Eastern Michigan University DigitalCommons@EMU EMU Student Newspaper: The orN mal News & University Archives The Eastern Echo 1922 The orN mal College News, April 14, 1922 Eastern Michigan University Follow this and additional works at: https://commons.emich.edu/student_news Recommended Citation Eastern Michigan University, "The orN mal College News, April 14, 1922" (1922). EMU Student Newspaper: The Normal News & The Eastern Echo. 615. https://commons.emich.edu/student_news/615 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at DigitalCommons@EMU. It has been accepted for inclusion in EMU Student Newspaper: The orN mal News & The Eastern Echo by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@EMU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE NORJ\'\AL COLLEGE NEWS VOLUME 19 YPSILANTI, MICHIGAN, APRIL 14, 1922 NUMBER 25 J :FIRST PERJ?ORMANCE NORMAL COLLEGE BASEBALL GREAT SUCCE�S ANNUAL KOLLEGE KOMIDY WELL EXE{'UTED A(j'l.'S OF CIR· SEASON BEGINS SATURDAY un; PERFORlmms WfN TO BE GIVEN NEXT WEEK APPLAUSE RY�EAUSON, A VORiUER NORiUAL MAY FESTIVAL AT FREDERICK J. LIBBY l PROCEEDS OF PERFORMANCES S''AR, WILL Jm ON 'l'HE HILL AUDrrORIUM The first performance of the an­ ADDRESSES ASSEMBLY TO GO INTO TLEASURIES MOUND THlS SEASON nual College Circus which took place OF Y. M. AND Y. -W. Thursday evening at the gymnasium HE:MPEL, VAN GORDON, MARTIN, was given before a great number of SAYS, "DISARM THE TEXTBOOKS" AND OTITER FAMOUS AR· students and citiz�ns of Ypsilanti. AND "REVISE THE CHILD'S PLAY IN DETROIT TIRTS ON PROGRAll Several hundred students specializ­ IDEA OF PATRIOTISM" SINGLE ADMIS- ON SATURDAY ing in physical education work, led SION 3 5 CENTS The twenty-ninth annual May Fes­ by the unknown ring master who Ftederick J. Libby addressed the tival of the University of Michigan, proved to be none other than J�m­ general assembly Wednesday morn­ }IrCu1Joug·ll's lfff·n, lUany oi' Wl10m " 'l'w�nty-011e Organizations 'fake Part which will be given during the four mie" Hole, took 1,art in the various ing on "The Peace Conference at Are Fr�·shmeu, to lUake Strong in Program, Efeven Thursday days beginning May 17, with four acts, none of which could possibly Washington." Mr. Libby is the exe­ Bi'd For )I. I. A. A. IIonors and Ten Friday evening concerts and two matinees, have been better. There were the cutive secretary of the National promises to provide patrons with an nine Swedes in a folk-dancing act 'Council for Reduction of Arma­ opportunity pf hearing delightful ments. He has lived in fourteen Michigan State Normal College and the four. Egyptian dancers di­ Plans for the biggest and best Kol­ music. While the general program countries of E'urope and Asia and will open its baseball season Satur­ rect from Cairo. 'Phen there was the lege Komedy ever presented are rap­ will follow along the lines of those brings to his work for international day, April 15, when they meet the Zouave Drill which brought much ap­ idly nearing completion. The organ­ which have been given so success­ peace a knowledge of many peoples. Detroit 'College of Law team on the plause. The tumbling and parallel izations taking part in the program fully for many years past a glance Mr. Libby emphasized two reasons latter's diamond. The strength of bar perfo1'.mances by the Physical are daily practicing their acts in at the numbers to be offered and the why the 5-5-3 plan was adopted by the lawyers is not known ·but Coach Education men Wt•re good in every preparation for the performances at genera arrangement will indicate the conference, first because Amer­ McCullough is confident that his . ! detail as were the vaulting and ath­ Pease Auditorium on Thursday and that selections of a more varied and ica, the richest nation at present men will give a good account of letic posing acts. The clowns with Friday, April 20 and 21. Twenty-one brilliant nature will be provided. among nations, voluntarily reduced themselves. their ape-like antics kept the audi­ acts will comprise the program for Sparkling orchestral selections will her own navy, thus transferring her The Normal team thus far has ence in convulsions of laughter the two nights. Of these, eleven be given by the Chicago Symphony allegiance from armed preparedness show1, considerable ability in all its throughout the entire performance. acts will be given Thursday evening, Orchestra, while the numbers to •be to world opinion, and second, because departments and gives promise of Numerous other ar;ts completed the while the remaining ten complete performed by the University Choral of the Four Power Pact, a new fo�m making 8 strong bid for the M. I. A. program. the Friday performance. Following nion will be of a partic.ularly at­ of semi-world organization. A. honors. "Doc" has a good supply U Much of the credit for the excel­ are the programs for Thursday and tractive character. These two feat­ But what is to be the good of all of material this year, which is, an as- lence of the acts is due Prof. Mc­ Fri,day: set to every contender for the cham- ures which naturally form· the basis Cullough and Miss Wolfe, whose val­ such regional organizations if the pionship. Rynearson, Foster, Crit- of the festival will •be materially as­ uable ideas and unceasing efforts children, the next generation, do not Thursday i tenden, Nichols, and Ferenz com- sisted by the presence . of a list o were in a great measure responsible understand their true significance? Over the Teacups-Kappa Psi. prise the pitching staff, while Geary, soloists of high rank. for the good results accomplished. "After all," said the speaker, "war One Act Play-Pi Kappa Sigma. Richmond, VanWinkle, and McClear Two programs which may be term­ is only organized murder and it must Burlesque on Anthony and Cleopa- are contenders for the receiving po- ed "Artists' Night" ·wm be provided 'l'HElrn WEHE f'LAPPER'l be stopped. It's up to the the teach­ tra-Kappa Gamma Phi. sition. Of the pitchers, Rynearson on Wednesday and Friday evening IN THOSE DAYS ers to ·do two things: disarm the The old woman that lived in a , is the most experienced. "Rynie" by Mario Chalmee, a famous tenor text-books, that is, exalt the heroes shoe-Sigma Nu Phi. has several times won his "N" in and Frieda Hempel, soprano, stars of . Godey's Lady's Book for February, of peace as much as those of war, Mock Italian Opera--'Harmonious baseball, and has also seen service the Metropolitan Opera Company. 1860, comments upon a prevailing and .revise the kiddies' conception of Mystics. in several minor leagues. He was at Thursday and Saturday evenings the style: "Outrageous. The hoops worn patriotism. It's up te the teachers Burlesque on Treasure I�land­ ff one time the property of the Detroit University Choral Union will o er by girls who work in factories. They to help bring the nation out of the Minerva. he Tigers. The catchers, with the ex- two attractive works. However, t outhoop all. They are really atro­ dawn into the full light of a new Tumbling--Arm of Honor. ception of McClear, are. new men on Glimax of the festival will be reach­ cious." But it if' ,wt the hoopskirt day." Student teaching, first day-Y. W. the campus. The infield will be well ed on Saturday evening when Wag­ style that is considered outrageous, C. A. fortified by four of the following ner's "Tannhauser" will be sung in for in July, 1864, the same magazine Drill of Vestal Virgins-Sodalitas men: Ilellenberg, Hole, Bartells, English with a cast of celebrated commends the hoopskirt by saying CHEMISTRY CLUB Latina. r Spencer, Dickie, and Tarrant; the artists, each distinguished in the ole that "the hoopskirt, when moderate One Act Play-Sigma Sigma Sig­ first three men mentioned are vete- allotted. in size, is necessary to a lady's The April meeting of the Chemis­ ma. rans of last year. Hansor is the only health, comfort, and comeliness." try Club will •be held in Room 14 of Bachelors and Benedicts-Y. M. C. veteran in the outfield; in this de­ . Y. M. C. A. Moderate in size is a somewhat in­ the Science building on Wednesday, A. April 19, at 7 o clock. A very inter­ partment Yeakey, Davidson, McClos­ definite dimension but probably Friday key and Ederer are fighting for po­ The formal installation of the new might mean not greater than eigh­ esting program has been prepared Musical Comedy-Treble Clef. sitions. Y. M. C. A. officers took place at last teen feet in circumference. for the occasion. Professor Peet will A mere man-Delta Phi. "Doc" is attempting to get a game Wednesday's "Y" meeting. Provision Paper collars were new at that speak on "The latest Views on the Romeo and Juliet-Chi Delta. for an early date with the University was made for sending the entire time. In 1860 the Lady's Book re­ Structure of the Atom." Don Hol­ In Old Kentucky-Trailblazers. of Detroit. Should he be successful, group of new officers to the Officers' marks,, ''Have any of our subscribers brook has for his topic, "The Manu­ A country store-Theta Lambda the first game will probably take Training Conference at East Lansing heard anything of this new, beauti­ facture of Glassware," while John Sigma. place Wednesday, April 19, at Nor­ this week end. They will return ful, and useful appendage, or, /JS they Ackerman will talk on the subject, Musical number-Phi Delta Pi.
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