DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF BARBER SHOP QUARTET HARMONY PUBLISHED BY 1)he SOCIETY FOR THE PRESERVATION AND ENCOURAGEMENT 35c per Copy /' /' MAY 1945 OF BARBER SHOP QUARTET SINGING IN AMERICA, INC. VOL. IV, No.4 , Peace terms every man sHouldmake HOff! The war is still on ..• and will be for some time to come. chance to answer all these questions-an opportunity to pro­ But right now-before the war ends-every man in America vide for the future. ma~e has an unprecedented opportunity to terms with him­ That opportunity is War Bonds. No doubt you are buying self for his own peace ... his peace of mind. War Bonds through the Payroll Saving Plan. Arrange to buy For now, as never before, a man should look at his wife more War Bonds. All you can afford. More than you thought and family and say, "What can I offer them for the future?" you could afford. Now, as never before, a man should look at his house and What's even more important-don't cash in those War worldly goods and say, "How can I improve these so my Bonds before they mature. Stick them away in a safe place family may better enjoy life?" -and forget about them till you can reap the full harvest Now, as never before, a man should look at tomorrow and on them. say, "How can I best prepare for some unforeseen emer­ Now is the time to make your plans for peace of mind. gency which might affect my family?" It's something you owe yourself ... owe your family. Buy And now, as never before, every man in America has a War Bonds and hold onto them! EMBURY MANUFACTURING COMPANY Everything in Lanterns from "Lighthouses" to "Surreys" WARSAW, NEW YORK ."llte HARMONIZER 3 SOCIETY HAS CHANCE TO CHRISTEN TWO B-29's .fell qa!! NO! OUf front cover illustration does not have anv w Pressurized cabin sections, heavily insulated and thing to do ,vith barbershop quartet harmony. No! YO{lr soundproofed, enable crew members to function edi tor has not gone crazy, at least no morc than usual. without fatigue or discomfort at extremely high alti­ No! The picture is not of an airplane. It is the tail tudes. fissemblj' Qnly~ get that, of a Boeing B-29 superfortrcss. The Boeing Superfortress is powered by four These are the planes that arc blasting the important cities Wright Cyclone 18-cylinder engines of 2,200 horse­ and industrial centers of Japan quite off the map. power each; the engines turn Hamilton Standard We have used this picture all OUT cover. for two rea· four-bladed propellers which have a diameter of 16 sons, first, to let you get some conception of the size of feet 7 inches; each airplane contains approximately these planes. Seeing one of these planes aloft means one milIion rivets of various sizes, each driven in­ nothing, but close to, on the ground, as we show it, the dividually. The B-29 has more than 160 electric magnitude is impressive. OUf second reason is that the motors and generators. It is the first all-electric war­ U. S. Treasury Dept. War Bond Campaign Committee plane ever designed and built, the landing gear wheel has promised to christen two of these planes 'IThe Spirit brakes being the only hydraulic operated equipment. of Harmony" and llClose Harmony" provided the mem­ About 10 miles of electrical \viring and nearly two bers of our Society and the firms whose purchases they miles of tubing go into each Superfortress. control subscribe for $1,200.000.00 of War Bonds, (cost Bruce Bliven, writing in the Jan'uary 1 llNew Re~ of two B-29's), of the 7th War Loan Issue. public," has some interesting things to say abollt the Jf every member will subscribe for at least $100 in H-29, In part, he comments:­ bonds, we know that the average will run well above liThe B-29 has an unparalleled accuracy in its the figure needed to attain the total sum. Manv Chap­ aerial guns, and this is no accident. In the Pacific ters have already unanimously voiced their he~rty ap· area fourteen bombing missions 'Nere completed be­ proval of the idea as is evidenced by the ads they've fore the first B-29 was shot down by an enemy fighter placed in this issue of the Harmonizer. plane. On one occasion, a single Superfortress fought off 79 fighters in a four-hour running battle, shot Several Chapters have written us that they plan a down seven, and returned safely home.... \Var Bond night at a regular Chapter meeting in lVIay or June at which time every member will be asked to "Even an amateur strategist can see there is bring his bond or bonds along to wave at the phocogra­ substantial importance in the B-29 we no\v have pher, or photographers, who we hope will somehow or a situation where the B-29's can do a lot of damage. other be on hand ... not that we're doing this for pub­ Experience over Japan has shown that they are near­ licity or anything like that ... "Perish forbid," as Duffy ly invulnerable to fighter attack. They can operate \vould say ... but the Treasury Dept. War Loan Com­ with precision at heights where enemy ack-ack is mittee is extremely anxious to capitalize on publicity relatively ineffective. They carry heavy bomb loads. from such fine examples of patriotic cooperation and, as And we are building them in very large quantities." always, we're glad to help. Those very large quantities of B-29's require very As in other War Loan Campaigns our quartets and large quantities of that green stuff. Let's pitch ill and Chapter Choruses are ready and willing to cooperate. get "The Spirit of Harmony" and "Close Harmony" Get in touch with your local War Bond Drive Chair~ aloft. man, if you haven't alreadr and let him know what your Chapter can do to help. NOTICE WHAT THE B-29 IS AND DOES To George L. Findlay, of the Boeing Airplane Com­ ELASTIC FOUR RECORDS pany, \Vichita, Kansas, we are indebted for the following; are now available at details of the B-29 ... "Half again as large as the Boeing B-li Flying LYON & HEALY, Inc. Fortres5, the Boeing B-29 is the first airplane com­ 243 S. WABASH AYE. bining giant size, extreme range, and load-carrying capacitr with the speed ot a fast pursuit. The CHICAGO 4, ILL. - Alt., RECORD DEPT Superfortress carries a heavier bomb load farther, taster and higher than any airplane the world has ever knO\vn. The B-29 has a wingspread of 141 feet 2 inches, FIVE RECORD SET $8.25 F. O. B. CHICAGO length of 99 feet, and the top of its tail stands 28 Includes All of the Following Numbers feet off the ground. The Lord'. Prayer Mill Stream .•. Mood Indigo Unlike other bombers, the Superfortress has two Silent Night Maple Leave!!! ... Peggy O'Neill Now the Day is Over enormous bomb bays; its armament of 50-caliber • _. Cidez Mill machine guns and 20-millirneter cannon is electrical­ Juat • D.-.arn of You Lazy__ River ... White Christmas ly operated by remote control. n.ar ... Indiana ... Tell Me You'U Forgive M. MAY, 1945 4 .%. HARMONIZER --------------- Published quarterly by the International Officers and the other members of Ihe International Board of Directors of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc.. for free distribution to the members of the Society. VOLUME IV NO.4 Carroll P. Adams-Editor and Business Manager 19311 Grand River Avenue, Detroit 23, Michigan Phone: GArfield 7260 1944 - -45 INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS President: Phil Embury, 30 Park Street. Warsaw, N. Y. (President, Embury Mfg. Co.) THE GARDENAIRES Immediate Past President: Harold B. Staab, .. 0 Roe Avenue, North­ ampton, Mass. Michig.,n St.,te Ch.,mps, .,s se.,n by Beaudin (Eastern Sales Mgr., Wm. & Harvey Rowland. Inc.) First Vice-President: Frank H. Thorne, 6216 W, 66th Plat&, Chicago 38, Illinois (Vice-President, National Aluminate Corporation) "INTERNATIONAL" Secretary: Carroll P. Adams, 19311 Grand River Avenue, Detroit 23, Mich. 011 April 24th there rtrrived rtt the International Of~ Treasurer: joseph E, Stern, 200 Temple Bldg., Kansas City 6, Mo, (Vice President, L. j, Baer & Co., Inc., Realtors) fice a Petition for ChaneI' signed by ten members of the Vice-President: james F. Knipe, 640 Caxton Bldg., Cleveland 15, Ohio Armed Forces stationed in Upper Assam, India. The (President, The Martin Printing Co,) Vice-President: Maurice E. Reagan, 325 CutIeg-ate Rd" Pittsburgh organizer of the chapter is C. IV£. Fesler} Field Director 21, Pa. (Electrical Engineer, Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co.) of the American Red Cross in the China, Burma, and Vice-President: J. Frank Rice, 81S Choctaw, Bartlesville, Okla. India Comm'll1d. The president is Pic. Fred D. J. (Cities Service Gas Co.) Historian: R. H. Sturges, Box 1228, Atlanta I, Ga. Gallagher, and the secretary is Pfc. Joseph J. Catalano. (Outdoor Advertising) Master of Ceremonies: W. Carleton Scott, 139 Pilgrim Rd., Birming­ It seems to be no military secret that up to the time ham, Mich. of the chartering of this chapter this gruup had called (President, Suburban Homes. Inc.) J Founder and Permanent Third Assistant Temporary Vice·Chairman : itself I'The Upper Assam Literary Society and Latrine O. C, Cash, Box ~91, Tulsa 1, Okla. (Att'y" Tax Commissioner-Stanolind Pipe Line Co.) Singers," Their Petition for Charter states that they have been promised the use of a bamboo basha a short BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Ten Officers and distance from the special service center of the base in Term Eltpiring in lune, 1947 which they may hold their chapter meetings.
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