d.•. \ .f- Campaign Staffs·Announced Marrou Paul Means By Andre Marr~u By Kevin Southwick By Honey Lanham . : ~ Andre Marrou, candidate for the vice presi­ The Ron Paul Campaign has been in full When Kathleen Harroff was the Libertarian dential nomination, has appointed Perry Wil­ swing since he announced last February that candidate for U.S. Senator agallist John Glenn lis, former national director of the Libertarian he would seek the Libertarian Party's nomina­ she asked one non-Libertarian why he was · Party, as his campaign manager. tion for President of the United States. As of supporting her. He saiq, "Above all, I heard · Others whom he lists as having "given firm April 6th, the campaign has raised over $63,000 freedom in you. I heard that most clearly.'' We or· tentative commitments to help out" are from 468 contributors-an average of more now have a candidate for the Libertarian Michael Emerling, Las Vegas political con­ than $133,00 each. And our organized fund.: presidential nomination who evo~s that same sultant; Murray Rothbard, the widely respected raising hasn't even started Major mailings enthusiasm froi;n Libertarians and non-Liber­ libertarian·economist; David Bergland, former begin in the middle of April to Ron's own list of tarians alike; LP presidential candidate; Sharon Ayres, Costa 130,000 supporters, and then to outside lists as Russell Means' travels across the country Mesa (CA) member of the. LP's national well.· have been re-igniting "burned-out" libertarian cotrimittee; Alexis Thompson, LP furid raiser, The Ron Paul for Pre·sident staff consists of: activists and inspiring ml!lly new people. to join Tucson. Willis now lives in Tucson also. •Sharon Ayers, honorary co-chair, Costa the party. As he said, "Freedom is for every­ Marrou's report of his campaign plans: Mesa, CA. Sharon is vice chair of the Liber­ one. It's only a 8even-letter, two-syllable word­ "The prime aim of my campaign, besides tarian Party and a member of the National and there are lots of people who don't know trying to get votes, will be to build up the LP Committee. anything about it that I can reach.'' wherever I go. ·• David Bergland, honorary chair, Costa · Harroff also learned something else from her ·''Tentative slogan for the campaign is 'From Mesa,_ CA. David; an attorney and author, was campaign that many of qs have noticed with the Grass Roots Up.' the 1984 Libertarirul'Party nominee for Presi­ regret In'. her words, "It is easier to. make a I "Response' to my campaign for the VP ·dent. He is a member of the National Com­ Libertarian out of an activist than an activist nomination has been strong-in fact, even mittee and, an expert on coininunications. out of a Libertarian.'' _l / enthusiastic in some places, such as Oregon •Burton S. Blumert, chair, ·Burlingame, Russell Means has never been one to just sit . and California. Here in Las Vegas we're trying CA. Bert is chairman of the Center for Liber­ around talking with the already-convince~. He i Inside to rejuvenate the LP and have had two local tarian Studies, president of Camino Coins, and spent nearly twenty years as a leading national meetings so far. Currently, I'm trying to recrujt well-known for his financial skill. spokesman for the American Indian Move­ .{ Letters, ' candidates for local municipal elections. •Ed ciark, honorary co-chair, Los.Angeles, ment, working tirelessly to oppose government I page 2 ·' "Regarding fundraising, we are just now CA. Ed, a corporate attoritey, was the 1980 violations of both the personal and economic ) Poverty, page 3 getting startedr having sent out our first letter Libertarian Party nominee for President. He liberty of Indians. Recently, he told the press about a week ago. Campaign debts (principally won more votes than any Libertarian nominee. "The only thing that has changed is the scope Privacy, page 4 owed to me and to Perry Willis) probably total • Jack Dean, consultant, Los Angeles, CA. of my goal. J now realize that all Americans, about $1,000-mostly my travel and both our Jack, an o~tstandingmedia, marketing, and PR not just Indians; desperately need to regain Delegates, page 5 · phone calls. expert, is head of the California· LP's Tom control of their lives.'' "My schedule, from mid-May, is May 16-17, Paine Society and .has been active in the But Means is more than just an energetic Tumey, page 6 Washington state; May 23-24, Fort Collins, Samuel Adams Society for six years. speaker and experienced organizer. He not CO; May 29-31, Cincinnati, OH; June S-6, •Nadia Haye~ consultant, }louston, TX. only supports the entire Libertarian Party. HQ, page 7 Oklahoma City, OK; June 6-7, Birmingham, Nadia has had 14 years of political experience Platform-he ·helped write part of it, even AL; June 12-14, Houston, TX; July 18-19, on the local, state, and federal levels, including before he formally joined the party. In the. earlY'-­ Gleanings, page 8 Missouri, and then the national convention, running Ron's four successful congressional l 980's he helped Montana LP Chair Larry September 2-6, Seattle." . races. She has been a frequent faculty member Dodge draft the plank on Indian rights· which Solution, page 11 Marrou's home address is 1630 Ottawa Dr., at national campaign management schools. was adopted by the national convention in ... ·' f Las Vegas, NV 8_9109. · Continued on Page 10 Continued on Page 3 :t 1988 Ballot Access Strategy Explained By Steve Fielder on the ballot in as many states as possible, state position relative to other at-risk states. and then nominate candidates, in the other Chairman, Ballot Access Committee ballot drives sacrificed by any abandonment of In allocating LPBAF funds, consideration , case nominating candidates directly. The num­ a SO-state strategy will necessarily be chosen will be given by the BAC to the amount of ber of signatures required can be grossly It is conceivable that the Libertarian Party from states for which a successful ballot drive contributions received by the LPBAF from disparate. In Ohio, for example, over 50,000 Ballot Access Fund (LPBAF) will not be able will require ( 1) a relatively high number of contributors residing in the states at risk. This signatures are required to qualify a party, but to finance successful ballot drives in all SO petition signatures and (2) a relatively high policy is designed to provide an incentive for only 5 ,000 are required to qualify a candidate. states. Its long-terqi fundfaising. potential is proportion of funding from the LPBAF. At the state LP affiliates to cooperate with the LPBAF States targeted for current ballot drives include uriknown. Fortunately, whether the :Qallot Ac- time any decision to abandon a state 'ballot in joint fundraising efforts. those states ~n which the advant~ge of early cess Committee (BAC) ultimately adopts a - drive is taken,,the state ballot drive abandoned Based upon 1986 election results, the LP's party petitioning outweighs the disadvantage 40-state strategy or a SO-state strategy or· a will be the one then projected to be the most presidential ticket is now qualified to appear oil of comparative candidate .petition requirements. strategy falling somewhere in between, its . expensive state for the LPBAF to complete. the general election ballot without further The BAC has identified four target states for recommendations through the late summer of The states currently at risk on the basis of high petitioning in 12 states: Alaska, Arkansas, current ballot drives: Alabama, Arizona, Ha-' '87 are parallel. No decision to implement or signature requirements ·are Florida, Indiana, California, Delaware, Louisiana, Mississippi; waii, and Maryland. abandon a SO-state strategy need be made until Massachusetts, Missouri, North Carolina, Ore­ Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, South Caro­ Next comes the time frame spanning the then~when the long-term fundraisihg potential · gon, and Pennsylvania. The state LP affiliates lina, Texas, and Vermont 1987 petitioning season and ending with the of the LPBAF is_ better known. in these states are encouraged to begin to Some states provide alternative routes to the presidential nominating convention in Seattle._ Because the primary goal of the BAC is to be organize as soon as possible to improve their ballot, in one case permitting a party to qualify · CQntinued on page 6 .... _ 2 -May/June 1987 Libertarian Party NEWS Abortion The controversy surrounding abortion is not likely to be resolved in the Libertarian Party to the Editor (or anywhere else) in the foreseeable future. Letters" And certainly my input to the debate which rages around this question will not alter Limited space prevents publication ofall the punishment on the National Ballot Access opinions. letters received by the NEWS. The letters Committee shoot this down, fine. Whoever - However, as a fundamentalist Christian who printed are selected so as to provide an honest loses the presidential nomination can still be believes strongly that abortion is morally bank­ cross-section of opinion. Usually, only one the project's spokesperson. rupt under any circumstance, I feel compelled letter will be selected to represent a subject on Charles S. Kennedy to defend the Libertarian Party on the issue. That defense ··is based on practical, personal which, in fact, many letters may have been Libertarian Party of Indiana Record) •to the Harris County Libertarian received. Where several lette.rs pertain to the experience. Party, c/o JeffDaiell, 4745 Kingfisher, Hous­ Rather than rely on ethical, sctiptural, or same topic, it does not indicate a greater Privacy ton, TX 77035. Anyone wishing to advertise interest in the particular topic but only the medical imperatives which are all open to I really liked the article "Reagan's War on should contact the paper directly at 20214 interpretive understanding (or misunderstand­ editors' judgement that important separate Privacy." Reagan institutes all these policy Braidwood, Katy, TX 77450.
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