had ever heard of Fred's bulldogs Have they been lnnoculated? (In- signing Ginger Rogers. Ginger, 1 A Canines Also Demand and Sport Is Betty Hutton before, questions began to pour deed!) And heaven knows how Is well known, has more details lr Detailed Contracts over the wires to New York, such many more queries of the like. her contracts than any star In town as "Is this a dog act?” (You bet!) When the deal was finally con- from the size of her mlrrori The Studio Cheered as She Broadcast Br the Associated Press. makeup How many dogs In the troupe? cluded the legal department ad- to the dimensions of the type In hei When Kay Kyser starts on a to Director and Cast (Plenty!) Are they Insured? (Yes!) mitted it was more complicated than billings. Apologies picture, veterans around his studio By HAROLD HEFFF.RNAN. RKO. If the deal is set each other Luise will do began asking "What AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. HOLLYWOOD. another "Good Earth" impersona- next?” For anything can and does _ and sounds: tion for on a Sights "China Skies.” .. Warner happen Kyser picture. Latest Even Preston Foster himself Bras, will shortly announce a re- complication Is Kay's whim to sign ! rubbed his eyes a bit over this sud- make of the Colleen Moore silent some vaudeville acts for the new den transformation. Within 15 hit "So Big” for Bette Davis. That opus. Including one act called minutes on the 20th Centurv-Fox makes five pictures on Bette's future “Fred’s Bulldogs.”* lot he went from the role of Roger chart, Paramount has granted When the casting director sent the Terrible Touhy in "Roger Touhy, Veronica Lake a long summer vaca- the contracts down to the legal de- Last of the Gangsters,” to the char- tion to recuperate from the double partment, the fun began. No one acter of Father Donnelly in "Gua- operation she underwent early in the dalcanal Diary." hard-working year. Veronica and Rita Beery, ex- AMUSEMENTS. Betty Hutton always has stood ace wire of Wallv, will sojourn at the with high co-workers, but her stock Beery ranch in Arizona. j TOMORROW, 8:30 F. M. leaped to a new level on the set of * * * * | National Paramount's "And the Angels Cecil B. de Mille emphatically de- Symphony Orehostra These Two Robbed Rommel of Sing.” Betty and her director, nies cancellation of "The Story of George Marshall, came to hot words Dr. Wassell” because of "too many over a touchy sequence and Betty war movies.” He says production will Sunset fled the set in tears. Symphonies She dis- start about 1 Five August Amazing tinguished herself after lunch by Dennis Morgan couldn't possibly AT THE WATERGATE taking to the public address system lose the way a Warner Bras, call and broadcasting an apology to sheet for "Animal Kingdom" had Secrets Marshall, the entire cast and crew. him pegged the other day. The sheet PAUL ROBESON that That's / real sportsmanship, not often read: "Exterior Cafe stage 12, scene Allard da Conductor incountered among actresses. 54 through 56 < Dennis Morgan pro- Riddar, SEATS: ISf. Luise Rainer, whose option was poses to Ann Sheridani. If weather 01.10, s* *0, Si.1*. Sjm- »h«nr Bel OfSrc, me have nropped by Paramount after making bad will shoot interior Connecticut Kill*, G SI. Might NA, Ult, "Hostages,” is talking business with house, stage 1, scenes 87 through 90 tr: ——--—-— -- Dennis Morgan marries Alexis Smith i.” Won Him ITS FUN EVERT DAT FROM Players returning from Army- MORE THAN AO FEATURES AT LOANS camps report that the tenor of the 77 years of buying, selling and soldiers’ desires in entertainment lending on diamonds, jewelry, etc. has changed. They don't want en- Africa!!! Liberal Loans at Lowest Possible Rates tertainment that smacks of bur- ONE FAMILY’S W.A.R EFFORT—Mrs. Peter OLD GOLD BOUGHT lesque. Many actors have men- De Rose, a national tioned this, Bob Hope in particular. director the GOVERNMENT LICENSE Est. 1866 of AWVS, peers oi'er her song-writing husband's From 1 P.M. ’Til Midnlle Bob used to include a few off-color shoulder as he retouches a tune of the score he is E. HEIDENHEIMER cracks in his routines, but now has composing for SWIMMING POOL abolished them Carole Landis’ the “Mare Island Follies.’’ The OPEN 0:30 A M. TO 11:30 P.M. LOAN production will be staged by OFFICE 1 21 5 H St N W bad •MIA Kins St 111'W' luck with dogs continues. She the workers Mare Island Va. of Navy Yard, DANCING 9 TO MIDNITE ALEXANDRIA. NA. 1 527 last her fourth pet within three Vallejo, Calif. years last week when Donner, a Great Dane. 5'’2 years old, died of the watch was on Its way to the heart HALF RATE trouble. The dog was given studio. "Writers seem to like that to her by Comdr. Gene Markey. watch,” said Lynch. "I've been All the SUMMER TERM political controversy over renting it off and on for 20 years "Mission to Moscow” seems to be now.” BEGINS JUNE 28th settled James by Francis Crow, It's something entirely new for brilliant Hollywood newspaper critic, Martha Scott to remain herself in in one succinct "The sentence, right "Hi Diddle Diddle.” She ages only way to think of the picture is not in two days, the time covered by the terms of affront to our political story. In four previous movies Miss BUY-WAR BONDS AND STAMPS AT ANY LOCAL THEATER sensibilities, but in terms of the Scott became known to the public E- £Ul Time Schedules Given la Warner GREET lives of sons of CAROLINA America saved an 1,l\? 5:S Bros.' Ads Indicate Time Feature by mainly as an actress who grew old WALT Is DRAMATIC ACADEMY earlier DISNEY'S "BAMBI. in Technicolor Presented. victory.” gracefully and convincingly. i Also ISLE OP MISSING MEN,' JOHN HOWARD. GILBERT Theaters 2017 S * * -Jr * (Rtleased by the North American ROLAND._ Having Matinees._ ST. N.W. Newspaper Alliance, Inc.) rinrv r -in.-, r>. Are. n.w. be. oim. AT Judy Garland and the MGM com- ae«*avlaBi Scientifically Air Conditioned AMBASSADOR ""MSI*** CONNECTICUT AVENUE nE IS Mat. | PM "Girl returned | MOON DOWN with SIR CEDRIC pany making Crazy" HARDWICKE HENRY TRAVERS. Fea- Healthfully Air Conditioned. DRAMA from a Palm Springs location trip I 7:5.0. n: 15._ HUMPHREY BOGART, RAYMOND Thief Protests as Loot ts MASSEY, ALAN HALE ill "ACTION the most sun-burned outfit on any o IN THE NORTH ATLANTIC." At PUBLIC SPEAKING 0 lot. The temperature at the desert CONGRESS 1:30. 4:05. 8:4<t. ".’5. Proves Not Gold JOAN BENNETT and MILTON BERLE in resort now runs as as Brass, ‘MARGIN TOR '-'h * r n.e. SCREEN—RADIO right high i ERROR.'' uL.TC.nLiRrvruiv I By the Associated Pre s. LI. 3300. Mat. I r.M. Children's Cla*se*. Wed. ll to 1. 115 degrees. The film's make-up man Healthfully Air Conditioned. Eleventh Year is out of his mind LOS ANGELES.—"You in my DUMBARTON LANA TURNER In SLIGHTLY DAN- Washington slowly going try- 1 ^JLSSSSU^ Double Leafure Program GEROUS At 1. 3:10. 5:20, 7:30. to are the worst bunch *’ u ing keep the actors’ complexions opinion of GARY CCOPER *n BEAU GESTE The 0 -1 March of Time. TELE. DU. 1616 the same shade from start to fade- croocks on the coast.” said a post RIT7 BROTHERS m BEHIND THE I EIQHT BALI News of the Day rAI VFRT Wli. Are. N.W. out one card received H. M. owner _Latest kHLTI.ni WO. 7345. Mat. 1 F.K Usually of the best- by Katz, *> tj Healthfully Air Conditioned. men of a “r“- t s dressed in pictures, Bill Powell gold-buying agency. © DEANNA DURBIN FAIRLAWN134* Go£f 5IR r In "AMAZING in “The wears a The writer said one lot of CONSTANCE CUMMINGS ill SOME- MRS. HOLLIDAY." At 1:20, 3-30, Heavenly Body" sup- ^ £ : 40. ! IN PRANCE' Cartoon o 0:5ti. March of Time droopy tweed suit throughout the posed gold he'd obtained from the WpERE LOANS k rmiTRAI 4*53 nth st. n.w. Air-Conditioned. On action. The suit had to be made to Katz agency, bearing a $90 price tag, f Drraon T VC.IV 111*41- ML. 7X11. Open. 9:45. Diamonds, Watches. Jewelry, UliraCr 9£iia 1 TIM HOL'l BONITA was Healthfullv Air Conditioned order because Bill's wardrobe failed worth only $4. GRANVILLE in "HITLER S CHILDREN.' Cameras, Guns, Etc. | LUPE VELEZ in LADIES DAY At to turn up a droopy tweed "For reasons of my own I wish to 1" 20 1:40, **,. 8:10. MICKEY ROONEY In 'THE Over 50 Years of Public Service remain he added. HUMAN COM- Scene where Ida Lupir.o meets Paul anonymous." EDY At ,11*25. 2*40. W, p 111. Katz and the HIGHLAND Henreid in "In Our Time" requires police department Kennedy Nr. 4tb N w VrMMrnVnc.nnc.ui i (according to the writer) Ida to explained: The man had stolen ra. ««uio. Mat. i p.m HIGH ADVENTURE Blazes HORNING'S FRANKENSTEIN MEETS THE. WOLE Healthfully Air Conditioned. f Katz MAN.' j wear a lady's small watch that plays brass, which had substituted At lit.'ill, S 15. III. Also Donald SIR CEDRIC HARDWICKE in THE and MOON 18th and No. 1 a for as a _Puck March of Time IS DOWN." At 1:30.
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