r SGA President Satin Geevarghese Austin Brooks will be presenting a The UTC Moccasins won their begins interviewing potential unique blend of music and sleight of second straight game last Saturday over candidates for the four to five vacant hand at the Fine Arts Center. Echo Tennessee Tech by a final score of 35- Senate seats. Interviews began Sept. Features Editor Robert Osteen talks to 1. With the victory, the Mocs moved 11. Approximately 10-15 candidates Brooks and finds out how he began his into a 13th ranking in the Division I- have applied. For story, see A8. magic career. For story, see B4. AA poll. For story, see CI. THE STUDENT ECHO Volume 86/Issue No.4 University of Tennessee at Chattanooga September 12,1991 Issue • UTC Cafeteria May Have Caused Food Poisoning Food Services gets a 'ff rating from the Chattanooga /Hamilton County Environmental Inspector By Angela Tant ported to Student Affairs on Friday, Sept. 6. The Student Echo Renneisen said he contacted Richard Brown, acting vice chancellor of administrative ser­ After reports of illness from four UTC vices and director of Campus Police about students, at least one student suffered from the incident. He also said he alerted Carolyn food poisoning, said Jim Pulliam, safety in­ Robinson, director of student health services, spector for safety and environmental health. about the incident. Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Brown reached Pulliam to launch an in­ Charles Renneisen said that four students vestigation of Food Services. Pulliam con­ had complained of illness Thursday evening, tacted the Health Department in order to Sept. 5. The students complained of nausea, inspect the facility. vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, and Chattanooga/Hamilton County Environ­ dehydration. All of the students were treated mental Inspector Bonnie Turner inspected at Erlanger Medical Center and one student the Food Services area and found health was hospitalized for observation. One sample of bacon from the UTC cafeteria tested positive for the staphylococcus Renneisen said the incidents were re- See POISON page A5 bacteria, which can cause symptoms tike a virus. Craig Combs/Echo Photo Editor SGA Installation Enjoys Distinguished Guest Speakers UT President Johnson, former managing editor for the Chattanooga Times, John Popham speaks By Catrenia D. Washington John Popham, former editor of the Chattanooga Times Echo News Editor was the keynote speaker for the event Popham spoke of his past experiences of helping to desegregate the south and told The SGA was installed Sept 11, at 4 p.m. in Patten Chapel SGA members that they were fortunate to beat the University and UT system president Dr. Joseph Johnson was in atten­ of Tennessee at Chattanooga. dance to extend a challenge to the members. "You are very fortunate to be in a time of life where you "You are the leaders. All the authority you have as a leader can do whatever you want to do. I have seen the world is bestowed upon you by your fellow students. You have the transform; the world is getting better," Popham said. responsibility to make things happen and to do the right After Popham's speech, members of the executive given thing," he said. their oath by SGA advisor Dr. Charles Renneisen. The Satin Geevarghese, SGA president, said in Tuesday's legislative branch and senators were sworn-in by SGA Trea­ SGA meeting, that this is the first time the system president surer, Chris Howard. has attended a student function. At the end of the ceremony, the SGA presented Dr. Robert Johnson said he attended the ceremony by choice and he "Rock" Wilson with a plaque as a token of appreciation. He appreciated the invitation. He also said, "I appreciate the fact is one of the four SGA advisors, the other advisors are Dr. that this campus* primary customer is the student and it's John Delaney, Dr. Charles M. Renneisen, and Shannon John Popham, Sandra Packard listens to President John­ primary resources is its faculty." Smith. Wilson has served 15 years as an SGA advisor. son at the podium. D. Laurent/ Student Echo Additional Budget Cuts May Visit UTC Next Year, Officials Say By Robert Morgan state tax revenues. UTC's current budget of tual head count nomic Committees, said that it was impor­ The Student Echo $24.2 million is $5.2 million less than what "Enrollment growth over the last few tant for the Faculty Council to act as leaders Governor Ned McWherter had agreed to. years has cushioned our loss of funding," during this time of financial crisis. UTC can expect as much as a 15 percent Obear said that this year's student enroll­ Obear said. "It is important to think positive and to do budget cut next year, said UTC Chancellor ment was expected to show another increase, Provost Sandra Packard said UTC has the best that we can," Butterfield said. Frederick Obear, during Thursday's Faculty which could help reduce future cuts for the lost only two FTE teaching positions this Butterfield said that she hopes to increase Council meeting. university. semester due to budget cuts. There has actu­ faculty input into solving some of the prob­ UTC is currently operating on 86 per­ "We will be somewhere between three ally been an increase in the total number of lems that have been created by financial cuts. cent of budget after several straight years of and four percent enrollment growth by day teachers at UTC, Packard said. These problems include maintaining faculty budget cuts. 14," Obear said. The council's new president, Professor moral during a year when UT system instruc­ "I can't imagine what it would be like to The enrollment situation at UTC plays a Martha Butterfield, commented on the prob­ tors were not given raises. work at 70 percent budget," Obear told mem­ crucial role in determining funding, but is lems that have been caused by the budget In a related area, David Butler, assistant bers of UTC's Faculty Council. subject to cuts from shortages in tax revenue. crunch in an opening statement to council Obear stated that the cuts could be ex­ UTC can expect to show an increase in both members. Butterfield, who had formerly vice chancellor for facilities planning man- pected because of shortages in this year's PET (full-time equated) students and an ac­ served on the Council's Budget and Eco­ See CUTS, page A8 A2 THE STUDENT EcHo/September 12,1991 SAVE «0 COMPONENTS NY CD PLAYER WITH REMOTE $1A PER MONTH* ON SEARSCHARGE 149.9• "T /•/ 9# $169.9? 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(615)855-9500 Each of these advertised items is readily available for sale as advertised. September 12, 1991/THE STUDENT ECHO A3 reportedly falsely went off. Filed by Officer promptly from the stadium. Filed by Offi­ McCuthison at 5:50 a.m. cer McCuthison at 9:13 p.m. Campus Crime Log 910678 - Theft from vehicle: A vehicle 910668 - Misc/Harassment: Wendy Warn­ ing reported to the Campus Police that she was reportedly broken into and a radar was harassed by a student who was report­ detector was reportedly stolen. A rock was found in the back seat, which reportedly Compiled by Steve F. Archer Monday, September 2 edly upset at her recent marriage. Filed by was used to break the passenger window. Crime Log Coordinator Officer Hunt at 12:58 p.m. Filed by Officer Beaty at 9:44 p.m. 910654 - Misc/All other Two female jog­ 910669 - Misc/Solicitation: Parties, one who Campus Crime Log is a feature of The gers reported that they saw a chair on the was identified as Shawn Monroe, were re­ Sunday, September 8 Student Echo and is compiled from reports back wall of the Fine Arts Building under an ported soliciting magazine subscriptions. from the UTC police department from the open window. Nothing was reportedly out of Both parties were reportedly advised about 910679 - Property damage/auto: An auto previous week. In this section, we hope to the ordinary. Filed by Officer Logan at 8:42 the campus policy and both individuals left was damaged by a construction worker on make students more aware of happenings a.m. Fifed by Officer Hunt at 1:58 p.m. the library when rock reportedly fell onto on UTC's campus and to keep them in­ 910655 - Fire alarm: Resident Assistant Chris 910670 - Misc/All other Margi Hedge re­ the rear window of the vehicle below. formed of dangers in the area. Incidents Howard reported that a fire alarm was set off ported she was approached by Shawn Mon­ Filed by Officer Logan at 11:44 a.m.
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