H532 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 3, 2010 troops that were on board. But then, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there behalf of Haiti. I also want to applaud tragically, when all the life vests had objection to the request of the gentle- her hard work in bringing the resolu- been distributed, there were more men woman from Oho? tion to the floor that we just passed ex- than life vests, and the four chaplains, There was no objection. pressing condolences to and solidarity without skipping a beat, removed their Ms. FUDGE. I appreciate the oppor- with the people of Haiti in the after- own life vests that they had on their tunity to anchor this Special Order math of the devastating earthquake of bodies and they handed them to the hour for the Congressional Black Cau- January 12, 2010. young troops who had none. cus, the CBC. Currently, the CBC is I’d also like to thank Chairman And as the ship went down, the four chaired by the Honorable BARBARA LEE CHARLES RANGEL and Majority Whip chaplains linked arms. And witnesses from the Ninth Congressional District JIM CLYBURN for working quickly to said they saw the chaplains, as young of California. My name is Representa- get H.R. 4462 passed in the House. This soldiers, fighting against the cold, tive MARCIA L. FUDGE, and I represent legislation would allow all individuals swimming in the water. They saw the the 11th Congressional District of Ohio. who choose to donate during this time four chaplains with linked arms who CBC members are advocates for of crisis in Haiti to claim an itemized embraced each other in a circle in the human rights and equality, nationally charitable deduction on this year’s— waters. They prayed for the troops who and internationally. Our members have 2009, excuse me—tax return. lost their lives and for those who would played a significant role as local and As Haiti continues to recover, my survive, and they prayed until the regional activists, and continue to heart goes out to my Haitian sisters chaplains were no more. work diligently to be the conscience of and brothers as they endure this trag- The four chaplains were a Catholic, the Congress. edy. I also express my deep sympathy two Protestants, and a Jewish rabbi. As Members of Congress, CBC mem- and support for their families. bers also promote legislation to aid ne- Their names were Father John Wash- Through all of the devastation, all of glected citizens throughout the world. ington, Catholic; Reverend Clark Pol- the trauma, the 11th Congressional We understand that the United States, ing, Dutch Reformed; Rabbi Alexander District of New York, like the rest of as a bellwether, has the ability to posi- Goode, Jewish; Reverend George Fox, a this Nation and the global community, tively impact our neighbors abroad. Methodist. These four chaplains gave has demonstrated a unity of purpose in This is why tonight we turn our atten- more than their spiritual guidance to mobilizing goods, services, and volun- tion to the grave situation in Haiti the troops. They gave their lives on teers to help their families and rela- after last month’s devastating earth- February 3, 1943. tions in Haiti. It was a decade later that President quake. Mr. Speaker, I now yield to my col- While I will continue to applaud the Dwight Eisenhower remarked, he said, humanitarian efforts for Haiti, it is im- and I quote: And we remember that league and friend from the great State of New York, Representative CLARKE. portant that we do not allow compas- only a decade ago aboard the transport sion fatigue to set in. Dorchester, four chaplains of four Ms. CLARKE. Mr. Speaker, let me faiths, together, willingly sacrificed also thank Congresswoman FUDGE for their lives so that four other Ameri- her outstanding work in managing the b 1745 cans might live. In the three centuries time of the Congressional Black Cau- We must continue to uphold our com- that separate the Pilgrims of the cus, the Special Orders, and for her ex- mitment to helping our neighbors in Mayflower from the chaplains of the pertise and talent that she lends to all the Caribbean. As a representative Dorchester, America’s freedom, her of the subject matter. with the second-largest population of This particular Special Order on aid courage, her strength, and her progress first- and second-generation Haitian to Haiti is of great relevance to me. As have had their foundation in faith. immigrants located in my district, my we all know, on January 12, 2010, a 7.0 Eisenhower concluded: Today, as office has been inundated and over- magnitude earthquake rocked the Car- then, there is need for positive acts of whelmed with calls from concerned ibbean nation of Haiti, leaving most of renewed recognition that faith is our constituents worried about their loved the nation in utter devastation. Crit- surest strength, our greatest resource. ones and their homeland. While my of- ical infrastructure was destroyed, and And in 1960, Mr. Speaker, Congress cre- fice has been vigorously working with the death toll continues to rise as I ated a special Congressional Medal of the State Department to meet the speak, with reports estimating over Valor, never to be repeated again, and needs of our constituents, there are 150,000 people perished. gave it to the next of kin of the immor- many concerns that still need to be ad- As one of my local council members, tal four chaplains. The Distinguished dressed. Mr. Jumaane Williams, stated, or Service Cross and the Purple Heart phrased it, in Brooklyn, New York, we For many Haitian Americans, a were awarded posthumously in 1944. were victim to a 7.0 emotional after- major issue is family reunification. May the greatest example of this shock as members of our vibrant Hai- Most of their family members have lost greatest love fulfilling scripture that tian American community come to everything, many are sick, injured, and says, greater love hath no man than grips with the utter death, destruction, living on the streets; babies and the el- this, but that he lay down his life for and devastation faced in their home- derly are vulnerable to disease; a ma- his friend, may this Chamber, Mr. land. As a Brooklyn native whose roots jority of them are traumatized by their Speaker, this Congress, and the Amer- are firmly planted in my Caribbean experiences. ican people never forget the sacrifice of heritage, this tragedy has hit home in And since my constituents are the four great chaplains. And may God more ways than I could ever imagine. blessed to live in the United States— forever bless and extend to them his New York is home to the second larg- many of them have obtained their citi- peace for their memory. est population of Haitian immigrants zenship—they have the capacity to f in the United States, most of whom re- take care of their family members, they have the wherewithal to console, CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS side in my district. I would like to take an opportunity comfort, and nurse their families back The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under to just recognize the Congressional to health and support their material the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- Black Caucus for the leadership that needs. uary 6, 2009, the gentlewoman from they’ve taken in Congress in ensuring The only thing that impedes this re- Ohio (Ms. FUDGE) is recognized for 60 that we remain focused and committed unification is that their family mem- minutes as the designee of the major- to assist Haiti and to tend to the in- bers are not American citizens and-or ity leader. jured, orphaned, hungry, and dispos- legal permanent residents and do not GENERAL LEAVE sessed as Haiti continues with its re- rank highly on the immigration pri- Ms. FUDGE. Mr. Speaker, I ask covery efforts. ority list. unanimous consent that all Members I would like to thank Chairwoman I would encourage the administration be given 5 legislative days to enter and BARBARA LEE of the Congressional to address this issue and work to re- extend their remarks in the RECORD on Black Caucus for her longtime leader- unite family members who are suf- this topic. ship and commitment to fighting on fering from this devastation. VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:30 May 18, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00058 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\H03FE0.REC H03FE0 mmaher on DSKD5P82C1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 3, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H533 And in response to this tragedy, on In total, it is estimated that 3 mil- mously pass H.R. 4462. The resolution January 15, 2010, the Obama adminis- lion people have been negatively af- would allow individuals who made tration—which is to be commended for fected by the earthquake. charitable contributions to those in its quick action and its steadfast com- In the immediate wake of the earth- Haiti to claim an itemized charitable mitment—has granted temporary pro- quake, Haiti’s President Rene Garcia deduction on their 2009 tax return in- tected status to Haitian nationals cur- Preval described conditions in his stead of waiting until next year. The rently in the United States. Unfortu- country as unimaginable and appealed legislation also allows those who made nately, there are those who try to take for international assistance. Humani- donations via text message to use advantage and exploit those who seek tarian assistance from the United phone bills as proof of donation. to change their status, and I am con- States and from all over the world has I was proud to be an original cospon- cerned that there are fraudulent enti- been generous.
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