ENJOY LUNCH & DINNER DAILY AT CARINI GREAT FOOD, FUN & AN OUTDOOR MOVIE THEATER AT IN WILDWOOD CREST • SEE PAGE 5 THE DOO WOP DRIVE IN • SEE PAGE 23 PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 PAGE 5 PAGE 6 TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS TV CHALLENGE STUMPERS CHALLENGE STUMPERS SPORTSMusical athletes TV SPORTS By GeorgeMusical Dickie athletes7) What former NBA guard’s rap album caused Musical athletes By George Dickie 7)a flap?What former NBA Questions: guard’s rap album caused By George Dickie 7) What former NBA a8) flap? This first baseman had a guard’s rap album caused Questions:1) What former NBA for- 12-year playing career with 8) This first baseman had a Questions: a flap? 1)ward What also former played NBA a mean for- 12-yearthe Oakland playing A’s, career Anaheim with 8) This first baseman had a wardjazz bass?also played a mean theAngels, Oakland Seattle A’s, Mariners Anaheim 1) What former NBA for- 12-year playing career with jazz2) What bass? NFL team is fa- Angels,and St. LouisSeattle Cardinals Mariners and ward also played a mean the Oakland A’s, Anaheim 2)mous What for NFL appearing team is in fa a- rap andwas St.a member Louis Cardinals of a band and jazz bass? Angels, Seattle Mariners mousvideo forthe appearingyear of their in aSu rap- wascalled a memberSandfrog. of Can a band you 2) What NFL team is fa- and St. Louis Cardinals and called Sandfrog. Can you videoper Bowl the victory?year of their Su- name him? mous for appearing in a rap was a member of a band per Bowl victory? name9) What him? tennis great has video the year of their Su- called Sandfrog. Can you 3)3) WhatWhat formerformer NBA center 9) What tennis great has name him? and current TNT commenta- appeared onstage with Car- per Bowl victory? and current TNT commenta- los Santana? 3) What former NBA center 9) What tennis great has tor has released several rap los Santana? appeared onstage with Car- tor has released several rap 10) What Olympic sprinter and current TNT commenta- albums? los Santana? albums? was “Goin’ for the Gold” on tor has released several rap 4) This Hall of Fame catch- 10) What Olympic sprinter 4) This Hall of Fame catch- vinyl? albums? er and two-time NL MVP was “Goin’ for the Gold” on er and two-time NL MVP 4) This Hall of Fame catch- hashas sangsang onon televisiontelevision and Answers: vinyl? Answers: er and two-time NL MVP onstage.onstage. WhoWho is he? 1) The late Wayman Tisdale 5) This Cy Young Award 2) The 1985 Chicago Bears has sang on television and Answers: 5) This Cy Young Award 2) The 1985 Chicago Bears winner for the Chicago 3) Shaquille O’Neal onstage. Who is he? 1) The late Wayman Tisdale winner for the Chicago 4)3) JohnnyShaquille Bench O’Neal 5) This Cy Young Award 2) The 1985 Chicago Bears White Sox once played gui- 4) Johnny Bench tarWhite in a Sox band once called played Stickfig gui- 5) Jack McDowell winner for the Chicago 3) Shaquille O’Neal tar in a band called Stickfig- 6)5) PaulJack O’NeillMcDowell and Bernie 4) Johnny Bench ure. Name him. Williams6) Paul O’Neill and Bernie White Sox once played gui- 6)ure. What Name 1990s him. New York tar in a band called Stickfig- 5) Jack McDowell 7)Williams Allen Iverson 6) Paul O’Neill and Bernie Yankees outfielders played 6) What 1990s New York 8)7) ScottAllen IversonSpiezio ure. Name him. Williams guitarYankees and outfielders drums together played in 9)8) JohnScott McEnroeSpiezio 6) What 1990s New York 7) Allen Iverson aguitar local andTV ad?drums together in 10)9) John Carl McEnroeLewis Yankees outfielders played 8) Scott Spiezio a local TV ad? 10) Carl Lewis guitar and drums together in 9) John McEnroe SEARCH a local TV ad? 10) Carl Lewis WORD SEARCH B WORDNJNETTLESEUMIW SEARCH L SBNOTGNI HSAWKI WORD B NJNETTLESEUMIW V XTASRKOCZTDGQL B NJNETTLESEUMIW L SBNOTGNI HSAWKI E OFRXLPTRECNOCL L SBNOTGNI HSAWKI WV SZQOTOIVOHIJAIXTASRKOCZTDGQL V XTASRKOCZTDGQL DE OFRXLPTRECNOCLJCLNKMVLYEWFPA E OFRXLPTRECNOCL WP MGEASEGQZFHGIMSZQOTOIVOHIJAI W SZQOTOIVOHIJAI S KLPRPIRGAISBTS D JCLNKMVLYEWFPA D JCLNKMVLYEWFPA X LNRJACKSONRNOT P MGEASEGQZFHGIM P MGEASEGQZFHGIM AS MHTHLJCOSNESLFKLPRPIRGAISBTS B KYHWNVDAQOGUJR S KLPRPIRGAISBTS X LNRJACKSONRNOT E XEGUYTONAYWFRP X LNRJACKSONRNOT UA HBIMMHTHLJCOSNESLFFIREWORKST A MHTHLJCOSNESLF QB CINHNDYAWDAORBKYHWNVDAQOGUJR B KYHWNVDAQOGUJR RE XEGUYTONAYWFRPICKEYSDZTYUKWC E XEGUYTONAYWFRP U HBIM“A CapitolFIREWORKST Fourth 2021” on PBS U HBIM FIREWORKST (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Q CINHNDYAWDAORB (Laura)Q CINHNDYAWDAORB Osnes (Ali) Stroker (Holiday) Concert (Vanessa)R ICKEYSDZTYUKWC Williams (Alan) Jackson Broadway (Star) R ICKEYSDZTYUKWC Gershwin (Brothers)“A Capitol (Mickey) Fourth Guyton 2021” onWashington PBS (D.C.) “A Capitol Fourth 2021” on PBS Rickey (Minor Band)(Words (Jennifer)in parentheses Nettles not in puzzle)Fireworks (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) (Gladys)(Laura) Osnes Knight (Jimmie)(Ali) Stroker Allen Capitol(Holiday) Concert (Laura) Osnes (Ali) Stroker (Holiday) Concert (Vanessa) Williams (Alan) Jackson Broadway (Star) (Vanessa) Williams (Alan) Jackson Broadway (Star) Gershwin (Brothers) (Mickey) Guyton Washington (D.C.) Gershwin (Brothers) (Mickey) Guyton Washington (D.C.) Rickey (Minor Band) (Jennifer) Nettles Fireworks Custom Features Rickey (Minor Band)Release(Jennifer) the week Nettles of JulyFireworks 4 - July 10, 2021. (Gladys) Knight (Jimmie) Allen Capitol (Gladys) Knight (Jimmie) Allen Capitol PAGE 7 Custom Features Release the week of July 4 - July 10, 2021. Custom Features Release the week of July 4 - July 10, 2021. TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS TV CHALLENGE STUMPERS CHALLENGE STUMPERS SPORTSMusical athletes TV SPORTS By GeorgeMusical Dickie athletes7) What former NBA guard’s rap album caused Musical athletes By George Dickie 7)a flap?What former NBA Questions: guard’s rap album caused By George Dickie 7) What former NBA a8) flap? This first baseman had a guard’s rap album caused Questions:1) What former NBA for- 12-year playing career with 8) This first baseman had a Questions: a flap? 1)ward What also former played NBA a mean for- 12-yearthe Oakland playing A’s, career Anaheim with 8) This first baseman had a wardjazz bass?also played a mean theAngels, Oakland Seattle A’s, Mariners Anaheim 1) What former NBA for- 12-year playing career with jazz2) What bass? NFL team is fa- Angels,and St. LouisSeattle Cardinals Mariners and ward also played a mean the Oakland A’s, Anaheim 2)mous What for NFL appearing team is in fa a- rap andwas St.a member Louis Cardinals of a band and jazz bass? Angels, Seattle Mariners mousvideo forthe appearingyear of their in aSu rap- wascalled a memberSandfrog. of Can a band you 2) What NFL team is fa- and St. Louis Cardinals and called Sandfrog. Can you videoper Bowl the victory?year of their Su- name him? mous for appearing in a rap was a member of a band per Bowl victory? name9) What him? tennis great has video the year of their Su- called Sandfrog. Can you 3)3) WhatWhat formerformer NBA center 9) What tennis great has name him? and current TNT commenta- appeared onstage with Car- per Bowl victory? and current TNT commenta- los Santana? 3) What former NBA center 9) What tennis great has tor has released several rap los Santana? appeared onstage with Car- tor has released several rap 10) What Olympic sprinter and current TNT commenta- albums? los Santana? albums? was “Goin’ for the Gold” on tor has released several rap 4) This Hall of Fame catch- 10) What Olympic sprinter 4) This Hall of Fame catch- vinyl? albums? er and two-time NL MVP was “Goin’ for the Gold” on er and two-time NL MVP 4) This Hall of Fame catch- hashas sangsang onon televisiontelevision and Answers: vinyl? Answers: er and two-time NL MVP onstage.onstage. WhoWho isis he? 1) The late Wayman Tisdale 5) This Cy Young Award 2) The 1985 Chicago Bears has sang on television and Answers: 5) This Cy Young Award 2) The 1985 Chicago Bears winner for the Chicago 3) Shaquille O’Neal onstage. Who is he? 1) The late Wayman Tisdale winner for the Chicago 4)3) JohnnyShaquille Bench O’Neal 5) This Cy Young Award 2) The 1985 Chicago Bears White Sox once played gui- 4) Johnny Bench tarWhite in a Sox band once called played Stickfig gui- 5) Jack McDowell winner for the Chicago 3) Shaquille O’Neal tar in a band called Stickfig- 6)5) PaulJack O’NeillMcDowell and Bernie 4) Johnny Bench ure. Name him. Williams6) Paul O’Neill and Bernie White Sox once played gui- 6)ure. What Name 1990s him. New York tar in a band called Stickfig- 5) Jack McDowell 7)Williams Allen Iverson 6) Paul O’Neill and Bernie Yankees outfielders played 6) What 1990s New York 8)7) ScottAllen IversonSpiezio ure. Name him. Williams guitarYankees and outfielders drums together played in 9)8) JohnScott McEnroeSpiezio 6) What 1990s New York 7) Allen Iverson aguitar local andTV ad?drums together in 10)9) John Carl McEnroeLewis Yankees outfielders played 8) Scott Spiezio a local TV ad? 10) Carl Lewis guitar and drums together in 9) John McEnroe SEARCH a local TV ad? 10) Carl Lewis WORD SEARCH B WORDNJNETTLESEUMIW SEARCH L SBNOTGNI HSAWKI WORD B N J N E T T L E S E U M I W V XTASRKOCZTDGQL B NJNETTLESEUMIW L S B N O T G N I H S A W K I E OFRXLPTRECNOCL L SBNOTGNI HSAWKI WV SZQOTOIVOHIJAIX T A S R K O C Z T D G Q L V XTASRKOCZTDGQL DE OJCLNKMVLYEWFPAF R X L P T R E C N O C L E OFRXLPTRECNOCL WP MGEASEGQZFHGIMS Z Q O T O I V O H I J A I W SZQOTOIVOHIJAI S KLPRPIRGAISBTS D J C L N K M V L Y E W F P A D JCLNKMVLYEWFPA X LNRJACKSONRNOT P M G E A S E G Q Z F H G I M P MGEASEGQZFHGIM AS MHTHLJCOSNESLFK L P R P I R G A I S B T S B KYHWNVDAQOGUJR S KLPRPIRGAISBTS X L N R J A C K S O N R N O T E
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