Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive Research and Sponsored Programs Office (RSPO) Summaries of NPS Research 1993 Summary of Research 1993 Faculty of the Naval Postgraduate School Office of the Associate Provost and Dean of Research, Naval Postgraduate School. http://hdl.handle.net/10945/39219 DTIC -- ELECTE Monterey, California 93943-5138 APR 1 3 1994 AD-A286 749 F SUMMARY OF RESEARCH 1993 ftpm~9Thhiti&cV8 9mam low o12o t --. off_ Best, Avai~lable Copy NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California 93943-5000 Rear Admiral T.A. Mercer H. Shull Superintendent Provost The work reported herein was supported by various Department of Defense activities and Federal Government agencies. Reproduction of this report is authorized. Reviewed by: Dean o Reseac Released by: Provost Accesion For NTIS CRA&I DTIC TAB 0 Unannounced rj .llistifICatdG'U4 By . OIstr bIbLtion I Availjbility Codes Avail zand or 01st Special Form Appove REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE oI ft omo•,8 Pic v tmg bur*" for thet cOItactCiof Informati•i • esttna ted to ayerafe I hour per '00OAe. onduding the tume for review•mg wtructioe, seerchafg exatmg dute sowcea. a nmgsadmawwits g the data needed. &Mdcown4ang and Fmewn,, the iont of information. Sen commnwts r"m ng tha burden eiottmete or w othi evect of this Sof ino .and=ud qrtgP. r recing Chaburden. to W*aingtont Had4wtiors Serves. Ovaectrew for informa"n opweaton nd ft % 12 i Jeffift" Oesn HghwaV. Suite 1204. Arlingion. VA 22202.43 and tothe Officeof Idanagemeont aind udget. Paperwork ItdunR Pro0ec(00( 01S).*asungtoVn, OC20103 1. AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave blarn) j2. REPORT DATE J. REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED I I Sunmary Reocort 1 Jan 93 - 31 Dec 93 4. TMLE AMNSUTITE S. FUNDNG NUMBERS SUNARY OF RESEARCH 1993 6. AUTHOR(S) Faculty of the Naval Postgraduate School 7. PEW`ORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 3. PERFORMING ORGANATON REPORT NUMBER Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943-5000 NPS-08-93-O01 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADORESS(ES) 10. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY REPORT NUMER Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943-5000 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government. 12a. OISTRPiUTION/AVABL.IUTY STATEMENT 12b. DISTREUTION CODE Approved for public release; Distribution is unlimited. 13. ABSTRACT (Maimum 200 wo) This report contains 357 sunnaries of research projects which were carried out under funding of the Naval Postgraduate School Research Program. A list of recent publications is also included which consists of conference presentations and publications, contributions to books, published papers, magazine articles, and technical reports. The research was conducted in the areas of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Meteorology, National Security Affairs, Oceanography, Operations Research, Physics and Systems Management. 14. SUWECT TERMS 15. NUMBER OF PAGES 7nR IlL PRICE CODE 17. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 1. SECURITY CILASSFOCATION 1. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 20. uMITATION OF ABSTRACT OF REPORT OF THOS PAGE OF ABSTRACT "Unclassified Unclassified Untlaicifind WA 7540l-n1-SS0 Standard Form 2M (R". 249) P "doed by Aft led. Z39-S iv "T=E NLVAL POBTGRADUILTI BCWOOL NISSION The missiaoi of the Naval Postgraduate School is to provide advanced professional studies at the graduate level for military officers and defoens officials fro all services and other nations. The School's focus in to increase the combat effectiveness of the armed forces of the United States by providing quality education which supports the unique needs of the defense establishuent. V vi PREFACE The Naval Postgraduate School Research Program follows from the School's mission "... to increase the combat effectiveness of the armed forces of the United States by providing quality education ... Quality education requires that the School foster a program of research to sustain academic excellence. The NPS Research Program is guided by the Research Office in accordance with the Research Office mission statement: o To develop an overall research investment strategy that ensures a high quality, creative learning experience for NPS graduate students o To encourage pursuit of new discoveries and applications which enhance the long term effectiveness of the armed forces o To stimulate interactions between NPS faculty and a wide variety of potential research sponsors o To publicize (both internally and externally) significant achievements of the NPS research program The overall program consists of two parts, the Direct Funded Research Program and the Reimbursable Research Program. The Direct Funded Research Program provides internal funding for (1) the Research Initiation Program for new faculty, (2) Navy relevant, meritorious research, (3) interdisciplinary research, (4) unique facilities of institutional importance, and (5) postdoctoral programs. The Reimbursable Research Program consists of those projects which have been funded by outside agencies on the basis of proposals submitted by NPS faculty. In all cases we expect that research pursued at NPS should provide creative, relevant thesis opportunities for our students. The two programs are complementary and ensure that the overall research program is flexible, responsive, balanced and supportive of the School's curricula. In 1993, the faculty executed 124 research work-years. Of this total, 73% were reimbursable and 27% were direct funded. The work was 63% Navy and 37% non-Navy. The funding received for reimbursable research totaled approximately $27M, including carryover from FY 92, and was almost equally divided between Navy and non-Navy sponsors. The research work resulted in 815 theses, 200 journal papers, 505 conference presentations, 103 technical reports, 54 books and chapters, and 1 patent. In addition, NPS faculty received various national and international awards in recognition of their research accomplishments. vii Research at NPS is carried out by faculty in the School's 11 Academic Departments and 4 Academic Groups. In the pages that follow, Research Summaries are provided for projects conducted by the faculty during FY 1993. They are grouped by Department and Academic Group with an overview provided by the Department or Group Chair. A List of Publications for each Academic Department is also included. At the back of this book there is a Key Technology Index in which all projects are listed. In this Index, projects have been placed under one or more of the 11 key technology areas identified by the Department of Defense or listed as NOthern. Questions about particular projects may be directed to the principal investigator or to the Research Office. General questions about the NPS Research Program should be directed to the Research Office at (408) 656-2098 (voice), (408) 656-2038 (FAX) or [email protected] (internet). A companion volume, "Compilation of Abstracts of Theses Submitted by Candidates for Degrees" contains abstracts of approximately 800 unclassified theses completed by NPS graduate students, and is also published yearly. May 1994 Jeffray B. Knorr Associate Dean of Research viii NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California 93943 Copies of publications with unlimited distribution may be obtained from either of the following ageocies depending upon the particular circumstances: Individuals affiliated with a research and development activity within the U.S. Government or its associated contractors, subcontractors, or grantees, under current U.S. Government contraut, should order from: DEFENSE TECKNICAL INFORMATION CENTER Cameron Station Alexandria, Virginia 22134-5000 organizations or individuals who do not fall within the above categories may order from: NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE U.S. Department of Coummerce Springfield, Virginia 22161 A given document may be obtained by submitting a bibliographic citation including: 1) author, 2) title, 3) publication date, 4) the Naval Postgraduate School Report Number or reference to the document as a Naval Postgraduate School thesis. General inquiries concerning faculty and student research at the Naval Postgraduate School should be addressed to: Superintendent Naval Postgraduate School Code 08 Research Office Monterey, California 93943-5138 ix x TABLX OFCCWMTS Aeromautics and Astromautics z t ................................. 1 Project Summaries: Attitude Control of Flexible Spacecraft ...................... 9 Spacecraft Systems .......................................... 10 NASA/USRA Advanced Design Program ........................... 11 UPS Survivability Support ................................... 12 NPS/NAVAIR Survivability & Lethablity Assessment Center ..... 13 F-14A/B Upgrade Program Susceptability Assessment ........... 14 Evaluation of UTSI Program on Optical Measurements of Turbine Exhaust Particulates ........................... 15 Compressibility Effects on and Control of Dynamic Stall of Oscillating Airfoils ............................. 16 Control of Dynamic Stall of and Compressibility Effects on Transiently Pitching Airfoils Using Adaptive Geometries .......................................... 17 Small Scale Wind Tunnel investigation of F/A-18 Aircraft at High Angles of Attack ............................ 18 Turbine Tip-Leakage Flows ...................................... 19 Transonic Turbine Rig ....................................... 20 Strake and Wing Blowing
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