MOVING FORWARD 2050 PROJECT LIST - TRANSIT (DRAFT 3-27-20) Plan ID Project Sponsor Project Name Description Location Category Project Year Cost ($M) Known Funds ($M) Fund Source 4510 Petaluma Transit Bus Replacements (transitioning toward zero emissions fleet by 2029)Routine replacement of Petaluma Transit and Petaluma ParatransitPetaluma revenue vehicle fleet, followingTransit FTA Capital useful life Projects cycles and via MTC's TCP2020-2050 process $ 16.6 16.6 MTC FTA 5307, 5339, and TDA funds TR0006 Petaluma Transit Fare Free Program Discounted or fare-free programs system-wide or for specific groups,Petaluma, such CAas K-12, seniors, low-income,Transit Improvementsweekend pilot, -summer Non Capital pilot, or paratransit2022 riders. $ 14.0 0 Unknown 4523 Petaluma Transit Fleet Expansion Fleet expansion for fixed route and paratransit service in order toPetaluma offer more service and meet growingTransit demand. Capital Projects 2020-2050 $ 5.0 0 Unknown 4539 Petaluma Transit Ongoing Bus Stop Improvements Addition of shelters, benches, trash cans, real-time informationPetaluma displays, concrete accessibility Transitpads, solar Capital security Projects lighting, maps, infoposts,2021 etc. at various $existing 10.1bus stops in Petaluma. 0.025 TDA 4515 Petaluma Transit Petaluma Transit - Ongoing Operations Operating costs for Petaluma Transit and Petaluma Paratransit,Petaluma based upon September 2019 serviceTransit levels Improvements and costs. - Non Capital 2020-2050 $ 84.0 84 TDA, Measure M, STA, Misc. Grants 4516 Petaluma Transit Service expansion Service expansion including increased service and span on majorPetaluma routes & arterials, additional weekendTransit Improvements and holiday service, - Non Capital additional west2020-2050 side and school $tripper service, 56.1 Phase I BRT implementation0 Unknown on E. Washington. TR0004 Petaluma Transit Transit Fleet & Facility Electrification (transitioning toward zero emissionsPurchase fleetof Battery by 2029) Electric Fixed Route and Paratransit buses (differentialPetaluma, CA cost), facility chargingTransit infrastructure, Capital Projects purchase of Evergreen power,2023 solar array, and$ backup 16.1 generator. 0 Unknown TR0005 Petaluma Transit Transit Innovation Projects Innovative transit projects using new technology to serve new markets,Petaluma, including CA micro-transit,ITS TNC & Newpartnership, Technologies automated vehicle pilot 2021-2050program, AVL upgrades,$ and 14.9 school tripper technology.0 Unknown 4517 Petaluma Transit Transit Maintenance, Operations & Admin Facility Rehab, Phase IVImproves security, safety, and accessibility by rehabilitating the555 Petaluma N. McDowell Transit Blvd. MO&A Petaluma, yard andTransit CA entry94954 Capital points. Projects 2021 $ 0.5 0.25 FTA 5307, TDA 4540 Santa Rosa CityBus Enhanced Core Network and Rapid Bus (operating) 50% increase in service hours to implement Reimagining CityBusSanta phase Rosa II priorities Citywide and support TransitCity's downtown Improvements development - Non Capital vision. Includes2024-2050 additional 15 minute$ 201.0 service on Santa Rosa Avenue0 andUnknown Sonoma Avenue (completing frequency upgrades on corridors identified for future Rapid Bus service), Saturday-level service until 11:00pm on most routes (Monday-Saturday), improved weekend service, targeted route restructuring/extensions for more direct service, targeted peak frequency improvements. 4541 Santa Rosa CityBus Enhanced Core Network Part 1 of 3 (capital)--Fleet Expansion (transitioning10 new battery toward electric zero emissions fixed-route fleet buses, by 2029) 2 new paratransit vehicles,Santa and Rosa 2 new Citywide non-revenue vehicles,Transit phased Capital with Projects operating expansion. Includes2022-2050 replacement$ of these 19.9 vehicles in out years. 0 Unknown 3042 Santa Rosa CityBus Enhanced Core Network Part 2 of 3 (capital)--Facility Expansion Transit Mall and Coddingtown Transit Hub Expansion; improvedDowntown links to SMART Transit stations; Mall, Coddingtown Park andTransit Rides Transit Capital Hub, Projects SMART Stations, new Park2024-2029 and Ride locations$ 15.0 0 Unknown 3007 Santa Rosa CityBus Enhanced Core Network Part 3 of 3 (capital)--Rapid Bus planning, engineeringRapid Bus planning, , and infrastructure engineering,technology, and infrastructureMendocino Avenue-Santa Rosa AvenueTransit corridor, Capital ProjectsSebastopol Road-Sonoma Ave.2023-2027 corridor; downtown$ Santa 11.6 Rosa Station Area Plan 0improvementsUnknown 4514 Santa Rosa CityBus Facility Maintenance and Rehab Facility maintenance and rehab, including ADA bus stop improvementsSanta Rosa Citywide Transit Capital Projects 2021-2050 $ 6.6 6.6 5307, 5337, 5339, TDA, STA 4505 Santa Rosa CityBus Fleet Replacement (transitioning toward zero emissions fleet by 2029)Regular replacement of existing transit, paratransit, and non-revenueSanta Rosa vehicles. Citywide Does not includeTransit incremental Capital costs Projects of transition to electric2021-2050 vehicles, which is included$ 89.0 in new Transit Fleet Electrification89 5307, 5337,project. 5339, TDA, STA TR0003 Santa Rosa CityBus New Mobility Projects Funds innovative approaches including mobility on demand, sharedSanta mobility, Rosa Citywide or mobility as a serviceTransit applications, Improvements as -well Non as Capital autonomous2021-2050 vehicle technologies.$ 5.0 0 Unknown 3041 Santa Rosa CityBus Passenger Information and Fare Payment Technology and MarketingIncludes deployment of additional real-time bus arrival signs, tripSanta planning Rosa Citywide and mobile ticketingITS apps, & New new Technologies ticketing equipment, and future2021-2050 fare payment and$ passenger 3.0 information technologies,0 Unknown as well as relating marketing TR0001 Santa Rosa CityBus Systemwide Fare-free Transit and Paratransit Funds systemwide fare-free transit and paratransit services to increaseSanta Rosa transit Citywide ridership and modeTransit share; Improvements support housing - Non and Capital affordability-related2021-2050 goals; and$ enable 75.0 CityBus to reinvest funds currently0 Unknown spent on fare collection into improved service. Costs assume up to a 60% increase in paratransit demand due to free fares. This project is scalable, with several options for targeted fare-free or discount programs for K-12 students, low-income individuals, and seniors, as well as start-up funding for EcoPass unlimited ridership programs for residential or institutional partners. 4501 Santa Rosa CityBus Transit and Paratransit O&M Transit O&M & Paratransit at existing LOS, including replacementSanta of equipment Rosa Citywide Transit Improvements - Non Capital 2021-2050 $ 527.9 527.9 TDA, STA, Measure M, FTA 5307, fare revenue TR0002 Santa Rosa CityBus Transit Fleet Electrification (transitioning toward zero emissions fleetAccelerates by 2029) transition to all-electric transit and paratransit fleetsSanta by supporting Rosa Citywide purchase of battery-electricTransit Capital vehicles, Projects deployment of charging2021-2050 infrastructure, $and provisions 30.0 for resiliency. With purchase0 Unknown of Sonoma Clean Power Evergreen power, Santa Rosa CityBus could be 100% carbon-free. TR0012 SCTA Countywide Microtransit Countywide Microtransit (dynamic on-demand transit service usingSonoma software Countywide similar to Uber-pool)Transit program Capital connecting Projects to high frequency transit2021 route, rail or$ major destinations 2.0 0 Unknown 4503 SMART First/Last Mile SMART Stations Capital Enhancments Programmatic project at or around Sonoma County SMART stations.10 SMART Projects Stations at each within station within vary,Transit Sonoma may Capital have County multiple Projects (Cloverdale, project Healdsburg, sponsors and Windsor,2020 include, Airport but are Boulevard, not$ limited 87.5 Guerneville to, station Road, furniture Railroad additions,0 Square,Unknown enhanced Rohnert ADA Park,-related Cotati, accessibility North Petaluma, features, Downtown landscaping Petaluma). enhancements, Petaluma). wayfinding, bicycle parking/sharing, real time transit signage, intermodal improvements, security enhancements and other capital improvements for programs such as car sharing. 4518 SMART First/Last Mile Transit Operations Project Programmatic project to enhance local transit access to/from10 Sonoma SMART County Stations Stations in partnership - LocalTransit Jurisdictions/Transit with Improvements bus operators - Non Operators and Capital local jurisdictions.are project2020 sponsors. Multiple Petaluma). project$ sponsors 450.0 and operators possible.0 Unknown Assumes an average of $1.5m per station per year for operating support to local transit providers. Figure has not been escalated and is shown in 2020 dollars. 4542 SMART Ongoing Operations (as funded by Measure Q and reauthorized) Rail and Pathway operations Cloverdale to Larkspur Transit Improvements - Non Capital 2020-2050 $ 2,200.0 2200 Measure Q, Reauthorizatino 3000 SMART SMART Rail Expansion - Windsor to Cloverdale and Petaluma NorthRail improvements including second Petaluma Station and extensionsSMART railfrom line Windsor from Windsor to Cloverdale northTransit (civilto Cloverdale Capital track, bridges, Projects and in systems,North Petaluma. vehicle and2020 maintaince yard capacity$ 375.0 and two rail stations). 0 Unknown 4509 SMART SMART Rail Freight Improvements Addition of rail freight spurs, including Positive Train Control systems,SMART rail along line the from corridor, Napa County and otherITS to & the freightNew
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