Pilfers Vin., Gets No Fine - The Weather TocIay - LOVI8V1LLJ:, KY. (R') - Yoan.- Fred McDonald came ~ CrImlnal SlIlIee Loraine Mix ,.ette~ay on a cbarJe Mostly fair, windy and a little cooler today. tl \heft 01 watermelODL Fair tomorrow. High today low 80Si low '1ldIe Mix ruled that tile commutlon l1laranltet the ",bi 'Of "punul& of hapPlnelS" aDd released 'he loutb at owan tonight 55. High ye~terday 86; low 68. ... N-da,. suspended sentence. Established leGe-Vol eO,No. 259-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Friday, July 30, 1948-Five Cenls I Tornado Hits ., Disaster Strikes Around the World Farms Near Truman Asks Power. (edar Rapids CEDAR RAPIDS (A") - A tor­ nldo struck about 20 miles west of here near the village of Luz­ To Sla.sh Food Prices erne last night and the state police radio at Cedar Falls reported Hiehway 30 was blocked by trees Something Rotten in Newark IDd buildings strewn across the British May Eccles Tells /VIdway. NEWARK, N. J. (JP>-Motorists on a higbway close to this Mrs. Laura Martinson, tele­ city were subjected ye.·terday to m thing a little worse than phone operator at Luzerne, said th summer heat when a truck overturned and tossed two tons (ongress of no ~ne was killed or injured. Halt Military of rot ten eggs onto the road. Mrs. Martinson said there were Police repol"led that the truck, driven by Leroy Cobbs of two funnels to the twister. Brooklyn, apparently werved to avoid an oncoming vehicle on Route 25 and toppled on top of another car. Possible Bust "It hit the Dr. Nathan Williams Demobilizing The eggs wer destined for a tannery. WASHINGTON (A")-President larm northwest of here and de­ LONDON (II') - The British Truman asked yesterday for pow­ stroyed practically every!ng but government may halt lhe demob­ er to cut prices of daily-bread the house. Items back toward the levels "f "It also hit the Ed Wehrman ilization of its armed forces "In a few days" if the Berlin crisis Is 1947, when butter sold for 75 fann west of Luzerne and did a Berlin Rupture Grows cents a pound and you could buy lot of damage. not settled, Foreign Secretary Bevin said yesterday. a pound chuck roast for 10 to 13 "The wind also hit the tele­ At the same time the foreign cents less than now. phone office here and a number But the President's request was of liJ:Ies burned out, but we stayed secretary told the house of com­ As SED Quits Council mons in a carefully worded state­ drowned out by a cry of "police on the job. state methods!" by congress Re­ "There seemed to be two fun­ ment that he had hoped the crisis BERLIN (R')-Repre entatives of the Russian-sponsored Social­ will be settled, and that steps are publicans and a flood of southern nels but it WQS the first one that (AP ...I."I •• pb.I.) ist Unity pllrty ( 'ED) walked out of lhe Berlin city council yes­ now being taken in Moscow to oratory against an anti-poll tax hit. The other didn't do any A GERMAN POLICEMAN EARCHES the still-smokinc ruins of the I.G. Farbert chemical plant at terday· preading the rupture of local goverment in this Soviet­ blll in the senate. This was tem­ determine Whether there is a blockaded ity which alt'eady ha'! two police chiefs. dlmage in this area so far as we L~dwl,sbafell, Germany. which was shattered by several explosIons Wedne day. Number of de8~ possibility Ilf negoliatlons that porarily shut ofl at 3:14 p.m., Io­ know." stili Is not known but more than 200 are missIng and German police report 2,000 I"jured. The scene The J<JD councilmen thus adopted the tactics of the Russians wa time, but will resume again would end the entire cold war in who previously quit two fotlr-pow('r governmental bodies--tbe The highway patrol had three ' above was site of the six-story buUding in which the original explosIon tool!; place. Europe between east and west. at 10 a.m. this morning. The cars at the scene to help clear ~!!I.~i allied control council and the chances of congress okaying the tbe highway. State Patrolman ~. His announcement that the gov­ Kommanda tura. ernment is considering stopping Iprice rollback were practically nil. Joseph Smith, 821 E. Church The mass walkout took place Sees Bust street, was amona the state police demobilization came after Win­ when the SED faUed to delay a Miss Ruth Gallaber Cliled to the scene. ston Churchill, the Conservative Marriner Eccles, a member ot vote on a resolu tion branding the the federal reserve board, told The storm damaged four farms leader, warned that the dispute flve-week-old Soviet blockade of with Russia "is very serious and To Quit Post with congress that this country is "cer­ near Luzerne and bordering High­ Berlin "a crime against human­ talnly going to ha ve a bust." way 30. might easily become one of Ufe ity," The resolution, introduced by and death." Historical Society Eccles was demoted from chair­ About 25 acres of corn was the Socialists, was approved 85 manship of the board by Mr. Tru­ destroyed on the Peck brothers Speaklng a few hours after to J. American and British envoys had Ruth A. Gallaher, associate edl­ man earlier this year. farm along the highway. On the Immediately lhere was specula- lor ol the State fllstorical society Testifying before the senate William Wright farm, Just across arrived in Moscow to explore the possiblli ties of negotiation - with tion whether the walkout signaled and a member of the society tor banking committee, Eccles said it the road, 40 acres were destroyed. the llnal splitting of the city into the past 34 years, announced yes­ Is "too late" to control inflation. Shocked oats were strewn widely the lifting of the Berlin blockade as a prelimlnary condition-Bevin two rival polilical regimes. Such terday that she will retire 'from "Are you sure of that?" chair­ over the latter two farms. a break long has been predicted. her position Sept. 1. She wi\! go man Tobey (R-NH) asked. One REA electric line was re­ said he hOp<!d the new diplomatic steps "will lead to peace and sec­ However, Karl Luedke, an SED to Asbury college at Wilmore, "Positively," Eccles said. ported down, but service was not spokesman, said his party would Ky., to teach political science In He added that he likes the word cut of!, REA linemen began work urity in Europe for us all." He thus confirmed what a re­ contJnue to take part in the pre- mid-September, she said. "deflation" better than "bust." immediately to put the line up And he said the deflation process again , sponsible British official Wednes­ sent predominantly anti-Commun- She also resigned from the Iowa day first reported - that the three ist city government. Party leaders City rent advisory board eUectlve can be eased- but not by "pleas­ The Wright dwelling was con­ ant" methods. liderably damaged, and Wright western powers have agreed on met lor a special meeting. Aug. 14. She has been a member uld the vane on his windmill was the conditions not only for nego­ Luedke said the SED had no of the board since it was formed Porter Takes BIJl "turned Inside out like an um­ tiations on Berlin and even Ger­ warning the Socialist resolution about a year alia. Mr. 'l'ruman sent his anti-in­ btella. " many, but for ail Europe as well. was In the wind. The resolution MillS Gallaher ~s been an as­ flation bill to Capitol HlIl by Paul Britain had 940,000 men under said the blockade of Berlin "ls sociate editor ot the society ,Ince Porter, last administrator of the arms on March 3. The schedule condemned by all people regard- 1930. She joined the stall in Aug. wartime OPA and now a specilll called [or these to be reduced to less of their political views." 1914. assistant to the President. The city council met In an A member of the Iowa City Probe German, 7 J 6,000 by March 31, 1949. Pre­ It proposed price ceilings on sumably she has about 860,000 atmosphere of tension. The day council from 1925-27, she has been meat, dalry products and clothing armed men this month. began with charges in ~he Com· associated with the league of Wo­ as part of a program to bring munist press that lhe antl-Com- man voters and has shown an In· prices down "so far as practicable" ,Faclory Ruins munist majority in the city gov- terest in a variety of civic affairs. to what they were In Nov., 1947. ernment planned to pack the She has been assistant editor The bureau of labor statistics LUDWIGSHAFEN, GERMANY Blast Cripps' Plan council chamber with plain- of most of the publications of the (AP Wlrepbolo) said prices crept up, on the aver­ (.of?-Weary American t roo p s clothesmen from the western sec- historical society since 1930. /lge around four cents on the ploughed a path to a death trap STRUCK TWICE BY DI ASTER was the Japanese city of Fukui. Last month an eartbquake and tors in order to touch ofl a Since 1918 she JJas edited the dollar between Nov., 1947 and the building at the elCploslon-torn 1. subsequent fires leveled mor-e than lIalf the city. This week record rains overflowed the Kuzuryu For Joint Council "bloody provocation." No Incid- Iowa Journal of History and Poll- middle of last month, The big In­ G.
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