USOO5994392A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,994,392 Shashoua (45) Date of Patent: Nov.30, 1999 54 ANTIPSYCHOTIC PRODRUGS COMPRISING 5,120,760 6/1992 Horrobin ................................. 514/458 AN ANTIPSYCHOTICAGENT COUPLED TO 5,141,958 8/1992 Crozier-Willi et al. ................ 514/558 AN UNSATURATED FATTY ACID 5,216,023 6/1993 Literati et al. .......................... 514/538 5,246,726 9/1993 Horrobin et al. ....................... 424/646 5,516,800 5/1996 Horrobin et al. ....................... 514/560 75 Inventor: Victor E. Shashoua, Brookline, Mass. 5,580,556 12/1996 Horrobin ................................ 424/85.4 73 Assignee: Neuromedica, Inc., Conshohocken, Pa. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 30009 6/1981 European Pat. Off.. 21 Appl. No.: 08/462,820 009 1694 10/1983 European Pat. Off.. 22 Filed: Jun. 5, 1995 09 1694 10/1983 European Pat. Off.. 91694 10/1983 European Pat. Off.. Related U.S. Application Data 59-025327 2/1984 Japan. 1153629 6/1989 Japan. 63 Continuation of application No. 08/080,675, Jun. 21, 1993, 1203331 8/1989 Japan. abandoned, which is a continuation of application No. 07/952,191, Sep. 28, 1992, abandoned, which is a continu- (List continued on next page.) ation of application No. 07/577,329, Sep. 4, 1990, aban doned, which is a continuation-in-part of application No. OTHER PUBLICATIONS 07/535,812,tion of application Jun. 11, No. 1990, 67,375.734 abandoned, Eb3-1685, which is a continu-PEN. T. Higuchi et al. 66 Prodrugs as Noye Drug Delivery Sys 4,933,324, which is a continuation-in-part of application No. tems”, American Chem. Society, ACS Symposium Series, 07/160,667, Feb. 26, 1988, Pat. No. 4939,174. vol. 14, pp. 14–15 (1975). (51) Int. Cl." ..................................................... 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