CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF ARNOLDIA ARTICLES, 1941-1969 Volume 1, 19411 *Winter Foliage Color of Narrow- A Simple Change in Name, E. D. leaved Evergreens Merrill *Broad Leaved Evergreens in Good *The White Flowering Rhodora Condition with Green Foliage * 1941 Sources for Rare Woody Throughout the Winter (Oct. Plants 1942-April 1943) *1941 Sources for Rare Woody *Winter Injury in the Arnold Arbo- Plants, Supplementary List retum, 1942-43 The One-Hundredth Anniversary of Ghent Hybrid Azaleas are Hardy in the Birth of Charles Sprague New England, Bessie Collier Sargent (anonymous) Ellery *Rhododendron Injury *Crab Apples for Ornamental Fruit *Winter Injury and Serious Pests To *Woody Plants with Yellow or Be Fought Now White Fruits Growing in the Hibiscus syriacus, George Graves Arnold Arboretum Nut Growing in the Northeastern *Simple Key to the Pines States, L. H. MacDaniels *Simple Foliage Key to the Hem- *Elms Grown in America locks and Spruces *A Simple Foliage Key to the Firs Volume 2, 1942 Flowers of the Chinese New Year, Volume 4, 1944 Franklin P. Metcalf Food Plants in the Arnold Arbore- *Nursery Sources for Nut Trees tum, Ernest J. Palmer Asa Gray and His Quest for Shor- *Short Guide to Care of the Garden tia galacifolia, Charles F. Jen- During War Time kins *Rhododendron Winter Injury *The Highbush Blueberry *Spring Displays in the Arnold Ar- *The One Hundred "Best" Lilacs boretum, 1944 The Medicinal Plant Garden of the *How to Spend an Hour in the Ar- Massachusetts College of nold Arboretum Pharmacy, Heber W. Youngken Emergency Food Manuals, E. D. * Euonymus Merrill An Amateur’s Observations on Har- *Autumn Color diness from Growing Rhodo- *Available Rapid Growing Vines dendrons in the Pacific North- for the United States west, Herbert G. Ihrig Expeditions to the Alaska Military *Foliage Colors of Woody Plants, Highway 1943-1944, Hugh April to September M. Raup Volume 3, 1943 Volume 5, 1945 *Planting Vegetables *An Early Spring *The Naming of Horticultural Vari- Build Bird Populations with Food eties Plants, C. Russell Mason Titles marked wsth an asterssk were written by Dr. Donald Wyman 1 *Spring Rushes On *The Drought *The Park Arboretum-How to Es- *Fruit This Fall tablish One as a Living War *Woody Plants with Interesting Bark Memorial in Winter *Report on the Arnold Arboretum *Spent Hops-An Effective Mulch- Hedge Demonstration Plot ing Material *Viburnums for the Northern Uni- ted States Volume 8, 1948 The Glenmore Arboretum at Buf- Metasequoia, Another "Living Fos- falo Creek, Colorado, Robert sil," E. D. Merrill E. Moore *Spring-1948 British Gardens in War Time as *Labels in the Arnold Arboretum Seen by an American Soldier, *Destroy Dead Elm Wood Immedi- C. E. Kobuski ately *A Trip Through the Arboretum Volume 6, 1946 During Lilac Time *Spring in 1946 Blueberry Cages, George O. Clark Tree Peony, John C. Wister *Syringa prestoniae *The Garden Club of America *Pruning Rhododendrons Tours the Arnold Arboretum *New or Rare Ornamental Plants May 15, 1946 Recently Distributed to Com- On the History of the Introduction mercial Nurserymen by the of Woody Plants into North Arnold Arboretum America, Alfred Rehder *William H. Judd, Propagator Volume 9, 1949 Bamboos for Northern Gardens, *Sources for a Few New Plants Robert A. Young The Azalea Border, Beatrix Farrand Contemplated Landscape Changes *Spring 1949 at the Arnold Arboretum, Bea- *Lilacs trix Farrand *The Wisterias Hemlock-The Queen of Conifers, *Flower Colors of Hardy Hybrid Charles F. Jenkins Rhododendrons Peters Hill, Beatrix Farrand Volume 7, 1947 Growing Rhododendrons from *The Past Year at the Arnold Arbo- Seed, Richard H. Filmore retum Looking Towards Beach Plum Cul- Plant Breeding at the Arnold Arbo- tivation, George Graves retum, Karl Sax The Bussey Institution, Karl Sax Volume 10, 1950 *Watch the Elms Forest-tree Breeding Work of the *Spring in the Arboretum Cabot Foundation, Scott S. Fifty Years of Gardening in North- Pauley ern Manitoba, F. L. Skinner *The Forsythias *American Horticulture Needs to *The Better Oriental Cherries Adopt Uniform Color Standards *The Best of the Crab Apples *Seed Collection Dates of Woody *A Spring Walk Through the Arnold Plants Arboretum 2 The Control of Plant Development Volume 13, 19533 with Maleic Hydrazide, Richard *Some of the Best Vines and Ground H. Filmore Covers for Massachusetts Gar- *Order of Bloom dens Rootstocks for Lilacs, Karl Sax *Pruning Ornamental Shrubs and *Killing Woody Plants with Chemi- Trees cals *Layering Plants in Holland Dwarf Trees, Karl Sax *Two Months of Azalea Bloom *Fruiting Habits of Certain Orna- *For the Record mental Plants *Seeds of Woody Plants New Methods of Plant Propaga- Volume 11, 19511 tion, Lewis Lipp *Forty-Five of the Best Shrubs for The Arnold Arboretum Spray Massachusetts Gardens Schedule, Robert G. Williams *The New Ground Cover Display and Alfred J. Fordham Plots at the Arnold Arboretum *Metasequoia Brought Up-To-Date Volume 14, 1954 *The Larz Anderson Collection of *Japanese Dwarfed Trees Japanese Dwarf Trees *Flowering Displays in the Arnold *Some Shrubs for at Least Two Sea- Arboretum sons of Beauty *Some Shrubs and Trees with Col- The Effect of Light on Seed Ger- ored Foliage Growing in the mination, Lewis Lipp Arnold Arboretum *Smaller Street Trees Needed *Fifty of the Better Ground Covers *Air Layering with Polythene Film Propagating Some Rarer Plants *Simple Key to the Pines from Seed, Robert G. Cogge- *Five Interesting Trees shall *Woody Plants Used in Colonial *Some Old Fashioned Roses at the Williamsburg Arnold Arboretum *Elms Grown in America An Education Program at the Ar- nold Arboretum, Richard A. Volume 12, 1952 Howard *Forty-Five of the Best Trees for *Hurricane "Carol" in the Arnold Massachusetts Gardens Arboretum Nut Growing in the Northeastern *Rehabilitation of Trees Injured by States, L. H. MacDaniels Hurricanes of 1954 *The Flower Colors of One Hun- Polyethylene Plastic-Its Applica- dred Hardy Azaleas tion to the Propagation of *Spring Comes to the Arnold Arbo- Hardwood Cuttings, Roger retum G. Coggeshall A Note on Ligustrum ibolium, *Wilfred Wheeler-The Holly Man John L. Creech *Some Winter-Killing of Certain Volume 15, 19555 Shrubs, As a Result of the *Forcing Hardy Wood Plants in the Winter of 1951-522 Greenhouse for Early Bloom *Autumn Color Plant Breeding at the Arnold Ar- *The Hunnewell Arboretum 1852- boretum, Karl Sax 1952 *Spring Comes to the Arboretum 3 *The Arboretum Lilacs in their Or- Volume 18, 1958 der of Bloom The Juvenile Characters of Trees A Revised Glossary of the More and Shrubs, Karl Sax Common Botanical and Hor- *Two New Mahoberberis Hybrids ticultural Terms, Clarence E. *A Spring Walk Through the Ar- Kobuski nold Arboretum *Potentilla fruticosa, A Common The Meadow, R. A. Howard but Little Known Plant The Horticultural Herbarium, Clar- *Cotoneasters ence E. Kobuski Christmas Plants in the Boston Horticulture on Postage Stamps, Area, Richard A. Howard and Claude Weber Carroll E. Wood, Jr. *The Case Estates of the Arnold Ar- boretum Volume 16, 1956 . *The Shrub Altheas *An Early Spring? *Christmas Show of Holiday Decor- Paste the Poison Ivy, Karl Sax ations *Eighty Trees for the Small Place *Woody Plants with Interesting Bark *Arboretum Spring Planting Notes in Winter *Crab Apples for Ornamental Fruits *The New International Code of *New and Rare Ornamental Woody Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants Recently Distributed by Plants the Arnold Arboretum *Acer platanoides ’Crimson King’ vs Volume 19, 1959 ’Fassen’s Black’ The Arnold Arboretum Spray *The Ground Cover Demonstration Schedule, Robert G. Williams Plots (Brought up to Date) *These Are the Forsythias Christmas Decorations from Woody *Crab Apples of Merit Plant Materials, Florence and The Lilacs of New England, Bur- Donald Wyman dette L. Wagenknecht A Booklet on Lilacs from Russia, Volume 17, 1957 Richard A. Howard Some Cultivated Relatives of the Propagation and Care of Lilacs, Camellia, Carroll E. Wood, Jr. Alfred J. Fordham *Winter Injury-1957 Plant Collecting in the Southeast- *The Hedge Demonstration Plot ern United States, C. E. Wood, Twenty Years after Planting Jr. *Something New Has Been Added- *Viburnums Cocoa-shell Mulch Christmas Plants Around the World, *Winter Injury-1957 (Continued) Burdette L. Wagenknecht *A New Boxwood Asiatic Maples, Their Propagation Volume 20, 1960 from Softwood Cuttings, Rooting Ghent Azaleas Under Plas- Roger Coggeshall tic, Roger Coggeshall *The New Horticultural Color Chart *Plants of Possible Merit? *Broad-leaved Evergreens in the Ar- *Magnolias Hardy in the Arnold Ar- nold Arboretum boretum 4 *Shrub Honeysuckles with Pink to Volume 22, 1962 Red Flowers *The Majestic Beeches Propagation of Woody Plants by *Barberries Seed, A. J. Fordham *The Birches *Ilex crenata and Its Varieties *Hawthorns *Hurricane "Donna" The Charles Stratton Dana Green- Forsythia ’Karl Sax’, Joab L. houses of the Arnold Arbore- Thomas tum, Richard A. Howard *Ornamental Fruits, 1960 Herbaceous Aliens in the Arbore- The Hillcrest Gardens, Weston, tum, Peter S. Green Massachusetts, Richard A. *The Honeysuckles Howard *The Lindens, *How to Establish an Arboretum or *The Oaks Botanical Garden Volume 23, 1963 Volume 21, 19611 *Trial Plot for Street Trees Concerning the Registration of *Results of Trials in the Ground Cultivar Names, Richard A. Cover Demonstration Plots Howard Cultivars in the Genus Chaenome- Registration Lists of Cultivar Names les, Claude Weber in Cornus L., Richard A. Supplementary Registration List Howard of Cultivar Names in Syringa The Tree Legumes in the Arnold L.-Registered 1963, John C. Arboretum, Burdette L. Wagen- Wister knecht *International Plant Registration Registration Lists of Cultivar Leucothoe fontanesiana, Peter S. Names in Gleditsia L., Green Burdette L. Wagenknecht Tsuga canadensis and Its Multitude *The Forsythia Story, of Variants, Alfred J. Fordharr *Registration Lists of Cultivar Names Heath and Heather on Cape Cod, of Forsythias Harold W. Copeland *Winter Injury Not Severe *Pruning Ornamental Shrubs and Registration Lists of Cultivar Names Trees in the Genus Pieris D.
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