TUISDAT, AVOUST 6, 1968 IRmtrb^atpr Evening Im tU i Atmnm DNIy Net Pnm Ran Angttrts, 1888 The 50th annlveraary party for Cioady with ttaaidawhuwaxa. The Daughtera of laabella will Low in mid to upp«r 80s. TV>- meet tonight at 7:80 at the W.P. Mr. and Mm. Fred Lea which About Town ilmtrljpatpr lEimtttm UrraU) morow nioally chiudy, ohaaea Qulah Funeral Home, 225 Main waa to be given Sunday Aug. 11 at 118 Eldrldge St. by their aona, tXOSED for VACATION! 14,685 o f abowars. I9gh In upper 70s to Ilia Nawoomara Chib of ttia St., to pay their reapecta to the low 80s. TWCSA 1« aponaorlng a coffee late Joaeph P. Tonahl, whoae Fred P. Lea and Albert Lea, MaHchtmter • A City o f VOIage Charm aocial tor all new woman in the wife la a member. has been postponed to a later WE WILL RE-OPEN date, to be aimounoed. VWL'LXXXVn, NO. 292 ICandieater area tomorrow at 8 (THIRTY-TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1968 an Faga 88) PRICE TEN CENTS p.m. at the home of lira. WOi- Mancheoter Orange will hold ord ICcHory, 54 ManInU Rd. The Manchester Knights of MON. AUC. 19th a brief huaineoa meeting tomor­ Columbus will meet tonight at Anyone who la Intereated ahoidd row at 8 p.m. in Orange Ball. contact K n . MXdloy. 7:M at the Kof6 Home and pro­ PARKHILLJOYCE Mra. ETorence Llnea la in charge ceed to the W. P. Qulah Funenl of entertainment and refreoh- Home, 225 Main St., to pay tUelr FLOWER SHOP Eight Struck menta. Memben of the WWi respects to the late Joseph P. 601 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER Barracka and Auxiliary will Tonski. By G unfire meet tonight at 7 at the WatUna- Airman l.C. Lawrence B. Nixon Heading Down Stretch Weat Funeral Home, 142 E. Cen­ Lorentaen, aon o f Mr. and Mrs. ter St, to pay their reapecta to Einar Lorentaen of 166 Center the late M n. Alice Thorton St, recently returned from In Disorder Who waa a member of the Phan Rang AFB, Vietnam al­ Ladles Auxiliary. ter 18 months’ duty. Atter a 80- HARvanr, m. (a p ) — apo. day leave, Airman Lorentaen BITUMINOUS radio giaiOra woundad savan po- will report to HoUobon AFB, M M . hi Uoamsn and a woman durliar a Mr. and Mra. Jamea McCoy N.M. He la a 1965 graduate of M M S n •itartxuica oauasd by M8gn Likely First-Ballot Win and BOna, Aaron and Rodney, Manchester High School. .14tS youths, and aeons of law an- of Baratow, Calif., were recent DRIVEW AYS tonemant offloara moorad in gueata at the home of her grand­ Parking Atom e Oas Stettons s BsMtetiMll Oonrte Now Bookhig For Sessonsl W(wk aarly today to asoura the Irou- MIAMI BEACH, Fla. father, Chulea Blmle of 78 Officers and membera of the Uad a n a . Spruce St The MbOoys alao Biltlah American Club will meet AU Work Personally Snpervlacd—We Are 188% Ihsared (AP)—Rlchatd M. Nixon Mate, county and local pbhea apent a week with other rela- at 7:80 p.m. Thursday at the LIQUORS— WINiS Convention headed down the stretch to­ offtoan, hebnotad and heavny Uvea, Mr. and IMn. Leonard clubhouse to proceed to Trinity C O R W A 15 day in his quest for the DeMAIO BROTHERS wmed, masMd pit a Joed aton Farrand of Man-eater at Old Eplscopcd Church, 120 Sigourney MinbniHii f rie«s Sidelights Republican . preaMential Colony Beach, and with Mr. and S t, Hautford, to attend the me­ 158 PARK STREET Parking lot watUt4 tor aoUon, nomination,’ by all indica­ Mm. Albert Benevelli of Stam­ morial service for David Al- ARTHUR DRUa 848-8888 SINCE 1888 9U -7m hut the ana was calm boon Xter toe InltM outburat lata MIAIQ BEACH, Fla. (AP) — tions a good bet to take the ford. leiy, a member. Tueaday night. Riding along OoUlns Avonue prize on the first bBUot. Mayor Jamea Holnaa of Harv­ amid the Ropublloan oonvontlon His chief challenger, Oov. ey hnpeaed a eutfew until dawn traffic T^Maday y/ka a UaMc car Nelson A. RockefeOer o t New In toa aouth sUburtnn CHeaigo York, sought to Uook lira for­ He then entered the Army and with this message pointed on mer vice presldenPa pato with waa staUcHied at Ft. Benning. oonummity whfdi haa grown ia- both sides: ‘Tve been down the creaslngly tanas sinca a police (* 3? PhotoCax) toe No. 1 arguraant of aatl-Nlx- His wife, the former lila Ruff, l road with Lyndon." ms. 1 WEB I iHURs: nn. i «T. o^Ooar Miot a flaahig Negro on forces—that Nixon coUkki't was employed at Ft Bemilng 1 1 The Hour Draws Near youth June 80. win In Noveinfear. before their marriage. MIAMI BEACH, BTa. (AP) — MaJ. Gagllardone previously M M L6 1 M G . 7 11 M G L t 1 M G . 9 1 M G .1 I A oonner’s Juiy ntuniad a Aa the minutes th:k awhy toward tonight’s show­ The candidotoa have onuirted on "T o lAek a man wbo can’ t win received the Esronae Star Medal vaadlot Ttoeaday o f jusOBahle array of celebrities to promote would be a tragedy for toe coun­ homicide In the fatal itonnHtig of down session of the Republican National Conven­ for meritorious sudiievement in their cause. Appearing at Nel­ try," Rockefeller told newsmen ground operations against hos­ the Chioaga youth. tion, Richard N. Nixon consults his watch and de­ son RockefoUer gatherings ore after opening hls Uth hour drtva • Hatnaa, wbo ts white, said five with an appMl to 120 dalegataa tile forces In Vletnaun. cides it’s titae to end a reception in a Miami Beach such stars as Helen Hayes, Kit­ He is presently stationed ait pcUoa offleen ware wounded ty Carlisle, Teresa Wright, Nan­ and alternates from IS western the Kaiaer-alautem CMd Stores, from a alngla Mtotgun Uaat as hotel. He stood in the receiving line for four hours cy Ames and HUdegarde. states. they dhpenad a crowd of 75 to Germany. trying to win votes among delegates. Among Richard Nixon’s The Associated Press, in a y> Wbgro youtos who wan promoters, basketball star WOt nose count some 12 hours before throwing neks- at pamlng cars Chambetialnr of the Los Angeles tonight’s fateful balloting, found and sboutoig axploUvaa. Lakers, stands out In the party Nixon with 615 first-round votes. Town Will Try Ha Mamed toa dtoorder, crowd. He should. He’s 7 feet, 2 Rockefeller with 270, end toe which started lata Tuesday Inches toll. third man in the race, Oor. New Tesit Plan night, on toa oppnadva heat. Ronald Raagan of California, "On avenlngs Mka tota tt’a m en The Town of MSndiester, to­ Doctors Satisfied MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) — with 177. comfoctahla to ataad on a street Convention delegates, previous­ morrow night will toot a new corner," be aaM. Another 186 delegates were ly Irked because they were lined iq> btolnd favorite sons, 76 procedure for examing ap- The distuihanca centered In a With Ike’s Progress turned down for extra conven­ were uncommitted and one pUeanta for town jobs — a pro­ four-Uoek-squan eu»a near the tion Uckete, were visibly irritat­ Sen. l^erett Dirksen, in a dramatic bid for quiet among the delegates to the stood alone for New York City’s cedure which may be followed borderline of Harvey and Dlx- ed and privately angered at Republican National Ckmvention, tosses a folder containing the 1968 platform imoor, aiAuitia 17 mUea south of WABHINOTON (AP) —Army (6 :V a.m. Mayor John V. Lindsay. Needed in the future, if it proves suc- EDT) yesterday New York Gov. Nelson A. Rock­ night’s session. Dirksen not only got his fop victory: 667. downtown Chicago with a popu- doctors reiMited today that they morning, efeller over the admission of 52 quiet, but got the platform adopted with a resounding roar. (AP Photofax) cesstid. hUfoB of 85,000. Nixon exuded confidence. are satisfied with former Prest. "Hls vital signs have re- members of the Poor People’s Tests tor the town position of The mayor aaM the Negro "We’re going to win,” he said dent Dwight D. Elsenhower’s *toble. The doctors re- campaign—all with bona fide 0 bookkeeper will be conducted at youths massed at a oar waah tickets. cbee;^y on the eve of the ballot­ ui raOafled with ing. Charts posetd by hls aides Manch eater Community College and became abwlve. PoUoe currert pryresB’’ from hi* his current progress." The marchers reportedly re­ In a hotel headquarters flartwd by Fred Ramey, director of toe moved In and ordered the Tuesday heart attack. ^ ^ ^ ^ ceived tickets from National Ckdleg^e's Carr««r Programs Di­ -youtos------- --- to aootter. They A mpmlng medical bulletin Delegates Roar Approval the same optlmlam. "M ore than GOP Chairman Ray .Bliss, Illi­ 700 votes," they read. vision. nois Sen. Charles Percy, New Up to now, examinations have ^ mu. wwora, -m ts were ^ ^ York Mayor John V. Lindsay, Rockefeller saw In all this en­ been conducted tor toe town by Rep. Ogden Reed of New York thusiasm "evidence of cold war the State Personnel Office and, Pourteea penons were arreot- ^ «P«nt a comfortable night ^ ^ jJ® th* and Clarence. ’Townes, dh-ector strategy." The Nixon people, he Of Republican Platform said, were trying to give dele­ in some Instancea, by toe town’s foUowIng his recent heart attack of the RepuMlcan Minorities Di­ personnH office.
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