BULLETIN DE L'INSTITUT ROYAL DES SCIENCES NATURELLES DE BELGIQUE, BIOLOGIE, 69: 3I-45, 1999 BULLETIN VAN HET KONINKLIJK BELGISCH INST ITUUT VOOR NATUURWETENSCHAPPEN, BlOLOGlE, 69: 31-45 , 1999 Dr William Adam's iconography of Central and West African Gulella species (Gastropoda Pulmonata: Streptaxidae). Part 3: nine new species from the D.R.Congo by A.C. VAN BRUGGEN & J.L. VAN GOETHEM Contents (1952-1954); G. ectodentata sp. nov. , G. ruwenzoriensis sp. nov. , G. cupula sp. nov. , G. virungae sp. nov. et G. selene sp. nov. du Abstract .. 31 Pare National des Yirunga, G. (Silvigulella) turriformis sp. nov. Resume 31 et G. albinus sp. nov. du Pare National de l' Upemba. La Introduction 31 description de toutes les especes se base sur Ia coquille seule. Abbreviations used 32 Parmi les especes nouvelles, certaines sont tres caracteristiques, A new species from the Garamba National Park 32 d'autres representent apparemment une nouvelle combinaison Gulella garambae sp. nov. .... ...................... .. .. ... .. 32 de caracteres ordinaires. A new species from Lakes Kivu, Edward, and Albert Mots-clefs: Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Streptaxidae, Gulella, Hydrobiological Exploration .......... 34 Afrique, R.D. Congo, systematique. Gulella (Paucidentina) lievrouwi sp. nov. 34 Five new species from the Yirunga National Park 35 Gulel!a ectodentata sp. nov. 35 Introduction Gulella ru wenzoriensis sp. nov. .. ................ .. 36 Gulella cupula sp. nov. .................................. .. ..................... .. .... .. 37 Parts 1 and 2 of this series (VAN BRUGGEN & VAN Gule{la virungae sp. nov. .. .................................. 38 GOETH EM, 1997; 1998) deal with nominal species of Gulella selene sp. nov. ....................................... .. 39 G~tlella and a new species of the taxon Wilmattina for Two new species from the Upemba National Park 40 which illustrations by Mrs J. VAN MELDEREN-SERGYSELS Gulella (Silvigule!la) turriformis sp. nov..................... .. 40 were found among the papers left by the late Dr W. ADAM Gulella albinus sp. nov. .. ............ .. .. .. 42 ( 1909-1988); for the introduction to this series see VAN Acknowledgements 44 BRUGGEN & VAN GOETHEM , 1997: 6. The remaining References cited ............... .... .... .. .. .............................. 44 professional drawings of Gulella from her hand represent nine as yet undescribed taxa from the Democratic Republic Abstract of Congo, variously represented by singletons, small or larger series of shells. Our recent research efforts have Nine new species of Gulella s.l. are described from the eastern focused on these and descriptions are supplied below. parts of the Democratic Republic of Congo, i.e. G. garambae The shell characters of the streptaxid genus Gulella sp. nov. from the Garamba National Park; G. (Paucidentina) L.PFEIFFER, 1856, have been discussed by VAN BRUGG EN lievrouwi sp. nov. from Lakes Kivu, Edward, and Albert & VAN GOETHEM (1997: 6:7); anatomical data are few Hydrobiological Exploration ( 1952-1954); G. ectodentata sp. nov., and far between and their significance for the system­ G. ruwenzoriensis sp. nov. , G. cupula sp. nov., G. virungae sp. nov. atics of the genus sensu lata cannot be evaluated yet. and G. selene sp. nov. from the Virunga National Park; G. Unfortunately only one of the species is represented by (Silvigulella) turriformis sp. nov. and G. albinus sp. nov. from material in alcohol from which data on radula and genitalia the Upemba National Park. All species are described as shells will be discussed elsewhere. only. Some of the new species are very characteristic indeed while For details on the geography, ecology, etc. of the various others represent seemingly ordin ary combinations of characters. Congo national parks and Lakes Kivu, Edward, and Albert Key-words: Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Streptaxidae, Gulella, Africa, Hydrobiological Exploration the student is referred to the D.R.Congo, systematics. general introductory treatises (KEA: VERBEKE, 1957; PNG: DE SAEGER, 1954; PNU: DE WITTE et al., 1966; PNV: DE Resume WtTTE, 1937). Generally no subgenera have been indicated; such subdi­ Neuf especes nouvelles du genre . Gulella s.l. provenant de Ia visions have as yet little meaning, because these taxa have region orientale de Ia Republique Democratique du Congo sont not been properly delineated. However, there are two excep­ decrites, notamment G. garambae sp. nov. du Pare National de tions, Gulella lievrouwi very probably belongs to Ia Garamba; G. (Pau cidentina) lievrouwi sp. nov. resultant de Paucidentina and G. turr(formis undoubtedly should be !' Exploration hydrobiologique des lacs Kivu, Edouard et Albert classified with Silvigulella, whatever status this taxon has. 32 A.C. VAN BRUGGEN & J.L. VAN GOETHEM All holotypes and most of the paratypes are in the Royal of the northern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels .(REINS); cottoni) in the wild. During extended surveys of the area some paratypes have been deposited as duplicates in the almost half a century ago (vide DE SAEGER, 1954) a new National Museum of Natural History, Leiden (RMNH). species of Gulel/a was discovered. Abbreviations used Gu/ella garambae sp. nov. (Figs 1-2) Museums REINS Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, DIAGNOSIS Brussels (lnstitut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Bruxelles I Koninklijk Belgisch A species of Gulella characterized by a medium-sized Instituut voor Natuurwetenscliappen, Brussel) subcostulate shell with about six whorls and no apertural RMNH National Museum of Natural History, Leiden dentition, but with a sinuous outer lip. (Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, formerly Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden) DESCRIPTION Geography D.R.Congo Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Shell (Figs 1-2) medium-sized, slender, cylindrical, sides Zaire) almost parallel, greatest width below the middle, creamy ex The addition of 'ex ' to a national park abbre­ white, (semi)transparent when fresh. Umbilicus completely viation (e.g. ex PNV) indicates a locality in closed or at most very slightly rimate. Spire produced, the area immediately adjoining the national apex flattened, obtusely conical. Whorls about six, fairly park in question convex, smoothish, covered with little prominent axial KEA Lakes Kivu, Albert, and Edward Hydrobio­ sculpture in the form of vague, distant and oblique logical Exploration (1952-1954) costulae. High magnification reveals vague traces of fine PNG Garamba National Park (Pare National de Ia spiral sculpture. Sutures shallow, simple and filiform to Garamba), D.R.Congo subcrenellate. Aperture squarish to subovate, peristome PNU Upemba National Park (Pare National de somewhat incrassate and reflected, without any trace of I' Upemba), D.R.Congo apertural dentition. Outer lip sinuous in profile (Fig. 2). Measurements of shell : 5.2-6.6 x 2.5-2.8 mm, 1/d 2.10- PNV Virunga National Park [Pare National des 2.51, height last whorl 3.1-3.4 mm, aperture 1.9-2.2 x Virunga, formerly Albert National Park/Pare 1.5-1.8 mm, 5 3/4-6 1/2 whorls (see Table 1). Holotype National Albert, officially divided into three (Figs 1-2) 5.7 x 2.6 mm, 1/d 2.24, height last whorl 3.2 sectors, i. e. the northern (north of Lake mm, aperture 2.0 x 1.5 mm, 5 3/4 whorls. Edward), central (around and south of Lake Edward), and southern (from the Rutshuru River to Lake Kivu) sectors], D.R.Congo Sta. Station (= locality) Shell ale. specimens in alcohol h height I length 1/d the ratio length/major diameter as an indication of the shape of the shell. (In a number of cases the 1/d has been calculated from micrometer readings, so that the 1/d values do not always agree with those calcu­ lated from the dimensions in mm.) hw height last whorl (body whorl) in front view w width (= major diameter) A new species from the Garamba National Park The Garamba Nati onal Park was created in 1938. It is 1 the northernmost national park in the D.R.Congo, being situated in the north-eastern corner of the country on the Figs l-2. Gulella garambae sp. nov., holci type, D.R. Congo, PNG borders of the Sudan. Nowadays it is the last stronghold 6 12, Sta. II/gc/8, 5.7 x 2.6 mm (REINS). Dr William Adam's iconography of Central and West African Gulella species 33 ANATOMY tions of the stations, often with photos, can be found in DE SAEGER (1954). All juvenile specimens have been To be published elsewhere. expressly excluded from the type series. DISTRIBUTION ETYMOLOGY So far only known from the Garamba National Park in the Eastern Province, D.R.Congo. The new species is named after the Garamba National Park, which derives its name from the Garamba River (garambae, Latin, genitive of garamba), a tributary of the TYPE LOCALITY Uele River. Dr ADAM had already used this name as a manuscript name on the figures. D.R.Congo, Eastern Province, Garamba National Park, Garamba River, left side, source between Kiliwa and Nambira Rivers, alt. ±700 m, 45 km NW of Faradje. DISCUSSION MATERIAL EXAMINED The somewhat featureless shell is nonetheless quite charac­ teristic by its shape, sculpture and aperture. A number D.R.Congo, Eastern Province, Garamba National Park, of juvenile specimens shows that at no stage in its lifetime Sta. Mande, ±700 m, dense wooded savanna, swampy, there is any hint of apertural dentition. 5.1V.I950, leg. H. DE SAEGER (PNG I03: I paratype and A fair number of species classified with Gulella have I juv. RBINS); Sta. 1/0/l, ±700 m, Bagbele, just outside shells with an aperture without dentition. However, apart of PNG NW of Aka River, wooded savanna, in under­ from this, Gulella garambae appears to exhibit a unique ground nesthole of unstriped ground squirrel, Xerus set of characters. In East Africa G. hemmingi VERDCOURT, erythropus DESMAREST, I8I7, 8JG.l950, leg. J. VERSCHUREN 1963 (vide VERDCOURT, 1963 : 411 , 4 15, fig. 10) vaguely (PNG 280: 1 paratype and I juv. RBINS); Sta. Il/gc/8, resembles the new species, but G.
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