US008325223B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,325,223 B2 K0 et a1. (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 4, 2012 (54) 3]) SHUTTER GLASSES WITH MODE 5,422,689 A * 6/1995 Knapp er a1, ................ ~ 351/208 SWITCHING BASED ON ORIENTATION TO 5,554,251 A 9/1996 Watanabe et a1~ DISPLAY DEVICE 5,619,219 A 4/1997 Coteus et al. 5,742,331 A 4/1998 Uomori et al. _ 5,821,989 A 10/1998 LaZZaro et a1. (75) Inventors: Heinrich Shih K0, San Francisco, CA 5,867; 10 A 2/1999 Rod (US); Jae Won Paik, San Mateo, CA 5,892,505 A * 4/1999 Tropper ........... .. 345/208 (Us). Gary Zalewski Oakland CA 6,188,442 B1 * 2/2001 Narayanaswami ......... .. 348/564 ms)’ ’ ’ 6,400,394 B1 6/2002 Kim et a1. 6,429,867 B1 8/2002 Deering (73) A _ s C t E t t _ tI 6,473,115 B1 10/2002 Harman ss1gnee: ony ompu er n er alnmen nc., . 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(57) ABSTRACT A shuttered ?lter apparatus comprises a frame, one or more (51) Int- Cl- shuttered ?lters attached to the frame, and a tracker attached H04N 13/04 (200601) to the frame. Each shuttered ?lter is con?gured to selectively (52) US. Cl. .......................................... .. 348/55; 348/56 prevent a Viewer from seeing through the ?lter in response to (58) Field of Classi?cation Search .................. .. 348/56, a signal from a controller. The tracker is con?gured to sense 348/55 an orientation of the one or more shuttered ?lters relative to a See application ?le for complete search history. video screen. 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[595 l 50M!- MEMORY “1L BUS Big L 1 LEFT L€D LENS / 5G5?» DATA | L L mm LCD LENS Am 509 g PRUGRAH L L.___..__,Lm.‘,._.,_} :_-:—_L> AUDIO AMPLIFIER 14520 51“ INPUT Zr» l LEFY SPEAKER M’EEE mam SPEAKER f6?“ 534\ Paomnem? i><r MICROPHONE few US. Patent Dec. 4, 2012 Sheet 6 0f 13 US 8,325,223 B2 FIG. 7 TELEVISEUN/MONITUR /780 ?éHiE?éléiM??ié?s'HQl """""""""""""""""""""""" “m1 1 5 E 75%» mamas E i TRANSMIUER/REQEIVEH 5 g m H PHOCESSGH ¢:::><::qI} vmEezAumo* 0mm ??o; 1 i j ------------ -- jaws 5 3 “0x5- mmnm 5 F i am i 5 i i 1: a i E g PROGRAM 3 1 5i L ‘_“M~. __i v i L% ...... .‘_______M._ .........VIBES/AUDIO M ................. INPUT '——_-—T_ .._ ..... ...._.._l CABLE YELEVISIUN GAME c'owsma ava PLAYEM vca PC X R \ \ \ 7E0 792 75% 735 788 US. Patent Dec. 4, 2012 Sheet 7 0f 13 US 8,325,223 B2 FIG. BA AEAEPIsIPAAAPAImP / F86 1 CABLE IEAEPISIOA GAME CONSOLE UVB PLAYER 1 VCR PC \ \ \ \ \ H20 792 784 786 7538 FIG. 8B IELEPISIQAA/APAIIPP / YBO 810\§—GAME____________ CONSOLE 5 scPEPA SHARING DISK BAY DISK BAY i 3 APPAPAws AGAAE 0H Pvm APAAAE an nvm 1 L. US. Patent Dec. 4, 2012 Sheet 8 0f 13 US 8,325,223 B2 FIG. 5 VIDEO AND AUOIO FROM PERSPECIIVE OE , i PLAYER 1 FLAYER 1 GARE VIDEO AND AUDIO SCREEN < FROM RERSRECIIVE OF 1 PLAYER 2 PLAYER 2 w’ FIG.
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