r- Spartans snubbed Democrat opens South Bay bureau Baseball team drops 7-3 decision to Cardinal Jackson supporters grab prime location near SJSU SPORTS PAGES Hi PAGE 6 Serving the San Jose State University Community Since 1934 Volume 90, No. 54 Wednesday, April 27. 19)0{ Awareness Day showcases talent Fullerton says Variety of acts Center report greets crowd By Mike Lewis Daily staff writer The crowd at the Student Union isn't illegal Amphitheater applauded enthusias- tically when the musician had fin- By Jeff Elder ished his set even though some of Daily staff writer those clapping could not hear the SJSU administration said Tuesday music. that no law was broken in the late fil- But then. Dean Hudson, the one- ing of a Negative Declaration for the man band who sat and listened to Environmental Impact Report for the the applause from behind his key- Rec Center. hoard. could not see the crowd that The Spartan Daily reported Mon- had gathered to watch him. day that violations of the California Hudson and the other performers Environmental Quality Act may did not mind. In Net, that was the have occurred because a newspaper reason they performed at the am- ad announcing public display of the phitheater Tuesday at the eleventh ' Negative Declaration was run late annual Disabled Students Aware- I and because Clark Library comput- ness Day: showing the crowd what ers say it was not received there until they could do, not what they Iwo years after it was expected. couldn't. A Negative Declaration states that Hudson. a senior majoring in an Environmental Impact Report is computer science, feels they did not necessary for a project because just that. environmental concerns for the area "The crowd reponse was good. have already been considered. Obviously. I couldn't see their re- By law a Negative Declaration action, but the applause was good. ilium be advertised in a newspaper During the songs I couldn't feel if and available for public display be- they were getting into it. though." 'Our legal people tell tore it is approved. Hudson commented after the show . President Gail Fullerton said at Hudson was accompanied by us there was indeed her bimonthly news conference that sign language interpreters who the review period was extended be- mouthed and signed the words to a compliance with cause the ad announcing the Neg- the song while he played. ative Declaration was run in June. John Moore, president of the all legal 1985. even though it was approved Disabled Student Association by the California State University which sponsored the day, was vis- requirements.' Board of Trustees in March, 1985. ibly pleased by the outcome. "While it was maybe a couple of "Hudson did an outstanding job. A Gail Fullerton. inonths later than it normally would SJSU president lot of people enjoyed the music," have been, they did extend the pe- he said. riod for comment." Fullerton said. stu- Hudson was just one of the "Absolutely no comments were Negative Declaration. dent and non-student performers made by any agencies involved. Our The Daily called Evans' office crowd who entertained the legal people tell us there was indeed five times Friday. but was told that of throughout the day-long series a compliance with all legal require- he was in meetings or was unavail- events. ments." she said. able. The day invoked performances Fullerton also said Executive Vice Public Information Officer Rich- by mimes, a comedian, an interna- President J. Handel Evans was not ard Staley said that even if violations tional art exhibit, a panel dis contacted for comment on the story, occurred, it is past the legal deadline cussion and a keynote speaker all and that he could have clarified the to enforce the ow. with one common thread: involve- administration's position on the See Ft 'I I FRTOV baek page ment in the disabled community. Comedian Kenneth Littleton Crow, who followed Hudson, en- tertained the audience with jokes about his disablity and confinement Matthew E Durham Daily staff photographet Revisions should to a wheelchair. "When you go around in a Mar) Jane Dulleck reads information about the disabled on columns in the Art Quad wheelchair, people around you do a lot of strange things," he said. levitate back into the chair." Keller claimed there was a com- The audience was then greated simplify system "One time I was going down a Following Crow was a series Of mon message in all of the skits. with a sign language performance driveway and got going too fast short skits preformed by part-time of the song "Summer Nights' and my front wheels locked throw- mimes Jan Fried and Kendra Kel- "The main thing we wanted to front the musical "Grease:. Changes won't affect current students ing me out into the middle of the ler. Both work part time as inter- do is show how we can he differ- signed by members of the Talking street. A lady came up to me and preters Mr the deaf: Fried on cam- ent, hut all he the same at the same Hands Club. By Hazel Whitman SJSU's Academic Senate is in the asked me if I needed any help. I pus through the Disabled Student time. No matter how different peo- Daily staff writer process of working with the State At the told her no. that I was a member of Association and Keller at Cabrillo ple are we all need some of the same time these events Changes in SJSU's requirements Academic Senate to revise course re- a strange religotis and I %%mild College in Santa OW 'totetInngs, like lose. she said See DA Y, bark page are now being negotiated. quirement standards. President Gail Fullerton said Fullerton said there has been some Tuesday that the pending revisions controversy over what exactly to core curriculum requirements should be changed in the core re- "would not affect anyone presently quirements. a student here tat MU)." "There's been a great These changes are designed to deal of dis- Fraternity says 'Hell Week' is tradition cussion especially on the part of the simplify the system, and to permit statewide Academic more student mobility, she said. Senate, and our own campus Senate has discussed it By Danl Parkin chart el III the Inter-Fraternity Councill."said phas is the weekly "session" where the pledges "One of the goals of higher edu- as well." Fullerton said. Daily staff writer Mike Naiiiha, a member of Phi Delta Theta. are drilled on their history. They are expected to cation is to make it easier for stu- Traditional fraternities call it hazing. Alpha Kevin Reese. an Alpha Phi Alpha. insisted be able to recite for their big brothers a I6-page dents to transfer and that the general A March Academic Senate resolu- Phi Alpha, one of SJSU's black fraternities, calls that they are not a member of IFC because "some document that describes the Alpha Phi Alpha his- education requirements will be stan- tion expressed SJSU's support of the it tradition. of the ways they allocate the money doesn't agree tory. dard enough that a student doesn't concept of a General Education It is "Hell Week." Last week five Alpha Phi with what we see need, to be done." "If one guy doesn't know it they all don't lose in the transfer." Fullerton said. Transfer Core Curriculum. "and Alpha pledges "crossed over" into brotherhood He added. "We've been part of IFC in the know it." Lewis said. "The California State University would like the State of California to after a six -week pledge period that culminated in past and plan to he again in the future." "If one coughs, they all cough," Lewis has agreed. this is what general edu- adopt the hest program possible." "Hell Week." David Lewis. Alpha Phi Alpha secretary, added. "This builds brotherhood." cation should look like, the individ- The resolution states that since the They performed chants and dances in front of said, "It's been going on since 1906. It's pan of Tony Bush, vice president of Alpha Tau ual campuses have the right to add to current 48 -unit General Education the Student Union. wearing black and gold pan- pledging. They're just seeing the surface. They're Omega, said. "We don't drag pledges through it. and we have done so. It's ba- Program was developed carefully cake makeup in a black -face style and identical missing the positive. any hazing. We were the first fraternity to not use sically already in place." she said. "the GET(' should he subjected to clothing. They sounded off for their brothers and "What we accentuate is scholarship, commu- it on campus. And what they do. that's hazing." "What wasn't already in place careful evaluation involving substan- held bricks above their heads. nity projects and time management," Lewis said. Namha explained. "Hazing is any mental or was a similar agreement with the tial participation by appropriate el- "Doing stuff like that would make us lose our Another part of pledging for the Alpha Phi Al- See ALPHA. bark page University of California." she said. ements from all campuses." Student running for delegate Larger enrollment leads Tompkinson backs ers run it a chance Iti he selected as tine of look at him. It that candidate's delegates from the district to was very to payment of 100W fee go to the Democratic Party Convention. memorable. ' ' Democrat Dukakis At the convention "they're just proxies Since then By Vic Vogler "It's very difficult to get anything in for the candidate:.
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