretary Court t^ay for more instruc-1 e»"tr*««rted him- February, 1955, dars of l«banon. Monday night at pressions have sound basts.. Take, Charlks Miller, 67 Elizabelh Dr.; { ment," "running 'around like a chicken bucks to pay cleaning bills or re­ 4*4 C i m n ST. ' TSL MI4-SS14 General Dag Hammarskjold tions and listened to a reading Kent had testified that at the’'time The Bureau's index Vaa 114.S Masonic Temple. William Me­ Later, when the repaired car place s suit of clothes, for such ac­ Mrs. Erma Towne. 186 E. Center per cent of tha 1947-49 average et the Connecticut Juvenile with its head cut off." That's the St.; Paul Bergfleld, 83 W.. MIddlue on a peace mission to the Mid- 01 a portion of the testimony. of the meeting he knew Mrs. Asher was relumed, our friend found this one We had accidentally demon­ tions. tie "Comrade Ruth," and didn't base period, the seme level aa in Bem ocrats will give si talk o* juvenile note scrawled on the rear-view Tpke,; Dennis Burleigh. 'ThrallRd., life East. The jurors," unsmiling and ap­ January, O bligation dellnepieaey. McKay's senrice with strated for Us many years ago. There waS a hot time In the Rockville; Mrs. Rowena Burleigh, / Chief' U.8. Delegate Henry pearing tired as they retumM learn her true identity until last mirror, evidently written by the It happened only a couple of Thrall Rd., Rockville; David Walk­ Cabot Lodge Jr., waa ex|>ected to October,, tha month', the trial Ewan C3ague, Labor Depart­ the court since 1M2 and his 0 mechanics: stone's throw from The Herald town hall last night. The Demo­ to couVt at »:S0 a.m. after having ment atatlstlca commissioner, years of woi* with several wel­ What a dog, vou should be ar­ crats got io scrapping a bit and it er, 76 PhJep.s Rd.; Perry Wilkes, introduce such a .reeoluUon for­ gjStudy Party building when the owner of a back- 332 Center St.; John Lynch, 42 mally eoon after the 11-natlon aaid the outlook la that To- Testify fare organisations equip him to rested for defective equipment!" yard poultry venture decided there looked for a whlla as If tOmt Re­ £‘iss:r.nV^si.5, '”.a r s prices are remaining etcedy but apett on the subject with author- The crowning irony: a bill on the publicans might get Into the flg^t. Coolldge St.; Donald Pegago, Council * coivyened this afternoon hear testimony that had »>«" I * 0M in wak going to be a chicken in the Wetherafleld; William Malon, South at hia requm to d^cuas the po- the prices of moat other /Con- ity- ■■ seat for >62 for repairs. pot come Sunday. The Republicans, at tha same tentiaUy exploMye situation along I IdenuSed ‘'Cbrarade Ruth" aa aumer items, except, einomo- Kid-fashion, we watched, the gory time, were deciding who they Coventry; Linda Gebhart, 63 Wells luted in the Indictment—a meet­ Dark Horse Maintained St.; Anthony Stebbins, 1007 Main Isracl’e. borders/.jrith her Arab ing attended by three of the de­ Martha Stone, biles, are "creeping up.". Volunteer woricers In the retail We Confess spectacle with fascination. The thought should be postmaster and neighbor*—Egypt, \Jordan, Leba Kent repUed that hU. original Oague amid that unleaa there and reMdeatial dlvisi^s of the Before someone else takes us to drama that took place. Our at least one Democrat thought he St.; Ra>7nond Lake, 132 Bissell St. fendants in Bridgeport, Jen. 11, By THE A880C1WTED PRE88 ’- w r / BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A daugh- non and Syria. answer was thd. result of his mis­ ia aii unexpected declihe in food a) Wtishington, Msreh 26 Red Oraee Fund Campaign are task, we might as well confess our crystal-clear memory of it over might help with the declalon. w HOLPEN’S J953. understanding the question, and prices, probable Increases for asked to make their returpa by gross error.
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