1956 D-1935 WORKING WITH CANADIANSIN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1817 U.B.C. ALUMNI CHRONICLE Secretary,A. H. Sager, D.F.C., B.A.Sc.’38; AnneTomlienovich, B.S.P.’54; PhysicalEdu- U. B. C. Alumni Chronicle Chronicle Editor, Harry T. Logan, M.C., M.A. cation,Richard Mitchell, B.P.E.’49; Soc~ol MEMBERS-AT-LARGE: John Ashby, B.A.‘33; Work,George V. Jones, B.S.W.‘49, M.S.W.50. Published bythe Mrs. MorrisBelkin, B.A.’40; Dr. W. G. Black, SENATE REPRESENTATIVES: MissMarjorie AlumniAssociation ofthe University B.A.’22; E. G. Perrault, B.A.’48; Mrs.Lawrence Agnew,B.A.’22; The Hon. Mr. Justice A. E. ofBritish Columbio E. Ranta, B.A.‘35, B.A.Sc.(Nurs.l’39; Leonard 6. Lord, B.A.’21; Dr. I. McTasgart-Cowan, F R S.C., Editor: Harry T. Logan, M.C., M.A. Stacey, B.A.Sc.’24.DEGREE REPRESENTA- B.A.’32, Ph.D.(Calif.)’35. ALMAMATER SOCIETY REPRESENTATIVE: RonBray, A.M.S. Assistant to the Editor:Sally Gallinari, B.A.‘49. TIVES: Agriculture,Jack Gray, B.S.A.‘39; Ap- plied Science, Stuart S. Lefeoux, B.A.Sc.’45; President. BOARD OF MANAGEMENT Editorial Committee Architecture,Harry Lee, 8. Arch.’50; Arts, Chairman:Peter J. Sharp; Members: G. Dudley EXECUTIVECOMMITTEE: President, Peter J. HaroldFullerton,W. B.A.‘29; Commerce, Darling,Harry T. Logan, E. G. Perrault, A. H. Sharp, B.Com.’36; PostPresident, G. Dudley Donald A. McRae, B.Com.’47; Forestry, Norman Sager. Darling, B.Com.’39; FirstVice-president, Hugh Dusting, B.S.F.’52; Home Economics, Mrs. ChronicleOffices JohnHodgins, B.A.Sc.’28; Third Vice-Presi- GeorgeCornwell, B.H.E.’49; Law, BrianW. F. Business Office:201Brock Hall, U.B.C., dent,Dean BlytheA. Eagles, B.A.’22; Treas- McLoughlin, LL.B.‘50; Medicine,Victor A. Vancouver 8, B.C. EdltorlalOffice: 207 Brock urer, Archie P. Gardner, B.A.‘37; Executive MacPherson, B.A.50, M.D.’54; Pharmacy, Miss Hal!,U.B.C., Vancouver 8, B.C. Published in Vancoldver. Canada. and authorised as second class mail. Post Office DeDt.. Ottawa. Vol. 10, No. 1 Spring, 1956 Lieutenant Governor InspectsServices C O NT EN TS INCLUDECONTENTS PAGE Lieutenant Governor Frank M. Ross, C.M.G., M.C., and Mrs. Ross, D.R.E., were LieutenantGovernor Inspects Tri-Service guests of the University on Friday afternoon, March 2, on the occasion of the Parade ~~ ~~ ~~ .. ~ ~ ..~~~~~.~~~~~~~~..~ 3 Editorial ... .. ~ ~~ ~~~~...~..~~~...~~~.5 Sixth Annual Tri-Service Parade held in the Armoury. This was His Honour’s Branches-Art Sager ~ , .~~.. ... ~~. 5-7 first visit, to the U.B.C. since he assunled office in Victoria. GraduateProfile: Charles A. H. Wright- The University Naval Training Division, the Canadian Officers’ Training Corps, Dean Henry C. Gunning ~~ ~~~.. .. ~..~~~~8-9 ThePresident Reports .. ~...~. , ~~ 11 andthe Reserve University Squadron paraded for Inspection as a singleUnit No Newsis Good News-David Brock ~ ~ 13 underCommand of theirCadet Officers, with F/C J. R. M. Gordon as Parade ElementaryEducation in B.C.F.P.L. ~~~ -~~14-15 WingCommander, 2/Lt. J. A. Conyers as Parade2nd-in-Command and Cadet At the Sign ofthe Totem .... ~ ~..~.~~~ 16-17 Makersof the University: Evlyn F. Farris H. E. M. Candless R.C.N. (R.)as Parade Warrant Officer. TheR.C.A.F. Band EvelynLett and Winifred Lee ~ . ~18-19 from Edlnonton was in attendance. Directory of AlumniContacts ~~ ~ .~ 19 Religious Studies at U.B.C.-W.G. Black 20-21 After inspecting the Cadets in their respective Navy, Army and Air Force BooksAlumni by . ~ ~ .. 22-23 trainingformations, His Honour took the Salute in a traditionalMarch Past. Development Fund, New Recork He was accompanied on the platform by the Chancellor, The Honourable Chief Art Sager . ~ ~. ~.. ~ ~ .. , .. 2s JusticeSherwood Lett, President MacKenzie and the Commanding Officers of Alumni .. ~.~ ~~~~ . 26-27 the three detachments, viz., Lt. Cdr. E. S. W. Belyea (U.N.T.D.), Lt. Col. John F. The Faculty ~~~ .~ -~ ~ 29 Sports Summary-R. J. (Bus)Phi!lips ~~~.31 McLean (C.O.T.C.), andW/C Ray G. Herbert,(R.U.S.). Commissions and HandsomeDonation by Sales Bureau ~~ . 32 training certificates were then presented to the ninety-four OiEcers and Officer Campus-CordonArmstrong ~ .~~ ~ 33 Cadets who had completed successfully their period of training. Marriages , .~~~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ 34 Obituaries . .... .~~~~~.. ~ ~.~34 President MacKenzie on behalf of the University spoke a few words of welcome to His Honour who was then invited hy the Chancellor to address the Cadets. FRONT COVER Tentativedrawings Universityby Archi- Following the inspection, tea was served in the Mess and, in the evening, the tects, Sharp 8 Thompson, Berwick,Pratt, Annual l!ri-Service Ball was held in H.M.C.S. Discovery, Stanley Park. showingthe new Arts and Science group of buildingssituated at the corner of theMain Anunusually pleasant feature was included in the afternoon events when Malland Memorial Road. Tothe right is the LieutenantGovernor Ross presented the Chancellor with his Canadian -Forces Classroom Blockoftwo storeys extending Decoration (C.D.). In reading the citation for the award, President MacKenzie East andWest on Memorial Road. On the North side to the left is theLecture Block of made happy reference to Brigadier Lett’s long periodof service to the University two storeys (see smaller picture).Beyond is a as well as to the Army and to Canada. four-storeyOffice Block;these two buildings areseparated by a landscaped quadrang’e. On theroof of thetwo-storev Classroom Block is seen the FacultvLounge. Brock Hall stands atthe East endof Memorial Road. NOTICE ANNUALDINNER MEETING ALUMNIASSOCIATION BROCK HALL THURSDAY,APRIL 19, 1956 6:30 P.M. ALLALUMNI AND FRIENDS ARE INVITED Phone or write Alumni Office for Reservations ~~ DIRECTORY OF U.B.C. ALUMNI BRANCHES AND PRESIDENTS Calgary-S. P.Burden, B.A.Sc.‘40, 303226th St., S.W. NorthernCalifornia-Albert A. Drennan, B.A. ’23, 420Market St., San Francisco 11, SouthernCalifornia-Les. W. McLennan, B.A. ‘22, 917 SierraVista Drive, Fullerton. Creston-W. H.Wilde, B.A.’50, MS. (Utah)‘52, Box1167. Edmonton-C. A. Westcott, B.A.’50, B.S.W.’51, TheHonourable Frank M. Ross,C.M.G., M.C., presentsChancellor, TheHonourable Sherwood 10138-100”A” St. Lett, C.B.E.,D.S.O., M.C., E.D., with the Canadian Forces Decoration, given for long and meritorious Kimberlev-L. H. Garstin.B.A.’40. M.A.‘46. service. Seen in the picture from Left are: PresidentMacKenzie, C.M.G., M.M. and Bar, W/C Ray Box 3i3. G. Herbert, D.F.C., Lt. Cdr. E. S. W. Belyea, Lt. Col. John F. McLean, D.S.O. Kelowna-Nancy Gale, M.A.‘39, 234 Beach Ave. Portland-Dr. David 6. Charlton, B.A.’25, 2340 Summerland-G. EwartWolliams, B.A.’25, MontreaCH. P.Capozzi, B.A.‘47, B.Com.‘48, Jefferson St. of M.Sc.(ldaho),Laboratory Fleld Dominion P.O. Box 6000. PrinceGeorge-Dennjng E. Waller, B.A.’49, PlantPathology. Nanaimo-Hugh 6. Heath, B.A.’49, LL.B.’50, D.D.S., 1268 5th Ave. TraiCJ. V. Rogers, B.A.Sc.‘33, C.M. 8. S. Co. Box 121. PrinceRupert-John Banman, B.A.Sc.‘46, 215 Ltd. Ocean Falls-John Graham, B.A.Sc.’50, P.O. ElizabethApts. Box598. A, Gillespie, B,Com,,48, 1841 Venezuela-H. LeslieBrown, B.A.’28, Cana- Ottawa-Jack Davis, B.A.Sc.’39, Ph.D. (McGill). Scarth St. dian Embassy, Apartado 3306, Caracas. 1 15 Reid Ave. Seattle-Robert J. Boroughs, B.A.’39, M.A.’43, Victoria-Dr.W. H. Gaddes, B.A.‘39,M.A.’46, Penticton-WilliamT. Halcrow, 300Farrell St. 2515 S.W. 169thCedar4150 (66).Place Hill Rd. 3 U.B.C.ALUMNI CHRONICLE NATURAL GAS TO SPEEDINDUSTRIAL GROWTH OF B.C. INTERIOR Inland Natural Gas Company Limitedwill distribute low cost natural gas along the route of the Westcoast Transmission Company Limited pipeline in the interior of British Columbia. Distribution of this amazingly efficient fuel will permit full utilization of the natural resources so abundant in the territory the Company will serve. 1 Inland Natural Gas 1 i COMPANY LIMITED i I""""""""""" I""""""""""" I NATURAL GAS IS NATURE'S MOST EFFICIENT FUEL """"""" U.B.C.ALUMNI CHRONICLE 4 The Editor’s Page Branches EDMONTON“Annua1 M e e 1. i n g, TheNext Decade at U.B.C. - Growth and Fulfilment Luncheon,March 23. SpecialGuest: Dr. N. A. M. MacKenzie. New Eixecu- GenerousSupport Needed tive:Past President, Hugh Mason, E.A.’48; President, C. A. Westcott, B.A.’50, B.S.W.’51; Secretary, Beverley The Architects’ Drawings of the new Arts Facult,y Group of Buildings, shown Gartrell;Treasurer, Sidney Usiskin, onthe Front Cover of thisIssue, illustrate the unusual degree of building Ph.D.’55; Vice-presidents,R a 1p h activity planned for the Campus during the coming summer. In his Report on Heuneand John L. Haar, B.A.’50; page 11, the President mentions, among important happenings at the University ExecutiveMembers, Art Bunn, B.A. inrecent months, discussions and plans about other key buildings soon to be ’48, B.S.W.’49,M.S.W.’51, Jack Charl- constructed at Point Grey. The erection of these permanent buildings, together ton, B.A.’38, Lloyd Alexander, B.A.Sc. with the Crown Grant of an additional 433 acres to the Campus area, is a happy ’52, andMrs. H. A. (Dorothy)Dyde, reminder of steadyprogress toward the cherished goal of adequatehousing B.A.’30. and playing fields within the next ten years. KELOWNA-General Meeting, Jan- The University is in fact, going through a period of rapid and definitely solid uary 18. NewExecutive: President, expansion.In a forecastprepared by the University for submission to the NancyGale, M.A.’39; Vice-president, GordonCommission on CanadianEconomic Development, it is calculated that Sidney A.
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