f >' & at o MO The^festfield Record Thursday, February 1,1996 A Forbes Newspaper 50 cents Smith takes Framingham schools post Salary drop is $18,000 + •y KEVIN COUJOAN Board of Education President THE RECORD Susan Jacobson was jarred by the news Tuesday night. "I can't even Wcstficld needs u new superin- give you my reaction ,*' she said. "I tenrlont of schools. haven't heard it from him ... 1 don't Superintendent Dr. Mark Smith even know what to tell you." accepted an offer Tuesday night to After confirming the news with become the superintendent of the Dr. Smith, Ms. Jnc-olison said she Fntminghum, Mass. school system. wished the departing superiiv Dr. Smith will join the west subur- teudent well. ban Boston district this summer — "I am pleased for Dr. Smith," alter the Westficld school year said the board president, "(nut) I am disappointed for Westllold that he will Ix1 leaving. Ho was mi ex- As FratniriRhum's new superin- cel lent superintendent with won- tendent, Dr. Smith will be paid derful educational leadership." $115,000 - $18,900 less than he The district must now start its makes in Westfleld. seaivh for a new superintendent. Dr. Smith said he accepted the Ms. Jacobson said the board may |x>sition due to the district's size hire a search consultant, as it did a and diversity. It also brings him decade ago to find Dr. Smith. back to his native state, The Frumingham school district "When this opportunity came up, 1ms 7,500 students and an annual it combined the professional and budget of $52 million dollars. West- personal challenges I am inter- field has 4,644 students and a $46.6 ested in," Dr, Smith said. million budget. AUGUSTO F. MENEZES/THE RECOftO Alice Bartotora and Larry Seltz rehaaraa aVeaaVway Dr—nn at WooaeveH Intermediate School Sunday. Alice has the female lead role at Marian and Larry plays Yul Brenner. The three shorn tomorrow and Saturday are Washington School PTA's primary fund-raiser. Leader's publisher dies; Dreams coining to stage Friday funeral ritual is private •y KEVWCOUJOAN I didn't agree with him, I found him open and willing to discuss Washington Players' 48th yearly musical plays at RIS two nights THE RECORD the issues. 1 think that he brought The Washington School Players of Westfleld Seitz, Judy and Michael Gale, Mark and Wendy Ion, Ron Stntton, Tony Tonrmsso, Ken Ludrner, Publisher and long-time West- a unique perspective to Westfleld." field resident Kurt Bauer died last "It Is a Riui occasion," said Su- were busy Sunday putting the finishing touch- Rosenberg, KathyJparijjg^^iyce Sclalabba, Jill Jamie and Gary Moscowitz, Avi Kntz, perintendent of Schools Dr. Murk es to Brooduxiu Orvatm, the muilcul comedy Farm, DamnjTK^KTKm LofTredo, Mich- Thomashow, Ed Burdulia, Mike week. A private funeral was scheduled Smith, "I hud gotten to know Kurt chosen for the group's 48th annual production. elle HefTemari**Mary FarKinlon, Joanne ami George Thayer, Sherl Brand, Linda Thayer, quite well over the years. I had Tills year's show was written, produced, de- Dsti Couture, Claude Fusco, Shwun Kinney, rold Star, MniyJono Gismondi, Ann Venezta, for the publisher of the Westfidd Leader and 77M Times of Scotch come to res|Kx.t his accomplish- signed, choreographed and scored by an all-Marilyn McMahon, Janice Fusnro, Louise Caro- Barbara Yuhas, Ed Markowski, Randy* Mosel, ments and his work. I think it's a volunteer group of marc than 200 parent* and Ian, Susan McCrea, Tishn Klofln, Ginny Buccl, Plains, according to an employee of Gwtn Cleaves, Joe Freisen and Mark Han- Cray Memorial Funeral Home. The sad day Tor WesUlcld." teachers — including school Principal Connie Chuck Parkinson, Tom Ganley, Manyan Kntz, nwoilh. Tlie ncwspaiicr publisher had Odell. Ruth and Joe Materek, Chris Fiirrell, George employee said the Bauer family re- Musical director and keyboard player this quested no obituary information be been in the headlines himself re- Tlw show, written by Lucille and Jim Davy, Thayer, David Jaslow, Kathy Maher, Ellen Al- cently due to his controversial bid bino, Marcclla Freisen, Denis Sullivan, Rick year is Edward Warner. Band members are: released. will be staged tomorrow and Saturday at Roos- Tobi Becker, Mmj Scurinti und Muryann Waxtel to build :i large addition on his evelt Intermediate School on Clark Street Boeder, Nancy Connolly, Mary Dura, Jane Fiet- The Bauer family was unavail- Kitnball Avenue home. Over The yearly tradition began in 1949 as a small- kiewicz, Erik Itz, Laurie Heitner, Jane Tresnun on flutes, Rich Carlson on drums. Curl Scariati able for comment. on boss, Murin Barbiorc on trombone, Phil neighbors' objections, the Westfleld scale talent show meant to encourage at- and Denise Maran. "I think Kurt was a person who Zoning Board of Adjustment ap- tendance at Parent-Teacher Association meet- This year's choreographers ure Dinnne Mroz Amato on saxophone and Gerry Cleaves on had a great interest in all aspects proved Mr. Bauer's const rut-tic >n ings. Its popularity necessitated moving to the and Lori Vantosky. Dancers include: Dinnc trumpet. of Westficld — its history, its cul- |il;uia Jan. 22. larger auditorium at Roosevelt Intermediate Seta, Allen Dunstan, Debbie Solon, Puttie Swa- Showtirnes aro 8 p.m. tomorrow, 2 arid 8 p.m. ture, its tradition, its peopk-. I Mr. Bauer took over us publisher School and it has grown to become the associa- dosh, Bob Flast and Lauren Ftast, Lot1 Perry, Saturday. Tickets are available at Burgdorn" Re- think he always wanted to see the of the Wvxtjh-ld Uvular in t(M)O tion'! only [und-ruiser. Pat Baedcr, Ann PeUegrini, Karen Brown, Kich altors, fiOO North Ave., or by calling 233-4793. best done for the town," said after llic; death of former publisher Lending the chorus this year is Mary Ann Scialabba, Geoff Kent and Mary Ann Kent, Al- Tickets can also be bought at the door. Prices Mayor Garland "Bud" Boolhc. "Hu Walter I/o Jr. He took over TVu? Markpwski. Chorus members Include: Diane lison and John Fiorina, Raul Heltner, Ed Scol- me $0 and $7. tried to put out as professionally Times thit'o ye.-iis later arid jmr- written nnd edited a newspaper its linlly rnmliiiicd the weeklies into he possibly could." sister publications. "I'm saddened by his puasinfj," An enijtloyi-e of the Wvxtjleltl Briefs Youngest students sold Board of Education l*ro«Wlent IMKUT ileditic'd tu ciisciiiis the lu- Susan Jacobson. "While oftentimes tttre of the two i>iil)ln"i(inns Twelve-step service able jjurt'nts to partici|Mite more ef- fectively in education decision- to see big changes Flwt Cmwregnllonnl Church In- making processes and foster devel- Major changes to Westfleld Public vites the public tu nttend a 12-atep opment of collaborative tearntt wrvk« Sunday it*lt-hr:itlng God's through parent/profeHHlontil part in '96-97 report cards Schools kindergarten report card gift of recovrry through UMJ anony- niTHhlps. To register, contact Bev- mous 12 slip pnxt'HS, ustnl by Al- erly Grunt of the Concerncfl Afri- By KEVIN COUJOAM ••fort ^"^ £•--— eotiolles Anonymous, Gamblers can-American Parents of Westfii'kl Anonymous nnd other self-help Till'! MM nidi Mathtrmrtfc* Malhamallct: tit 233-3620. '7?)e report card is • Understanding counting orrl«r •IrJontitins *ihii(>n'. ( olue, HIKJ f.l/UI programs, Attendees will ct'lebrntu KitKlfD'.nilnci'i in Wesillcld pub- •RticouMi/os numoraln to 10 •Counts In W — and practice the 12 step pro- lic silniol. will lie Ul'itcll'll ilil't'er completely revised. It's 1 gram. Women scholarships •Rocogni/ON nnmonih whovti H) •Mm;ugnl/iis iiiiinh'fi ,1,liiyli| lodiitn i-hlK nc\t lall wlif-li the (listlict •U'irii iiiiiniiiulMllvti^ to 'liiriUMmlniU* Applications forth© IBDfl scholar- kind of a parent friendly •Writes nuimiffils nlrmrly n(ln|(!:t (i t»e\v [j|f* SCIUKII ifpoit mi uii(l«i!ilnnc|iny ut iuru M(AH Nhljm awards by the Weslfleld Col •Applies knowl«()t|« (if numfwrs Commercial JU list* I'inii ropott cord.' •Idemtlliim htisli, uhii|iem nnd si/ns •Irifititlfiri'tfincl (i¥l<inils [liiltiinm Iflgo Women's Club ure available in t The Shoring TnUmtn and Skllli •Tin' it'purt <*sirtl Is completely • Unrinr^tnfuls niiitfi vocnbulnry •UncieiHtnii<1h iini(>i'M.|i.'ipli't Witftneld High School. Wt'stfleld Sal DoSlmone (STB) program of Uw WMtfleld irvi ird," m\i\ TtijimqiifM Rinrnen •F'oriiinnfi hirii|)ln lunUlnrm MIKI (JiiittfH women In tlit> top half of thrlr vb\n* Tm r hiqties Elementary school system i* looking for n com- tin v '.(liipul PrlncifMil Siil f)e{il •MulJlIU'. Mils ul nh|iir.l'» In MUi'iluirs art* eligible. Completed appltcntlnnti •Uniiorsliinds t hi 1 cnmisficindeflf;* mercial »r1 i^t to »tx?nk U> a group muni-, '.vim hc-uileil the mminliter School principal Solcnoc: nn» due Mundny, Murt-h II. 'Hie tPa.it i ivntlMlllrcf tin1 IcjJOlt I 'ill (I. of 14 Mventh grmtern i/iterturtptl In Scjl.flt. FK-hnlurahlps Mtt? nwnnl«Ml In May I! . I*.mi) "t ii piiii nlt'iii'iHllv IT 1 •(iiintflhutnn tuiliitit (imcun'n'in a «wnm»«'l«l nrt tiirver. leal item- , •inch lr; ei|l«"l or liUttOIIM •Atlnntfitn In iiiiiMii (IIIIIIK tlnri'i tMrtOfl III ll I 1.1111 nnct MI.IIVIIKCI 8TS OotmWtmUtr MMIIO Hlgglna iliildii'li u:i- In IHII li-i :.liiliii iilllil on iixponnii' "•. nnd uti'jfiiviltliKiB 'Ii ii' Mi-t.v cnnl lui'; f!7 Illi'iri tu tic hopci to hnvt< a &fnmker deliver a I'nx scmlruir |ir*|'i, • -f ii t r 11 M >)', illid Dliilli 8ocl«l Sludtar •I't ntitd In nh'.ipfv'i, i niii|nii»i rwtd ,;I,MIMI M', t • I ') •! > .
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