This Booklet con tains 32 printed pages. AF17—XVIII Ques tion Book let No. &Òü šøÅ—šìy 32> ³å[‰t¡ šõË¡à "àìá¡ú šøÅ—-šå[ÑzA¡à Î}J¸à EXAMINATION—STPGT SUBJECT : HISTORY Do not open this Question Booklet until you are asked to do so. &Òü šøÅ—šy ™t¡Û¡o Jåºìt¡ >à ¤ºà Òì¤ t¡t¡Û¡o š™¢”z Jåºì¤> >à¡ú Read care fully all the instruc tions given at the back page and on the front page of this Ques tion Book let. &Òü šøÅ—šìy¹ ëÅÈ šõË¡à * šø=³ šõË¡àÚ ëƒ*Úà γÑz [>샢Åऺ㠳ì>àì™àK ÎÒA¡àì¹ šØl¡æ>¡ú In struc tions for Candidates š¹ãÛ¡à=¢ã샹 \>¸ [>샢Åऺã 1. OMR 1. Use Black Ballpoint Pen only for writing &Òü šøÅ—šìy ëºJ๠\>¸ &¤} l¡üv¡¹šìy l¡üv¡¹ particulars of this Question Booklet and [W¡[Òû¡t¡ A¡¹ìt¡ Ç¡‹å³ày A¡àìºà A¡à[º¹ ¤ºšìÚ–i¡ A¡º³ marking responses on the OMR ¤¸¤Ò๠A¡¹ç¡>¡ú Answer Sheet. 2. &Òü š¹ãÛ¡à¹ Î³Ú 2 Qsi¡à 30 [³[>i¡¡ú š¹ãÛ¡àÚ ë³ài¡ 2. This test is of 2 hours and 30 minutes 150 [i¡ MCQ ‹¹ì>¹ šøÅ— =àA¡ì¤¡ú šø[t¡ šøìÅ—¹ ³èº¸àS¡ 1 duration and consists of 150 MCQ-type Ò줡ú questions. Each question carries 1 mark. 3. ®å¡º l¡üv¡ì¹¹ \>¸ ëA¡àì>à ˜¡oàuA¡ >´¬¹ =àA¡ì¤ >à¡ú 3. There is no negative marking for any wrong answer. 4. š¹ãÛ¡à=¢ãìA¡ ¹àó¡ *ÚàA¢¡ A¡¹ìt¡ Òì¤ Ç¡‹å³ày ëA¡àìÆW¡> ¤åA¡ìºìi¡ (šøÅ—šìy) [>[ƒ¢Ê¡ A¡¹à Ñ‚àì>¡ú 4. Rough work should be done only in the space provided in the Question Booklet. 5. šøìÅ—¹ l¡üv¡¹ Ç¡‹å³ày OMR l¡üv¡¹šìy [W¡[Òû¡t¡ A¡¹ìt¡ Ò줡ú l¡üv¡¹ [W¡[Òû¡t¡ A¡¹à¹ [¤ÈìÚ š¹ãÛ¡à=¢ãìA¡ Î줢àZW¡ Ît¡A¢¡t¡à 5. The answers are to be marked on the OMR "¤º´¬> A¡¹ìt¡ Ò줡ú šøìÅ—¹ l¡üv¡¹ &A¡¤à¹ [W¡[Òû¡t¡ A¡¹à ÒìÚ Answer Sheet only. Mark your responses ëKìº ëA¡àì>à "¤Ñ‚àìt¡Òü t¡àìA¡ š[¹¤t¢¡> ¤à Î}ìÅà‹> A¡¹à carefully since there is no chance of ™àì¤ >à¡ú alteration/correction. 6. A¡à[º-ë³àW¡>ãÚ Òüì¹\๠¤à Îàƒà t¡¹º-\àt¡ãÚ ¤Ññ¹ ¤¸¤Ò๠6. Use of eraser or whitener is strictly δšèo¢¹ê¡ìš [>[ȇý¡¡ú prohibited. 7. š¹ãÛ¡à=¢ã샹 ³ì> ¹àJìt¡ Òì¤ ë™ šøÅ—šìy¹ šøÅ—P¡[º 7. Candidates should note that each question is [‡-®¡à[ÈA¡ (Òü}¹à\ã * ¤à}ºà) Ò줡ú &Òü ëÛ¡ìy ®¡àÈà-³à‹¸³ given in bilingual form (English and Bengali). In case of any discrepancy or confusion in the ¤à ®¡àÈà-Î}ÑH¹ìo ëA¡àì>à ‹¹ì>¹ "ÎU[t¡ "=¤à ë¤àc¡à¹ medium/ version, the English Version will be "Îå[¤‹à l¡üšº§¡ Òìº Òü}¹à\ã Î}ÑH¹oìA¡Òü šøAõ¡t¡ Ç¡‡ý¡ ¤ìº treated as the authentic version. Ko¸ A¡¹ì¤>¡ú Name of the Can di date (in Cap i tals) : __________________________________________________________________________ š¹ãÛ¡à=¢ã¹ >à³ (¤Øl¡ "Û¡ì¹) Roll No. : ________________________________________________ OMR An swer Sheet No. : ____________________________ ë¹àº >´¬¹ OMR l¡üv¡¹šìy¹ >´¬¹ Full Sig na ture of the Can di date with date Sig na ture of the In vigi la tor with date š¹ãÛ¡à=¢ã¹ δšèo¢ ѬàÛ¡¹ t¡à[¹JÎÒ [>¹ãÛ¡ìA¡¹ ѬàÛ¡¹ t¡à[¹JÎÒ /18 Directions : Answer the following questions [>샢[ÅA¡à : Î[k¡A¡ l¡üv¡¹[i¡ [>¤¢àW¡> A¡ì¹ >ãìW¡¹ šøÅ—P¡[º¹ by selecting the correct option. l¡üv¡¹ ƒà*¡ú 1. Which one is not an archaeological 1. >ãìW¡¹ ëA¡à>[i¡ šøâ—t¡à[wA¡ l¡üšàƒà> >Ú? source? (A) ³å‰à (A) Coin (B) [º[š/ëºJ (B) Epigraphy (C) šå¹ào (C) Puranas (D) (D) Pillar Ñz´± 2. Who deciphered the script on 2. "ìÅàìA¡¹ Ñz´±[º[š ëA¡ šàìk¡à‡ý¡à¹ A¡ì¹[áìº>? Asokan pillars? (A) &³. &º[ó¡Xìi¡à> (A) M. Elphinstone (B) ë\. &Î. [³ºô (B) J. S. Mill (C) ë\. [šøìXš (C) J. Prinsep (D) "à¹. [l¡. ¤¸à>àð㢠(D) R. D. Banerjee 3. Which of the following inscriptions 3. >ãìW¡¹ [º[šP¡[º¹ ëA¡à>[i¡ ¹à\à Jà¹ì¤ìº¹ is associated with king Kharavela? ÎìU ™åv¡û¡? (A) Hathigumpha (A) Òà[t¡P¡´£¡à (B) Nanaghat (B) >à>àQài¡ (C) Aihole (C) "àÒüìÒຠ(D) Junagarh (D) \å>àKØl¡ 4. Who is mentioned in the Mehrauli 4. Inscription? ë³Òì¹ïºã [º[šìt¡ A¡à¹ >à³ l¡üìÀJ A¡¹à ÒìÚìá? (A) Chandragupta Maurya (A) W¡–ƒøP¡œ¡ ë³ï™¢ (B) Chandragupta Vikramaditya (B) W¡–ƒøP¡œ¡ [¤yû¡³à[ƒt¡¸ (C) Samudragupta (C) γå‰P¡œ¡ (D) None of them (D) &ò샹 ëA¡l¡üÒü >> 5. Which one of the following is not a 5. >ãìW¡¹ ëA¡à>[i¡ šå¹ào >Ú? Purana? (A) (A) Brahma ¤øÕ¡à (B) Vishnu (B) [¤Ìå¡ (C) Kalki (C) A¡[»¡ (D) Agni (D) "[N— /18 2 6. Where was the ‘granary’ found? 6. ‘ÅθàK๒ ëA¡à=àÚ šà*Úà [KìÚìá? (A) Ropar (A) ë¹àšà¹ (B) Harappa (B) Ò¹Ùà (C) Mohenjodaro (C) ³ìÒìgàƒàì¹à (D) None of the above (D) l¡üšì¹¹ ëA¡à>[i¡Òü >Ú 7. Who is the author of Ramcharita? 7. ¹à³W¡[¹t¡-&¹ ¹W¡[Út¡à ëA¡? (A) Tulsidasa (A) t塺ÎãƒàÎ (B) Sandhyakar Nandi (B) ÎÞ꡸àA¡¹ >–ƒã (C) Bharavi (C) ®¡à¹¤ã (D) Panini (D) šà[o[> 8. In which part of India is the Port of Tamralipta situated? 8. ®¡à¹ìt¡¹ ëA¡à>ô šøàì”z t¡à´÷[ºœ¡ ¤–ƒ¹ "¤[Ñ‚t¡? (A) Southern (A) ƒ[Û¡o (B) Western (B) š[ÆW¡³ (C) Northern (C) l¡üv¡¹ (D) Eastern (D) šè¤¢ 9. Which of the following does not match? 9. >ãìW¡¹ ëA¡à>[i¡ Î[k¡A¡ >Ú? (A) Magadh—Rajgriha (A) ³K‹—¹à\KõÒ (B) Surasena—Mathura (B) Åè¹ìÎ>—³=å¹à (C) Anga—Sravasti (C) "U—Åøà¤Ñzã (D) Malla—Kushinara (D) ³À—Aå¡[Å>à¹à 10. The founder of the Mauryan dynasty 10. was ë³ï™¢ Îà´÷àì\¸¹ šø[t¡Ë¡àt¡à [áìº> (A) Bimbisara (A) [¤[´¬Î๠(B) Ashoka (B) "ìÅàA¡ (C) Dhanananda (C) ‹>>–ƒ (D) None of them (D) &ò샹 ëA¡l¡üÒü >> /18 3 [ P.T.O. 11. ‘Sabha’ and ‘Samity’ were found 11. ‘ή¡à’ * ‘Î[³[t¡’ ë™ ™åìK ëƒJìt¡ šà*Úà ë™t¡, during the t¡à Òº (A) Rig-Vedic Age (A) ˜¡A¡-í¤[ƒA¡ ™åK (B) Later Vedic Age (B) š¹¤t¡ã¢ í¤[ƒA¡ ™åK (C) Indus Valley Civilization (C) [ÎÞêå¡ Î®¡¸t¡à (D) None of the above (D) *šì¹¹ ëA¡à>[i¡ >Ú 12. ‘Matsyanyaya’ prevailed in Bengal 12. A¡à¹ [Î}ÒàÎ> "àì¹àÒìo¹ šè줢 ¤à}ºàÚ prior to the accession of ‘³à;θ>¸àÚ’ \à[¹ [áº? (A) Surapala (A) Î幚ຠ(B) Dharmapala (B) ‹³¢šàº (C) Gopala (C) ëKàšàº (D) Devapala (D) 냤šàº 13. Who among the following did not 13. &ò샹 ³ì‹¸ ëA¡ í¤[ƒA¡ ™åìK [áìº> >à? belong to the Vedic period? (A) (A) Lopamudra ëºàšà³å‰à (B) (B) Gargi KàK㢠(C) (C) Apala "šàºà (D) (D) Khana Û¡oà 14. 14. ‘Ur’ and ‘Kurumba’ were the features ‘$¹’ &¤} ‘Aå¡Øl¡æ´¬’ ëA¡à>ô ÅàÎ>¤¸¤Ñ‚๠í¤[ÅÊ¡¸ of which administration? [áº? (A) Chola (A) ëW¡àº (B) Chalukya (B) W¡àºåA¡¸ (C) Pallava (C) šÀ¤ (D) None of the above (D) l¡üšì¹¹ ëA¡à>[i¡Òü >Ú 15. Which Gupta Emperor thwarted 15. ëA¡à>ô P¡œ¡ δ÷ài¡ ×> "àyû¡³o šø[t¡Òt¡ Huna invasion? A¡ì¹[áìº>? (A) Chandragupta II (A) [‡t¡ãÚ W¡–ƒøP¡œ¡ (B) Skandagupta (B) ÑH–ƒP¡œ¡ (C) Kumaragupta (C) A塳à¹P¡œ¡ (D) None of them (D) &ò샹 ëA¡l¡üÒü >> /18 4 16. Where was the capital of the 16. Îàt¡¤àÒ>샹 ¹à\‹à>ã ëA¡à=àÚ "¤[Ñ‚t¡ [áº? Satavahanas situated? (A) >à[ÎA¡ (A) Nasik (B) +¹Uà¤àƒ (B) Aurangabad (C) (C) Paithan íšk¡à> (D) None of the above (D) l¡üšì¹¹ ëA¡à>[i¡Òü >Ú 17. Find the odd one out. 17. >ãìW¡¹ ëA¡à>[i¡ 뤳à>à>? (A) Hastinapur (A) Ò[Ñz>àšå¹ (B) Nalanda (B) >ຖƒà (C) Taxila (C) t¡Û¡Åãºà (D) Vikramshila (D) [¤yû¡³Åãºà 18. Who constructed the lion-headed pillar of Sarnath? 18. Îà¹>àì=¹ [Î}Ò-ÅãÈ¢ Ñz´±[i¡ ëA¡ [>³à¢o (A) Chandragupta Maurya A¡[¹ìÚ[áìº>? (B) Bindusara (A) W¡–ƒøP¡œ¡ ë³ï™¢ (C) Bimbisara (B) [¤–ƒåÎ๠(D) None of them (C) [¤[´¬Î๠19. Which of the following is not correct (D) &ò샹 ëA¡l¡üÒü >> about Gandhara School of Art? (A) It flourished during the reign of 19. KàÞê¡à¹ [Å쿹 ëÛ¡ìy >ãìW¡¹ ëA¡à>[i¡ ®å¡º? Harshavardhana (A) ÒÈ¢¤‡¢ý¡ì>¹ "à³ìº &Òü [Å쿹 [¤A¡àÅ ÒÚ (B) Peshawar was the famous (B) centre for it ëšÅà*Ú๠[Ạ&Òü [Å쿹 [¤J¸àt¡ ëA¡–ƒø (C) It was an amalgamation of Indo- (C) &Òü [Å¿ ®¡à¹t¡ãÚ-NøãA¡-šà¹[ÎA¡ ¹ã[t¡¹ Greek-Persian art styles γÞìÚ KìØl¡ *ìk¡¡ (D) The idol of Buddha was created (D) &Òü Î³Ú ë¤ï‡ý¡ ³è[t¢¡ K[k¡t¡ ÒÚ¡ in this time 20. ëA¡ ‘ÅA¡à[¹’ l¡üšà[‹ NøÒo A¡ì¹[áìº>? 20. Who adopted the title of ‘Sakari’? (A) ÑH–ƒP¡œ¡ (A) Skandagupta (B) Samudragupta (B) γå‰P¡œ¡ (C) Chandragupta—II (C) [‡t¡ãÚ W¡–ƒøP¡œ¡ (D) None of them (D) &ò샹 ëA¡l¡üÒü >> /18 5 [ P.T.O.
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